I am removing this book from the account. If any of the webnovel staff is reading this please remove my book. I talked to the editor, sent mails to webnovel but no response so I am removing the chapters. It's been months but no response.
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Write a reviewStory is really good. It keeps you hooked. I like both the character Kaisa and Rojin. Can't wait to read more 😍😍😍
The characters are developed and I enjoy the fact the MC is at least in her mid 20's and looking at the world from the viewpoint of an adult. While the writing isn't rich with descriptions the MC does make her impressions of the events and people in her life clear.
Writing was great, after starting I kept reading till the end, maybe you should increase the number of chapters... Other than that it was fun reading
Keep it up! Well written, it has humor too. I can see the potential in this novel. I hope for your success! I RECOMMENDED THIS BOOK, KUDOS TO THE AUTHOR.
I can't get my fill of each chapter. I need more and author, you have to provide me with some more chapters.
I barely find romance novels that start with a whole flashback and laying out the whole story. So far, it's very good. keep it up🥰🥰🥰
Author _fall_
Hi fewfall, nice book, i also have my own book titled why my son try it out. nice writing by you fewfall good work. you did well, keep it up and please viewers and author try my book Why my son?