/ Anime & Comics / Broly DxD

Broly  DxD Original

Broly DxD

Anime & Comics 5 Chapters 86.3K Views
Author: DrinkNozarashi

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Broly is dead... killed by the very people that trained him and tried to help him with his anger. But because of Frieza killing Cheelai, he couldn't hold it back anymore.

Once dead, Whis felt sympathy for the Legendary Saiyan who spent a year with the Z Fighterz, so, to help him out, he sent him to the World where Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils are just coming to terms with each other.

He's even been so gracious as to give him back his father and mother... but only for a short amount of time. Come find out what happens next.

wrote by keymondsanders
just a few change

General Audiences
  1. DrinkNozarashi
    DrinkNozarashi Contributed 5
  2. Jaziyah
    Jaziyah Contributed 5
  3. PriamusTheBright
    PriamusTheBright Contributed 5

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Isn’t this by KeymondSanders on Wattpad?

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is femaile issi in the harem bc u gender blended him if he not make him a boy again make no sense

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