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Bound by Love Bound by Love original

Bound by Love

Author: Ashley_linton

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: New beginnings

Meredith p.o.v

Right now me and my sister are in our father's office waiting for him. Mother told us that dad wanted to speak to us about something very important

Mom seemed to be very excited about it so I can only assume it is good news. He is always on time but it appears that today he is running late from a business meeting.

I am gonna take this time to introduce myself,

Hi my name is Meredith Erós and i have a twin sister named Kailani Erós. My mom and dad are Cyreus and Luna Erós.

To the human world my family is multi billionaires with my mother being a famous fashion designer and my dad being a well known business man.  It is a pretty big deal to humans but to the supernatural world they could care less. To them my parents are god of the sea;son of Poseidon and goddess of the moon rulers of the supernatural world.

It gets really weird sometimes when people come up and ask for pictures and autographs like they are big celebrities because I just see them as mom and dad. Though it only happens when we go out together because our parents keeps us out of the media and most of the supernatural world has no clue that my parents have children or that we even exist at all.

At birth every supernatural beings is given two birth certificate, one from human things like getting a passport and one for supernaturals that state their species and where u belong. For example werewolf would belong to so and so pack.

We got both as well but the doctors and nurse that delivered us were threatened by my parents that if they ever tell anyone, their heads would be sent to their family as gifts. So it was safe to say to nobody talked. They did this for a reason,for our safety

You see my sister and I are what u describe as "different" but I hate to use that word, we are special, the first of our kind. We are tribrids never been seen, never been heard of before, made up of three supernatural creatures




Basically we aren't suppose to be real. People has been trying for centuries to make a tribrid baby with no luck but then surprise we were made. My parents taught it was because of the gods blood that flows through our body. Heck nobody even guessed we were tribrids until we started developing witch powers at the age of four. You would think "why would their parents want their birth to stay secret if they didn't know". Well tribrids or not we were still very powerful creatures that people would want to use. Plus our parents had and still have many enemies. Us being tribrids makes a lot of sense actually.

Obvious the wolf and mermaid are from our parents but the witch part is a little more confusing.

Well my grandfather Poseidon slept with a very powerful witch called Esther, got her pregnant and had him. Doing so meant he had witch blood in him. He didn't have any cool witch powers tho cause it skips a generation hence why we have powers and are tribrids. Dad was also a tribrid of some sorts being part god,  part merman and part witch. Technically if you added on being a goddess then we would be more than a tribrid. There isn't even a name for that yet. So dad is the unofficial tribrid while mom is a hybrid.

We all live in the beautiful city of London.

I love it there, its so lively but its pretty hectic living with so many people under one roof. So many people meaning us, the children, our parents and the ten staff. Daddy said the less the staff the less possible of us being revealed. We live in a huge mansion with dozen of wings. My wing, my sister's wing, the children wing, my parents wing, my mom wing for when they fight, my dads wing, the guest wing and the staff wing. You would take that would be enough for me but no I like my own space with no staff walking around.

Being a tribrid means powers. Nothing too special, standard mermaid powers like breathe underwater, manipulate water, telekinesis, control the weather, tides, sonic scream, mermaid/human transformation,Object of Power Wielding and speaking to SEA creatures. OK so not that standard, well standard of underwater royalty. Normal mermaid can only freeze,control and heat water and some can come on land if allowed.

Not many people know about the Object of Power Wielding thing. Well let me explain, Every royal merperson is born with an object of power, a birthright that has distinct abilities. Each individual mermaid has the knowledge and ability to use the object, but only them alone can use it. It is important to always have it because if anyone gets there hands on it, they will be able to control you and u will not be responsible for ur actions.

My sister and I keep ours extremely close never going anywhere without it. For us it is more important to keep it safe because we are not just mermaid princesses but also the most powerful things to be born in the history of the world. That much power can cause massive world chaos. We both have have the same type of object of power both being rings.

Objects power are usually small and easy to carry around. Every royal mer born with it on them. Its really freaky when you think about it. Its in the womb with you. Imagine a human giving birth and a baby with a ring on its finger pops out.

Our rings are always on our fingers we never take them off

The rings are our object of power, take these and u will have us under ur control.

Objects of power are said to have some unknown abilities only to be known when someone has found their mates, which has yet to happen which is understandable because I don't think they are here in London or even England

Moving on from all this mermaid talk, lets move on to witch side. Esther, our grandma help us learn spells and master our powers like astral travelling which is basically you separating your spirit from your body and going to another astro plane leaving your body in the real world.

We were born with some other natural witch powers. We both were born with Claircognizance and clairaudience

Claircognizance is the ability to "know clearly" and means you know things without having an explanation.

Clairaudience is to "hear clearly", meaning you might have the ability to hear spirits or gods talking to you. You might even be able to hear people's thoughts.

Other than that we both have our own unique one.

I have clairsentience.

Clairsentience is "clear feeling" and means you are able to feel in your gut or in your body that something's not right.

Kailani has clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance is the ability to "see clearly", meaning you have the ability to see spirits or auras around people or things. It also means you could receive flashes of images in your mind's eye or visions during meditation.

We can also manifest animals meaning we think of an animal you'd like to meet in nature and BOOM that animal shows up.

We have other common witchy powers like to perform spells and heal others etc.

Lastly our wolves. As u should have already guessed, our wolves aren't normal, we are elemental wolves. As the name states we deal with the elements. We can control all the four elements. Kinda like the avatar werewolf edition


New characters

Meredith Erós

Name meaning: Sea lord

Likes and hobbies:singing, swimming, hanging out with family,shopping,water, dancing, training, practicing magic and sports.

Dislikes:people who bully the weak and helpless, people who gossip, fake ass bitches and half naked people

Status: future sun goddess


Personality: Meredith is the most chilled back of the two sisters,she just loves to have fun. She loves her sister to death. Her being chilled back most of the time doesn't mean she is always a sweetheart. Family always come first for her so if you hurt her family, she hurt you. When she is not with her family she is training to get better or she is painting in her art room.

Kailani Erós

Name meaning: Ocean

Likes and hobbies: reading,sports, training, practicing magic, shopping, being with her sister, dancing and singing and nature.

Dislikes:bitches who think they are better than everyone, bipolar people, sluts and fake ass hoes

Status:future moon goddess


Personality:Kailiani is what people describe as loyal. She loves her sister to death and she believe to take life as it comes and not to rush to process. She is a total badass. She don't like to be silenced when she is speaking out about the things wrong with the world.

She get really passionate when she talks about things she believe in.

Age: 18years and 7months

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