In a world delicately balanced between the realms of Humans, Saints, and Demons, 16-year-old Rosamila dreams of nothing more than her 17th birthday, when she'll marry the love of her life and finally ascend as an adult. But her dreams shatter during the sacred ascension ritual when an ancient, forbidden truth is revealed: Rosamila harbors a demon spirit within her.
Before she can comprehend the implications, she is abducted to the shadowy and dangerous Demon Realm. There, whispers of a sinister prophecy surround her-a sacrifice needed to awaken the long-slumbering Demon Queen, the most ruthless ruler in history. Rosamila finds herself trapped in a web of lies, power, and deceit, unsure whom to trust as she uncovers secrets about her spirit, her family, and the fragile peace between realms.
Determined to escape her grim fate, Rosamila must harness untapped powers within herself and defy a destiny written in blood and fate. But can a girl from the Human Realm face the might of the strongest Demons and resist becoming the sacrifice for the ultimate destruction of the balance of the worlds?
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