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3.84% BTTH A NEW START / Chapter 1: I have become Xiao Yan !!!!


Author: Shadow_god_king

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: I have become Xiao Yan !!!!

Suddenly opening his eyes , a pale faced man groaned in agony . 

" Ahh... what in the world is happening ?? and where am I and... ouch...cough.. cough.. and why is my body panning so badly . " he screamed lightly with some doubt and confusion . 

' Wasn't I struck by a truck ?? ' he thought inwardly . ' And this place , where am I ?? , it doesn't look like the modern world at all . It's like , i have come in the ancient era... these ceiling and the design of this place.... , it's completely different . ' he thought while looking around . 

While he was looking here and there and trying to figure out where he was , suddenly an intense pain struck him . He groaned loudly " Ahhh... dam it ... " , a huge amount of information , rushed in his mind like a wave of tsunami . His eyes were wide open , due to intense pain and shock . 

Soon , a huff sound escaped his mouth and he fell unconscious . Just after , he was unconscious two man in early twenties , slammed opened the gate and entered with a horrifying face . They looked worried for him , both of them sat down beside him on the table near his bed . 

Soon one of them checked him and said with a worried face " Elder brother , what had happened to third brother , he hasn't woken up from his coma since a week , i don't know what to do ?? , will he be all right ?? " he asked with his elder brother beside him .

Hearing this , he didn't knew what to say . He could only shake his head in disappointment . " Younger brother , i don't know , we have done everything we could in order for Yan to wake but , he.... don' get too much disappointed , according to mister Hai...." he was still speaking , but before he could finish , an old voice rang . 

" I am certain , it was his voice.... he must be waking up . Don't disturb him , let him be , he will wake up . I am sure , he will . " said an old man , he had long white hairs , even though , he was old but he looked very youth full , he wore a blue colour cloth , which resemble the colour of the ice . He was non other then , Ice emperor Hai Bodong . 

It was Hai Bodong , who heard his voice due to his high perception and told his brothers about it . That is why all three of them rushed in to see , what was happening , but after coming in , they found that Xiao Yan was still unconscious . 

Seeing this , all of them could only shake there head in disappointment and leave . 

Few hours later... 

Xiao Yan suddenly opened his eyes , full of shock and disbelief . He couldn't help but be in awe . After a while , he said " Unbelievable..... i have become him . The legend Xiao Yan . This..... how is this possible..... , this doesn't make any sense . But... now that , i am here . This must be true , this all can not be an imagination , can it ?? , of course not . I highly doubt it . " he said to himself with some doubt . 

" Hahahah.... it feels like my dream has come true.... yes!! , yes , yes , yes !!!!! " he shouted , but slowly . 

" Now , it's about time.... " he wanted to say something more but before he could finish his sentence ,a dense white colour flame seal appeared on his forehead and his subconsciousness got dragged in a complete different world . 

Soon after coming , he opened his eyes and found himself standing in a completely empty palace beside someone . Seeing the face of the old man , in front of him , he subconsciously muttered with slight shock " Yao Lao..... " 

Even after hearing this , the man didn't reacted but instead opened his mouth and said " Brat , that attack of yours was too frighting , i am really proud of you . But teacher can not be with you anymore.....huff " he looked at his half transparent body and continued . 

" After using most of my power in your attack you created earlier, i spend the remaining in protecting you , after that i was completely powerless . It was at this moment that , an old enemy of mine , sensed my power and discovered me . After that by hiding in chaos , he used his secret technique to capture me . 

Of course , don't get me wrong , if he wanted , he could have killed all 6 of us there , but still he chose to hide in shadows and sneak attack . This is how they operate , they lurk in shadows and collect souls , they are from 'Soul Shrine ' . 

Many years ago , it was them who attacked me and of course my very own disciple Han feng , cooperated with them and betrayed me and brought me into the current state I am in .

If you are seeing this message , that means you have survived the blast you created.... But it doesn't means that you will do whatever you want... , like fighting against them . Even the weakest of them is at the Dou Ancestor level , so don't do anything before you are powerful enough .

The current me is already captured by the enemy and you are only seeing a soul message I left behind for you . I have left the source of the ' Bone chilling flame ' with you . Refine it once you are strong enough and don't look for me , until and unless you have become a Dou Ancestor or Dou Venerate .

And the ' Bone flame ring ' , show it to a friend of mine in the ' Central plans ' , Feng Xian ( Venerate ) . He is the leader of the ' Fallen Star Pavilion ' .

And please don't look for me until you are strong . Farewell brat , I was always extremely satisfied with you . You never disappointed me , not even this time . "

After finishing his statement , Yao Lao looked satisfied and then he disappeared with a sad grin on his face . While he was saying all this , Xiao Yan was in daze , completely petrified like a statue , he felt like his entire mind was in turmoil . 

After that figure completely turned into dust , a dense white colour flame appeared and engulfed him . And soon , he opened his eyes on his bed , where he was laying .

On the bed , his eyes were open and he was staring the ceiling with some unknown emotion in his eyes , one can't seem to tell , what he was thinking at that time , but it was certain that , he was in deep dilemma . 

After a while , he opened his mouth and muttered " crazy son of a bitch..... that fool , Xiao Yan never ceases to amaze me.... i knew that his impulsive nature was too risky for everyone around him.....but i never thought , that he would end up fucking himself.... it feels like , that destiny betrayed the child of destiny... hahahahah.... hahahahah.... cough.... cough.... " after learning about all the things that have happened in the past with Xiao Yan , he couldn't help but laugh out loud but soon his laughter was interrupted by his loud cough due to his injuries . 

" Dam it , this pain.... my internal are damaged to some extent , i would need to heal them . Dam , this is the aftermath of ' Angry Buddha Lotus flame ' , truly terrifying . " he said to himself . 

After that , he exhaled a deep breath of air and used his spiritual perception to peep inside his body to see his condition and to his surprise !!! His internals were damaged to certain extent but the problem was not to troublesome , his qi pathway weren't damaged too much , only miner injuries and Dou qi , in his vortex wasn't missing at all , yes it was a little then before but still it was not a problem because , his Dou qi was exhausted in the last fight and with little training of around few days , he should be fine . This is the thing that surprised him . 

Because in original timeline when he used Angry buddha lotus flame for first time , against Eight winged black serpent emperor while recuing Qing Lin , he was badly damaged , his internal were completely messed and he was barely left with some breath to spare and above that , it took him almost a month to completely heal himself . But now , when he was looking at himself , he could clearly see , that it was not that bad and , with in 2 to 3 days , he should heal himself . 

Shadow_god_king Shadow_god_king

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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