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27.45% Bofuri in Another World ( I'm the final boss) / Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen

Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen

"Hey boss, got the kid." A scrawny man in rags passes through a broken door carrying an unconscious little girl on his shoulder.

The boss, a burly man with a scar above his left eyebrow, looks up from the crate he is rummaging through. "Ah, good work, Vinnie," he says, his voice dripping with malice. "Throw her in the corner with the others."

Vinnie complies, dumping the little girl onto the dirty floor alongside two other children, who cower in fear. The boss approaches the trio, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "Well, well, well. Looks like we've got ourselves a little collection now. And with the price we're gonna get for this, we'll be set for life."

The children's eyes widen in terror as the boss's words hangs in the air.

"Boss." Vinnie calls out. "We found her right next to one of them student dormitories."

The boss sits in a make shift bed while taking out a smoke pipe. "Should be fine, we don't got beef with them, not yet. The black armored girl however, yeah she'll show. If she doesn't?" The little kids shudder under his gaze. "Call the others, we should prepare."

The dingy room was filled with the stench of smoke and decay as the boss, known as Kragg, took a long drag from his pipe, the ember glowing ominously in the dim light. He leaned back against his makeshift bed, exhaling a cloud of smoke that lingered in the air. Vinnie, looking nervously around, shuffled his feet before heading towards a rickety staircase leading to the basement.

"Oi, lads!" Vinnie called out, his voice echoing in the damp, underground space. "Boss wants everyone upstairs. We got trouble comin' our way."

The basement, crowded with rough-looking men, stirred into action. They were a motley crew of cutthroats and ruffians, each one more dangerous-looking than the last. As they filed up the stairs, the sense of unease was palpable.

Upstairs, Kragg watched with a calculating eye as his men assembled. "Listen up," he began, his voice commanding immediate attention. "We're gonna have a visitor soon. Chances are she's a troublesome one. Black armor. If she shows up, we deal with her swiftly. No mistakes, she's a merch we can't lose."

Vinnie shifted uncomfortably. "Boss, what if she's not alone? What if the mages get involved?"

Kragg's expression hardened. "Then we show 'em what happens when they meddle in our business. This place," he gestured around the decrepit building, "is our turf. No one comes here without paying the price."

The children huddled in the corner, their fear intensifying with each word. Rosa, despite her unconscious state, seemed to stir, as if sensing the danger surrounding her.

Turning to one of his men, Vinnie, Kragg gruffs. "Grab the girl though just in case."

Vinnie turns towards the kids walking to carry the girl he had captured, only to stop and make a head count. "Hey boss, shouldn't there be three o'them?"

Kragg immediately feels a chill roll down his spine in waves, turning towards the kids he notices a black armored girl crouched right next to them.


Maple stood there, shrouded in the shadows of the dingy room, her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes scanned the scene before her. Rosa lay unconscious on the floor with two other terrified children, while the man known as Kragg, the one in charge, looked pleased with himself. The stench of smoke and decay filled the air, making her stomach churn.

She had to act fast, she crouched low, assessing the situation. Vinnie's words echoed in her mind. They were expecting her, but Maple wasn't about to let that stop her.

Kragg took another drag from his pipe, his confidence evident. He didn't know she was already there, ready to strike. As he sent Vinnie to gather the others, she knew any window of opportunity was closing.

Silently, she moved closer to the children, her shield appearing (The crystal one. Not Night's Facsimile.) As she reached them, she whispered a quick reassurance, "I'm here to help, Rosa."

Suddenly, Vinnie's voice broke through the tension. "Hey boss, shouldn't there be three o'them?"

Kragg's eyes widened in shock as he finally noticed her, crouched protectively beside the children. Time seemed to freeze for a moment, his expression a mixture of surprise and anger.

"When the hell did you?" Kragg spat, his voice trembling slightly as he sized her up.

Maple stood tall, her shield gleaming in the dim light. "Why did you take her?" she said firmly, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "Are you bandits?"

Kragg's men hesitated, their uncertainty clear. Kragg, however, quickly masked his fear with a sneer. "I don't care what you call us. You've got guts, girl," he spat. "But you're outnumbered and outmatched. Boys, get her!"

The men surged towards her, and Maple's heart raced. She had rushed in prepared for this, but facing the reality of combat was different. Not after what she'd seen in her journey. Her grip tightened on her shield as the first thug approached. His blow glanced off her shield, and she retaliated with a forceful strike that sent him crashing to the ground.

Vinnie attempted to flank her, but she swung her shield in a wide arc, catching him in the ribs and knocking the wind out of him. Another attacker lunged with a knife, but she deflected it easily, delivering a crushing blow to his shoulder that sent his weapon clattering to the floor.

Kragg watched in disbelief as his men fell one by one. But he wouldn't fall, he was once a B ranked adventurer. Desperation crept into his eyes as he grabbed a cudgel, charging at her with a roar. She braced herself, meeting his attack head-on. The impact reverberated through her shield, yet she easily held her ground. With a quick sidestep, she bashed him with her shield, sending him stumbling back.

"You'll pay for this!" he snarled, his voice laced with panic.

Maple advanced, her gaze unwavering. "It's over."

But as she spoke, a wave of dizziness hit her. Around her, the unconscious men turned to corpses. The dim shack looked red, covered in blood. She stared in panic at the head of the lady from the bandit attack staring at her accusingly. Mai's voice rang in the distance. "I just wanted to check something." Luwy's voice followed. "It was you or them missy, don't ever feel regret for ridding this world of bandits."

Her hesitation cost her as Kragg lunged again, this time more desperate. She managed to block his attack, but the force knocked her off balance.

Fear and uncertainty clouded her mind. Could she really go through with this if it came to that? The thought was paralyzing. But then she glanced at the children, their eyes wide with terror.

Drawing a deep breath, she tries to push her doubts aside. Kragg swings his cudgel again, aiming for her neck.


His cudgel bounces off her neck, sending his weapon flying across the room.

Kragg stumbled back, his eyes wide with fear. "What are you?" he whispered, his voice trembling.

A sudden wave of inky black wind erupts from Maple, her eyes growing dim as they lose their light.

Kragg stares into eyes devoid of any life in terror. Losing strength in his limbs, he drops on his butt, all around, his men already unconscious from the pressure.

"Hn." Rosa stirrs, shaken from the sudden drop in temperature.

The pressure instantly disappears, as Maple glances behind her. 'Right, Rosa's here. I have to be careful.'

Kragg is still stricken with terror when the pressure suddenly disappears. His body relaxes for a brief second.

|| Paralyzing Shout ||

Maple commands, her voice reverberating with power. A shockwave of sound and lightning bursts from her, hitting Kragg and his men with an invisible force. They freeze in place, their muscles locking up as if turned to stone. As for Kragg who was awake.

"Aaaaargh." He screams in pain as the lightning course through his flesh.

Turning back, Maple notices Rosa is awake now. "Are you ok?" Maple asks.



A second later Rosa rushes towards Maple in a hug, tears flowing from her eyes. Maple hugs the distressed girl closely. "It's ok, you're safe now."

A wheeze brings them back to the situation as Maple notices Kragg is still conscious and moving.

|| Paralyzing Shout ||

"Aaaaargh." "Monster - Ack!!"

|| Paralyzing Shout ||


|| Paralyzing Shout ||


|| Paralyzing Shout ||

"Aaaaargh." "Mo... Monster." Kragg cries in pain again.

Maple narrows her eyes. "You're the monster here." Holding Rosa closely.

Kragg wheezes once more. "If... If that's so, the - then why're you smiling."

Maple instantly freezes in place, her hands slowly making their way to her face. She can feel the smile on her face. Maple feels like she's been doused with a bucket full of water as she takes a deep breath.

Stroking the little girls hair, Maple whispers. "Rosa... cover your ears." The girl nods and covers her ears and her eyes for good measure.




|| Devour ||


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