/ Sci-fi / Broken Cyborg

Broken Cyborg Original

Broken Cyborg

Sci-fi 1 Chapters 3.7K Views
Author: Sen_Yoshioka

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The key to life and creating life is not that simple.
There needs to be a long waiting for that are grown from a type of jelly that looks and feels like human skin.
The cyborg; Number 2 Type Executor is no ordinary cyborg. She is half human. Her organs, veins, and her brain is the only living things that are human and her skeleton is made out of cartilage and metal and her skin is made from a jelly. 2E has a "twin", and he is just like her. 2E doesn't question her existence like any other normal cyborg would. It's a cyborg's job to keep feelings under a lock and key. Feelings are prohibited.
After a traumatizing situation happens 2E and a Class S Criminal, she begins to question the meaning of life. Her creator is targeted by a group of Class S Criminals who were hired as hitman by the city's government. Putting all of her own feelings aside, she, her twin, and the group of cyborgs who were created along with them put their lives on the line to save their creator... And the city.

Parents Strongly Cautioned

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Author Sen_Yoshioka