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27.77% Bio-Mechanical Monster / Chapter 5: Retrieval

Chapter 5: Retrieval

Kane returned the next day and walked into the fighting ring.

He told Chazz to continued the fights and send real fighters at him, hopefully he didn't waste his time here.

Kane fought against professional fighters, killers, assassins, etc. Seemed like Chazz fulfilled his promise. Kane continued to fight for weeks, some of his fights were close calls, he eventually told Chazz to put a prize on his head so that he could attract stronger people.

It worked.

Kane almost died several times but his fighting ability grew by leaps and bounds, he even got the basics of Observation and Armament Haki. His arms couldn't turn black yet and sometimes he couldn't predict the opponents movements but he was getting better by the day.

Kane was a bit confused on how to even use his Conqueror's Haki, but he decided to leave it for later, maybe he didn't have the qualifications to use it yet.

Kane continued to fight in the underground arena, every fight was a life and death struggle and the fights were extremely brutal. Slowly, over the course of months, not only had his Haki gotten stronger but Kane did as well.

After the first few weeks, Kane started training with weights and building up his body. He was already superhuman from the modifications Venom made. Now he could only get stronger, he didn't know where his limits were but he could feel he was extremely far away from them.

Actually, his body was getting stronger by the day, naturally, with Venom's presence. Adding on the fact that Kane was training on his own, he was only speeding up his strengthening.

Eventually, it had been a year since Kane stepped into the fighting arena for the first time.

Kane stood in the arena, holding onto a severed head. His eyes were indifferent. He had killed so many people over the course of a year, some really easily and others a tough match but he always came out on top, earning him the name 'Invincible Venom'.

Kane realized that he had, in fact, gotten used to killing and felt it was only natural. Considering his actions and personality thus far, he knew he wasn't a 'good guy' but rather an individual who walked the line between good and bad. He did what he wanted, when he wanted.

Kane knew he didn't want to be shackled by any groups or organizations, if anything he would make his own. So he did. It all started when he met an interesting individual.

6 months ago

The man's name was Reiner. He could form bone spikes from his arms and palms. Kane had an idea and stopped his heart temporarily before going to see him after the fight.

Reiner woke up and Kane said "Good morning." Reiner looked at Kane and said blandly "Why am I still alive." Kane said "Well, you interested me. You're a mutant?" Reiner was silent for a second before saying "I don't associate with them."

Kane nodded and said "I don't care who you associate with or not. I am a mutant as well." Kane lifted his arm and all the metal in the room flew towards him, forming a metal arm over his original flesh.

Reiner didn't react but said with a straight face "Why haven't you used it before?" Kane dropped all the metal and said "Because, I wouldn't be able to train myself with it. If I rely on my powers for everything, eventually I will get overwhelmed by someone stronger than me. Also, If I lose my powers what will I do? I refuse to go back to what I was before!"

Reiner nodded and said "Makes sense. So why am I here?" Kane said "I want to start an organization of my own. Want to join?" Reiner was silent for a while, Kane looked at Reiner and analyzed him. He doesn't talk very much, doesn't show much expression, seems like he doesn't have any problems with killing people.

Reiner finally said "I don't like being restricted.." Kane shook his head and said "I'm not going to restrict you. You and me are the only ones so far, after a few more 'special' people join, I want to make a 'board' of sorts. In short, the group will be run by this 'board' not a single individual. Basically, Me, you, and a few others make the decisions, but I am in charge and have the right to Veto and decisions I think are either too risky, or idiotic. What do you think?"

Reiner was silent and said "It's just me and you so far?" Kane nodded and said "I haven't seen anyone else so far. The rest of the fighters, as you may have noticed, aren't very qualified to be in charge of an organization."

Reiner said "What about funds, base, resources, entry into the market?" Kane said "I have a few million and a banker that will work with me for deposits with a small kickback for him. The base I had was over run with Government agents, it was originally the Steel Mill, in the slum part of town. I don't have any resources at the moment however but, I think we can easily get them. As for entry..."

Kane rubbed his chin and said "Perhaps Chazz can help us? I don't believe he has 0 connections to the black market, plus if it goes well, I can create a 'new recruits pool' with the underground arena and have Chazz be in charge of that."

Reiner was silent again, thinking about it before he closed his eyes and sighed "Fine. I'm in." Kane smiled and stretched out his hand saying "Great! Nice to meet you, I'm Kane." Reiner shook Kane's hand and said "Reiner." Kane grinned and said "And.." he transformed into Venom and continued "We are Venom."

Reiner changed his expression for the first time and his mouth opened slightly. Kane and Venom said "We will work nicely together." Venom receded and Kane let go of Reiner's hand as he said "What are you doing in here anyway?"

Reiner recovered from his shock and said "Making money to live." Kane nodded and said "I'll fund you, but you need to start training... What's the limit of your bone spikes?" Reiner lifted his arm and bone spikes shot out of his arm, turning his arm into a mace.

Kane nodded and said "Can you focus it into a single point?" Reiner frowned and opened his palm, a single bone spike came out but half way through the rest cam out as well. Kane nodded and said "Okay, I have an idea! Continue to fight and train your control over your bone spikes. Try and make it so that you can have a singular one come out of anywhere. Maybe you can even use them like swords. Also, see if you can learn this.."

Kane told Reiner the way to train both forms of Haki and showed him the different uses. His arm turned black and shiny and Reiner slashed at Kane's head while his eyes were closed and Kane dodged it easily.

Reiner took in everything Kane said and they parted ways for a while.

That all happened during the 6th month he was at the Fighting ring. In the rest of the 6 months, Kane continued to train his Haki and body and even found another mutant to join his organization. His name was Angel and his ability was wings. He literally had wings on his back, that could shoot out feathers, Kane recruited him with Reiner and gave him the training for both Hakis.

Kane was feeling good about everything. He started putting together his own organization, and finally after the 6 months were over, Venom said "Kane, we have a problem."

Back to the present

Kane was talking with Venom with a serious face and said "Are you sure?" Venom said "100% I can feel it happening." Kane nodded and said "Then we'll go get it back. Let me talk to Chazz, then we'll leave right away."

Kane walked into Chazz's office and sat down in a chair. Chazz grinned "Kane! How's my star doing?" Kane nodded and said "Good. Chazz I have to talk to you seriously." Chazz got serious and said "Shoot, kid." Kane sat up and said "I have to leave, important matters to deal with."

Chazz frowned and Kane continued "But I want to do business with you." Chazz relaxed his frown and lit a cigarette, he offered one to Kane, who took it and lit it himself. Chazz said "What kind of business kid."

Kane exhaled and said "I want to start an organization of my own." Chazz grinned and said "Quite ambitious of you, but how are you going to do that?" Kane transformed into Venom and said "We have the strength, but not the connections." Kane reverted and continued "I have Reiner and Angel with me, I want you to be a part of it as well." Chazz kept a calm face, but he was spooked by Venom pretty badly, as he said "Let me hear it."

Kane explained how the 'Board' would work and what Chazz could bring to the group, as well as his current funds and Colin. Kane added "Naturally, with your connections and the fighting ring, you would be in charge of the 'New recruits pool'. What do you think?"

Chazz thought about it for a moment and said "What's the cuts of the profit?" Kane rubbed his chin and said "The 'board' isn't finished yet, but I was looking for 5 people, including myself. 10% each, the rest goes back into the organization, research, acquiring illegal materials, training, etc. Of course, you don't have to put in any of your own money. I will put 3 of the 4 million I have in at the start."

Chazz took a drag and said "One more person?" Kane nodded and said "I will pick them myself. The board will be the head of the group and the rest will branch out from us. Are you in or not?" Chazz thought for a moment before sighing "With such a good thing, how could I refuse?" Kane nodded and said "I have to leave for a while but Reiner and Angel will stay here and train, in the meantime maybe you could get some lower staff until I find the 5th?"

Chazz nodded and said "I can do that." Kane nodded and said "Excellent, you have a ghost?" Chazz shook his phone and Kane made a call, he transferred 3 million to Chazz and said "Do as much as you can with this for now and if you run out, let me know. I will go and get more."

Chazz nodded and said "Ah wait! What's the name?" Kane said "Purgatory." before leaving, Chazz grinned and said "Purgatory it is." before making a few calls and getting to work. For Chazz, it was a no brainer to agree. He would make more money and work with people with powers, Kane seemed to be a smart kid, perhaps he could figure out a way to give himself powers as well.

Chazz dreamed of having powers, it was the only thing he wanted. So really, he joined for his own reasons. As for what happened after he got them, he would figure it out later.

Kane left the building and bumped into a white haired woman on his way out of the alley. Kane looked at her and said "Sorry." before walking past her, she turned her head and looked at Kane before muttering "Who says sorry around here.." before turning back to the alley and continuing on with her day.

Kane didn't think too much of his encounter and left, Venom said "I can feel it, but it's far away. Far, far west." Kane frowned and said "How far?" Venom said "Too far to walk." Kane chuckled and said "Very funny, it's Tony Stark... So he should be.. In California?"

Kane mumbled to himself before saying "Looks like we're taking a plane, buddy." Venom said "We get to fly first class?" Kane chuckled and said "Something like that.." as he ran towards the airport.

A while later

Venom said "I can't believe you, honestly. I think you're crazier than me." Kane chuckled and said "Don't worry, no one will know.." Venom snapped "That's not what I'm talking about!"

Kane was currently sticking to the bottom of the airplane. Venom stuck his claws into the metal just in case, but they were already in flight around 30,000 feet in the air. Kane said "We'll be fine! Besides, isn't this fun? I've always wanted to fly!"

Venom said "Me too, but not like this. If we fall, no more Venom." Kane chuckled and said "Better not lose out grip then~" Venom sighed and wondered why he chose Kane for his host.

Another few hours later

Kane got off the plane and scaled the airport building. Venom said "I can feel it! Go southwest." Kane jumped off the building and ran from rooftop to rooftop before seeing a mansion in the distance.

Kane said "Here?" Venom said "Inside." Kane frowned and said "Is he inside? I can't fell anything." Venom said "I don't think so, I don't fell anything either." Kane nodded and jumped onto the roof of Tony's mansion before mumbling "Nothing still?" Venom said "It's clear."

Kane nodded and formed a blade with his hand before cutting a hole in the roof and sneaking inside. Kane fell to the floor and Venom said "We've been seen! Go quickly!" Kane frowned and shot through the house into the basement with Venom's instructions.

Kane came into a tech lab and saw a bunch of suits with a glass container holding Venom inside. Kane grabbed the container and looked at the suits, Venom said "We have to leave! Now!" Kane struggled before his eyes firmed and he said "This might be our only chance, Venom."

Kane punched through a glass sheet and wrapped a random ironman suit before running through the house, through the hole he made and escaping Tony's compound. Kane found it strange that he hadn't seen Tony coming after him yet.

Kane ran to a hidden location and looked at the suit before taking it apart and fiddling with the wires, using his hands. He pulled a wire and cut 2 more before re-wiring them. Kane let out a breath and said "Done!" Venom said "What?"

Kane said "If I was a billionaire superhero, I would put trackers in my things. Especially my suit. I removed the tracker and the A.I. It's completely dark now." Venom nodded and said "I hope so." Kane said "Don't worry, I'm a genius remember?" Venom scoffed and said "Yeah yeah, I know."

Kane chuckled and broke the glass container. The piece of Venom re-assimilated with the rest and Venom groaned "Wonderful!" Kane said "What happened?" Venom grunted and said "Hold on, evolving..."

Kane made an 'O' with his mouth and studied the Suit's mechanics and design while he waited.

A while later

Venom finally said "Good news! I'm now resistant to fire. Bad news is I'm not completely immune." Kane nodded and said "So still stay away from mega solar beams, Gotcha. We should go back. I need to get a few things, we need to go back into ghost mode. I'm sure they're already coming here to get us again." Venom nodded and Kane scooped up the suit before strapping it to his back and running out of the hidden spot and towards the airport again.

It was night time, so it was much easier to move now.

Kane stuck himself under a plane to NYC while it was about to take off. Kane looked down and flew along with the plane back to New York City.

In a high tech room

Fury smashed a fist on the table and said "1 year we couldn't find him! Now, he pops up in Malibu and you can't get to him before he disappears again?!" the agents were helpless, Kane appeared and disappeared. They were looking for a monster not a kid, so Kane was 'relatively' safe.

Fury looked at the footage and said "Get me Stark on the line immediately!" Maria Hill nodded and did as she was told.

In Tony's house

Tony was in the basement and held his chin saying "So he took the Symbiote back and a suit?" Jarvis said "Correct, Sir." Tony tapped his finger on his chin and said "Did we break up? I thought sharing was caring." suddenly he got a call.

Tony picked up and said "I ordered a magician 3 days ago, what happened?" Fury said "This is serious Tony. What happened?" Tony looked around and said "Bad break up, he took something to remember me by." Fury said "A suit?! Motherfu-"

Tony interrupted him saying "Alright, let's relax. Only I can use the suits.. Unless..." Fury said "Unless what?" Tony shrugged and said "Unless he's just as smart or smarter than myself. Which, hmph! Is completely impossible, I'm a genius."

Fury choked on his saliva and said "You better hope you're right about it not being a bad guy Tony." Tony waved and said "I'm always right, gotta go! Send the magician to my address, thanks!" before hanging up.

Tony looked at his chest and said "The Goo didn't help the poisoning anyway, it only made it immune to flames... Jarvis is he re-assimilates with the part I had what are the chances he becomes completely immune to flames?"

Jarvis ran the numbers and said "20% Sir. The portion we had was just simply too little, unless you got a special portion, at most he will have flame resistance now." Tony finished for him saying "Which means, his assimilation with the host won't go haywire under fire anymore..."

Jarvis interrupted Tony's thoughts and said "Sir. Palladium poisoning levels are getting rather high.." Tony sighed and said "If nothing works I will go find the black monster, but that's last resort... Jarvis try and locate his working area, I need to think this." Jarvis said "Right away, Sir."

Tony sat in a chair and muttered "Vanko..."

(Author's Note)

Boom Boom! Training done! Purgatory in the works AND a little power boost to Venom as well as A suit for Kane! Exciting exciting!

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed)

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Price of Freedom (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Shadow King (Going to be Re-Written)

Another Dragonball Adventure (Completely Dropped)

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