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85.71% Blindly Walking / Chapter 12: Chapter 11: World in Chaos!! Pandemonium at the Quarry!! Rick Who??

Chapter 12: Chapter 11: World in Chaos!! Pandemonium at the Quarry!! Rick Who??

Chapter 11: World in Chaos!! Pandemonium at the Quarry!! Rick Who??


He kept asking her questions and she was starting to feel uncomfortable. "Sorry, Mr. Greene, but a lot has happened when I found Olivia alone in a hospital room. Since then I have taken upon myself to taking care of her well-being. We've been together for about 2 weeks now, and she's in good hands. I'll never hurt her and won't leave her, ever."


Hershel was surprised at what I told him, "please, care to have a cup of coffee with me and explain what's happened to her family." I followed him to his house porch as he entered and I waited outside for him, with Olivia by my side. "Don't worry sweety, I'll never leave you. We are stuck together forever, you hear me." I said as she hugged the daylights out of me.


"Thank you, daddy. I'm just scared, but not anymore." I messed with her hair as she knocked my hand away. "Stop that daddy. It took forever to get my hair down the way I liked it. I'm telling Carol." As she stomped her feet on Hershel's porch actin all angry and she marched herself back to the camper looking for Carols help. That was when Hershel and his family stepped out, they all looked at me and Olivia playing around and joking.


I tickled the little munchkin before she stomped away, for trying to be so grown up. Hey, I couldn't help it, she looked so cute stomping her feet on the porch. That was when I noticed that we were being watched as stopped playing with Olivia and looked up, seeing the Greene family staring at Olivia and me. "Well... I thought it would be a one-on-one conversation there Mr. Greene. Not a whole group affair."


I turn to Olivia, and I whispered in her ear, "go ask Carol and Sophia to come out and sit with us, sweety, go on." She nodded and ran to the camper to get the other two. As I waited, Hershel's second wife, Annette brought out the coffee and some cookies for our long conversation that was about to take place with the whole family around us, I'm guessing by the look of it, that they weren't pleased about the whole thing.


"Are we waiting for someone else?" Asked Annette and Otis to stand by each other, then he saw Olivia run back to the Winnebago. "Yes, that would be correct. I asked Olivia to call over the other two that have been traveling with us. We met them at the last place that we stayed at, about two days ago. It's a mother and daughter duo that needed our help. So, I helped and now we travel together."


As I turned around to watch all three girls come out from the Winnebago. "The mother's name is Carol, and the daughter's name is Sophia. Please be nice, they'd rarely had that in their lives." I explained their situation so they would not receive a cold shoulder from the family and Hershel agreed by nodding his head at my request. As the atmosphere of the family changed suddenly from cold to lukewarm.


And two minutes later, the three girls walked out and up to the Greene house, the three standing behind me, as Carol waved hello with a slight smile on her face and holding Sophia by her hand, and Olivia grabbing mine for support which made her happy that I grabbed it. "Hello! My names Carol and this is my daughter Sophia. Nice to meet you all." Carol said in a nice tone as to not upset the Greene's.


"Hello everyone, my name is Jack Keller, the two standing behind me are Carol and her daughter Sophia, sorry they already said that. And of course, you all know Olivia. Let me start by saying that we all met in different places when the world went to s**t, pardon my French. I'm from a small town called Marshallville, southeast of New York, and that is where it all started. The people around me got comfortable, as I started to tell my story to the Greene's.


--September 23, 2010--

At the CDC, The French contacted Dr. Edwin Jenner in Atlanta and claim that they have come close to finding a cure, but before getting any more information from them, Jenner's CDC compound permanently loses all outside communication. Jenner starts to shut down all unnecessary sections and machines in the building, and all scrubbers in other labs in order to try and conserve electricity for the communications to work and failing.


Survivors in the center of Atlanta, soon start to trickle into the retirement home to check on their relatives and decide to stay with them to their last breath, adding to the manpower of the local gang members called 'the Vatos' as they group at the retirement home to help out as well. Guillermo, the leader of 'the Vatos' becomes the de facto leader of the whole group working there.


--September 26,2010--

Gas lines stop working in Georgia and all nearby cities and states.


--October 9, 2010--

As chaos descends on Baltimore, Dee strangles a group member, Matias, after he tries to escape their underground shelter which would attract the herd outside. Afterwards, she shaves her head. The man revives later in the night while everyone is sleeping and begins killing the group. Dee tries to help her family escape, but Frank wants to save their people. Dee then stabs him in the throat so she can escape with Lydia.


--Two days ago, back at the Quarry--

--Third Person POV... September 10, 2010--

The day that Jack's group left from the quarry, pandemonium ensued throughout the quarry as a man woke up and did not find his wife and daughter in their normal area as they always were. "CARRROOOL!! SOOPHIIAA!! WHERE THE F**K ARE YOU TWO AT!! Goddam, no good piece of s**t wife. Where the hell are you? IF I FIND YOU, I'M GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!"


All the people of the surrounding area started to awaken to the yelling that Ed Peletier started spewing. And Shane the leader of the group was the same as the rest. He was angry and upset that he'd been awakened by the one man that always yelled at his wife and daughter as if it was that man's job to do. No one in the quarry liked the man, not one bit, especially for what he does to his wife and child every day.


Shane had threaten the man several times to leave the two alone in more than one occasion. But Ed would never learn his lesson, he was even threatened by the two Rednecks that stayed with the group, known as Daryl and Merle Dixon. And today will be another day that Shane will get in his face for what he has done again. Which will conclude to nothing because the two missing people in question were long gone.


As a crowd started to form around the missing wife's tent, Ed was trying to explain, and not in a good approach, that his wife and daughter have gone missing. And Shane of course in his hard cold tone was telling the man, practically accusing Ed of either, killed them both, or he had hurt them enough that they left on their own. And the crowd around the tent started to speculate what had happened to the missing wife and daughter.


It took over two hours of arguing between Shane and Ed to form a search party to find the two missing residents. Even the two Dixion's volunteered, mainly Daryl, due to him having a small crush on the woman. As everyone searched the quarry interior, which by the way was a very large place. The quarry has so many places for someone to hide, they had searched for over four hours and still found nothing.


Except for the two Dixon's, they found a hidden trail leading out of the quarry that led to an old half broken bridge that was half a mile away. Shane and Daryl had followed the trail as much as the path led them. They crossed said damaged bridge and it kept tracking. In which Daryl found their trail again, a little further from the bridge. But it ended a mile after that into the woods, which led to the torn clothing of the missing wife and daughter.


"It looks like they were trying to get away from Ed and they were in a hurry too. Finding their clothes like this isn't a good thing, Mr. deputy. Seems like the walkers got them." Daryl said as he held the clothes of the two missing women, then threw them on the ground and was getting further upset at the man who caused these two unnecessary deaths. All Shane could do was shake his head at the thought of what Ed had done to them to leave like that.


When they returned to the campsite in the quarry, they walked to Ed's tent and threw the clothes on the ground in front of the man. "Here, we found these two miles from here due west, and it looks like they were eaten by those things. Are you happy now?!! This is all your fault!! They fled from you, and this is what happened to them. I hope at least they didn't suffer long." Daryl was pissed at the man who caused a child's death. What a shame.


Soon after Shane and Daryl left the man staring at the clothes on the ground with anger and fear showing in his face. Anger because the two had the courage to leave him and fear, now everyone is going to blame him for what happened to them. He dropped his tired body on the ground and kept staring at the bloodied clothes. The crowd around him slowly dispersed, but the whispers could be heard all around him.


Time passed, as seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours, which leads us to the right now. We see a group of people gathered around one individual, Gleen Rhee, the resident supply runner, the most experienced supply runner in the group. The people around Glenn were handing Glenn several lists of potential items requesting for him to find, because he was doing a supply run in a few minutes alone, like usual.


They quarry usually sends out a group of four to six people at a time, but Glenn knows how to take care of himself the most, and he always returns to the quarry without harm since the start of the apocalypse. Soon after receiving his request items list, he headed out on foot. He knew it was faster and quieter when he left alone. To many people caused too much unneeded noise and complaints about how to do simple things.


As he was walking through the streets of Atlanta, he suddenly stopped and looked around. He knew then that he had made a wrong turn somewhere, he was so confident that he could tell all the mid-town Atlanta streets like the back of his hand. But right now, he stood in an unknown area of Atlanta, all he could see are high value apartment complexes in his sights and that was bad. He must have took a wrong turn somewhere and he had to think fast.


He knew if he kept walking straight, he'd walk into a walled off area that is boxed in from all sides. 'Now, how the hell did I get here without knowing.' He thought to himself as he wanted to turn around and back track from where he came from. When suddenly, panic coursed through his body as he started to hear those things nearing his location and he had no place to hide himself.


He had been sent out on an ammunition run for a few people, mainly that deputy, who did not ask, Shane had ordered him too. Now Glenn, being the nice guy that he was compiled. Glenn just wanted to be helpful. So, he had been volunteering to do supply runs when people at the quarry needed something. But today was different, that Shane guy was ordering him to go, and it just didn't feel right from the get-go.


And now he finds himself trapped in three directions and nowhere to hide. He could hear dragging feet, rough, hungry, moans nearing the area he was in, and he was starting to get anxious. So, he did the one thing that he would never do, he broke a large window from the nearest shop, which was a hunting store, he should have at least grabbed a gun and some ammo before he ran away. But he was to afraid to stop to search for one as he escaped.


Glenn was relieved that he was no longer in danger from the walking corpses that somehow seemed to follow his footsteps as he ran away going through the store. After ten minutes of running, he felt safer and continued looting for the other things that were on his list. It was easy for him to find what he was looking for; he's been around Atlanta many times since the world ended and even before when he worked as a pizza delivery driver.


He knew the city well enough to get away from tough situations if it came down to it. It took Glenn an hour to find all the things he was looking for, except the ammunition for that bully, deputy Shane. And the only place he saw any ammunition was the place he was chased away from earlier. He contemplated going back to that place, but his survival instincts told him otherwise, and headed back to quarry with what he found.


He knew that Shane would bully him further if he came back empty handed with some ammo. So, he pressed his luck, he went back to the hunting shop, maybe the walkers have already left. Hiding his supplies that he had already gathered nearby, he walked back to the shop quietly and slowly. As the shop entered his sights, he knew it was the wrong thing to do, the shop had a large crowd of corpses surrounding it.


Glenn knew it was going to be a difficult thing getting in there and it wasn't going to be easy out running that horde. He thought of many ways to attract the walker's attention away but alone it was not feasible. So, he made his choice, he was going to face Shane and tell him he wasn't able to get his ammo. Hopefully he had the backing of the rest of the quarry group on his side to tedder Shane's anger somewhere else.


So, Glenn started to make his way back, that was when he heard his walkie starting to call out. "Glenn, can you hear me, this is T-Dogg. Again, Glenn can you hear me, this is T-Dogg." He picked up the call quickly and answered back as silently as he could because their calling him was doing a lot of noise and attracting the surrounding walkers that he was trying to avoid in the first place. 'Damn these armatures!!'


He said in his head as he headed too a safer height, where the dead couldn't reach him. After getting to a higher building, Glenn answered. "This is Glenn, what are you doing out here? You need to keep the chatter down; you're attracting the walkers with all that yelling." He said to his walkie, trying to get the other person that was on the line to tone down his voice and keep calm and talk quietly.


"I know Glenn, can you meet us at the same fence entrance where we always enter from. Some of us needed other things but you had already left before giving you the list, so we came out to help." All Glenn could do is shake his head at the pig-headedness of some of these people. "Fine. Give me a few minutes. See you in a bit, Glenn out." It was a good thing that he wasn't close to any walker hordes, or he would have been chow by now.


After getting off the roof of the building he was on, he rushed back to his supply pack first to pick it up, and then fast paced it to meet up with the rest of the outgoing group at the fence entrance by the railroad tracks. Glenn could feel something was gonna go wrong with this supply run, he could feel it in his gut. But he couldn't say no to them, well... he could, but then he wouldn't be 'Glenn the dependable guy,' now would he.


It took him twenty minutes to get back to the fences, and another ten minutes to the cut open an area large enough for the group to enter from. There waiting for him was five people and they were a mismatch of miscreants. Glenn soon spotted T-Dogg in front of the group; he was known as the resident muscle of the camp. Then there was Andrea, not the usual person that went out, she wasn't even dependable.


Then there was Merle, the resident hunter and redneck, older brother to Daryl the game hunter. Now why was he here? Then there was the resident Mexican handy-man, Moales. Yeah, and that is why I usually came along on these supply runs. And finally we have Jacqui, one of the women that helped around the camp with the washing and fishing of the group of women. Well, when they get together that is, 'not a very good line up if you ask me.'


Thought Glenn as he stared at the group that came for a simple supply run. "So why are you all here? I was about to come back after picking up the last of the things on the list I was given." And of all people, Merle answered discriminating like, "Take it easy chink, we all need our things. Now are we going to stand ere' around all day or go find the s**t we need?" All Glenn could do is shake his head for being insulted.


The first thing that Glenn did was asked them what they needed as they walked into the city. Not wanting to make things bad for them he was trying to be helpful and lead them closer to what they were trying to find. As they told him what they needed, he took them around safely, one store at a time, and they all noticed how quickly they were going around with Glenns help. From then on, they saw Glenn in a new light, for being so efficient.


And how he kept them safe from the undead walker crowds that they would have pretty much sure they'd run into, if they came by themselves. They had reached that last place on their list that had the things on Andrea's list, "that is the last place you should go. I leave you all for a bit because I still need to collect that last of my list for deputy Shane. Please... and I mean this, please stay here until I come back to take you all back out safely."


"See you all in a few minutes." Glenn said as he left the group and headed back to see if he could get the ammo from the hunting store. When he was leaving the group, he heard a horse neighing close to the store he was heading to, and it was loud. 'God-dammit, it that store jinks or something. Every time that I want to go there, something happens, and it has always been turned out bad for me.'


Glenn though as he quickly made his way to where the noise came from. That loud neigh either meant that someone was riding a horse in the city, or a horse wandered into the city, which I don't believe. Didn't matter about the two, because the walkers were heading in that direction of where the noise came from and that wasn't good, for whoever that was. Because the noise was heading back to the supply store, he just left his group at. 'F**k!!'


Was all Glenn could think as he rushed back. In the seemingly empty city (which was not... it was full of walking dead), we see a man, Rick Grimes following which what seemed like a helicopter flying overhead on his horse right into an unsuspecting horde of walking dead. The zombies are soon attracted by the horse's neigh and commence to attack the horse, as it was being toppled over and attacked, it through off its rider on the hard streets.


Didn't take long for the walkers to surround and kill the horse as it fell to the ground and get surrounded and eaten. The rider who brought the horse was thrown off and hen attracting the dead's attention to him as he shot at them with those loud guns he had on him. Not worrying about the bag of guns he just happen to drop; he started crawling away frantically under a military tank that was near him.


Now, he had a butt load of dead corpses follow him as he crawled under said tank, the man soon found that there was no way out after killing a few walkers that were nearing him. Not wanting to die by getting eaten, he pointed his gun on himself, contemplated suicide. Until he noticed that the bottom trapdoor of the tank was open, and he quickly rushed into the tank and closing the hatch behind him.


After being safe, he relaxing for a few seconds inside, then he noticed the dead corpse that was inside the tank and shot it, defining himself afterwards because the gun that he used killed his hearing. After a few minutes, he regained his hearing from the gun shot noise, he heard a voice from coming from the tank's radio, sarcastically calling him an idiot for what he did, ask him if he's comfortable in there.


After escaping the swarm of walkers, Rick (the man in the tank has a name.) who is sitting inside the tank is soon helped by Glenn Rhee (local hero extraordinaire), who soon instructs Rick of his choices of escape. Rick soon picking the best choice of escape and Glenn leads Rick away from the tank surrounded by walkers. Glenn leads him into a side alley where the two meet soon after and climb to safety to the top of the building.


Afterwards Glenn takes him to where the rest of the group Glenn brought over earlier, where Rick meets the other members of Glenn's scavenging group with a gun pointed at his face, which Andre was doing now. Not being happy of the situation they were all in, that Mr. cop overhear brought the attention of all the undead in the city on top of them. And this new guy, Rick, finds himself at the gunpoint of an irate Andrea.


And a bunch of upset individuals. Rick soon introduces himself to the group, who were still upset with him. The introductions start individually as it started with T-Dogg, then Morales, Jacqui, and last but not least the irate Andrea. Glenn was looking around as he didn't see Merle and then asked, "where's Merle? Don't tell me you lost Merle?" Glenn asked the group. "We didn't lose him, he's on the roof..."


Which got them all nervous because he was a loose cannon and could get upset at anything. Soon after as T-Dogg was explaining where Merle was, they started hearing gunshots coming from the roof, which Glenn slapped his forehead knowing it was Merle. "F**K!!' he thought to himself, wishing this was nothing but a bad dream, knowing it wasn't. Very quickly they all ran to the top of the building and found Merle shooting at the dead.


And he was attracting more of those things to them, surrounding the building with even more undead making it practically impossible to get out safely. Soon after, they all started arguing with the dopped-up man and then Merle starts to beat up T-Dog. Merle started to assert his dominant control over the small group, scaring everyone but the cop. Which Rick sneaks up behind the Redneck and subdues Merle knocking him out.


He then proceeds to handcuff the dopped-up Merle to a nearby pipe on the store's roof. Seeing this, Glenn began to get scared because things were too out of his comfort zone. He tries several times to contact the people at the quarry for some help as he tries to radio the survivors' camp being futile. Unknown to the new guy, Rick, his friend Shane Walsh, his wife Lori Grims, and son Carl Grims were at this very moment.


They were safely waiting the supplies they asked Glenn to acquire for them. Remember at this point, Shane and Lori believe that Rick is dead, and they have begun a sexual relationship with each other for the past couple of months while Rick was in the hospital, recovering. That is an exciting time for another time, as the walkers surrounding the building are getting more aggressive as they continue hitting the glass windows of the store.


The roof top group soon find an escape route through a sewer suggested by Jacqui, because she used to be an office clerk in the zoning offices, back in the old days and she knew of these old exits. But they soon found that escape route was cut off barred from exiting further inwards into the sewers. And of course the sewers were infested with the undead as well, making no escape possible from that route.


Rick then suggested to make a break for it to the abandoned construction site that he was looking at for some time. "We could use that moving truck from over there and escape with it." As Rick pointed at the construction site near the area where they were trapped at. So, Rick devised a plan to cover themselves in walker blood and guts to camouflage themselves from the dead walkers and make their way to the construction site to retrieve the truck.


They all agree with Rick's plan quickly because it was feasible and execute it. After trapping and dismembering a dead walker, they all started helping Rick and Glenn get covered in walker blood. After a while, they exit the store from the back doors and begin walking slowly through the horde of corpses heading toward the construction site, where the delivery truck awaited the two.


But soon everything went wrong for them, as they were halfway to the construction site, a heavy rainstorm began to wash away the walker scent from their bodies and forced the two to make a break for the fenced of the closed off area with the horde of dead walkers chasing after them. Successfully retrieving the delivery truck, they drive away from the horde of corpses leading them away from the stores loading dock.


Where the other five camp survivors were waiting for them. Earlier, before they picked up the others, Rick broke into and hotwires a nearby Dodge Challenger and use it as a distraction. He let Glenn use the car and it's loud car alarm of said Challenger, to draw the corpses away, while Rick drives the delivery truck to the department store's cargo doors. In the rush of escaping, T-Dog accidentally (not really) drops the handcuff key.


While was running to unlock the handcuffs, he dropped the key down a storm drainpipe, causing Merle to cuss up a storm of sleers at T-Dogg. T-Dogg soon realized that time was running out and he was forced to abandon Merle there. However, before leaving, T-Dog tried to secure the roof access door with a heavy chain giving Merle at least some type of protection from the corpses if they ever made their way up to him.


The remaining group that was downstairs were already waiting at the loading dock entrance for T-Dogg, Merle, and Rick to arrive. And after a few minutes, while Glenn lead the corpses away, Rick backed up the delivery truck into the dock and everyone jumps into it. Soon after they left T-Dogg confesses that he had dropped the key to the cuffs down a drainage pipe, and left Merle on the roof alone still handcuffed to the pipe.


The atmosphere of the truck soon turned somber as Rick drove them back to the survivors' camp in the quarry, while Glenn following close behind in his new car that was making too much noise. Dale one of the survivors' that was on guard soon notices a loud alarm that was nearing their camp. As he notifies the people there, Shane rushes to see what the situation was. They all stood there watching and waiting for something to happen.

(To be Continued...)

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