/ Movies / Bucky’s Sister

Bucky’s Sister Original

Bucky’s Sister

Movies 5 Chapters 10.5K Views

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You are Bucky’s Sister, they rescued you from Hydra, it was easy too easy. Clint and Loki did the actual rescue. Tony thought Steve and Bucky were too close to the situation to think rationally.

You’ve always had a crush on Steve. When you’re back at the compound, Hydra attacks, leaving gas canister. Hydra fleas. The gas goes off, making the boys inhale it all.

Chapter 1 - Loki
Chapter 2 - Clint
Chapter 3 - Tony
Chapter 4 - ???
Chapter 5 - Steve
They don’t realise it’s a very potent aphrodisiac that will make them fuck the nearest woman.

That woman being you!

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