Mal found his way out onto the dark mountain peak that made up his home and slowly worked his way towards the 'guest' that was already waiting for him.
Just like before, the nightmare was in the form of a young boy with deep black skin and unsettling red eyes.
He wore a kid's 'Paw Patrol' t-shirt with matching blue shorts and dirty tennis shoes that lit up whenever he took a step.
He would have looked unbearably cute if he were not the most frightening thing that Malachi had ever seen in his entire life.
"...You fear me." The child noticed.
"Kinda hard not to."
The child seemed to take some offense to Mal's words, as his brow crinkled in frustration.
Mal's entire life briefly flashed before his eyes and he realized that he probably shouldn't shit talk the one being on his earth capable of killing him.
The child seemed to relax if only just a little, and it's face quickly returned to normal.
Y'all ever see somebody driving so crazy it remind you to pull over and pay your car insurance?