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100% Campione In DxD / Chapter 1: Prologue (1/2)

Chapter 1: Prologue (1/2)

Some days go down in history as grand moments in time cementing a legacy for generations to come. Some days contain great memories and emotions that are passed down a generation or 2 before being swiftly forgotten to the passage of time. Some days are simple, holding no meaning and holding no importance and are forgotten as quickly as they came.

Today is none of these things. Perhaps, records of today will be filed made available online and that may last for generations but no one will care. Some people have strong feelings about today important memories all tied up in its events, but they will not be passed down. Perhaps then today has no meaning nothing of importance but how could that be the case because today is the day where Isabella 'Man Hunter' Hewitt is finally punished for her crimes.

Isabella, Bella to her friends, was not always called The Man Hunter in fact just a couple of years ago she was nothing remarkable just an ordinary woman the kind you pass on the street and don't even take notice of.

Bella was in her mid-twenties of average height and had unremarkable features, brown hair, brown eyes and a face easily forgotten save for a small scar in her eyebrows from where she tripped and fell down the stairs as a child cracking her head open before being rushed away to A&E by worried parents.

Her family were nothing remarkable either a teacher at a nearby school and a masseuse, they were well off and lived a happy life keeping in touch even after Bella moved away for college. I tell you this so you understand that there was no tragic backstory or cruel origin that shaped Bella into The Man Hunter she is known as today.

Bella studied photography at college, something she had a passion for from a young age and went on to become a wedding photographer. Not a luxurious job or even one that offered a lot of job security, so Bella lived a life travelling the states living in hotels and her car in busy seasons and occasionally going to live back home with her parents when there were fewer jobs available. It wasn't a wealthy life but still, Bella enjoyed her work immortalizing memories of peoples happiest day. Of course, there were a few instances of her being hired twice for the same person as love faded and eyes wandered.

It was 2 and a half years ago from today that set the events in motion leading to Bella's death. She was at a friends wedding, his name was Nicolas but his friends called him Nico, she was there as a guest and as a photographer as Nico was never very well off and if Bella couldn't do a favour for a friend well who could she do it for.

The wedding was beautiful not the most beautiful wedding she had ever seen that honour went to a trans couple from Atlanta who booked a yacht and read their vows as the sunset over a tranquil sea. Still, Bella was there for her friend and had fun. Eventually, however the wedding and all the merriment surrounding it had to come to an end.

Bella was driving back to her hotel it was only a couple of blocks away but she had her equipment to carry and she didn't feel like getting it wet as the rain began to fall from the sky. Bella had admittedly drunk more wine than perhaps she should have to be driving in the rainfall but alcohol always gives confidence and it was only a couple of blocks away. What could go wrong?

A lot, as you might imagine driving while drunk at night in the rain is never going to end well and in Bella's case that ending was the beginning of a violent bloody path. Bella while driving ran a red light and in the process ran over a young man who was crossing the street. Bella however only really acknowledged this in her mind a street or two away and by then surely it was to late too turn back.

It wasn't actually. The young man only had a couple of broken ribs, one had lightly punctured his lung. If Bella had turned around and called for an ambulance he would have been saved. But as the rain picked up no one heard his cries for help, because no one wanted to be walking around at night in the rain.

Bella didn't know this but that young man's father was a politician who was well connected and would grieve his son's passing for the next 2 and a half years.

Bella upon reaching her hotel room made a decision, a stupid decision almost certainly fueled by panic and alcohol but still, she made the decision. Bella in her addled state reasoned that I am bound to go to jail for killing someone and I am unlikely to survive jail. Bella spent most of that night reasoning with herself before deciding that going to jail for one murder and going to jail for plenty of murders weren't that different the only difference is the respect she'd get on the inside.

Bella was never the smartest person.

But still, she had made up her mind and began a killing spree. perhaps that it too generous, Bella began killing people. She went about her life, as usual, doing jobs state to state and city to city and at night she'd wander the streets with a kitchen knife hidden in her jacket and if she came across someone alone in a secluded spot she would stab them and walk away taking her knife with her. Unsurprisingly most of the people she'd find alone at night were men and this is where she received her title.

Bella would tell you it is surprisingly easy to get away with murder.

But all crimes are eventually punished by man or by god and so eventually a witness called Nicolas or Nico to his friends, reported on a hit and run that occurred over 2 years ago which eventually resulted in Bella's arrest. The case had never been closed as the politician used his connections to keep it open and investigated, in the same way, that he used those connections to ensure the worst possible sentence for Bella.

Bella didn't lie or conceal her crimes instead upon being arrested she calmly confessed to every murder she had committed and pleaded guilty when taken to trial. The officer taking her confession was admittedly surprised as a two-year-old hit and run investigation became an investigation on a serial killer in a matter of minutes.

Eventually, word reached the press who spun the story into a woman hunting men painting Bella as a deranged loon and try to create as much attention around the case as possible. This was partly caused by the politician who wanted his sons killer to be hated by the public in the same way he hated her. The press really spun a tale when her sexuality came out painting her as a man-hating Lesbian who proved everything wrong with the LGBT community.

Eventually, however, with Bella confessing and pleading guilty the news died down as people became less interested. Still, Bella received the death penalty for her crimes and was sentenced to death by firing squad.

And that brings us to today. Bella is walking forwards towards her own demise having just finished her final meal which was a boneless banquet meal from a nearby KFC at her own request. As Bella is marched to stand before the rows of gunmen she begins to think about her life and about her own idiotic decisions and begins to think about her regrets. Funnily enough, the first one to come to mind is that she wouldn't get to finish the fanfics she was reading.

Bella is asked if she has any last words and she speaks a line from a song she had always enjoyed.

"It is a truth often forgotten that the end is very rarely the end"

Then she closes her eyes and waits for death.

Because her eyes are closed it is perhaps understandable that she does not notice time slow and stop, nor does she notice the rippling distortion in space as a man appears in front of her.

She does notice when he begins to speak in a voice older than time itself "Experience Killing, no guilt, about to die, You'll do."

She also notices when a firm grip finds its way onto her hands pulling them forward and the familiar feeling of a blade piercing flesh then the feeling of blood on her hands.

Perhaps if her eyes had been open she'd have seen the relieved smile on the mans face, or seen how he faded into light. Maybe she'd have noticed time starting up or how the ma's eyes and blood had both glowed with a golden light.

Instead, the next thing she noticed was rather unfamiliar, bullets piercing flesh, and Isabella 'Man Hunter' Hewitt ends.

Shitty_Author Shitty_Author

No clue when I'll post the second part of the Prologue

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