Something was very strange for upon closing the gap between their travels inside the dungeon the landscapes changed every hour and that is why Zeis possibly cannot go back while carrying a poisoned man in his embrace so as to speak he seldomly question himself for why is he in this kind of situation but now is not the time for any misgivings so Zeis hurrriedly followed the voice which came to his surprise when he finally reached it there was a herb and by using appraisal from the looks of it, it can heal any ailments and any injuries so Zeis searched for the recipe on how to make it from his book.
Now that his mixings and brewings are done he gave it to Mr.Fuujo and letted him drink it all so that all toxins in his body shall gradually decrease by time of notice there was an invisible layer of hidden staircase hidden in the naked eye so Zeis practically is the only one who can see it and as for his points were already stacked up from not being use finally he bought a new skill that shall help him every time in his trouble.
To be continued