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Calamity of Date a Live Calamity of Date a Live original

Calamity of Date a Live

Author: Gin_Nise

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

I do not own Date a Live or any of it's characters.

"Wake up Shido!"




Two different voices were the first thing I heard when I woke up. *Yawn* Letting out a yawn I stretch and climb out of my bed before blinking to fully wake up. After getting dressed and doing my morning routine I go downstairs. When I arrive I see two people downstairs already.

"Good Morning Kuro!"

That's my little sister, Kotori Itsuka. She acts adorable but I swear she's a little demon.

"Morning Kuro. Breakfast is about done."

That's my adopted Twin brother, Shido Itsuka. Years ago we were found by the Itsuka family holding each other for comfort. Things happened and we were adopted together. I still claim to be older though.

"Morning you two," I reply back. Walking by Kotori, I ruffle her hair earning myself a pout. "You said breakfast is almost done right? Need help?"

Shido nods. "If you could help me divide this on plates it'd be great. I also need to finish our lunches if you wanna help with that as well."

I walk up beside him after washing my hands. Briefly nodding at each other we get to work, moving like a well oiled machine. While we work I hear Kotori turn on the TV. It seems to be a news report about disasters. "Oh those are the spacequakes right? They stopped a while ago but started back up, I wonder why..." Shido says thinking aloud. I let out a hum in agreement. Unseen by us, Kotori lets out a frown, "Yeah they're happening quite frequently lately huh? But even so.... it's kinda of early.." She ends while trailing off her sentence. However. "Hey Kotori."

  "Hmm?"  "What're you eating?"

Silence is my answer. Shido gives me a look before sneaking behind the couch. He bonks Kotori on the head causing her to cough and reveal her Chupa Chup sucker in her mouth. "No eating sweets before breakfast!" Shido swipes at the sucker stick but misses. Frowning he grabs it and begins a tug of war with Kotori who refuses to let go. After a while he gives up before telling her to make sure to eat breakfast.

A little later

"Hey Kotori, today is a special day, any requests for lunch?" Shido asks.

Striking a weird pose she shouts: "Deluxe Kid Plate!"

"Denied." Shido immediatelt shuts it down.

"Please..." she begs. Shido sighs. I add in my own two cents. "Come on bro, just let her have it. Either that or we have to deal with complaints all day."

"Hey!" I smirk. "You know it's true Kotori." She huffs but doesn't deny it. Shido sighs again. "Well since it's a special day we'll go to the diner for lunch."

She cheers even after we leave the house. She also tells us to be at the diner even if there's a spacequake. (Dramatic Hmmmming) That's highly unlikely though. (Hmmmmming intensifies) While she's saying this I notice a white haired girl staring at us.

  Well more like Shido I wave at her, which she notices before turning around and disappearing.

We soon arrive near school.

Upon arriving near school we enter near the classroom list and are immediately clapped in the back by someone.

"Damn it! Tonomachi!" Shido shouts.

"Good morning you tw-"



Violence is the not the answer but rather the question, with an answer of always.


After temporarirly rewiring his brain, we help him up. Anyways this is our boy Tonomachi. Tonomachi Hirito. He's one of those friends you have not by choice, but once is there, you can't get rid of. All jokes aside he's a pretty chill guy if not weird.

Ignoring the fact I technically assaulted someone, I ask him what the point of that was and I just get a shrug.

Me and Shido look at each other before just looking for our class. Huh, strange all 3 of us are in the same class. I ignore Shido and Tonomachi talking and walk in out class. "Kuro Itsuka." Hm? Turning around I see the same white haired girl from earlier.

She was staring at me with a blank face.

"Uh, yeah. That is I." I say back. She simply stares at me longer. It's honestly uncomfortable. "Errr, do you need something or?" Silence. Ya know I'm just gonna move awa- "You don't remember do you?" She asks. I shake my head no, while inwardly I'm screaming. Please don't be an anime cliche where I promised to marry her or something, for the love of all that is holy!

She just nods as if confirming something before walking over to a seat and plopping down with a book. Tonomachi and Shido walk in behind me. I then get an idea to ask Tonomachi who she is since he knows everyone. "Oi! Tomodachi life. Who's she?" I ask. "Are you serious? You don't know her?"

No. But I know your probably going to tell me anyways... "That's Tobiichi. Tobiichi Origami!," Called it. "She's the school Super Genius, well apart from a hidden overachiever... but that's not the point! You really never heard of her? You have the same hair and eye color!"

(This is me. Kuro Itsuka. Outfit and all. I hate Raizen's uniform so I made a request and was allowed to wear this.)

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew now would I?" Seriously. I barelt know Tonomachi and that's because of Shido. Heck in all honesty I have no friends except for him and Shido. I need to fix that actually. I tune back in to hear Tonomachi saying: "Her grades are always top marks and she scores weil in all PE courses, plus she's a beauty. In last year's 'Most Wanted Girlfriends Ranking- Best Thirteen' She came in third." "Ok I'll give you the fact she's a beauty," Unknown to me Origami blushed at this, "But why is their a list, better yet, why Thirteen. Isn't that number considered unlucky?"


"The person who organized it was thirteenth." Tonomachi said with deadpan.

(You DAL fans know what's coming and for that I'm sorry.)

"By the way Shido, Kuro, the "Most Wanted Boyfriends Ranking' goes all the way to 358th." Dang.

Shido replies in shock: "That many!? The bottom of that is nearer to the worst ranking isn't it? Did the organizer decide that to?"

"He didn't know when to give up huh?" I mutter. "What place were you Tonomachi?"


"You were the organizer weren't you." Shido says with disappointment.

He got that rank due to the comments of "his passion seems to strong" and "his toenails seem to smell".

"As I thought, that's the worst ranking!"

Tonomachi still seemed proud. "Well below that are the people nobody voted for, so at least I one due to negative points."

"That's pushing it a bit far! With a rank like that, giving up would have been better!"

"Don't worry Itsuka's. You were both entered as Mr. Anonymous and White haired Contradiction and got 51st and 52nd place respectively."

"Wrong Response!"

"Well reasons for Shido were 'he doesn't seem interested in women' and 'to be frank he seems homo'."

"It's an iron hammer bringing death by slander!"

"While reasons for Kuro were 'his voice makes him seem mature while he's not' and 'he is both an approachable fluffball, and cold wall'/"

"Thats! .... I can't argue with that actually."

"But Shido if it makes you happy, in the 'Fujoshi Selected Best Couple' you and I made top 10 as a pair."


While I bust out laughing.


Tonomachi didn't seem bothered, or probably didn't care cause he resumed talking to me specifically.

"Well anyways it would be safe to say she's the smartest and most famous person in school."

That so? Noted. The bell soon rang. Time to find my seat. Looking at the board I see my name next to Origami's. To the right of her. I sit down quickly as our teacher walks in.

(She is the most precious and adorable. Tell me otherwise.)

All around mutters of "It's Tama-chan." , "Ah Tama-chan!", and "Yeah, it's Tama-chan" were heard. So basically good things were said.

"Alright Good Morning everyone! For the following year I'll be everyone's homeroom teacher. My name is Okamine Tamae."

This is the teacher in charge of Social Studies, Okamine Tamae, or as she's been affectionately dubbed by the students Tama-chan.

The fact she looks so adorable, her leisurely attitude, and the fact she was so small made you want to protect her and hug her to death, these facts boosted her popularity with us students to the max. Of course, I couldn't focus on this news due to: "Jiiiiiiiiii." The white haired girl staring a hole through my body.

What'd I do to you Origami!? I glanced over and met her eyes. Nope. I look away.

Time passes this way until lunch arrives.

Groups of people walk around meeting up to discuss where to eat together. Shido and I were about to go with Tonomachi until Shido snapped his fingers.

"That's right Kuro. We promised to eat with Kotori." "That's true, sorry Tonomachi we have plans later." After hearing this and having a misunderstanding about the word plans. Plus having to hold back Shido and myself after seeing Tonomachi's girlfriend which is a dating sim:

With questionable comments, the alarm rang.


Following it a mechanical voice said: :Warning, Warning. This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill. The foreshock of a quake has been detected. A spacequake will soon occur. For your safety it is advised to take shelter at a bunker immediately. I repeat--"

With maximum chaos all the students began to rush towards the bunker. Well almost everyone. "Tobiichi Origami?" That's right I saw her running the opposite way. "Hey! Where are you going? The bunker is this way!" She didn't say anything and kept running til she disappeared. Well I can't help her.

We soon made it to the bunker and Miss Okamine was guiding the others in. I moved ahead of Shido who stopped for some reason. After a few minutes I was asked where Shido was. "Huh?" He was behind me on his phonnneeee... Oh no. Kotori. Shit. Please be wrong. I pulled out my phone and looked for the GPS for both Shido and Kotori. Kotori's was at the diner. "You have to come even if there's a spacequake!" Shit! While Shido's was moving towards Kotori's location. "Damn it all!" I shout pushing through the crowd before fushing towards their location.

I quickly make it outside but I won't get in their time. Unless...

*Sigh* "If I get taken away for experimentation, I swear."

Crouching down I began to jog, slowly picking up speed with my body slowly steaming and heating up.

"You owe me Shido." is all I say before I accelerate in a burst of flames.

Timeskip brought by this cursed image:

I arrive near the general area of where the diner is to see a crater.

Inside of it is Shido and someone else.

A young girl covered in dress like armor, shining with ethereal light, standing on one step of a throne. She is cute, shining with an otherworldly beauty you could say.. But after all that, there's one thing I noticed. At that moment two boys had one shared thought:

Why does she seem so sad?


The unfamiliar girl interrupted our thoughts. "You too... huh." What? She then pulled out a giant sword.

She pointed it at Shido before swinging it, releasing a giant beam of light. Shido closed his eyes waiting for death. Except.

* Crack *

"Huh?" All Shido felt was a comforting heat. He opened his eyes. What he saw was:

"Kuro!?" Yep. It was me holding Shamash in it's Zeroth Power. The heat was emanating from both the sword and my body. Sorry Shido.

"I'll explain later, ya know after you explain why you left me behind." He gulps and nods while I let Shamash revert to it's Cleaver form. Mostly due to the strain of keeping up it's Zeroth Power or rather Might of An-Utu. Since I'm not it's original owner.

The young girl was staring at us, or I guess me and my sword. She readied herself for combat before dashing at me. *CLANG*

Our swords collided as the force of our clash launched Shido back and made me slide. I tapped the back of my foot causing a trail of Ice to flow behind me both catching Shido and letting him slide to the ground unharmed, plus stopping my sliding. "Wait! Chill, I'm not here to hurt you!" "You lie! You will just like all the others!" She unleashed another heavy strike. My knees buckled. Others? I shake my head before yelling back: "Why would I hurt someone I don't know let alone know the name of! Matter of fact please, tell me. What is your name?" I feel her sword move back a little before I hear: "I don't have such a thing." No name? That's similar to how Kiana was. Seeing her not attacking, I let Shamash fade from my hands. "Why don-" I'm interrupted by a bunch of missiles being launched at us by a bunch of armored swimsuit wearing girls. The girl raises her hand causing the missiles to stop, while I stomp the ground causing Ice to once again sprout before launching into the missiles path. By this time, Shido was beside me with his hand on my shoulder. The girl was frowning. "Don't they know it's useless?"

She was frowning but not because of anger or frustration but rather sadness that they kept trying to hurt her, even though she didn't want to hurt them.

Call me crazy if you want but the proof is in the fact that, when she counter attacked, all her strikes were non-fatal and aimed at the armor itself.

Soon a white haired blur came flying down with cries of "Origami!" behind it. Wait what? Sure enough it was the School Genius herself

Origami Tobiichi

Ok seriously though. What is this discount Hyperdimension Neptunia? These are revealing 'armors'. She soon began clashing with the nameless girl before one particular caused an explosion launching Shido and I both back. I quickly grabbed him before we hit a nearby building. The impact knocked us both out, but before I was fully gone I looked at the nameless girl once more. *Drip* She was crying. And then I was fully out.


So this is something new. Please leave comments and reviews. Maybe vote? Seriously though comment and review So I know what to fix.

Also yes I know, I used a lot of images. Oh and Kuro is not Kevin Kaslana. What he is? Will be explained in the next chapter or the one after. Til then Seeya!

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