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2.22% BTS FF'S / Chapter 1: Jimin FF: Idols and Lovers (*idol universe*) 1/2
BTS FF'S BTS FF'S original


Author: Dontannoyme_12

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Jimin FF: Idols and Lovers (*idol universe*) 1/2



"Y/n-ah!" Copper unnie yelled at me.

"what is it now?" I asked her.

Layla unnie entered my room and smiled at me. "y/n-ah we have a show at 8 and copper has already burned something." I shook my head laughing at what my unnie just told me.

"Goddess of destruction I swear just like Namjoon Oppa." I giggled and got out of bed.

"Maya's still sleeping can you wake her up I have to make food for us," she told me a bit worried.

"Of course unnie!" I walked to the bathroom and washed my face and wore my more proper clothes.

"Wshh Unni-ah you look A.M.A.Z.I.N.G" Yura looked at me wide-eyed.

"Awe thanks, Yura!" I beamed at her.

Knock* 3x

Huh, who's that this early it isn't even 6 AM yet?

"It's me," the main manager's voice came from behind the door I opened the door with a soft smile.

"Hi, Oppa should we get ready for our flight soon?" I asked looking behind him for the rest of the staff. But there was no one else there.

"We're going to go to the music award show the Japan show got cancelled." The main manager concluded.

"Isn't that a bit unfair to our fans and the hard work we stayed up for days for this? And on such short notice?--" I had never spoken back to him before and it wasn't long before I got interrupted.

"Y/N! DON'T TALK BACK TO ME!" He yelled at me as I flinched.

"I didn't mean to--" I tried to explain but I got interrupted again.

"THAT'S IT YOU'RE NOT GOING TO THE SHOW WITH THE GROUP!" He screamed and I watched in horror. What?

" won't be good without y/n she has to do a part we can't--" Copper tried to reason with him but he soon interrupted her too.

"Well, then y/n has to stay up all day and practice without food." He said. My mouth fell but I nodded.

"Y/n unnie's strong but I don't think she's that strong..." Maya whispered.

"That's her punishment because she deserves one!" the main manager says rubbing his forehead in annoyance. He's annoyed? Are you kidding me?

"Manager hyung Taehyung has the wrong dressing sent for today's function," RM says to the main manager shooting a quick smile. Flashing us with his beautiful dimple makes me want to smile back.

"Really?! Let me have a look!" He exclaimed before he slammed the door right in my face.

Wow so worried for them. Yet, our dressing hasn't even arrived. Tears escaped my eyes but I wiped them away quickly. They deserve the love, they worked way harder than me.

"ah, are you alright? Rae said as she hugged me.

"Raehyung stop being so sweet I'm fine!" I forced a chuckle.

"you don't look fine." She says hesitantly.

"Heyyy...look at your unnie in the eyes I'm fine okay!" I widely smile putting her head up I gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Okay, then unnie I will get ready for the show now!" She exclaimed and I grinned.

Time skip to the show:


"Guys- wait is yoongi sleeping?- can someone wake him up-you know what whatever-" RM said before giving up.

"My suit is all messed up!!!" Taehyung pouted.

"No, it's fashion!" Jin replied.

"Guys look isn't that the new girl group in our company?!" RM pointed out.

"Yeah, I only remember like one of the girl's names… Ummm Y/n I met her so I only remember her name." He said pretending as if he were remembering her name. He didn't need to even recall it, it was graved inside his mind. Since he had a crush on her.

"Is y/n pretty?!" Jungkook asked interested now.

"Calm your thirsty ass down she is older than you so it's noona to you," Jimin said feeling slightly defensive of his crush.

"Age doesn't matter," Jungkook mumbled under his breath.

"Oh yeah, y/n she's actually really nice. There's another girl named Raehyung she's also pretty!" Jin said without realizing how sour Jimin got by this information.

"Oh her! She got lost on Friday! I helped her out! She's so respectful!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"I love this group, they just perform like... it's great." Jimin says trying to change the topic by spitting facts. One by one we were talking about how pretty and awesome they were until on the speaker it was time for them to perform.

"See hyungs that's y/n!"

"She looks cool..." Namjoon whispered.


"Well, she is the one doing all the hard choreo and those high notes that none of the other vocalists have done," Yoongi says suddenly waking up from the dead.

"Wshh... you're right…" Hoseok whispers when he realizes Yoongi's right.

"Their voices are so angelic..." Taehyung mumbles while closing his eyes.

"Yo, what's this song called?! Layla's part makes it really catchy!" Jin says nodding along to the rapping.

"No hyung don't tell me you like her?!"

"No, I don't! I just think she has pretty good lyrics! Why can't I just appreciate talent?"

"Shut up you idiots let me enjoy the show for once-"

(Y/n started singing very lightly they all closed their eyes. Jimin swears he could hear the amount of pain and softness and desire that came from her voice she just sounded like an angel. Until they heard loud snores yoongi hyung and Taehyung had already fallen asleep we burst out laughing.)

When it was over they all started arguing again.

"Can all of you just shut up!" Yoongi scolds them.


Yura elbowed me after we were backstage with a lot of staff as the show was ending.

"Unnie, when you were performing solo everyone, was so shocked! You should've seen their faces! Even though we're 1 and a half year rookies our fans were cheering so loud for you they went crazy!!!" Yura exclaimed happily. "I also saw BTS looking at us I even heard your name and Raehyung unnies and pretty!" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Really!? They probably thought Raehyung is prettier...she is the prettiest…" I say, insecure about how I look.

"No, No Raehyung unnie's pretty but your voice is the lucky charm you mesmerized so many people here." She says grasping my hand tightly. "Unnie you are an angel and you don't deserve such harsh treatment."

"It's not that bad," I mumbled.

"Unnie I don't care if you listen or not but you are the most perfect and hurting person I've met. I need to tell you. you really need to find your happiness. You are the most talented person I know… please don't waste it."

I was in tears, I started crying because it had meant so much to me.

The big screen showed us when everyone saw me cry made me pressured. Layla looked at me and walked toward me and tried to wipe my tears but I ran outside of the building. Since I was in stupid heels I tripped...causing all the cameras to go off and on. But then someone helped me up and held me tightly taking me backstage again.

"You are okay, right? Here have some water. I think you scraped your knees badly…" The stranger said inspecting me. This guy was nice.

"Who are you?" I sniffled.

"Someone that wants to help."

"Why can't more people be like you?"

??? p.o.v

I chuckled. She closed her eyes and a tear escaped her eye. She then passed out i shook her body she was burning up she probably had a fever. I put my coat on her and picked her up again. I took her into my car. And drove to the company.

???: uh..miss where's Park Lee Y/n's room?

"111995-second floor sir. Here's the key." The girl said slightly confused.

???: thank you!

I then ran to the elevator but it was taking too much time so I went to my dorm. I started putting wet towels on her forehead. She kept shaking uncontrollably. I took another blanket since it was a warm one. And it put it on her. She finally opened her eyes. I gave her some chicken noodle soup. She ate it without questioning anything. I gave her some medicine and water.

???: feel better?

"Yeah...thanks Oppa"

???: uh actually I'm just 2 days older than you you don't have to call me Oppa.

"Really? How'd you know?"

???: your room number is your birthday. Your key said October see…

He showed her where it was written she smiled at it and looked at him tiredly

"Should I go…?"

(He put the back of his wrinkly hand on her forehead)

???: Yeah but- I will have to assist you just in case.

"Seriously who are you and what's your name?"

???: I am Park Jimin's bodyguard he told me to help you assist you till you feel better. I hope you understand. and my name is Park Oh Young and no I am not related to Jimin in any way either than being his bodyguard. And yes we have the same birthdays.

(He turned around and showed that said, Bodyguard. In bold letters so everyone thought that it was professional)

Y/N P.O.V.

"Jimin? Why would he send you?" I asked as I tried to ignore my heart which was skipping many beats out of pure happiness.

"Truly, miss I do not know, He has never asked me to do this before..." Oh Young says in confusion. I couldn't help but feel too tired to think about this. I need some sleep.

"Stop being so formal around me… and accompany me to my room."


Manager: what were you thinking?! Running?! Really! This is not a music video Park Lee Young Y/n!

"I'm s-sorry..."


"Manager Kim! Why can't we idols have emotions to express have you ever thought about what we have to go through? Yes, I admit I started crying and ran away. But I didn't want any of the attention! It wasn't my intention!" Y/n cries as she tries to hold back more sobs and tears. "Have you ever thought we are just kids and humans we're not robots or puppets! Why do you think I gave myself up to you? You can not take an idol's advantage like this! They deserve happiness that is just theirs! How could you dare take away something like that? Their emotions?" As Y/n questioned him the manager grew angrier.

Manager: Y/n you think that can melt my heart? You're a disgrace!

That day was the day left the company a lot of fans were upset there were rumours like "she was forced to do it." and it was confirmed I was forced to do it.

Fan: OMO Y/n! It's Y/n guys!

I smiled. Showing off my soft eye smile. They started taking pictures.

"Guys calm down!" I giggled softly. "I'm not an idol anymore." I chuckled sadly at the memory.

Fan: No! This isn't right! You can have emotions! Every idol is a human and does what they're capable of!

"I appreciate the support but- I ruined the dreams of 5 other girls-"

Fan: unnie the only reason they were what they were was because of you. They only went down because you left. That's why fans left the fandom. They don't want four they want all five to be a group, not just some other group. Please don't make this nightmare we miss you so much!

"You're right. And you know what, I'm going to fight us!"

Fans: YAYAYAYA!!!! Wait before you go can you please sing "blue sea"(made up song) for us? Please~ it's been so long-

"Fine only the beginning though."

*ends up singing the whole song*

" blue sea~," I said the last part softly closing my eyes before opening them again to a bigger fan crowd.

"Wahhhh!" a young girl said. "You sound like an angel!" the young girl looked down at her shoes nervously. I couldn't help but give her a gentle hug. Letting go of the young girl.

"Thank you, you've helped me realize something..."

Young girl: REALLY?! She shouted happily. I nodded.

"But I have to go now, sweetheart… goodbye!"

Young girl: goodbye!


"Ok, where the hell is my suit?" Jin says practically tearing up his closet looking for one piece.

"How would I know? Jin hyung don't you think Jimin's been weird lately? He barely talks or eats anymore." Jungkook says slowly growing worried about the older.

"GUYS! Y/N'S IN THE COMPANY!!!" Namjoon screams excitedly as he runs in the dorm.

"WHAT?!" They all scream in unison.

"Unnie?!" Yura exclaims as she starts running towards her.

"I'm here to stay not to go away." Y/n smiles at her before embracing her tightly.




"I'm Lee Y/n and I'm here to take back my position as the main singer of galaxy."

Ex-manager: that-that-

"There's no rule that an idol who left can't come back. Am I wrong? I'm an ex idol so be it but there's no rule saying I can't come back. Not even on that contract mr. ex-manager. I reached out to the CEO he couldn't believe what he was hearing and wanted me to say this to your face. You are fired."

Ex-manager: n-no that can't be...

"wshh unnie has become so much cooler now!" Yura said holding up two thumbs up in my support.

"Y/n unnie? Oh, my diamonds and sapphires is it really you?" Maya says quickly wrapping her arms around her.

"Maya- y/n?WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW? YOU'VE ALREADY RUINED OUR CAREERS! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT TO FROM US?- what more do we have left?" Layla said looking away from me in disgust.

"Y/n" Jimin said running straight to her as Maya stood behind her now. I looked at him he was crying really hard.

"Jimin? Hey, what's wrong?" I asked in pure concern reaching out for him but not sure if I should touch him or not. Jimin quickly pulled me towards him and hugged me really tightly.

"Please don't leave again... and don't push me away now... Lee Y/n I read your diary I know you like me..."


After the show, I quickly snuck into y/n's room to check up on her. But stumbled on something. Huh? A diary. Oho ho ho a diary best way to tease y/n. She looks fine so imma just get out of here real quick.

*goes running into his room like a madman to read diary*

I opened the first page which was boring, 2nd-page periods-okay then, the 3rd-page trainee life wow she had a tough time, and soon I was on the 18th page labelled crush? I better read this seems juicy.

Dear diary today I met Park Jimin by chance he seemed like a really nice guy I hope we can become good friends.

and then I read the next entry feeling my heartbeat increase.

Dear diary today I bumped into Jimin again, I think we're friends now! We even joked around. Turns out he's funny too1 He also has these really soft cheeks. Would it be weird if I asked him to squeeze them? Gosh, I think I'm going crazy.

Then the next diary entry.

Dear diary today me and Jimin bumped into each other in the vocal room to record we talked for a while and now I think I kinda like him. I can't believe we keep bumping into each other like this! I wonder if he feels the same...

I blushed like a girl turning red. she likes me too?

*end of flashback*

"I think I kinda like you too..." Jimin whispered against my lips.

Before I could say anything he kissed me softly and passionately he held my waist tightly our tears mixed within the kiss as we gasped for air. after breaking the beautiful kiss that meant so many emotions to me. that stupid old diary I forgot about he read it. my Idol crush read it.

****A YEAR LATER****

We debuted again and had more the 1 million members of the fandom club that our new nice manager made for our beautiful fandom. we've done so many songs. honestly, we have a lot of songs out. Probably 40 songs and we all have our solo songs. we were really lucky that a lot of the fandom accepted me again.

Layla unnie still hates me. She's working really hard on her solo that she's going to release. she's is called. "faith," I told her it's a really nice song name. she completely ignored me and flipped her hair in my face. is she really my unnie?

She scoffed and walked out of the room. How can some still be mad about what happened a year ago? I scoff quietly in disbelief. why can't you just forgive me? Is it really so hard to forgive someone who's given it their all to make you forgive them...


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