Xian Hua walk through the hall and his eyes see a brown guys . Then , the guy run to Xian Hua and hug him , " Excuse me ?" whisper Xian Hua and he immediately shock when he see his childhood friend , " Wang An .. " whisper Xian Hua and Xian Hua smile to see his friend , " They , they bullied me .. " whisper Wang An and hug him . Xian Hua look at the laughing groups and Xian Hua hum , " Wait .. " say Xian Hua and walk to them .
Just like that , BOOM ! All of the bullies lay on the floor and Xian Hua say , " Troublesome , wasting my time for rubbish .. " Xian Hua hug Wang An and they walk away to their class . Xian Hua already get use to be hold By Wang An so tight and he already get use if Wang An want to get a kiss from Xian Hua .
Xian Hua kiss his lips and Wang An smile . They walk out of the class and Wang An say , " You free tonight?" Wang An nod and Xian Hua smile , " i want to do a lot of kisses tonight .." say Xian Hua and Wang An Blush , " E-EXCUSE ME ?" scold Wang An and Xian Hua pin him to the wall making other students look at them with pure shiny eyes , " You will love it .. I am sure , Wang An .. " whisper Xian Hua and Wang An blush . He stomp away and blush .
it's going to be harsh in the next chapter .. leave if you don't like it !!!
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