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50% Bleach: A Rabbit and Tiger's Tale / Chapter 2: Chap 2- Kinship

Chapter 2: Chap 2- Kinship

๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ ๐Ÿ- ๐Š๐ข๐ง๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐ฉ:








{ ๐Ÿ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐๐จ๐ฏ '๐“๐ข๐ ๐ž๐ซ' }

Hueco Mundo. A rather unforgiving place. I was too confident. Too arrogant. I hunted too much, too fast. Even Adjuchas in groups of five weren't my match. Whatever I didn't cut to pieces, I blasted away with a Ceros. Though doing that often destroyed most of their body and left me with scraps.

It seems I hunted some hollows subordinate to a stronger hollow. Some time ago, I received some demand to join a Vasto Lorde named Barragan. They claimed I was obligated to, since I killed a few of his subordinates.

Of course, I refused. That's what led to my current situation. Running with a stomach wound. Barragan himself shot me with his Cero from over a few kilometers away I'd estimated.

Now, I was running. A Cero from a Vasto Lorde is no joke. Even one not fired with his full might.

'๐๐Ž๐Ž๐Ž๐Ž๐Œ!' - I leaped away from an exploding dune, keeping my senses up as I fled from certain death.

He wouldn't stop though. I had to do something to throw him off. Growling, I flexed my leg muscles and leaped once again, firing a Cero into the sand and closing my eyes as I descended into the dust cloud I created.

Using a technique I created to sense my surroundings with my spiritual energy, I kept running while random Ceros were launched around me. It finally stopped sometime after, when I ran far enough.

It was exhausting, but I managed to put enough distance between myself and Barragan to get away. Though I was not unscathed. The scar on my stomach remained a painful reminder not to become arrogant again.

Laying in the white sands, I focus on my regeneration when I heard the sand shifting nearby. A white fin in the sand appeared nearby. I immediately raised my guard as it circled me. I may be injured but I will not go down without a fight.

My teeth bared, I welcomed the hollow to try. I was only met with surprise once it surfaced. Some kind of shark hollow poked her head up at me. Yes 'her'. I could tell it was a female due to her feminine curves. I suspect she could tell the same of me, despite looking like a large cat.

We both stared at each other for a time. She might have been debating if fighting me was worth it or not. I have no idea. But she sat next to me calmly. I struggled to decide what to do in the awkwardness, so I decided to talk.

"Why are you here?" - I ask bluntly, wanting to get to the point.

"Why are ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ here?" - She asked back.

"I... was injured by that Vasto Lorde, Barragan" I retorted, still keeping my guard up.

She nodded in what could be understanding before saying, "Mn. I cannot stand him. He subjugates everything he comes across. I was curious who had trespassed into his lands and came over. You do not seem like the average hollow. Moreover, I do not see many women here. I know you do not trust me, but I do not mean you harm."

Everything in my instincts said I should simply reject this and leave. It was tempting. But another part of me said it couldn't hurt to see where this goes. Delving into the memories of my past self and of those I have devoured proved beneficial.

At first, it was to relieve boredom and figure out who I used to be before this. But now, it feels like I've found a better way to progress than devouring.

Turning back to the female hollow, I nod.

"I have been alone too long. I would appreciate the company of a level-headed Hollow such as yourself." - I said, seeing the female hollow consider my words.

"As would I. Let us leave this place. We are far too close to Barragan's territory here." - She replied, moving through the sand as a shark would in water.

I followed, having healed as much as I could. Time passed as we wandered the vast expanse of Hueco Mundo quietly. My curiosity about this Hollow reached its peak at some point and I started to talk.

"Do you have a name? One you remember?" - I asked, seeing her fin shift a little.

"Yes. I remember a few things. My name, it's Harribel." - Harribel responded, turning her gaze to me.

"My name is Ghislaine. I remember some things too. More so than most Hollows, it seems."- I added, seeing her nod in understanding.

"As far as I know, this may mean you can become a Vasto Lorde." - Harribel informed, getting my attention.

"Why is that..?" - I had my own theories but she may have been at this longer.

"The more we resemble our past selves as humans, the stronger we are as Hollows. Those beast-like hollows never get very far. I did not seek power like many other hollows. I wanted to know who I was and what I lost. Now I know, I merely have to decide what to do from here on." - Harribel said, sounding thoughtful.

"I've been delving into my own memories and the memories of others myself. We lose our hearts in the process of becoming a Hollow. But as we evolve, we get the chance to express our humanity more. Some were too consumed by their obsessions and emotions to think rationally. Most stay as Gillian. I need to dig deeper into my own memories. I feel as if I am missing something." - I responded, seeing Harribel stop to look at me.

"Can you tell me what you remember?" - She asked, showing more emotion.

I look up at the dark sky in thought before submerging myself in my past once again.





< -๐…๐ฅ๐š๐ฌ๐ก๐›๐š๐œ๐ค- >

"Ghislaine! What did I tell you about practicing the sword?" - Mother called out to me, holding up her wooden ladle.

I was practicing the katana katas in the backyard. Ones I saw the young man I looked up to doing. He had a rather disciplined expression that sucked me in. I wanted to learn the kind of skills he had. I wanted to wipe that bored expression off his face.

More than anything though, I wanted to break free of what Mother wanted me to do with my life. To marry a rich man. She even thought I was rebelling and had a romantic interest in the young man.

No. I admired him but this was the extent. I really only thought 'how fun must that be? To travel the lands with a sword at my hip and test my skills by challenging other swordsmen'.

I wanted to be like that young man, Miyamoto Musashi. I had time. I was only twelve years old, after all.

"๐‘ถ๐’–๐’„๐’‰!" - I rubbed my head as Mom hit it with her ladle.

Sometimes, I think a little too much...

"What am I going to do with you.. Your Father doesn't have the heart to put his foot down with you, yet your brothers are treated so differently." - At this, I can't help but sulk.

Father believes in my aspirations.. why won't you? And my brothers are far too lazy. All they do is hit on women and bed them because we look exotic to the people here.

"Ghislaine.. Listen... I know this is unfair but think of your family. We live in such poor conditions here. That can change... All we need to do is use our appearances to our advantage and we'll get a far better life than what we have now..." - My mother said gently.

' What's wrong with what we have here? We have food and a warm place to rest. There are people who live in the streets. You're just trying to reclaim the prestige you had back home...' - Sighing, I nod as if I understood and walk away.

This home was too stifling. Once I reach the next part of my training, I'll be leaving. Mother will only try to pressure me to marry if I stay anyway.




< -๐„๐ง๐ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ๐ฅ๐š๐ฌ๐ก๐›๐š๐œ๐ค- >






I felt a small smile grace my hollow mask. That was the very beginning. I explained it up to that point to Harribel, who listened quietly.

"I see. You are a rather free spirit.. wandering where you please. I can see how you walked so casually into Barragan's territory, where all other hollows fear to tread." - Harribel said with the slightest hint of mirth.

"Well... When I become a Vasto Lorde, I'll go back to wandering where I please. I heard he has an old ruined city there, and I wanted to see it. Just wait, I'll be back there." - I say while looking back at the horizon.

"That sounds.. interesting. Perhaps I'll come too." - Harribel replied.

"Hm. Good to have a companion around." - I couldn't help but smile again.

It seems I made a decent partner. Only time will tell, though. I've already been hurt by those close to me before...









{ ๐Ÿ‘๐ญ๐ก๐ซ ๐๐จ๐ฏ '๐‘๐š๐›๐›๐ข๐ญ' }

' This place sure got old fast....'

Jumping around the dead gray sand, a short Hollow Rabbit leaves her paws imprinted behind her.

Only the moon bathing her as drops of a black liquid hit the sand dripping down from her mouth. She quickly licked her masked lips before glancing backward where a large body of a Hollow with a bird beak was laying down, a large portion of his body missing and his mask almost completely destroyed.

Giving a quick 'heh' as mockery she jumped forward once more. Trying to find her next prey.

In a world where the strong rules a body as weak looking and small as hers was a blessing. It gave her the absolute upper hand, these Hollows who thought she was just a small Bunny with a high Spiritual Power wouldn't be able to learn, as their head was already exploded by a potent kick the second they approached her.

With the night following her steps, she adventures through the hills. Unaware of a spectator far away from her location. Squeezing his blue eyes at the strange weak-looking Hollow he saw just easily casually kick that Bird Hollow.

" She seems strong....."- His tail wagged around. A white Panther Hollow with black details was staying far away on top of a hill.

His eyes fixed on the Rabbit he just caught completely demolish that other taller Hollow. He was pretty taken aback by the Spiritual Pressure of the Rabbit who was about the same size as one of his legs.

Even better, she seemed to have more brains than those idiots around there. That meant he could potentially finally get a challenge after who knows how long he has been roaming this place.

" Hehe.... Let's give a test to it, shall we...."- Jumping down from the sandy hill and dashing forward at tremendous speeds he followed the Rabbit close by.

As he finally got relatively close to the Rabbit to get a better-detailed view, his eyes widened a bit. The Hollow was already staring directly towards himself, her red-slitted eyes carrying a sense of interest in them feeling the strength of the one in front of her.

Seeing his presence wouldn't be a surprise anymore he let out a small chuckle before circling around the Rabbit. He already saw the small one's strength beforehand, those back legs of hers were dangerous and quick.

" A.... cat?... What the hell ya want with me? I can feel you're different from those weaklings...."- Hopping around in the place, never letting her guard down she couldn't hide her excited voice.

' This cat's pressure.... It's big... maybe he can be fun.....' - Not standing still, she was ready to jump in any time she needed, her mouth inside her mask arching into an excited smirk.

The same could be said for the one circling around her, each step he took while circling her was super cautious, also ready to pounce if needed.

" Heh.... Pretty the pesky Bunny aren't ya?.... Although, I can see where you're coming from.... After roaming around for a while, meeting someone strong sure is a rare stance....."

His voice also carried a similar excitement, seeing how she bounced in place, like she was ready to just kick him to oblivion as she did with the other she fought probably.

' This Rabbit's pressure.....'

Both stopped their movements as they stared at each other's eyes, not moving one inch as the only sounds were those from stray Hollows far away from them roaring.

Red slits and Blue rounded-pupils met, creating an invisible clash of sorts as their paws craved inside the sand.

' '๐‘บ๐’‰๐’†'๐’”/๐‘ฏ๐’†'๐’”..... ๐’”๐’•๐’“๐’๐’๐’ˆ.....' '

Sharing a similar thought the end of their mouths rose, like they just had a full-on conversation with just their stares.


" LET'S HYPE THINGS UP A BIT!!!! SHALL WE!!!"- Bouncing and kicking the ground, the Rabbit propelled herself forward at crazy speeds, forcing the panther to jump sideways to dodge in the last second.

Slightly startled at her sudden acceleration. -" TOOK THE WORDS OUT OF MY MOUTH!!"

As the Rabbit missed, she kept going forward, aiming for a quartz tree, kicking it quickly as she tore it apart, rebounding towards the panther.

Who already had gotten used to the sudden bursts of speed. Jumping back, he had to consecutively dodge as the Rabbit just kept bouncing every time she hit the ground, going full speed after him.

'SHE'S FAST!!' - Not leaving many openings as he focused on dodging, and after dodging so much. His balance changes slightly as he felt a hill behind him. Seeing an opportunity.

" STOP RUNNING KITTY!!!!!"- Already having kicked the ground to bounce forward with a scary speed, the Rabbit was already close to him.

Thinking fast he jumped back and used his back legs to kick the hill, making so he jumped above the diving Rabbit, as she goes straight to it.


Raising a large amount of gray sand on impact, she coughed multiple times, before it was her turn to dodge a clawed paw from the panther. But she didn't have time to properly bounce off, and was scrapped by her chest area....

The panther's eyes widen as he feels his claw hit her only for sparkles to be shot everywhere.

Even if she was able to take the hit without much damage, she was still tossed flying to the side, given the small size and the panther's incredible strength.

" What the hell was ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’•....."- Watching the Rabbit roll like a ball while yelping and cursing until she hits a tree, and falls to her back, stars spinning on top of her head as her red eyes also spun.

The panther got closer, not enough to startle her, but still, his curiosity was great.... He also felt how the Rabbit's Spiritual Energy(Reiastu) decreased by a very noticeable amount.....

" Hey Rabbit.... What was that, I'm sure something as weak as your body couldn't be able to tank a direct hit..... Our Reiatsu is at similar levels... How did you defend against that?"

Sitting down like a cat, he waited for her to get up his tail wagging slowly. And so she did, although with a hasty 'breathing'.

" Ehehe....heh... A cool trick right?.... Huff... Sadly a magician never reveals her secrets! Right?"- Jumping back to her legs, her voice could be seen to be very tired for a second. Probably one of the first times she had to use it seriously...

' Focusing my Reiatsu at the one point that was going to be hit, like I thought really works pretty good as a quick shield.... But it costs so much to endure one attack... the next ones would leave me totally empty...ehehe... will have to put the kitty to sleep before that happens... Crap... ๐‘ป๐’‰๐’Š๐’” ๐’Š๐’” ๐’‡๐’–๐’.....'

Her legs back trembled in excitement, and the panther frowned not really getting what he wanted, whatever she used seemed to be useful, and he wanted to know how she did it.

Standing up once more, he started to once more encircle around her. - " I see... Heheh, pretty smart and eager to continue, guess we have something in common after all.... Let's do this, if I win you teach me that, if you win.... we'll it's up to you I guess, but I'm sure that's not the case here."

He was going to continue saying more, but the Rabbit was already moving, using the tree behind her as support for her legs, jumping forward toward the panther, who clenched his teeth, already dodging, as he was going to follow where she was going, she was already by his side once more, her legs cocked back and ready.

" WHAT WAS THAT AGAIN!!!"- *๐๐€๐€๐Œ๐Œ!!!*

Kicking his middle section, his eyes widened as he coughed black blood with a shriek like-roar, his body being shot to his side at breathtaking speeds. The Rabbit just landed down on the ground staring at his body that was laying a few meters away from her in a crater.

' Had to quickly kick the ground without even getting a proper footing... Even if I lost a ton of speed, the redirecting was good....'- Her red slits glowed as she stared at the panther who struggled to get up.

" ' ๐‘ท๐’“๐’†๐’•๐’•๐’š ๐’”๐’–๐’“๐’† ' You're the one bleeding here."

Taking long 'breaths' as his legs trembled, the panther stood up, and let out a loud crackling laugh before his blue eyes moved towards the Rabbit.

" I like ya!!!.... What's your name, if you have one? Mine's Grimmjow!"- Roaring to his feet as he licked his own blood, the panther now known to be named Grimmjow approached the Rabbit who was pensive.

" A name huh.....๐‘จ ๐’๐’‚๐’Ž๐’†..."




~ ๐’€๐’†๐’‚๐’‰, ๐‘ฐ ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ****** ,๐‘ฐ ๐’‚๐’Ž ๐’”๐’–๐’“๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’“๐’‚๐’๐’…๐’‘๐’‚ ๐’Š๐’” ๐’ˆ๐’๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’•๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’‰๐’‚๐’‘๐’‘๐’š! ๐‘ด๐’Š๐’“๐’Œ๐’! ๐‘ช๐’๐’Ž๐’† ๐’‰๐’†๐’“๐’† ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’‰๐’†๐’๐’‘ ๐’Ž๐’† ๐’˜๐’Š๐’•๐’‰ ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’ƒ๐’๐’™๐’†๐’”! ~




A flash of an unknown man in her mind, everything around the surroundings was blurred, but she did make out something... whose that nickname she heard was being directed towards.

Letting out a quick chuckle at how anonymous that piece of memory was, or if it was even her own to begin with, she shook her head, confusing the panther that was now in front of her, not too close to keep both their spaces.

" Mirko..... call me that... Also Grimmjow? Long ass name, I'mma call ya Jow."

The panther coughs almost falling down, he clenches his teeth while snarling.-" Grimmjow, it's Freaking Grimmjow, you midget."

This time it was Mirko's turn to frown, her large canine fangs by each side of her mouth grinding as a tick mark appeared on her forehead.


Shouting at each other like two siblings they start bickering while cursing at the other, but they seemed to respect the other's space, already knowing how their world worked, if one showed true hostility the other was going to respond accordingly....

Time goes by, and their loud shouts and curses change as they start fighting again, moving quickly through the place while not stopping their bickering, like they're trying to prove they were better than the other.

Large pillars of sand were raised everywhere as they missed and attacked each other, strangely never going for the masks, only body parts that they knew would regenerate.

And as they finally seemed to be having some fun after so long, they also attracted some extra attention, after all, every time Hollow would try to interfere, one of the two would just obliterate it.

Far away, a large group of Hollows was looking in their direction, just watching as the two fought it off, some of them even sweating a bit at how loudly they were shouting and killing any random Hollow close by, like they were competing even in the kill count.

" Soo... Those two, and the other two who were being speculated to be close to evolving are the ones you said who were feasting so much? How can such small ones be climbing up so fast....."


As a two-store tall Hollow Adjuchas with a hammer-like head and red eyes speaks, he trembled seeing a large red beam of Cero cutting the sands to the opposite side of them.

Followed by the complaints of a very enraged cat, saying how Mirko just tried to fry him, who also shot another Cero back towards her with his mouth, which she jumped out of the way quickly.

The ones far away stared in awe as the battle stretched out, the one who just asked how could they climb so fast had his mouth shut up very quickly.

By his side, there were about twenty other Hollows, a scouting group with one standing in the front, also the largest, his body similar to a snake, and yellow-slitted eyes analyzed the two fighters to his best capabilities.

" We are going to get all of them together after getting more numberssss, asss they fight between themselvess, we attack. With one final move, asssss Lord Baraggan planned."- With his low voice that carried a creepy feeling to it, he turned his back to the battlefield and slithered away.

Soon after his companions followed after, multiple Adjunchas that choose to follow the know Vasto Lorde Baraggan Louisenbairn, ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Š๐ข๐ง๐  ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐‡๐ฎ๐ž๐œ๐จ ๐Œ๐ฎ๐ง๐๐จ, after he showed great strength, keeping them alive and well fed so far.

As they strolled away, multiple of them felt the Spiritual Pressure of those two as multiple Ceros were fired. Shaking slightly and cursing under their breath not being able to say they could win against those two small monsters.

ReyKale ReyKale


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