/ Fantasy / Camila Switf

Camila Switf Original

Camila Switf

Fantasy 13 Chapters 9.5K Views
Author: Isaacwaldro4

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Card 1: A Special Friend.

That afternoon I met my friend Daniela who taught me values ​​and respect in this life I always thought of myself and not others, sometimes I fought with others so I didn't know what to do and usually I had several friends, boys and girls, who loved me. So.

Then I met her she told me the following.

Daniela: Hello Uwu

Camila: Hi, how can I help you?

Daniela: You want to be my friend.

Camila: Yes

Since that day I got my best friend.

Card 2: Infinite Suspense.

It was a Friday, it was raining, I was in the patio of my house, I was watching the sunset and the night came, take advantage of the moment to have a cup of chocolate ...

More that night I got upset and looked in the mirror I saw my 5-year-old self, a very nice girl who likes to read and write.

When I fell asleep ...

I felt chills take my blanket and put it on ...
I went to the kitchen and took my time ...
Check out my 14 books of junior novels.

Letter 3: 14 Books.

1. Paula.
2. Eugenia.
3. Book of an Official Gazette.
4. Minds of a Young Woman.

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Author Isaacwaldro4