Date 20 Mar 2321
Time 15:49
Location Sky Blossom city, Wyatt Residence
"No wonder your wings have hardened, kid looks like you have contracted a Silver Grimoire, aren't you a lucky one.
Did you think just because you are a card apprentice now you could back down from compensating? Well, you thought wrong so what if you are a silver card apprentice we have three bronze card apprentices.
Don't make it hard on yourself just pay your dues and we will leave like this never happened."
The goon seemed to be chatty now that he had three card apprentices to rely on.
Looking at the three-card apprentices in front of me I did feel a little intimidated after all three on one for my first fight was a lot.
And it seems like the other side did not mind bullying me with their numbers. I was not afraid but my mind whispered 'you can not withstand the storm' whereas my heart whispered 'you are the storm'
Things have come to the point where I had to fight now, it did not matter who started it but now I can not back down an inch.
I did not know how I am going to win but I did know that I am not going to lose. I was not afraid of being outnumbered, only I thought three were not enough to completely showcase the power of the Abyssal Giant Bear.
As they were busy making threats I summoned my silver grimoire, activated the sprint skill of gale rabbit leather boots. With the boost in my agility, I dashed into the three-card apprentices.
Within a second I was in front of the nearest card apprentice, he was still in shock as my fist covered in the aura shaped like a bear's paw slammed into him but it was blocked by a bronze shield.
Regardless the shield was not strong enough and shattered like glass, under the residual force from the punch the card apprentice flew back slamming into the wall spurting out blood before losing consciousness.
But I did not stop there as I could feel a hot projectile heading my way so I jumped to the right nearing the second card apprentice avoiding the basketball-sized fireball.
But to my surprise, the card seemed to have already prepared for my arrival as I was still in the air, he looked at me with a sneer and fired another fireball at me.
It was point black and I couldn't dodge it as I was in the air so I activated the second ability of gale rabbit leather boots double jump. Stepping on the air I jumped back evading the fireball.
Landing on the ground I saw the two-card apprentices surround me from both sides.
Thinking that they have cornered me the goons felt like they gained an upper hand became chatty.
"Not bad, kid for a newbie, you are quick on your feet and brave enough to initiate a fight."
"Right! I thought you would give up being outnumbered but you didn't! you got balls kid."
They were not wrong to be cocky as I was almost out of all my cards, but I only had two cards to began with so they had nothing to be proud of.
"So kid did you give up yet or you ready for round two?"
I didn't bother to answer the goon and let out an angry roar activating the abyssal roar skill.
Even though the goons acted all arrogant and mighty they were still novice card apprentices at the card student level.
So the roar worked effectively stunning the two goons and buying me 2 to 3 seconds. Which was enough for me to take out one of them.
I dashed to the goon in front of me and barraged him with continuous bear fists, each fist contained the complete strength of an abyssal giant bear. I could hear sounds of bones cracking as I ruthlessly punched the goon.
Done with him I rushed towards the third one he seemed to be out of stun and fired a fireball at me but this time I did not dodge the fireball I took it head-on.
Fireball is an F rank skill card it does pack huge damage but compared to the defence of an E rank boss level Abyssal Giant Bear this damage was nothing.
I chose to dodge earlier because there were two enemies and didn't want to take any chances. But now my worries were redundant and wanted to check the defence of the abyssal giant bear.
Other than feeling a small burn as the fireball slammed into me I felt nothing.
Seeing this the goon was scared shitless and backed a few steps before tripping himself and falling on his behind while I ended his misery with a punch to his chin rendering him unconscious with a broken jaw.
I won but I was not satisfied with the victory as these goons were just novice card students with starter cards. Other than the fireball and the bronze shield skill cards I did not see them use other cards.
Even though they had outnumbered me I seemed to have overpowered them in the quality of cards. They were not worthy opponents for my E rank abyssal giant bear spirit guard card.
I looked around to be sure, everyone was unconscious or disabled even the tall and short goon duo seemed to be unconscious thanks to the abyssal roar, being mortals they fainted under the influence of the abyssal roar.
I walked to the one who was disabled, he seemed to have peed under the pain of breaking bones while his face was covered in tears and snot. I neared him, he crawled back in fright. I had broken an arm and leg of his, unable to walk or support himself he could only crawl.
"Stop it or else I will have to break another arm of yours." Hearing me the goon stopped crawling and begged me to let him go with tears and snot dripping from his face.
I was disgusted to see his snot and tear covered face but I still squatted in front of him and said, "don't be afraid I will not hurt you as long you answer truthfully, to my questions. Nod if you understand what I am saying."
The goon nodded vigorously, looking at him being sincere I asked, " now tell me who sent you? Why did they send you? What is your purpose? So basically tell me everything you know, got it."
The goon hesitated so I twisted his broken leg, crying in pain the goon let go the lasts of his resistance and was about to spill out everything but,
"This is Sky blossom PD, sir please step away from the injured civilian."
Hearing the cop, I frown 'who the fuck called the cops?' I had decided to call the cops once I had enough evidence to build a case against Ben Li and Zhang Mercenary.
I stepped away from the goon but got Irritated seeing the revealed expression on his face.
Soon the two cops in blue uniforms after requesting an ambulance and back up came to check on the injured.
"Sir, who did this to you?" Asked a cop to the disabled goon.
The goon didn't answer the cop and dodged his eyes. According to the teachings in Zhang Mercenary in situations like this, he had to keep quiet and ask for the company lawyer.
Seeing the goon keeping quiet I answered the cop, "I did it."
The cops were dumbfounded and one of them asked the goon for confirmation, to which the goon reluctantly agreed.
Getting confirmation from the goon the cops handcuffed me reading my rights, ironically enough neither of them heard my explanation.
I had to go in quietly not wanting to be charged with 'resisting arrest.'
Date 20 Mar 2321
Time 15:54
Location Sky Blossom city, Wyatt Residence
Class teacher Wang has been a bronze card apprentice for 2 decades and already stepped in to 'Card Scholar' he was not sure if he could guarantee to knock out three novices 'Card Students' under three minutes.
Wang was shocked to see Wyatt wipe the floor with the three goons, to his amusement he noticed that each of the goons was equipped with two F rank skill cards.
One should know fireball alone costs 14,999$ and the bronze shield costs 16,799$.
Which mercenary group is rich and prodigal enough to equip each of its novices with nearly 32,000$ worth of cards. Had he known this back in the days he would have been a mercenary rather than a teacher.
In some way, Wang envied the goons he remembers working 2 years as a trainee teacher to save up for his first skill card.
Wang envied Wyatt even more for having good parents who not only left him silver grimoires but also good combat cards for use.
Date 20 Mar 2321
Time 16:30
Location Sky Blossom City, Police Department - 89th Precinct
Sitting in the empty investigation room I was amusing myself by fiddling with the handcuffs on my wrists more like I was trying to fiddle but to no end. I wanted to sleep but the cuffs were intriguing.
There was something about the handcuffs that seem to cut off my connection with my grimoire.
Even though I have only contracted the grimoire for like two days, I felt like a part of me was missing being unable to sense the grimoire.
I was trying to figure out what made the handcuffs special enough to block my connection with the grimoire. Was it because it was made of a special substance or it was something else different.
Since my connection with the grimoire was cut off I could not use my soul pupils to check the working of the handcuffs.
While I was busy trying to figure out the working of the handcuffs the door of the investigation room slammed open and a lady dressed in blue in her 50s walked in.
Throwing the file in her hands on the table she sat in the chair in front of me.
Seeing her I said "took you long enough" I had been locked in the room for 15 minutes and no one addressed me till now.
"Watch your tone, Wyatt? I am the chief of the Police Department - 89th Precinct now, not your aunt." Said the policewoman.
Come to think of it she does look a little bit familiar, if I am not wrong the only time I no young Wyatt had seen her was during his parent's funeral.
She is the nice aunt who stayed with young Wyatt for a whole day after the funeral and also brought the tasty shawarma. She claimed to be mama Wyatt's friend.
'What was her name again, Auntie Denise?' Young Wyatt didn't know that she was chief of police.
"I wanted to check on you again but never got time to, Sky Blossom is a busy city after all."
'You did not get the time? If you cared you would have made the time.' I thought remembering how young Wyatt died miserably all alone not finding anyone to depend on.
I was enraged, coming out of nowhere and acting as if you got me all figured out, 'no lady you don't get to do that!'
"Can I go now? I think you should have investigated everything by now."
"No you are not going anywhere and Yes we did investigate and the other party is pressing criminal charges on you. For the charges attempt to murder, assault and assault against mortals."
"Okay, I see the neighbourhood cameras were not clear enough, I have some evidence here on me and I would be pressing criminal charges too on all five of them for the charges of attempt to murder, assault, fraud, extortion, blackmail, harassment. And I would like a bottle of water, I don't drink tap water."
Grimoire had functions similar to a smartphone, for example, Internet connectivity, a mobile browser, The ability to sync all the card apprentice accounts and ID to itself, Embedded memory, camera etc.
Using the video recording function of the grimoire I had recorded the events that transpired in front of Wyatt residence.
"What have you been through Wyatt? You have completely changed! You're no longer the boy I knew once."
"Yes, losing both of your parents at a young age does that to a person. Now if you are done I would like these cuffs off of me."
The police chief sighed and said, "you are free to go, your class teacher already provided us with appropriate evidence."
As she removed the cuffs off me, I said "I would like to file criminal charges against those five goons."
"About that, I don't recommend you doing that. Zhang Mercenary are a group of bloodthirsty dogs who wouldn't think twice before biting others.
Don't worry about them targeting you again I will send the leader a warning, that should do. Pressing criminal charges will only aggravate them.
You are a young card apprentice with too much to lose fighting them. Just focus on your studies and college entrance exam."
"I have already lost too much to them to care about losing anything else."
"You are alive aren't you, this is not everything, let the past be past and move on. Zhang Mercenary group Ltd. Is not someone you should be messing with."
"Will you file my complaint or should I hire a lawyer?"
The police chief let out an exhausted sigh and said "you young people all are hot-blooded, okay I will fill the complaint. Let's have coffee together sometime."
"I have quit drinking coffee and I have nothing to say to you." Lady, you can't just walk in and try to act as if you care all of the sudden.
I was out for blood and would not stop until I saw them bleed dry. Kevin Zhang was just an ordinary Card Soldier with a silver grimoire.
With enough money, I would suppress him in no time.
Walking out of the police station I saw someone I never expected to see, Class teacher Robert Wang.
I shouldn't be surprised to see him after all, Denise did say that the evidence was provided by my class teacher. But I did not think he had the nerve to stick around.
With a smile showing all his 32 teeth and an oily bald head, he greeted me saying" student Wyatt you alright? They weren't rough on you were they. I talked to them and cleared all the misunderstandings."
Wang did not want to wait for Wyatt after seeing his prowess against three novice card students but remembering the words of principal Johnson about him finding a new job if he could not bring Wyatt to school, he gritted his teeth and waited for Wyatt.
Now I know who called the cops, pissed I asked him "Did you call the cops?"
Wang hurriedly waved his hands in the air and said "No need to thank me, student Wyatt. I was just doing my job as a good citizen and teacher."
"Why would I need to thank you? You got me into jail in the first place. Now scram your face is annoying me!"
This last sentence was what teacher Wang used to say to young Wyatt. At least I was more lenient as there were no students present as an audience.
Wang's oily head started to sweat hearing Wyatt's tone, he no longer thought of Wyatt as a mere student whom he could push around.
Knowing his tricks won't work here he decided to not talk much but just ask if Wyatt would be attending the school.
"Student Wyatt, I will take my leave. And will you be attending school in future? The special classes for the new Card students are about to start soon."
"Special classes for Card Students, what's that about?"
"I do not have an idea, every year teachers of Card Soldier level are invited to teach the Card Student class to prepare for the college entrance exam, The special classes are about to start so I wanted to know if you will attending the school"
"I will now scram!"
Getting his answer Wang skedaddled.
Fu<k I am really tired, hailing a cab I went home for a good rest.
Date 20 Mar 2321
Time 16:45
Location - Sky blossom City, East Zone, Zhang financiers Main office
Tring-a-Ring… Tring-a-Ring…
"Hello, uncle! I was just thinking about you?"
"You should be after all you only remember me when in trouble. One job! You can't even handle a weak little kid, what good are you? You Dumbass.."
"It's not like that uncle, I did not expect him to contract a silver grimoire!"
"And what about him single-handedly defeating three of our members?"
"They were trainee cadets, they were no match for a silver grimoire holder."
"You fool! So what if they are trainee? In the eyes of people, they were part of the Zhang Mercenary. I leave just for few weeks and you are ruining all my years of hard work."
"Don't worry uncle I will fix it soon!"
"No, keep this mark on hold till I come back. He seems to have friends in high places. The police chief of the 89th precinct just called to warn me to stay away from the kid."
"But I heard that the kid is pressing criminal charges on our people. Three of them are recruits who show a promising attitude."
"Leave it alone till I return. Do you understand me?"
"I understand uncle!"
"How's recruitment going on? the funds I gave you should be enough right?"
"The recruitment is moving faster than expected."
"Good! Good! Don't disappoint me again."
Tue... Tutu
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