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6.66% Bloodline System in the multiverse [dropped] / Chapter 1: (01) Nightmare come true
Bloodline System in the multiverse [dropped] Bloodline System in the multiverse [dropped] original

Bloodline System in the multiverse [dropped]

Author: bruh_joe_42069

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: (01) Nightmare come true

I couldn't quite describe what I was feeling during this current moment. It was a mix of things to be completely honest. Confusion, anger, sadness and even disbelief. But above all I felt utter despair at my current predicament.

[Hello and welcome to your new life! You unfortunately died in your previous one but due to higher intervention you got a second chance!]

From those first few sentences one would think that this was a great fortune and a dream come true right? It was finally my turn to live out my fantasy isekai life! Or so I thought.

[Don't rejoice yet! We still haven't gotten to the good stuff! You've been given a great gift! The bloodline system! What is the bloodline system you may ask? Well as I'm sure you've partly figured out it's a system like those you've seen in novels and such but with a special twist... This system gives you the chance to unlock different bloodlines and even upgrade current ones!]

Well I'll be, at this rate nothing could ruin or drop my mood right? While I wasn't exactly sure what "bloodlines" entailed but a system was a system, it was guaranteed to be powerful. Overjoyed I hurriedly kept on reading when my stomach finally dropped.

[Now, to go over a few things- This system only has a couple of windows, one of which includes the Status window. This window shows you an overview of your current stats and your bloodline points along with your current bloodlines and abilities. The system also has a party function which lets you acknowledge the people you meet as companions in your journey! The party system gives benefits like leveling up party members. Now before you start worrying, the system gives your rewards based off of the actions you take and the feats you accomplish. This is done so that you are not restricted by things like quests. Please note that the more significant the feat, the greater the reward!]

[That pretty much summarises everything about the system! However as a final parting gift here is some information on your current situation- Your name is Strauss Ackerman, you are the twin brother of Mikasa Ackerman and were taken in by the Jaegers along with your twin sister when your parents were murdered.]

[Make allies, or enemies or even both, go on adventures, try new food, but don't forget to have fun!]

I read over that message one last time, specifically the last bit. "Don't forget to have fun". All I felt as I read it again was a pure and unadultetered rage. "Fun!?", I shouted as I tried to punch through the screen in front of me. It of course didn't have any effect aside from dismissing it and making me lose my balance as I fell over to the rough wooden floor.

I winced as I felt a bit of pain in my knees from the impact of my fall before I finally took in where I was. It was an old looking room, pretty small in size with only a wardrobe and two shabby beds in it. As I scanned the room I felt another slight pain, this time in my head.

It was like a jolt suddenly rushed over me as I quickly started remembering things that happened to Strauss Ackerman. Or rather.. me.

I got to my feet quickly as I heard the door suddenly twist and turn, screeching a bit as it opened and let light into my dark room. I looked towards the door as two figures appeared. A boy and a girl. They both had black hair and wore the same type of old shabby clothing that I wore, and thanks to my memories I could recognise them instantly. Eren and Mikasa, who was now my twin sister...

"Uh, you okay Strauss? We heard a pretty loud noise just now". Eren turned to me with a bit of worry and confusion in his face which was mirrored by Mikasa next to him.

"I uh.. I'm fine. I just rolled over too far while I was sleeping and fell off the bed haha..", I quickly came up with an excuse as I laughed awkwardly.

"Oh alright. Well mom told you to get ready for lunch now. You slept in pretty late, missing breakfast." Luckily they bought my lame excuse and they left after Eren relayed his mothers message.

I certainly wasn't prepared to speak to anyone yet. After all I was still going through a mid life crisis. It did sort of clear and refresh my mind though. I was in Attack on Titan, a scary world filled with death as misery, as one of the main casts brother no less. I was pretty much doomed to play a significant role in the events of this world. It was a tough pill to swallow but I realised I was on a time limit. Soon enough the wall would be broken by the colossal titan and titans would start swarming this place like no tomorrow. I luckily had a tool to help me prepare for such a situation and I would definitely grasp at every opportunity given to me.

I quickly got changed into what I would normally wear throughout the day. And got ready to leave my room before I remembered something.


[STATUS- Strauss Ackerman

Condition: Healthy

Power level: 5 (You're about as strong as the average grown man)

Potential: ?

BP(Bloodline Points): 0

Active Bloodlines:

Ackerman (LVL 1/10(EXP: 17/100)- A bloodline of warriors that once protected the King. Their immunity to the Founding Titan's powers however caused the King to fear them and betray them, leading their clan to near extinction. You are stronger than most people your age and during moments of need, all your physical stats are boosted and you become much stronger than the average person! (This bloodline can be strengthened by physical activity and/or continous use).

Extra abilities:

Observe- Level 1

You can gain an overview of the abilities and(or) recent thoughts of any one person/item. How much information you are able to see scales off of the level of the skill and in the case of people, how well you know that person.]

I read through the Status screen and my mood couldn't help but drop once again. I realised that this could make me powerful but my current abilities were awfully lacklustre. I did wonder what the potential meant but I ended up pushing that thought aside. With an annoyed grunt I dismissed the status screen and made my way to the dining table.

I found Eren and Mikasa sitting at the dining table along with Grisha and Carla, Eren's parents and the people who took in me and my sister when our parents died.

"Ah, Strauss you're finally up! Come join us.", Carla said warmly as she smiled at me. A part of me still didn't believe this was fully real so I just awkwardly nodded and smiled back as I made my way over and sat down.

I quickly took a glance at each of them, using oberve which brought up four seperate screens.

[Mikasa Ackerman

Condition: Healthy

Power level: 4

Potential: C

She's your sister, so take good care of her. One of the last few remaining warriors of the Ackerman clan, she's a natural prodigy when it comes to fighting and is much stronger than most people. She's currently thinking about exposing Eren to his parents]

[Carla Jaeger

Condition: Healthy

Power Level: 2

Potential: D

The mother of one of your closest friends and also the woman who took you and your sister in after the death of your parents. She's always been nice to you and always made sure to look after you. She's currently happy.]

[Eren Jaeger

Condition: Healthy

Power level: 2

Potential: C

One of your closest friends. He's often hot headed and acts before thinking leaving you to clean up after his mess, but he's also loyal like no one else and would stand by your side without a second thought. He's really enjoying his food.]

[Grisha Jaeger

Condition: Healthy

Power level: 7

Potential: D

A well known doctor and the father of one of your friends. He's always been nice but at the same time he has an air of mystery surrounding him.]

I noted the varying information provided. As the skill description said the overview varied in description depending on how well I knew the person. For Eren and Mikasa I could tell their current thoughts. For Carla I only got a description about her emotions and for Grisha there was only a brief description.

[Through the continous use of the ability- Observe, you leveled up!

Observe--> Level 2]

There weren't many words exchanged as we all indulged in our food but Mikasa broke that silence. "Eren wants to join the survey corps", she revealed. It scared me a bit at how precise the Observe skill was.

"What?", Carla all but shouted over the table at Eren, causing me to wince a bit at the sudden loud noise. "Do you know how many people have died outside of those walls?", she continued.

I had a weird feeling listening to this conversation, like deja vu, as if I've seen this play out already.

"I do!", Eren immediatley retorted back to his mother, and was about to argue his case before he was interrupted by Grisha who stayed quiet this whole time.

"Eren... Why do you want to go outside of the walls", the older man asked calmly as he looked into his son's eyes.

I felt even more tripped out as the conversation continued. It was an eery feeling. Like I was forgetting something but didn't know what.

"I want to see what lies beyond those walls! I don't want to live my life trapped!", Eren said passionately as he got up out of his seat, pausing for a bit before continuing. "Besides... If no one carries on their work then the death of everyone who's died so far will have been in vain...", he said, a bit more somberly.

"I see.", there was a temporary silence that filled the room before Grisha responded. He then got up and made his way towards the door while saying something about a ship leaving soon, I was too focused on trying to remember the missing piece and finding out what was amiss about this whole thing.

Finishing the rest of my food I got up and stepped outside and also waved Grisha goodbye along with Eren and Mikasa.

Almost instantly after he left, another arguement started between Eren and his mother, the result of which was him running away with Mikasa chasing after him.

I sighed before turning to Carla, "I'll see you later Miss Jaeger", I said politely before also going after Eren

Walking through the streets of Shiganshina was such a weird feeling, it was new territory and yet I instinctually knew the place like the back of my hand.

It actually took me a while to find Eren and Mikasa as I could only guess all the places they could go to. I eventually found them helping Armin up off the floor. I feel like even without my memories of this life I would have recognised Armin. That awkward bowl cut of his stood out like a sore thumb. The trio turned to me as they saw me saying their Hello's.

"Yo Strauss, took you a while to catch up", Eren said casually as I walked next to my three friends.

"Yeah... you didn't tell me where you went", I told him, as we continued walking, no destination in particular.

"Oh.. my bad", Eren rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, probably feeling kinda guilty. We continued walking and talking, and time passed. If I had no information about the outcome of this world I would probably think this life wasn't so bad. Constantly in the back of my mind though, a feeling of paranoia remained. I was forgetting something and I knew it. Walking and talking with Eren, Armin and Mikasa only served to distract me from that paranoia.

And sure enough things clicked into place. A thunderous noise was heard accompanied by what seemed to be a yellow lightning strike. My heart thumped immensely as I vividly felt cold sweat travel down my back. I turned over to see my nightmare come true. A giant face peeked over the wall, it had no skin and every single muscle fiber could be seen.

"Oh fuck me"



thats the first chapter done.

Now before this story continues Im going to make a few things clear. This is a multiverse story, starting in attack on titan and ending in the dbz universe. Why did it start on aot? Well the reasons are simple. Aot is a messed up world, a world great for character development. Why end in dbz? Secret. How many worlds in between aot and dbz? For now I don't know. Harem? No. Romance? Maybe.

next chapter
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