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81.03% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Maddie 10

Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Maddie 10

"I do not have time for this!" Four Arms shouted as she ran forwards and gave a massive punch to Vulkanus' chest as he slid backwards almost reaching the edge of the building while she cracked every joint in her body and gave a ground pound that sent out a rock wave that sent him sliding backwards. "There's no way that I'm missing another one of her birthdays. So, Vulkanus, I'd appreciate it if you would just chill out and take a nice long stay in the Null Void!"

Four Arms closed her eyes and transformed back into Jen 10,000 and she reached into her pouch and retrieved a mechanical egg. She pressed a button on the top and glared before she tossed it at Vulkanus, where he was suddenly sucked inside of the egg as it closed.

"Some villains just can't take a hint," she said with a smirk as she picked up the egg before she transformed into XLR8 and ran away towards her headquarters with a smile on her face.

At the headquarters, a birthday party was going on with Allison, Kevin and a slew of others heroes were conversing with each other. Even Ben was there.

"So, what are the odds she's going to show up?" Kevin asked.

"Hey, Jen's my closest friend and my business partner at the restaurant," Ally said, crossing her arms. "Other than Ben, no one knows her better than me. Trust me, she's coming."

XLR8 ran forwards and stopped as she transformed back into Jen, who smiled as she walked over to the man.

"Hey," he said as Jen smiled and hugged him hard.

"Hey, bro," she said with a smile as the others looked on at the reunion going on.

"It was really nice of the Protectors to grant me a one-day permission to visit my family. Especially on my favorite niece's birthday," he smiled before Kevin walked over and smiled before he gave her a noogie.

"How's it going, Tennyson?" he asked.

"Kevin, you know you don't have to call me that," Jen said. "Can't you just call me Jen. Or Jenny?"

"'Fraid not," he said with a smirk.

"Your daughter's waiting for you," Allison smiled, placing her hand on her hip.

Jen smiled and walked forwards to her young daughter. "Told you I wouldn't miss your party."

A young girl walked out from a group of her friends (both human and alien) and ran up to Jen to hug her tightly and Jen did the same. She was a now 10-year old Caucasian girl with shoulder-length blonde hair, a pink shirt with a black stripe going down the center and sleeves, black combat boots and blue pants with a red belt on the center.

"Thanks, Mom," she said, smiling.

"Hey, you only turn 10 once," she said.

"Happy birthday, Maddie!" the crowd all said to a smiling girl.

She held up the Null Void egg with Vulkanus stuck inside it before dropping it in her best friend's hand with a smile.

"Mind dumping this garbage in the Null Void chamber, Ally?"

"Thought you'd never ask," she said before she walked off.

Hope was showing her friends and cousins around the chamber with a smile as she looked on.

"This is the danger alert," she said. "It alerts us to something going on and my mom goes off to, you know, save the world."

"Wow!' said an orange alien with a big nose. "My dad's just a boring old dentist."

"And some day, I'll be right be kicking butt right by her side."

"Hey, Jen, where's your dad?" asked a Kineceleran girl.

"I don't have one," said Maddie. "I'm adopted. My mom said that her husband left her because he said he couldn't be with a wife who couldn't bear his children."

"Oh, Hope Tennyson," said a singsong voice and Kenneth gasped when he turned around and saw a holographic image of Gwendolyn and Becky smiling back at him.

"Aunt Gwendolyn! Aunt Becky!"

"Actually, your first doofus cousins once-removed," Ben smiled as she walked over.

"Seriously, Ben?" Gwen asked. "Aren't you ever going to grow up?"

"Hey, Mom!" a young girl with red hair and a pale complexion said as she walked up to Becky with a smile.

"Good to see you, Zoey," said Becky as she looked down and petted her daughter's head.

"Sorry we couldn't be there and we had to miss the party," Becky said. "We're still stuck here on Zorastor tracking down the red dragon from the 8th pit of Navato."

"But, I did get you this in the meantime," she stuck her hand out and opened a magical portal and out popped a stone beast like the ones that were summoned by the young girl's namesake.

Allison smiled as she wheeled in Hope's birthday cake with the candles lit.

"Devil's food cake," she said with a smile. "It was always your mother's favorite."

Hope smiled and blew the candles out with a smile as her friends and cousins smiled.

"Happy birthday, Maddie!"

"Time for presents, kid," said Kevin as he stuck out a cube and Hope took it.

The cube unfolded to reveal...

"Cool! The new X-321! Thanks, Uncle Kevin."


Allison walked over and handed her niece-in-law her cube to reveal a new hoverboard.

"A diary?" she asked. "Thanks, Aunt Allison."

"Open mine next!"

"No, mine!"

After opening the rest of the presents, including a new gaming system, a new book and a new bracelet, Maddie opened a new gift from her cousin.

"An Aqua-Limphator?" she asked. "You rock, Zoey."

"Anything for my favorite cousin," she said as she hugged Maddy.

"I think that just leaves my gift," Jen said as she walked over and smiled to her adopted daughter. "Now, Miranda, you know that I haven't been too psyched about bringing you into the hero business. My greatest partner and my best friend went bad on me when it mattered the most after all."

She looked over to her brother who looked down in shame at the anklet on his leg.

"Really, Mom? I hadn't noticed," Maddie said.

"Fighting aliens and evil metas isn't kids stuff, Maddie," Jen said.

She heard a scoffing when she saw Allison tapping her foot at her impatiently, reminding her of when they were children.

"But," she sighed. "Since your Uncle Ben and I got the Omnitrixes when we were your age, I thought you should have this."

She held out a sphere similar to the one that first landed on Earth and handed it to Maddie.

Maddie opened the pod and a glowing pink light came out and out popped an Omnitrix that was just like the one that Ben and Jen first got. It leaped out and clamped itself on Maddie's left wrist.

"Sweet! My own Omnitrix!" Maddie cheered.

The rest of the party goers gathered in awe as they looked at the new tool on their friend's wrist.

"This is totally cool! Which of your 10,000 alien heroes should I try first?"

"Actually, which of ten alien heroes," Jen said. "If my brother and I started with ten, then so can you."

"Okay, mom," Maddie sighed. "Hmm... let's see. Shock Rock, definitely. Way Big, Atomix. Ooh, Osmo-Power, yeah!"

"Actually, I've already downloaded ten onto that thing for you."

"What?! I don't even get to pick!?"

"Don't worry, kiddo. I gave you a couple of classics. Fasttrack and AeroForce. That way you can run away if things get too intense."

"Who said I was gonna run away?"

"Well, there's also Wildvine, Slapback, Overflow, Flataurus, Snakepit and Sandbox. Oh, and Pesky Dust and Horror."

"Mom, most of those are so feeble! I mean, Pesky Dust is just a fairy who can invade people's dreams. And Horror makes Toepick's face look normal by comparison!"

"Well, if you don't like it, I can always take it back."

"No, no! I really do want it!" Maddie said. "But you've got to at least trade Toepick for, I don't know, Grey Matter?"


"Intruder Alert, Sector B Delta 9."

"Well, that's my cue," Jen said as she transformed into XLR8. "Gotta run!"

She then saw a pink flash beside her and saw her daughter transformed into a feline alien with a black suit-like color scheme. Her hands, legs, part of her head, and her chest were colored blue. She had spikes on his hands and legs. She also has black Wolverine mask-like fins around his green eyes. Sh has a triangle-shaped nose, and a thunderbolt-like design down his chest where the Omnitrix symbol rested on.

"Don't you mean we gotta run?" Fasttrack asked. "Race ya!"

She then sped off at hyper speeds while XLR8 followed her at a faster speed.

In the city, a giant gelatinous monster in the shape of a dinosaur stomped through, wreaking havoc and destruction through the area before it lifted up a pillar and tossed it aside.

Suddenly, XLR8 and Fasttrack zoomed in with a determined look upon their faces in a cloud of dust.

The monster stretched out its arm and slimed the bridge. XLR8 immediately ran forwards and leaped off the bridge at her high speeds but Fasttrack unfortunately got stuck in the slime, groaning out as she looked onwards.

XLR8 soared through the air before she transformed into Cannonbolt in a flash of pink light as she spun at high speeds and slammed into the monster, sending it sliding backwards as it squelched and hissed at the alien hero as she stood in front of her.

It then shot out a burst of slime from its head before it was countered by a fireball as Heatblast stood in the center, fire coming from her shoulders as she smirked at him.

She then transformed back into her human form and tossed a Null Void egg at the creature, trapping it inside.

She looked back to her adopted daughter on the bridge as her Omnitrix timed out, transforming back into her human form as she looked on disappointedly.

Jen then walked upwards, creating energy platforms beneath her feet before she looked downwards and fired energy beams from her eyes, burning through the slime and freeing her daughter from it as she smiled.

"You could use a little work."

Maddie sighed in disappointment.

Diamondhead rose upwards on a hand made of crystal before she shouted outwards and slammed her fist into a hulking red monster that had red capsules on its shoulders that slid backwards with a glare towards the alien heroine.

A camera suddenly floated by them and started showing the battle on a megascreen in the city.

A young girl with brown hair, green eyes and a grey hoodie looked up and saw the battle from down below with interest.

Diamondhead and the monster struggled against each other before Diamondhead transformed into Spitter and glared outwards before firing a massive amount of green acid towards the monster, glaring.

Suddenly, he was blown back as a golden harpy alien flew forwards and flapped her wings outwards, which pushed him to the edge and she shot out her feather bullets, which hit the monster directly.

AeroForce looked downwards and was about to finish him off when he was suddenly flash-frozen in an instant.

"Mom, I had him!"

She saw another alien fly up to her with a smile. She was a humanoid, moth-like alien whose four wings and two antennae. She has a black body with cyan patches on his arms, shoulders, legs, the back of his wings, and the back of her neck that resemble ice chunks. Each patch had thick blue outlining except for the ones on his wings, which are outlined in black. There is also a black line that runs on the edge of the outer margin on the back of each wing. On her torso are three plates. One resembling the chest, a shorter plate under the chest, and one resembling the stomach. On her face are blue cheeks and underjaw, a mouth that always shows bluish white teeth, and large green eyes with dark green spots. The top of her head also sports a blue Y-shaped marking that extends over his scalp. She has three pointed fingers and a thumb on each hand, and two toes on each foot and a third toe-like extension on her ankles.

"Just wanted to make sure, honey," she said as she flew downwards and tossed a Null Void egg towards it, trapping it inside as AeroForce simply facepalmed.

Allison stood at the headquarter's computer as a portal suddenly opened and Gwendolyn and Becky came in as Zoey walked up and gave her mom a hug as she smiled.

"Hi, Mom," she said. "How was Zorastor?"

"Busy," she said. "That red dragon was no child's play."

That was when Jen and Maddie walked in with a smile (for Jen) and a frown (for Maddie.)

"So," Maddie asked. "Uncle Ben left?"

"The Protectors came in about an hour ago to take him back," Kevin said. "He still has about 30 life sentences to go."

"Ally, can you chamber this please?" Jen asked as she tossed the eggs to her best friend/cousin-in-law before she caught them in midair.

"So, Maddie," Zoey said as she walked forward. "How was the first day as a superhero?"

"Three up, three down. Can't complain," Jen said.

"The question wasn't for you, Mom," Maddie said. "And of course you can't complain. You aced me out of all the action."

"Miranda," Jen scolded. "Just because you have an Omnitrix doesn't make you a hero."

"You're right," she said. "There are tons of great heroes all around the world who don't have an Omnitrix. The Galactic Enforcers, the L-Crew, the Miraculous Team. All of them don't have the arsenal that you have, yet they save the day every time!"

"She does have a point, Jenny," Kevin said. "After all, we're close friends with those teams."

"Look, Maddie," Jen said. "You're not ready just yet. You need practice like me and Ben did. Your job is to watch, learn and then pitch in when its safe."

"Well, how can I pitch in if you never give me a chance? I'm going for a fly," she said with a turned nose.


"At least I got a couple of presents this year that aren't completely useless," Maddie said as she grabbed the X-321 and then walked away with her Stone Beast pet following her.

"Wait for me, cuz," Zoey said as she grabbed her hoverboard and followed.

"Where does she get that attitude from?" Jen asked as the others all glared towards her with crossed arms as she widened her eyes. "What?"

Maddie and Zoey flew on their hoverboards through the skyways of the city with nothing on their minds as Maddie sighed and Zoey looked on concerned.

Suddenly, the girl in the hoodie from before flew up on her own green hoverboard and smiled at them as she started doing tricks.

"Cool board!" she shouted. "Can it do this?"

She shouted out and sped ahead of the cousins as she flew forwards and dove down the side of the building as they looked on and leaped off her board, falling down as her board flew parallel to the building and she landed on it with a smile as she looked downwards.

He saw a pink light flash behind him and saw Maddie as Wildvine (with a more girlish figure) speed by her with a smile as Zoey looked on with a smile.

'Yeah, but can you do this?!"

She zoomed past two pipes and then stretched out her arms wrapped them around the pipes, wrapping her vine legs around her board and then slingshot herself through the air with a cheer as the girl and her cousin watched on with a huge smile.

The girls fist-bumped as Maddie, Zoey and their new friend stood on the shoulder of the Jen 10,000 statue.

"You win," the girl said. "Kind of cheating, but you win. Name's Brenda."

"Miranda Tennyson. But you can call me Maddie."

"And I'm her cousin, Zoey Tennyson."

"No duh. I saw you fighting with your mom on the mega screen. Nice Omnitrix. But it doesn't look like your mom's, though," Brenda said.

"I know. This is what her's used to look like. And work like. It has a limiter installed so it always times out."

"It's still cool, cuz," Zoey said.

"What would be cool is if she trusted me to help her out more. She won't let me do diddly squat. She's too overprotective."

"Your's too?" Brenda asked. "Join the club."

"Maddie, Zoey, dinner time," Becky's voice stated over their phones.

"We'd better go," Maddie said as she and her cousins got onto their board and flew away.

"Yeah, if I'm late, my dad locks me out," Brenda said as she got onto her board and flew away.

"If mine did that, I'd just sneak in through the sewers," Zoey smiled as they flew off towards the headquarters. "See you around, Brenda!"

Brenda looked at the statue of Jen 10,000 in interest.

That night Jen stood in her room as she sat on her bed in her pajamas and strummed her guitar to herself as she closed her eyes and started singing.

I should've stolen every moment

Now there's a page with not enough on it

Where we belong

I guess I'll never understand it

Why do we take it all for granted

Until it's gone

'Cause then it's gone

Love who you love

With all that you have

And don't waste the time that flies so fast

Love you you love

And say that you do

Hold on as tight as they'll let you

Love who you love

Give all you've got like it's your last day

Your heart and soul before it's too late

And pull 'em in

So close enough that they can feel it

With every single breath that you're breathing

Breathe it in

Again and again

Love who you love

With all that you have

And don't waste the time that flies so fast

Love who you love

And say that you do

Hold on as tight as they'll let you

Hold on!

Hold on!

Love who you love

Say that you do

Yeah, yeah

Love who you love

With all that you have

And don't waste the time that flies so fast

Love who you love

And say that you do

Hold on as tight as they'll let you

Love who you love

Just keep on loving who you love

With every single breath you're breathing


Give it all

Give it all like it's your last day

Keep on holding on

Love who you love

And say that you do...

Suddenly, an alarm blared outwards through the whole base and Jen put down her guitar and rushed into the hallway.

The entire team assembled in front, dressed in their nightclothes.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" The headquarters A.I., Tiffany, stated.

"Who would be dumb enough to attack us here?" Maddie asked as Jen activated her Omni-Suit and Kevin, Allison, Gwen, Becky and Zoey ran in.

"Every once in awhile, someone thinks he or she has something to prove," Huntress said, spinning her mecha spear as Gwen started levitating.

"Let's take care of this. Together."

"Really?!" Maddie asked as she and Zoey beamed up. "A real team?"

"You know it," Allison said as she morphed her arms into swords.

They all felt a rumbling and Jen and Becky grabbed their kids as they felt the explosion rattle the base and they looked outwards to see someone wearing something that looked very similar to Omni-Green only inverted.

"Miss me?"

"Ben?" Kevin asked in horror.

"Wrong! I am Anti-Omni!" the figure shouted in a loud voice as she adjusted her Omnitrix. "Behold, the Anti-Trix!"

She slammed the core down, transforming into Heatblast, only with hot blue flames and volcanoes coming from his shoulders as he shot out a blue fire and Kevin absorbed the metal from the floor and created a shield in front of him as Jen carried Maddie bridal style and then ran away in fear.

"Initiate security lockdown!" Jen ordered as she and the team ran away as the doors closed shut behind them, locking the evil Heatblast inside before Jen transformed into a large muscular humanoid tiger with claws at the end of her wrists and a girlish figure as she looked to her daughter and cousin as they glared.

"Let me tell ya something, Miranda Tennyson!" she shouted. "Go to your room!"

"You'd just say that we'd handle this guy together!" Maddie whined.

"That was before I knew it was a version of your uncle," Rath said as she looked up to the computer. "Let me tell ya something, Tiffany! Secure room M-1! Now!"

"Securing," Tiffany said.

The floor beneath Maddie and Zoey suddenly opened up below them and they were sent screaming down the chute.

The steel doors suddenly gained fist points in them as Anti-Omni appeared in a Four Arms form that was more muscular and had blue skin instead of red.

"Did you really think that would stop me?"

"No, but what fun is that?" Matter Girl asked as she ran forwards and then bashed him with her giant metallic fists before delivering a roundhouse kick to the head.

Kevin shouted out and then grabbed his arm and then tossed him around with his intense strength before letting go and causing him to slam into the wall.


He groaned out as he recovered as Huntress fired out her net arrows and Lucky Girl used her Telekinesis Charm to hold him in place as Rath shouted out, transformed into Cannonbolt and then sent him barreling through the several floors as he glared out at them.

"Too bad Emma's not here," Lucky Girl smiled. "She'd be loving this."

She then encased the team in her telekinesis and they followed Jen 10,000 and Anti-Omni down.

Maddie's stone dog slept peacefully in her room before the ceiling opened and the girls dropped down screaming as they hit the ground and the dog gasped before they glared.

"That is it!" Maddie shouted. "There is no way I'm missing this fight!"

"You know that your mom is going to kill you when she finds out about you sneaking out of your room."

"I don't care. There's got to be a way out-"

She then looked out and saw the air vent peeking out of the wall.

Maddie then activated her Omnitrix and nodded to her cousin.

"I'm going in."

Cannonbolt and Anti-Four Arms crashed through the ground and Anti-Omni glared as he saw where he was as the heroes clambered around inside and saw the area they were in.

"Nice job, hero," he said. "You led me exactly where I wanted to be: The Null Void Chamber."

Cannonbolt then transformed into XLR8 and crossed her arms.

"You're in for a big surprise, pal."

Anti-Omni looked to his side and gasped when he saw that the room was completely empty.

"Hey! Where is it?!"

"After Drake Flame broke in, I hid the containment unit," XLR8 explained. "Now it's time for you to go back home."

Kevin held up a Null Void egg and tossed it up and down in his hand.

Anti-Omni glared and transformed into an alien that resembled a humanoid tree with a body that was dark brown in color, and had three blue gooey shells containing an organic, blue colored gel-like solution of napalm on his arms and a large one on his back, that he uses to generate blue colored flames that are about three times hotter than Heatblast's. He also had a smaller pod on his front, through which his face can be seen. His body was composed of petrified wood. his wore the Antitrix symbol on his chest.

"Oh no," Allison said. "Not Swampfire."

"I like my eggs fried," Anti-Swampfire said before a string with a yo-yo wrapped around him and a giant flaming fist collided with his chest, sending him flying backwards.

The team looked to see a grown-up Firecracker, aka Lincoln Loud along with a woman with dark blue hair and bluebell eyes. She wore a red skintight bodysuit covered in black spots and with a black collar/turtleneck made of indestructible fabric. On her face is a red mask with five black spots that are in a symmetrical design and the waterlines of her eyes are colored black. Her earrings are red with five black spots in a quincunx pattern and the bands holding her hair back become red ribbons, resembling a ladybug's wings when it's flying. She spun her yo-yo around like a weapon and glared at the villain before her as the Omni-Team looked towards her.

"Firecracker? Ladybug?" XLR8 asked. "What are you guys doing here?

"We were in the neighborhood and we saw the mayhem going down in the headquarters," Firecracker said as he ignited his hands in flame. "So we figured Jen's in trouble. Why not help?"

"Two more is no matter," Anti-Swampfire said, standing up. "You could have all the superheroes in the world in this room and I'll still beat you."

Jen glared as she transformed back into her human form with her Omni-Suit and glared outwards as she summoned a pink sword made of solidified energy before she stuck it up and shouted out as her team charged outwards with a glare as she created a blast of pink energy that sent Anti-Swampfire outwards before he transformed into Anti-Rath and glared out.

Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo around the tiger alien's chest before Firecracker delivered a flaming kick to his chest and Matter Girl charged in and gave an atomic suplex to the ground.

Lucky Girl tossed several energy blasts outwards before Huntress charged in and engaged him in combat with her spear, avoiding his blows with her quick movements as the vent beside them opened and Maddie as Grey Matter appeared and grinned downwards at her mother and friend's battle.

"Now's my chance," she said, not noticing the beeping of her Omnitrix. "I'll prove to Mom that I-"

She suddenly transformed back and was now stuck in the vent.

"Maddie?" Jen asked before she was grasped by Anti-Rath's grip and was tossed aside and glared.

He then transformed into Anti-Stinkfly and saw the hole that Firecracker had unwittingly created and glared at the heroes.

"He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day," he said as he flew away out of the hole.

"Jen, your daughter," Kevin said as Jen transformed into Cleowraptra and sent out a bandage that she wrapped around her daughter, setting her down on the ground.

"Maddie," Jen said, concerned.

"Don't say anything, Mom," Maddie glared. "If you had trusted me to help, I wouldn't have even been in the vent in the first place! And why didn't you tell me that you moved the Null Void?! You totally have no faith in me!"

She then stormed off in a huff as Jen and the others looked on, concerned as Ladybug and Firecracker stood aside.

"We're just going to step out a bit," Ladybug said as she swung her yo-yo around the building nearby and swung outwards like Spider-Man while Firecracker flew away with his jet propulsion.

"Jen..." Gwen said, stunned as the hero bowed her head in slight shame as she shook her head.

"I'm so hacked off at my dad," Brenda said as the girls stood on Jen's statue with Maddie's dog by her side in Zoey's lap.

"You too?"

"Yeah, I was supposed to see him last night but he was a no-show as always."

"My mom promised me I could join the action but she totally went back on her word and locked us in my room," Maddie said. "And I could've helped her kick Anti-Omni's butt after he broke in. But it's too late for that now."

"Miranda, look, I know you're mad," Zoey said "But that's no reason to never talk to your mom again."

"Just watch me," Maddie said. "I'm going to prove to her that I can be a real hero with or without her help."

"Did you say Anti-Omni?" Brenda asked. "I've heard rumors of her. She's bad news. She just showed up on the grid. I heard she was from the Null Void."

"She was," Maddie said. "Oh, and you know what else, Brenda? Mom moved the Null Void chamber without telling me. She doesn't trust me at all to be a hero!"

"Well, if Anti-Omni escaped from it, I wonder who else did," Brenda asked. "It might need to be fixed. But I bet your mom and her team can take care of it."

"Or... we can fix it ourselves!" Maddie said.

"Yeah," Zoey said as Maddie grabbed her hoverboard. "But you don't even know where it is."

"C'mon, girls," Maddie said as they got on their hoverboards and flew away, dog in tow.

The girls regrouped outside of the headquarters' garage and saw the Rust Bucket outside and the dog looked upwards as Maddie shushed them.

"What are we doing here?" Brenda asked. "What does the Rust Bucket have to do with-"

Maddie shushed her hurriedly. "My Aunt Allison always goes over to work at her restaurant right now."

Allison exited the vehicle, now clad in her black chef's coat before she cracked her knuckles and walked over to her motorcycle, firing it up and then peeled out of the driveway and towards he restaurant.

Maddie cleared her throat and walked over to the now empty Rust Bucket.

"Voice recognition: Tennyson 8."

The door opened, accepting her invitation as she, Zoey and Brenda walked into the car and started looking at the teched out controls.

"There's got to be some sort of button around here," Zoey said. "Help us look, Brenda."

"And search for what?" Brenda asked.

"Duh," Maddie said. "The Null Void Containment Unit. My mom's always giving Null Void eggs to my Uncle Kevin and Aunt Allison."

"And sometimes my Mom and Aunt Gwen," Zoey said with a nod.

"I always thought that they were taking them downstairs to the containment unit," Maddie said. "But the unit's been moved."

"Well how's a containment unit that big supposed to fit in some crummy little R.V.?" Brenda asked.

"You'll see," Maddie told her friend. "We've got to speed this up."

In a flash of pink light, Maddie transformed into a green humanoid frog with grey metallic eyebrows. She wore a blue, black and white jumpsuit covering all except for her arms and feet, as well as a grey and black mask. She bore the pink Omnitrix symbol on her back,

:Slapback? NIce call," Zoey said as she immediately pushed her cousin over, knocking her down and as a result, she split into two separate Slapbacks that then split into three after purposely falling over again.

"Let's get to work," the Slapbacks said as they all searched around the Rust Bucket's interior.

Meanwhile, Jen, now in her short-sleeved civilian clothing, put her hands into her pockets and sighed out as she walked into The Girl and the Goth, the bar and restaurant that she and Allison co-own when they're not on Plumber duty or any of their other gigs (seriously, as celebrities, the Omni-Team have tons on their plates) where the bartender, her old friend Pierce Wheels, was serving and he smiled up at her as she walked in.

"Hey, Jenny," he said as she sighed and walked in and closed the door as Allison took notice of her from the kitchen. "What are you doing here?"

"Please, don't ever ask me what I'm doing in my restaurant," Jen said as she sat at the bar.

"Come on in," Allison said as she started cooking up her best friend/business partner's favorite meal.

Jen sighed as she took a place at the bar as Pierce gave her a beer.

"Come on, it's not that bad. Drink up."

"Oh, I feel like such an idiot," she said, running her hands through her hair.

"Well, I've felt like an idiot a few times in my life," Pierce said.

"No, Pierce. This time... this time I screwed up everything," Jen said as she bowed her head and popped open the beer. "My own daughter hates me for leaving her in the dark. I didn't want her to end up like Ben did when he became Venger, but I guess she felt like I was holding her back from her potential."

"Oh," Allison said as she brought out a plate of poutine for Jen as she started eating the fries.

"I should've known that when Ben and I were kids, we were in the same boat. I was too overprotective when I should've trained her myself to be the hero I am and Ben was. And now I'm paying for it. I'm the worst mother ever. Maybe I wasn't meant to have children," she said, rubbing her stomach where Vilgax had slashed her, rendering her sterile. "But I guess destiny had other plans and I wanted her to be the hero that Max wanted me to be, but I made her worse."

"Maybe she needs to-"

"No, Pierce," Jen said. "She hasn't spoken to me since. She says that I have no faith in her. Maybe she's right."

"Hey, look, I made so many mistakes in the past," Pierce said. "I spent most of my life wishing that my knees bent the other way so I could kick my own ass. Mistakes, Jen, they're just another word for experience. Figure what you can from it and learn."

"The only thing I've learned is that I'm an idiot," Jen said.

"Well, you know the old saying some that things aren't meant to be?"


"Lot of truth in that," Pierce said to her with a smile.

"You've got your daughter's whole life ahead of you," Pierce said. "Just figure it out. She'll come around in time. I mean, you don't want to end up like that."

He pointed to a man in a biker suit sitting at the bar beside Jen as he chuckled at her.

"He's here every night."

The three laughed at that as Jen shook her head.

"Remember when you first found her?" Allison asked.

"Yes, Ally. Like it was yesterday..."


A battle raged on in the street as Jen 10,000 as Heatblast fired out her fireblasts against Kraab who was sent flying back from the intense heat that flew towards him while she transformed into Kung Fang, the blind bat ninja who drew her sword with a shout.

"Hand over the Omnitrix right now!" Kraab said.

"Never!" Kung Fang said. "You'll have to pry it from my cold dead wrist!"

She sliced through the energy blasts that flew towards her and she clashed with him as she flew overhead and avoided his charges. Because she couldn't see him, it was impossible for him to sneak up on her due to her acute smell and hearing.

She then shouted out as she sliced off the smaller pincer with her sword before she morphed into Battlefly and blew him away from the district with a shout before she touched down on the floor and transformed back to her human form.

She then heard a baby crying nearby and gasped when she investigated the source and saw a baby in a basket crying nearby. She picked up the basket and tried to calm the baby down as she held her close to her chest and then cradled her back and forth as she then teleported them both back to the headquarters.

After making some formula and feeding the baby to sleep, she plucked a strand of her hair outwards and put it into the DNA scanner in her computer.

"Tiffany, can you please scan for this baby's parents?"

"I can try," Tiffany said as she scanned the hair through the computer and then after a few minutes confirmed the hero's fears. "I am sorry, Jen. But this girl is indeed an orphan."

"Really?" Jen asked. "I don't have the heart to send her to the orphanage."

She then felt at the large scar on her abdomen and then walked over to the baby and cooed her.

"Don't worry, little one. I'll love you and take care of you just like a mother would. I think I would like to call you... Miranda."

*Flashback end*

"You're looking at this parenting thing the wrong way. You think that this is just about the hero stuff."

"Isn't it though?" Ben asked her best friend.

"I may not have children, but I know from my mother that every kid has trouble when their kids grow up. You and Ben are living proof that kids need to make their own mistakes. Just give Maddie a chance," Allison said. "She'll earn your trust eventually."

"I know," Jen sighed as she drank her beer.

"Maybe you should stop being such a mom and start acting like yourself," Pierce smiled.

"You know what? You're right," Jen smiled.

"No," Pierce said. "I think you should be yourself."

He gestured as her Omnitrix started to beep out an alert that she and Allison looked at as she glared.

"I'm going out," Allison said as she changed out of her chef's coat and into her leather jacket. "Bobby, you're in charge!"

The Slapbacks, Zoey and Brenda searched around the Rust Bucket's interior and then spied a button.

"I've got it!" Slapback #1 said.

After pushing the button, a disco ball descended from the roof and shined on all of them as they looked outwards.

"Don't ask," Zoey told Brenda.

"Maybe this one," Slapback #2 said, pressing another button.

After which, the refrigerator suddenly separated and revealed a hallway that led into a room.

"Here we go," Brenda said as they all walked in and the Slapbacks morphed back into one.

"Mom thinks she's so smart," Slapback said as they all looked up at the Null Void containment unit.

Brenda then got a wicked grin on her face as she ran forwards and then ran forwards to the controls and started typing them in as Slapback and Zoey ran forward.

"Huh?" Zoey asked.

"Wait, dont'!" Slapback said.

"Surprise!" Brenda said as she rolled up her sleeve, revealing the Anti-Trix and activated her Omni Suit before smacking Slapback, Zoey and the dog back as they all gasped in awe.

"You... you're Anti-Omni?" Slapback asked.

"You could say that," she said, her voice in the Omni-Suit now not disguising her female voice as she activated the containment unit, which opened up as a figure came out, turning out to be the most dangerous criminal in the Null Void.

"Venger?!" Slapback asked in shock as she and her sister stared in horror.

"You did good, kid," Venger said, walking towards them.

"Hey, dad," Anti-Omni said, deactivating her Omni-Suit.

"What?! Venger's her dad!"

"Well... yes and no," Anti-Omni said.

"She's a real chip off the old block, eh Jenny?" Venger asked.

"She's not Jen," Brenda said. "That's her daughter Miranda."

"I thought she was sterile."

"She's adopted," Zoey said.


"Dad, we'd better get out of here," Brenda said.

"Wait, Brenda," Venger said. "What's the best way to get my revenge on my goodie-two shoes sister? Hey, I know. Trash her daughter!"

"Brenda, look," Maddie said. "You don't have to do this. You made a mistake, alright, but you can fix it!"

The stone dog suddenly growled and ran forward like a child rhino before it was crushed underneath Venger's boot as he ran forwards with surprising speed and grabbed Jen, holding her up.

"Surprised? I guess your mother didn't tell you everything about me," Venger said before he was suddenly blasted back by a magic ray as Gwen, Becky and Kevin stood by as Kevin morphed his arms into maces and ran forwards as Becky turned on the alarm system before Gwen transformed into her Anodite form and flew forwards, blasting tons of energy blasts at Venger as he glared at her and Becky and Kevin ran forwards and hugged their daughter.

"Hey," Zoey said, brushing her red hair back. "About me being here-"

"I expected it, actually," Becky said. "You get that from your father."

Kevin huffed and pouted before he ran forwards towards Venger and was quickly overpowered.

Becky and Gwen glared as Venger blasted several energy blasts towards them that quickly depleted them of their energy as they fell to the ground around them.

Jen charged in as XLR8 followed swiftly by Allison, Ladybug and Firecracker as they followed her into the chamber where they saw the others bound and gagged together.

"Guys!" XLR8 shouted in horror as Ladybug and Firecracker armed themselves.

The others shouted out muffled warnings as Ladybug felt something with her sixth sense and then they saw Anti-Omni charge forwards and slam down on them before they quickly dispersed and Firecracker sent out a fire blast that sent her backwards as she glared at them.

"Nice try!" she said as they suddenly stopped at the change in voice as Firecracker raised an eyebrow.

"Anti-Omni... is a girl?"

"Yes, I'm a girl, you idiot!" Anti-Omni scoffed. "It's too bad my Anti-Trix needs to charge or you'd be toast by now."

"Not much of a trap, faker," XLR8 said as she transformed into Four Arms. "Did you really expect me to believe that my own family tied themselves up?"

"Oh, Jen," said Venger as he stood up on the containment unit with a smirk as everyone looked in horror at him. "You always were good for a laugh."


"I'm not your brother, Jen," Venger said slyly as he rushed down to face her personally. "But I'm very happy to see you."

"If you're not Ben, then what are you?" Four Arms asked as the man brushed her chin with his hand.

"I am a clone of your brother that was created by the Rooters for one sole purpose: destroying you. And Brenda here was also a clone of me, but according to them, she was... 'perfected.'"

"Whatever you're planning, you're not going to get away with it," Allison said.

"Who said I was planning on getting away with anything, Ally?" he said as he suddenly unleashed a large flame blast from his hands that sent the entire team scattering away from the blast and Four Arms dodged her blasts before she slammed the villain in the face as Ladybug ran in and wrapped her yo-yo around his waist and tried to pull him in, but he merely transformed his arm into crystal and pulled on the yo-yo, yanking her in before slamming her in the chest and sending her sprawling to the wall in a heap.

"Ouch," she said weakly.

Firecracker flew forwards and let loose as big of a fire blast as he could muster... right before Venger fired two water jets from his hands that countered the flames. The fire and water jets started moving towards each other constantly threatening to overpower each other until Venger finally broke through and slammed the water into Firecracker's torso, sending him crashing right into Ladybug as she recovered only to fall down again.

"Ugh," they both groaned.

"He's in Ultimate State!" Four Arms realized. "He can use all of the alien's powers without actually transforming into them!"

"You are correct as usual!" Venger said as he flew up and ripped a part of the wall out and tossed it at Four Arms.

To counter, she transformed into Kung Fang and sliced through the wall with her sword, only to fall into his grasp as he flew towards her. He then electrocuted the living daylights out of her as she screamed in agony to everyone's horror. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground, unconscious as she unwillingly transformed back into her human form.

"Time to finish you off once and for all, Jen 10,000!"

Suddenly, Brenda came in and blocked her original counterpart, protecting the weakened Jen as she stood up and looked at her in confusion.

"Dad, no! You've proven that you're the best. We can go now!"

Suddenly, she found herself grabbed by the collar by the evil unstable clone.

"You think I have something to prove, kid?!" he shouted as he tossed her aside and she groaned outwards in pain before her eyes welled up with tears. "I already know I'm the best. I'm doing this because I like it! And when I'm done with her, I'm coming for you next! No one replaces me! Not even a clone of a clone!"

She gasped in horror and felt a pain in her chest as she felt her heart (yes, she has a heart) ache.

Another pink flash came out and Jen as Rath suddenly socked him in the face before she growled outwards to him.

"Let me tell ya something, evil Venger clone! No one is going to kill any member of Rath's family when Rath is around!" she shouted before she grabbed his leg and tossed him into the wall, creating a hole that led up to the surface before she leaped up it and the others looked on as Firecracker grabbed Ladybug's hand and shot the both of them out of the underground chamber with his jet propulsion from his feet.

Brenda, hurt and crying, bowed her head before she looked at her Anti-Trix as it finally charged itself up again and then walked towards the path back outside.

What Venger didn't know was that Becky had handled one of her knives in her hand and she finally sawed through the ropes, breaking everyone free before they removed their gags.

"We're not letting her take this one alone," Gwen said as her eyes glowed pink and she transformed into her Anodite form in a flash. "Let's go."

She enveloped everyone in her telekinetic aura and flew them upwards as they flew through the holes.

Maddie and Zoey looked upwards as Maddie adjusted her Omnitrix.

"There's only one hero who stands a chance against the new Venger," she said as she slammed the core down as Zoey looked down.

"What are you planning, exactly?"

"You'll see."

In the city, the ground beneath everyone rumbled before Venger and Rath broke through the surface with the other heroes hot on their tails as Rath shouted out as Venger tossed her aside with his intense strength.

Suddenly, in a flash of pink light, Needle Mouse approached and spun over the walls, sending out several quills outwards that simply bounced off of him as Frostblight flew by and created a mist that she used to hide before she froze his feet to the ground.

Firecracker then flew out of the hole while holding Ladybug, who threw her yo-yo at him, which knocked him back as Firecracker flew in and threw fire punches and kicks at him that he dodged before he was struck by one. Once he was hit, he wasn't letting up the charge.

Venger shouted out before he threw out an ice punch that knocked Firecracker back and sent him sprawling into a fruit stand, sending fruits everywhere.

Gwen flew out in her Anodite form as the others shouted out in anger as Kevin and Allison absorbed the concrete and charged forwards in their armor, hitting him with all the strength they had and shouted out in anger before he kicked Allison aside with his intense strength and grabbed Kevin's head before slamming him into the ground multiple times with no mercy.

Gwen flew forwards and sent out a huge magical blast that stunned him before she bound his limbs with her glowing hair tendrils as Becky charged in, spun her spear around and then stabbed him right through the armor and into his chest.

Venger shouted out in pain before he smirked at her, causing her eyes to widen in horror.

"You should've gone for the head," he said before he activated his Omnitirx and sent out a huge energy surge that sent them flying backwards while Jen approached as Diamondhead weakly.

"You're weak, Jennifer," he said. "Weak and pathetic."

"That's... not... true...," Jen said.

"You tried so hard to prevent your daughter from ending up like your brother did. But by holding her back from her true potential, you only ended up pointing her in that direction," Venger said to her as he approached. "You failed. You failed as a leader, you failed as a mother, and most importantly, Jen, you failed as a sister."

Diamondhead felt her eyes well up with tears as the words pierced her heart like an arrow.

"Give up," he said. "Just give up, Jen. Because you've already lost."

He then let out a glass-shattering screech towards Diamondhead and she felt the full force of it as she fell to the ground, weakened and unconscious as she transformed back to human form.

Suddenly, Maddie walked in as Grey Matter with Zoey by her side and she glared.

"Not so fast!" she said as she suddenly transformed into Overflow, a red metallic alien with two containers filled with water on her head and black mask-like markings around her pink eyes. She had two tubes of water reaching from a respirator where her mouth should be to her back, and her forearms were filled with water. She had black three-fingered hands and two black toes on each foot.

Overflow shouted out and let loose a stream of water from her hands that blew Venger backwards as he turned and glared at the young hero.

She smirked and transformed into Flataurus, who let loose a stream of fire from her hands before she charged towards Venger and slammed him into the wall with her horns with no regard for any mercy.

"How are you changing so fast?!" Venger asked as Maddie turned back to her human form.

"Used Grey Matter's brains to hack into the Omnitrix and deactivate the limiter. No limiter, no time out. Instant hero switches at my command!" Maddie boasted proudly.

"Clever," Venger admitted. "But that still won't save you."

Suddenly, a wall of flame burst in front of Maddie, protecting her as Anti-Heatblast flew in with a huge fireball between her hands.

"Maybe not. But I will!"

She then shouted out and fired out her fireball that blew Venger back into Gwen's telekinetic grip as Firecracker flew forwards and blasted him down into the ground with his fire balls.

Kevin and Allison stood side-by-side before they hit him with a double-whammy of a sucker punch that sent him flying backwards while Ladybug swung forwards and kicked him in the chest and sending him crashing into an abandoned shack that crumbled around him.

Anti-Omni went over to Maddie as she stood up and pat her on the shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Maddie," she said. "It was never my intention for it to be this way. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to understand."

"It's okay," Maddie said as she got to her feet. "I forgive you."

Venger suddenly burst forth from the ruins of the shack and glared at the heroes as they all assembled around him.

"A creature as evil as you could only have been created in the Null Void!" Anti-Omni transformed into Anti-Four Arms and shouted out as Maddie transformed into Fasttrack and sped over to him.

The heroes all ganged up on the evil clone of Ben, laying the smack down on him and getting several hits in, but he was still too strong for all of them. He sent htem all sprawling backwards into several areas of the market district, where they fell unconscious.

XLR8 struggled to stand up on her feet, but her exhaustion set in and she fell to the ground, unconscious.

Jen struggled to her feet and got up and saw her daughter fall over, hurt.

She gasped and glared at the evil clone with a savage look on her face as she felt her heart start beating to inhuman levels. Golden runic markings moved down her arms and her skin turned a dark shade of purple, keeping her clothes intact, but making them a darker pink. Her hair started levitating in the air before it became a flurry of flames on her head. Finally, large flaming wings burst forth from her back and something of a masquerade mask appeared on her head.

Venger wickedly laughed at his victory before he was blasted into the ground by a massive energy wave from directly above him.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Jen boomed from overhead and then blasted all of her most powerful offensive spells and energy bursts from her hands before she summoned all of the power her and then fired out a massive violet fire blast that slammed directly into Venger, creating a large crater.

She then floated down and spread her hands outwards, healing everyone in the area of their injuries as they gathered around as she picked up Maddie before returning to her human form.

"I'm alright, Mom," Maddie said as she hugged Jen intensely.

Venger glared before he ran over and slammed mother and daughter to the ground.

"Osmo Power!" he shouted as he slammed down the Omnitrix core and then it somehow completely absorbed into his body. He then grew a green shade and energy flowed throughout all his system. He grew larger and larger, muscles expanding immediately. "Ultimate Osmo-Power!"

"Oh boy," Kevin said sa they looked upwards.

"Not so fast!" said a familiar voice and everyone looked backwards to see Ben walking up and glaring at Ultimate Osmo-Power.

"Ben?!" Jen asked. "What are you doing here? Your one-day parole is over and you still have 20 years to go!"

"I'm always there for my sister whenever she needs me," he said as he looked up and smiled. "He's me, right? That means that it's' a copy of my Omnitrix, which follows my commands. Omnitrix, activate self-destruct mode!"

"WHAT?!" Ultimate Osmo-Power asked as he felt the beeping inside himself before he made a pathetic face and gulped before he suddenly burst inwards and imploded, dying a massive death as everyone cheered happily, including Brenda.

"You're not upset over his death?" Zoey asked.

"Not at all. He was a jerk," she said before she looked down as the family and friends all cheered and hugged each other in victory.

"You did real good today, kid," Jen said, ruffling Maddie's head.

"Thanks, Mom," Maddie said. "So does that mean that I can use all of your heroes?"

"Don't push your luck."

Brenda looked down in slight shame before she walked away.

"I guess I'll be seeing you guys around," she said as she walked away.

"Wait, Brenda," Allison said as she laid a hand on her shoulder.

"You're gonna put me in the Null Void, aren't you?"

"We could..." Gwen smiled.

"Or you could stay here with us," Jen said. "Be part of our family."

"That is... if it works for you guys?" Becky asked.

"Totally!" Maddie, Zoey and Brenda said as they all hugged. "Sweet!"

"I guess I should be getting back to the Mystic Isles, huh?" Ben shrugged as Jen smiled.

"Maybe," she said before she showed her enchantlet. "But I'm a Protector too. I think I could pull some strings to get you some parole with us."

Suddenly, a bunch of rocks came running up to the group, forming the stone dog again as he came in and licked Maddie's face as she fell over and the others all looked on in content and happiness.

"Come on, everyone," Allison said as she smiled. "Celebration dinner's on me. I own the restaurant after all."

They all laughed as they walked over to get in their vehicles.

The camera zoomed up onto the rim of the Headquarters where the Watcher was examining everything as usual.

"How did something as powerful as Omni-Kix get to this dimension?" he wondered to himself. "Did someone from that universe cross over into this one? Hmm..."

He then vanished through a portal to who knows where.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10

Ben and Jen 10 vs. The Negative 10: Part 1

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