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67.85% Beyond the Original : The God Particle Experiment / Chapter 17: "Lithium Gruppo di Rivoluzione"

Chapter 17: "Lithium Gruppo di Rivoluzione"

Meanwhile in the Headquarters of the UPKF :

Coles, Arnold, and Camille were in the middle of a meeting at the UPKF headquarters. Just when Jeremiah's call came in and the phone on Arnold's desk began to ring. He picked it up and listened intently to the person on the other end. As the conversation went on, his expression grew more and more serious. Camille and Coles both noticed this and stopped what they were doing.

"What's going on?" Camille asked, concern etched on her face.

"It's about Steven," Arnold replied gravely. "He's been kidnapped by the rebels."

Coles smirked, "Well, that's just his own fault, isn't it? Always sticking his nose where it doesn't belong."

Camille shot him a withering look. "This is serious, Coles. We can't just brush it off like it's nothing."

Arnold nodded in agreement. "We need to take action. Steven was one of our top operatives, and his kidnapping is a serious blow to our organization."

Coles rolled his eyes. "What action can we take? The rebels have been causing trouble for years, and we haven't been able to do anything about it. They're too well-organized and have too much support from the public."

Arnold leaned forward in his chair. "We need to find out who is behind this and take them down. We can't let them get away with this."

Camille nodded. "Agreed. But how do we start?"

Coles sat up straight, a sly smile on his face. "I might have an idea. I got off the call with the patriarch of the Kenyetta Family and surprisingly he offered me a partnership plan what if we use the Kenyetta Family name and a guise of protecting one of their own to do our own intel gathering as to strike both the rebel groups present in Lithium Ero a critical strike at their core?"

Arnold's eyebrows shot up. "That's actually a good idea. The Kenyettas have a lot of connections, and if we work with them, we might be able to get some valuable information."

Camille looked thoughtful. "But we have to be careful. We don't want to put anyone else in danger."

Coles waved a hand dismissively. "Relax, Camille. We'll handle it. And who knows, maybe we'll even be able to rescue Steven in the process."

Arnold nodded, a determined look on his face. "Let's get started then. We have a lot of work to do."

"But we could also," Arnold interjected, "alert the authorities and work with them to find him."

Coles snorted. "Yeah, because the authorities have been so effective at stopping the rebels in the past."

Camille ignored Coles' sarcasm and turned to Arnold. "That's a good idea. We could also gather intelligence on the rebel group that took him and figure out what they want."

Arnold nodded. "I'll get started on reaching out to our contacts in law enforcement."

Camille added, "And I'll start digging into the rebels' background to see if we can find any weaknesses we can exploit."

Coles grumbled, "Okay lemme go launch the cooperative branch with the Kenyettas but I will make sure to exploit them 'cause I am the one handling it."

Arnold just sighed and Camille cut the call due to Coles's childishness or antics.

"Okay, Imma go do my work," said Arnold while leaving the room.

Arnold sat in his dimly lit office, his fingers tapping impatiently on his desk. He had been on the phone for hours, trying to get any information on Steven's kidnapping. He had called every contact he had in the law enforcement agencies of Lithium Ero Zone, but none of them seemed to know anything.

Just as Arnold was about to give up for the day, his phone buzzed.

"Hello?" the voice on the other end of the line answered.

"It's Arnold," he said. "I need information about the kidnapping of Steven Kenyetta."

"Ah, yes. I've been hearing a lot about that," the informant replied. "I actually just received some new information about it. Do you want me to send it to you?"

"Yes, please," Arnold said, feeling a glimmer of hope.

A few seconds later, Arnold's phone buzzed, indicating that he had received a message. He opened it and saw a video of Steven being taken by a group of rebels.

The video showed the moment Steven was kidnapped, and Arnold's heart sank as he watched it. He could see the insignia of the rebel group that had taken Steven - "Lithium Ae Independenco Si" - clearly visible on the uniforms of the kidnappers.

"Well, I'll be damned," Arnold muttered to himself. "It looks like we're dealing with the Lithium Ae Independenco Si."

Arnold immediately called for a meeting with Camille and Coles to discuss the new development in Steven's kidnapping.

When they arrived at the meeting room, Arnold was already there, looking at the video of Steven's kidnapping on his laptop. He quickly explained the situation to Camille and Coles, detailing what he had learned from his informant.

Coles scoffed at the news, "The Lithium Ae Independenco Si? What kind of name is that? Sounds like a group of teenagers who just discovered Latin."

Camille rolled her eyes at Coles' comment, "This is serious, Coles. We need to figure out how to get Steven back."

Arnold nodded in agreement, "We can't just sit around and wait for the rebels to make a move. We need to take action and find out where they're keeping Steven."

Coles leaned back in his chair, "I have an idea. Why don't we use our partnership with the Kenyettas to get some information? They must have some connections with the government or law enforcement."

Camille raised an eyebrow, "And how do you propose we do that?"

Coles grinned mischievously, "Leave that to me. I'll handle the Kenyettas and get us the information we need."

Arnold looked skeptical, "I don't like the sound of that, Coles. We don't want to jeopardize our partnership with them."

Coles shrugged, "Relax, Arnold. I know what I'm doing. Trust me."

Camille spoke up, "Fine. But we need to be careful. We don't want to cause any more trouble than there already is."

Arnold nodded in agreement, "Agreed. Let's keep a low profile and gather as much information as we can."

"Wait before we adjourn the meeting, I have a plan," Coles announced a mischievous glint in his eye. "But it may hurt little Stevie for a little bit."

Arnold and Camille looked at each other, then turned their attention back to Coles. "What do you mean?" Arnold asked warily.

Coles grinned. "Okay, so we know there are two rebel groups operating in the Lithium Ero Zone, right? The Lithium Ae Independenco Si, who took Steven, and the Lithium Gruppo di Rivoluzione, who are currently occupying the capital city of Aaria."

Arnold nodded slowly. "I'm familiar with both groups," he said. "What's your plan?"

Coles leaned back in his chair and began to speak. "What if we shift the blame for Steven's kidnapping onto the Lithium Gruppo di Rivoluzione? We could say that they're working with the Lithium Ae Independenco Si and that they're the ones who kidnapped Steven. Then, we order a surgical strike against the LGR and wipe them out."

Arnold's eyes widened. "That's a risky plan," he said. "If we're wrong and the LGR had nothing to do with Steven's kidnapping, we could be starting a war."

Coles shrugged. "It's a risk we'll have to take and I am Head of the War Department fellas this is what I do," he said. "But think about it - not only do we avenge Steven's kidnapping, but we also eliminate one of the biggest threats to our operations in the Lithium Ero Zone. It's a win-win."

Camille spoke up. "But what about Steven?" she asked. "What if he's still with the Lithium Ae Independenco Si? Won't they be angry if we blame someone else?"

Coles waved a hand dismissively. "We'll deal with that when the time comes," he said. "Right now, our priority is taking out the LGR and restoring order to the Lithium Ero Zone. Are you guys in?"

Arnold and Camille exchanged a look, then nodded slowly. "We're in," Arnold said. "Let's do it."

10 Minutes Later :

Coles announced to the world that he was holding a press conference at the Lithium Ero Times Headquarters and that everyone was invited to attend. He made sure to mention the names of the two rebel groups - the Lithium Ae Independenco Si and the Lithium Gruppo di Rivoluzione - in his announcement, hoping to drum up interest and attention.

Word quickly spread throughout the city, and soon, a large crowd had gathered outside the building, eager to hear what Coles had to say. Inside, Coles, Arnold, and Camille were getting ready for the press conference, going over their plan one last time.

"Remember, we have to make this look convincing," Arnold reminded them. "We can't just make baseless accusations and expect people to believe us."

Coles nodded. "I know, I know. We'll make it seem like we have concrete evidence linking the Lithium Gruppo di Rivoluzione to the kidnapping. And then we'll order a surgical strike against them, just like we planned."

Camille looked worried. "But what if the Lithium Ae Independenco Si finds out? They could retaliate."

"We'll deal with that when the time comes," Coles said dismissively. "Right now, we need to focus on shifting the blame onto the other rebel group."

With that, they made their way to the press conference, where a sea of reporters and cameras awaited them. Coles took his place at the podium, and cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "I have some disturbing news to share with you all. As you all know, Steven Kenyetta, the Head of all Operations of the UPKF in Lithium Ero Zone, was recently kidnapped by a group of rebels."

The reporters murmured amongst themselves, jotting down notes and raising their hands to ask questions.

"But what you may not know," Coles continued, "is that we have reason to believe that the Lithium Gruppo di Rivoluzione is responsible for this heinous crime."

Gasps and exclamations filled the room, and Coles could see the cameras flashing as reporters frantically took pictures and recorded his every word.

"In light of this evidence, we have no choice but to take action. We are ordering a surgical strike against the Lithium Gruppo di Rivoluzione, in order to bring them to justice and ensure that this kind of violence does not happen again."

LegecyLegend LegecyLegend

It was a fun chapter to write lmao but tell me what are your thoughts XD ?

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