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74.13% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 42: Chapter 42: My Big Fat Alien Wedding

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: My Big Fat Alien Wedding

Song at the end is Here by Rascal Flatts

Ben winced uncomfortably in the Rust Bucket and groaned outwards.

"Don't think I can take this much longer!" he groaned.

"Just hold on," Max said. "We're almost there."

"I can't breathe!" Ben shouted.

"Don't give up on me now, Ben!" Max said as he took a pair of scissors from a tray that Gwen was holding.

"Gotta get out of here!" Ben shouted. "Going hero!"

"No you're not!" Max said. "Save the drama, will you please? I just need to make sure that this tux fits."

Ben was in front of a full view mirror, dressed up in a small maroon tuxedo that looked absolutely ridiculous on him. He also had his normally unkempt hair brushed back into a neat comb.

Jen, however, winced on the other side of the Rust Bucket as Allison tied her corset into place around her stomach.

"This isn't as bad for you, is it?" Becky asked Jen as she winced and looked herself in the mirror.

She wore a pretty pink off-the-shoulder dress with a darker pink corset and pink dress shoes with her hair brushed back into a low ponytail.

"No," Jen said as she checked out her look in the mirror. "It's just that I'm not as comfortable wearing a dress as others."

"I think that you should probably loosen that bow tie, Grandpa," Becky said. "Ben's brain needs all the oxygen it can get."

Ben sighed in relief. "The only thing worse than going to a stupid old boring wedding is being in a stupid old boring wedding. Why can't Cousin Joel find someone else to be the ring bearer?"

"Relax, Ben," Allison said as she sat down on her bed. "It's only for one weekend out of 104 days of summer vacation. You'll live."

"Easy for you to say," Ben said. "You're not invited to this wedding because you're not family."

"No," Allison said. "But I've been to a wedding before when I was a little girl and they're not that bad."

"I'm glad we're here," Gwen said. "I've never been a flower girl before."

"And at least I'm doing something that I love to do for my part in this thing," Jen said.

"That's right," Becky said. "You're the wedding singer. Cousin Joel must have seen you perform on TV in Royal Woods."

"Yeah," Jen said. "It's just that I'm not used to wearing a dress in my human form."

"This tuxedo is a family heirloom," Max said to Ben. "I wore it when I was your age. Then your dad wore it and now you."

"What about this dress?" Jen asked, pulling at her waist.

"I bought it for your mom when your Uncle Gordon and Aunt Betty Jean were married," Max said.

"Really? Because it feels brand new," Jen said as she turned to her cousins and best friend and turned around. "Well? How do I look?"

"Beautiful," Gwen said. "Now your brother on the other hand..."

"Oh, lucky me. I'm a part of the family tradition," Ben groaned.

"Just be careful with it, please," Max said to her as Gwen pointed her camera at him.

"Smile and say "Mega-dweeb!"

"No!" Ben shouted as he scrambled for the phone.

"It's just for us, don't worry," Becky smiled and laughed.

Jen then tossed Ben his clothes.

"Now get out of that monkey suit and get dressed. We need to meet Joel and his fiancee," Jen smiled as she went to the restroom to get back in her regular clothes.

"At least one of us is glad to be here," Allison said as she sighed and Ben waited his turn.

Later, our heroes, now in their regular attire, walked out and looked at the rented out wedding area overlooking a huge lake and they smiled at the pretty decorations.

"These two must have outdid themselves with the planning," Becky smiled.

"Uncle Max," a voice heard and they saw the young happy couple walk up holding hands.

"Joel," Max greeted his nephew. "And this must be Camille. You remember my grandkids, right?"

"Definitely," Joel said as he smiled and hugged Ben, Jen and Gwen before turning to Becky and smiled.

"So, they finally found you, huh?" he said as Becky sighed and brushed some of her beautiful black hair out of her face before Joel tackled her in a laughing hug before giving her a quick noogie.

"Oh, Joel. You do remember me."

"And this is our good friend, Allison Levin," Max said as she shook Joel's hand.

"Nice to meet you. It's a shame that I'm not invited."

"Consider yourself invited," Joel said to her. "Any friend of my uncle's is a friend of mine."

"Thanks. I don't know what to say," Allison sighed.

"Congratulations, you guys," Max said.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it. Maybe you can talk some sense into my parents."

"Why, what's the problem?" Max asked.

"Max," said a gruff voice and the kids turned to see two more familiar faces.

"Betty Jean, Gordon," Max said, greeting his older brother and his wife.

"We're so glad you're here, little brother," Gordon said. "Maybe you can talk some sense into these kids."

"Why, Uncle Gordon?" Ben asked. "What's going on?"

"Ah, they don't know what they're doing. This whole wedding is a terrible mistake," Gordon said.

"The whole wedding is a terrible mistake?" Max asked.

"See, listen to your Uncle Max."

The team turned to each other and shrugged.

"Now, Gordon, the kids are grown-ups," a man said as he walked in with his wife and a burly-looking bodyguard. "Who are we to get in the way?"

"These are my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mann," Camille introduced to the Tennysons.

"I'm sorry we had to meet under such awkward circumstances," Mrs. Mann said.

"So are we," Betty Jean and Gordon said in unison.

Later, the parents walked away and Jen smiled.

"You bought a black dress, just in case, right?" Jen asked her friend, who smiled in return.

"Obviously," Allison smiled. "I had a feeling that I would be invited once they met me because we're close friends."

"Maybe this weekend won't be so boring after all," Ben said.

"Uncle Max, this has been a nightmare," Joel said. "Not just with the families, either. The wedding dress got lost, the photographer's camera got smashed, all the flowers up and died, everything's going wrong."

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will work out in the end," Max said.

"Tell me that the band's still here," Jen said to him. "I've got the perfect song to perform for you and Camille at the reception."

"Yeah, they're still here," Joel said as Jen smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You know how much I love to sing," Jen said before she composed herself.

"You were amazing at the Royal Woods Music Festival," Joel said. "When I heard that you guys were coming to the wedding, I knew that you were my one and only choice for the wedding singer. We got you a great band too."

Gwen then smiled and turned to her cousin as well. "Um, Joel, I have a few questions about being the flower girl. Does the flower girl's dress match with the other bridesmaids? Who designed the dresses? What color are the corsages?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Gwen," Joel said. "Didn't you hear? Camille's little cousin Lucy was able to make it after all. But thanks for standing in for us."

"Oh," Gwen sighed in disappointment.

"Oh, please tell me that you got another ring bearer too?" Ben begged.

"Sorry. Nothing changes for you, Ben. Except for who you're going to be dancing with at the reception."

"Dance?" Ben asked. "I don't know how to dance."

"Then you'd better learn then. You don't want to end up looking like a mega-dweeb out there in front of everybody."

"Oh man," Ben said as Jen walked up to him and smiled. "Please tell me you'll teach me to dance. You used to take ballet when we were 7. Do you know any wedding dances?"

"I think so," Jen said. "I'll tell you what, bro. I will teach you to dance only if you perform with me at the reception."

"Are you kidding me?" Ben asked.

"You love the guitar," Jen said. "You've peformed with me at plenty of talent shows. And don't think I don't know that you've practiced on my guitar when you thought I wasn't looking."

"You knew?"

"Duh, we're twins. Of course I knew. I'll teach you the song I have planned for the reception on the guitar and you can join in."

"Okay, I'll do it. What have I got to lose?"

Little did they know, there was an unidentified presence lurking in the bushes near them.

That night in the Rust Bucket, Max was dusting off the tux while Gwen read her spellbook, Becky was doing sit-ups and Allison was playing on a video game.

"It's too quiet," Gwen said. "Where's the twins?"

"I think they said something about going for a dip in the lake," Max said.

The twins, changed into their swimsuits, walked towards the lake and past the chef who was unpacking the cakes from a truck.

Ben stopped and looked at the cakes with a smile before Jen slapped him upside the head.

"Don't even think about it, bro," Jen said. "There'll be plenty of time for cake after the ceremony."

"Okay, you're right," Ben said as they walked past the chef, who looked away from them.

As the chef watched them walk towards the lake, a dark purple tentacle lashed out at him and pulled him back screaming into the bushes.

A second later, an exact replica of the chef with glowing purple eyes stepped out of the bushes with a glare.

"Now to deliver a wedding present they'll never forget," he said, walking away as the camera showed the real chef, unconscious in the bushes.

The twins walked towards the lake until they found a peculiar sign right by it.

"'No swimming?'" Jen asked. "Crud!"

"Now what are we supposed to do for fun?"

As the words escaped her lips, the truck carrying the cakes suddenly burst through the gates and started zooming towards the wedding chapel.

Ben and Jen smiled to each other and activated their Omnitrixes, slamming the cores down.

Cannonbolt zoomed in towards the truck while Battlefly zoomed in and blasted it away with a wind blast, destroying the car.

"Oh yeah!" Cannonbolt said. "It's scary being this good!"

Battlefly got a concerned look on her face as she looked to the gazebo.

"Um, bro?" she said as Cannonbolt turned around to see the gazebo and seats ablaze with fire and smoke.

"Crap!" Cannonbolt said as Battlefly flew up and started using her wind powers to blow away some of the fire while Cannonbolt also tried his best to put the fire out with no success.

"This isn't working!" Battlefly shouted. "We need water."

"Hold on, sis," Cannonbolt said as he looked towards the lake and smirked before leaping up in his ball form, spinning rapidly. "Cannonbolt cannonball!"

He then dove straight into the lake and caused a massive amount of water to spray upwards, raining down and putting out the fires while Battlefly looked on with a smirk.

Cannonbolt swam back to the surface to his sister before they found themselves getting two blasters pointed at their faces.

"Boy, the lifeguards around here are really strict," Battlefly said as they saw their great aunt and uncle pointing the blasters.

"An Arburian Pelarota and a Rhopaloceran?" Gordon asked.

"Alien wedding crashers," Betty Jean said, charging her blaster. "Who sent you two?"

"Nobody, I swear!" Cannonbolt said. "I don't even wanna be here!"

"And I'm a... friend of the bride's!" Battlefly said, smiling innocently.

"What is going on here?!" Joel asked as he walked towards the scene with Max, Gwen, Becky and Allison following him.

"These aliens were trying to ruin the wedding."

"We were trying to save the wedding!" Cannonbolt shouted.

"I think they're telling the truth, Aunt Betty Jean and Uncle Gordon," Becky said.

"Still, better not take the chance. You know aliens, can't trust any of them," Betty Jean said, charging her blaster.

The sisters nervously nodded to each other and Gwen stuck her glowing hand out to her side.

"Camouphlat Vaporis."

A relieved Cannonbolt and Battlefly sighed as the blue mist flooded from her hand and clouded them as they made their escape.

"They're getting away! Blast them!" Gordon shouted as he and his wife shot their blasters out all over the lake area, trying to blast the fleeing targets as the mist faded.

Suddenly, their son came in and lowered down his father's weapon.

"Put those things away! This is a wedding, not a shooting range."

"But those aliens are still out there."

"It doesn't matter," Joel scolded. "We want you two to promise us. No more weapons for the rest of the weekend."

Meanwhile in the bushes far off, Battlefly and Cannonbolt ducked their heads up and saw a shadow slither away from the area and the Rhopaloceran gulped in fear.

"Let's go," Cannonbolt said as he rolled towards the chapel and Battlefly flew above him.

They then looked through the parking lot to see absolutely nothing there.

"Where'd that thing go?" Battlefly asked as she looked around.

Unknown to both of them, a mass of some kind of sludge formed over their heads and tried to swat down on them.

Battlefly turned her head around and screamed in terror before she let out a burst of air from her wings and hands that blasted the mud away and Cannonbolt ran in and tackled him in his ball form as the Omnitrix signals began to time down.

The monster shouted out and swatted the two away into the bushes as the Omnitrixes timed out, leaving the two groaning as they quickly activated their Omni Suits.

"Back! Get back!" Omni-Pink shouted as she fired energy bolts at the monster, sending him back and it glared before slithering into an open sewage drain.

"Ugh," Omni-Green groaned. "Did I mention that I hate weddings?"

"You did," his sister said as she groaned.

Later, Max put an ice pack on Ben's head while Jen cracked her joints into place and groaned outwards in pain from the recent attack.

"I guess that I should've mentioned that my brother and his family are Plumbers," Max said. "And the bride and her family are aliens."

"Aliens?" Allison asked, sitting up. "They don't look like aliens?"

"They can shapeshift. They're just in disguise for the wedding," Max said. "In fact, they're some of the toughest, meanest, nastiest beings in the galaxy. They're called Lenopans but we called them Sludgepuppies."

"Gross," Becky said. "I had a run-in with one or two in the Null Void. Vile creatures."

"The Plumbers and the sludges have been at war for generations. But a few years ago, their children, Joel and Camille, met and became close. A truce was forged from that single relationship. It was what the Plumbers had been waiting for for so long."

"How romantic," Gwen sighed dreamily. "Two warring families brought together by a single relationship. Just like Romeo and Juliet."

"Ain't that the truth," Ben sighed as he rubbed his neck.

"This is the first ever marriage between a Lenopan and a human. It could put an end to years of fighting."

"And someone... or someones don't want that to happen," Jen realized with a start.

"We'd better keep our eyes open for any funny business for the rest of the weekend," Becky said.

"Agreed. Something tells me our problems are only beginning," Max said.

Saturday night, the adults were sitting around a table, proposing a toast to the happy couple while Jen was by the stage with her guitar in hand and Ben sitting next to her as she directed the band towards her with a smile.

She then played her guitar as she motioned to the violinist and the drummer to play on her cues as Ben followed her cues on her own guitar.

"The place that I was trying to reach, Was you, right here in front of me," Jen sang as she motioned to Ben. "You harmonize with me on the chorus, Ben."

"Okay," Ben said as he gently sang after her words.

"And I wouldn't change a thing, I'd walk right back through the rain," Jen sang with Ben backing up. "Great. Just keep following my cues and we're going to kill it."

Meanwhile, Gwen, Becky and Allison saw as Camille's little cousin Lucy Mann was smiling by them.

"I'm so excited about being the flower girl! Do you know we get to dance in front of everyone? Isn't that great?"

"Yeah, great," Allison said as she rolled her eyes and scoffed.

Lucy skipped away as Ben looked to her and gulped nervously.

"Please tell me you'll teach me to dance by tomorrow's reception!"

"Definitely. A promise is a promise, bro," Ben smiled as they hugged before getting back to work.

The chef from before glanced over to Joel and Camille who smiled and blushed at each other. He angrily flipped the table over and faced everyone in the room.

"Camille!" he shouted. "I am not letting you marry any filthy human without a fight!"

The chef then degenerated into solid mud and grew giant, forming the same monster from the previous night.

Camille gasped in horror. "It's my ex-boyfriend! How did he find out about the wedding?!"

The ex-boyfriend shouted out and swatted the tables in the area away and shouted out towards Joel.

"That's the thing that attacked us last night!" Ben shouted as he and Jen nodded to each other while Gwen, Becky and Allison nodded.

They all ducked under a table and activated their watches, suiting up.

"It's Hero time!" Jen shouted as she and Ben slammed down the Omnitrix cores.

Ben's Omnitrix sank into his wrist and it became encased in green diamond before it covered his other arm and his head before it closed around his eye and it became fully golden. Four spike-like diamonds, the lower pair smaller than the upper pair, grew out of his back and his clothes morphed into a bodysuit, black on one side, white on the other. The watch symbol appeared on his upper left bicep and he struck a pose as the transformation ended.

Jen's Omnitrix sank into her wrist before brown fur spread up her hands and then spread all over her body. Her eyes turned yellow with green sclera and her hair hardened itself into quills before it grew out into several spikes and grew down her back. Her front teeth grew larger and her hands and feet grew claws and pads before she spun around like a ball before the transformation ended.

The ex-boyfriend continued his rampage through the reception area and Gordon and Betty Jean stood up.

"Without our gear, we're sitting ducks!"

The ex-boyfriend then shot his arm out and grabbed Joel and reeled him up to his face.

"If I can't have Camille, then neither can you, you meat puppet!"

Suddenly, a large crystal and a few quills came soaring out of the blue and sliced his arm off.

"Back off, slimeball!" Needle Mouse shouted as Lucky Girl, Huntress and Mattergirl stood beside her and Diamondhead.

"Prepare to face the Omni-Team!" Huntress shouted.

"A Petrosapien and a Hedgesapien?" the ex-boyfriend asked. "What are you doing here."

"Um..." Diamondhead began. "Friends of the groom?"

"Then you're no friends of mine!" he shouted as he shot his arm down towards them and they all dodged out of the way as Diamondhead, Needle Mouse and Lcky Girl all shouted out and fired their crystals, quills and fireballs towards him, sending him back, but the crystals and quills merely sunk into his mud form.

"Uh-oh," Matter Girl said.

Soon after, our heroes were swatted around by this monster's powerful form and were sent flying into various sections of the reception area.

Huntress and Diamondhead crashed through the wall into the spa area as the ex-boyfriend walked through to them. Huntress took out her spear and prepared herself as Diamondhead prepared his blade arms. But to their shock, they saw that nothing was there and they both paced around nervously.

Huntress nervously rapped her fingers around her spear and then felt a presence behind her and she shouted out and pointed her spearhead right behind her with a shout, only to see a woman with a mud mask and cucumber slices on her eyes. She gasped in horror.

"Sorry, ma'am," Huntress said. "I thought you were a butt-ugly alien."

The woman huffed in anger and tossed her pillow into the young hero's face before walking away.

"Well, that could've gone better," Matter Girl said as she and the others walked into the hole, crossing her arms.

Suddenly, a slimy purple tentacle rose around and wrapped around Needle Mouse's body and yanked her back screaming.

Matter Girl gasped and absorbed the linoleum from the floor, morphed her hands into mallets and slammed the Lenopan in the head, causing him to let go of Needle Mouse and Diamondhead ran in and tackled him into the hot tub.

The pair of aliens struggled for a bit before the ex-boyfriend, being literally made of mud, began to dissolve in the water.

The girls watched in disgust as they saw the water turn purple as Diamondhead rose from the muddy water, dripping with mud as the girls looked on.


"Gross, gross, gross!" Needle Mouse agreed.

"It was a dirty job, guys," Max said as he walked into the area. "But somebody had to do it."

They looked down to see the ex-boyfriend's eyes glowing in the water before fading out.

"We are not cancelling my wedding!" Camille said as she put her foot down as the group met outside of the chapel.

"Civilians will be at the wedding tomorrow!" Gordon protested. "What if there's another alien attack?"

"Then there's another alien attack," Camille said. "We've planned too far."

"Well, maybe you can just postpone the wedding until, say, the end of the summer? That should give you plenty of time to find a new ring bearer," Ben begged before Jen nudged him in the chest, shutting him up.

"If you're going to continue on with the wedding, at least let us bring our Plumber gear," Betty Jean begged.

"No. No weapons," Joel said.

"Fine," Gordon said.

"More bad news," Camille said. "After my ex-boyfriend attacked, my bridesmaids quit. How am I going to find more by tomorrow?"

This perked up Gwen and Becky and they grabbed Allison and whispered to each other very quietly before nodding in confirmation.

They walked up to Camille.

"Camille, me, Gwen and Becky would be honored to be your replacement bridesmaids," Allison said. "We already have our dresses ready and are familiar with our duties."

"The wedding's tomorrow, so I guess I don't have much of a choice," Camille said. "You're in."

"Yay!" Gwen and Becky said as they hugged and Becky spun her sister around in the air.

"This is so much better than being the flower girl!" Gwen cheered.

"For now, everyone just relax," Mrs. Mann said. "It's all over now."

"...I wish I could believe that," Max said to himself.

In the Rust Bucket, Ben and Jen were playing on their guitars and Jen stopped.

"Okay, I think you got it. Now, to hold up my end of the bargain."

"Are you sure?" Ben asked. "You're not just going to make me look like some dancing doofus?"

"Bro, you don't need my help to dance like a doofus. Now give me your hands."

Ben sighed and took his sister's hands and she smiled.

"The most important thing is to not step on her toes."

"Oh, this is so awkward."

"Yeah, I know," Jen sighed. "Now, I'll lead, you follow. 1, 2. 1, 2. Forward, back, forward, back."

Ben followed his sister's movements and she at him as they moved along the floor.

"Hey, I'm dancing!"

"I told you you could trust me."

"Aw, isn't that sweet?"

"Grandpa?!" the twins gasped as they saw their grandfather smiling at the doorway.

Jen hurriedly shoved her brother into the bed and then crossed her arms with a humph.

"I meant to do that," Jen said.

The next morning, the wedding was in full swing as the doves flew by and the swans swam on the lake. Everyone had changed into their tuxedos and dresses to celebrate this momentous occasion.

The piano in the corner played Here Comes the Bride as Mr. Mann led his daughter down where the rabbi and Joel were waiting with a smile as Lucy walked down the carpet leaving flowers along the way while Gwen, Becky and Allison stood on the right side of the gazebo as Allison tugged at her off-the-shoulder black dress and Becky and Gwen looked on in their red and blue dresses respectively.

"Never been a maid of honor before?" Becky asked.

"Maid of honor? I've never participated in a wedding before, let alone be a made of honor," Allison said. "I just went to my mom's wedding when she remarried my stepfather."

"You would have a wedding story, wouldn't you?" Gwen asked her.

When Camille reached Joel, they both took each other's hands and smiled lovingly into each other's eyes as Mr. Mann took his seat.

Ben stood by his cousin, carrying a pillow with the wedding rings on it and tugged uncomfortably at his tux as Jen and Max smiled and gave a thumbs' up to him.

"I am so proud," Max said. "Just look at that tux."

"Dearly beloved," the priest began. "We are gathered here today to witness the union between Joel Tennyson and Camille Mann. This young couple are an inspiration. They remind us that love conquers all. If anyone has a reason why these two should not wed, speak now or forever hold your peace-"

As the priest said that, he was suddenly nailed in the face by a mud ball.

Everyone gasped as they saw Mr. and Mrs. Mann standing up with their arms morphed into muddy tentacles.

"Yeah, we have something to say," Mr. Mann said.

Their bodyguard stood up as well and sent out a muddy blast towards Gordon and Betty Jean, trapping in the mud.

The guests, priest and groomsmen all ran away screaming as our heroes, Joel and Camille all stood by and glared at the Lenopans as they stood before them.

"This wedding, and every human here, are about to be cancelled!" Mr. Mann said.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing?!" Camille shouted.

"Putting an end to this nonsense once and for all!" Mr. Mann said.

"Oh, my God," Jen said as she glared. "It was her mom and dad behind the dirty tricks all along!"

"I knew it!" Allison shouted.

"What did I tell you guys? Once a sludge, always a sludge!" Betty Jean glared.

"They must have set up the ex-boyfriend to take the fall and keep suspicion off of themselves," Max said as the team all got ready to fight.

"There will be no wedding and no truce!" Mr. Mann shouted as he stretched his muddy arm out, expanded it and grabbed Joel and held him in the air with a smirk on his face.

"But you said you liked me!" Joel said.

"We lied," Mr. Mann slyly smiled.

Camille ran up to her father and got onto her knees to beg him to stop.

"Stop it! No!"

"Stay out of this, Camille! This is for your own good!" Mrs. Mann shouted as she swatted her daughter aside to the ground.

"That does it," Gwen said as the team assembled and showed their watches with a glare as they all glared and suited up into their hero suits.

"It's hero time!" Huntress said as she took out her spear and Omni-Green and Omni-Pink nodded to each other.

Mr. Mann smirked as he held Joel in his grasp until a combo of an energy blast and fire blast flew outwards and blasted into the Manns, causing Mr. Mann to drop Joel.

"Oh yeah!" Lucky Girl said as she blew the smoke from her hand. "I'm all fired up!"

Camille ran up to her fiancee and looked at the heroes as they smiled to her.

Then, the smoke cleared, revealing Mr. and Mrs. Mann standing there, parts of their bodies blown away from the blast.

"More wedding crashers! Why did we even bother with invitations?" Mrs. Mann asked.

The two then degenerated their bodies and reformed themselves into their true Lenopan forms, revealing two hulking monsters made entirely out of mud, with Mrs. Mann having four tendrils growing from her face and bigger glowing purple eyes than her husband.

"Oh, sludge," the Omni Twins said as they were blasted back by a mud ball to the face, slamming them into the gazebo.

However, they noticed the Omnitrixes beep and start to glow yellow as the mud slid off of them, indicating a new form ready for use.

"Okay, Sludgepuppies," Omni-Green said.

"Let's fight mud with mud," Omni-Pink agreed as the two nodded and slammed down the cores.

The screen split as the twins bodies dissolved into mud and splatted on the ground before they cycloned around and reformed, revealing two humanoid Lenopan forms that resembled their human forms with a brief outline of their clothing in a purple sludge-like form and glowing pink and green eyes and four tendrils growing from Jen's face and a slight growth from the top and back of their heads, resembling hair. The two struck a pose as the transformations ended.

"Make way for Sludgeshifter, freaks!" Ben shouted as Jen nodded to him.

Mr. Mann loomed over them and swatted the two back into the lake before slithering off to them and shouting out.

"Let's do this, bro!" Jen said as she leaped up and helped her brother up.

Meanwhile, Gordon, Betty Jean, Lucky Girl, Matter Girl, Huntress and Max gasped as they saw the Mann's bodyguard looming over them and he brought his arm, morphed into a spiked mace down on them, prompting them to avoid the blow.

Lucky Girl then glared and brought her glowing hands outwards.

"Sinew Invisibus!"

Two large boulders grew upwards from the ground and she tossed them at the bodyguard, causing them to blow his arms off. But due to his inconsistent form, he just grew them back like it was nothing and slithered down to the group as Matter Girl glared.

"Okay," she said as she absorbed the stone and morphed her arms into hammers. "Now I'm mad!"

Huntress took out her spear and shouted out as she stabbed outwards while Matter Girl charged in and bashed him with her hammer arms and grunted with each blow as he slithered away to avoid it.

"What do we do?" Betty Jean asked. "We're defenseless."

"Not quite," Max said. "You promised to leave the Plumber gear at home. I didn't."

He handed his brother and sister-in-law two cylinders which once they took, morphed into two blasters.

"Just like the good old days, eh, bro?" Gordon asked.

Lucky Girl dodged the rapid movements of the bodyguard and shouted out as Matter Girl collided her large fist with his head before he glared and stretched his arms out and grabbed Huntress.

Huntress glared at him and spat into his face, which prompted no reaction.

However, a blue blast hit him in the face, causing him to drop Matter Girl.

Lucky Girl grabbed the team's energy cannon and tossed it to Matter Girl.

The bodyguard glared as he reformed the hole the blast left in his head and he stretched out his arms and gave out a punch.

Ben and Jen flew backwards into the back of the trees in the woods as Jen formed her arms into maces and shouted out as she dodged Mr. Mann's attacks before she leaped upwards and slammed him in the face with both of her maces.

"Aren't you two a little old to be playing with mud?" she asked as she melted herself on the ground and reformed herself behind Mrs. Mann.

She shouted out in anger and swatted her into a tree, where she fell back, dazed. She then stretched her arm out to Jen's brother and then stuck him to the tree as well as she morphed her arm into a spiked mace and swatted him down.

Max, Gordon, Betty Jean, and Matter Girl blasted away at the bodyguard that loomed over them, with their blasts barely phasing him at all.

Huntress and Lucky Girl blasted out with arrows and spells to him as they shouted out a war cry and the camera loomed over to Joel comforting Camille.

"This is my special day," Camille sobbed. "And nobody is going to ruin it! Especially not my family!"

She then morphed her body into her true Lenopan form and rushed off to help the others.

"She is going to be my wife!" Joel smiled.

The team avoided the spiked muddy tendrils from the bodyguard and blasted away at him with everything they had to slow him down.

Camille then suddenly rushed in, morphed her arm into a long spiked hammer and swatted the bodyguard in the face, causing him to fall to the ground in a daze as she morphed her hand back.

"We're sorry we've been so tough on you, Camille," Gordon said.

"Can you ever forgive us?" Betty Jean asked.

"Of course," Camille smiled. "That's what family is for... Look out!"

She pushed them away as the bodyguard sent a muddy swipe to her which she dodged as Matter Girl and Lucky Girl walked up and glared.

"Okay, screw this. This has gone on long enough," Matter Girl said as she charged up her cannon and Lucky Girl lit her hands on fire.

Max then came in and pulled on the cylinder of his blaster, which beeped blue.

He then tossed it to Huntress, who hooked it into one of her arrows and she took a careful aim on one knee as she aimed her bow carefully.

"Come on," she said as she looked from Camille to the bodyguard, who morphed into his true form. "Get out of the way, girl!"

The bodyguard glared and charged towards Huntress, who then closed her eyes, drew in a sharp breath and let the arrow fly forward, sticking into the gelatinous mass of an alien.

He grinned as he slammed her backwards, landing against the gazebo in a daze.

She grinned back at him as he looked down and saw the beeping blaster in him and he frowned before the blaster exploded, sending him flying upwards and Lucky Girl and Matter Girl opened fire on him as he fell down before going splat on the floor and dissolving into a puddle of sentient mud as he glared up at Matter Girl, who hoisted the cannon over her shoulder.

"You... are definitely your father's daughter," he said before he fell into unconsciousness.

"What did he mean by that?" Matter Girl asked herself.

"Where's Ben?" Huntress asked.

"And my parents?" Camille asked.

Said twins had it pretty rough as Mrs. Mann held them against a tree as Jen dissolved herself into mud, wrapped herself around the mad alien woman's neck and slammed her head against the tree while Ben ran in and morphed his arms into hammers, which he used to slam her backwards.

She growled at them.

"Irritating pests! You must be from the groom's side of the family!"

"Guilty as charged," Ben said, crossing his arms.

The ground beneath the twins started to shake and rumble as they gulped and backflipped away as Mr. Mann came up from the ground by them as the Omnitrixes timed out, leaving them in their Omni Suits.

"We'll teach you to muck up our family business!" Mr. Mann said before he looked at his wife and they nodded.

The two Lenopans then jointed each other and started to grow and expand as the mass grew and the couple's heads grew from the top.

"This is the messiest battle we've ever been in," Omni-Pink said.

"You've been bad little aliens!" Mrs. Mann said as she shot an arm out and grabbed the Omni Twins. "We're putting you two down for a nap! A dirt nap!"

The twins screamed as they were sucked into the mass.

Omni-Pink stopped screaming before she focused and managed to eek out two important words.

"Meena... Goh," she whispered before she was sucked in.

The Manns smiled to each other and laughed before they suddenly felt an intense heat coming from their center. They looked down to see a boiling orange mass coming from them and rock started to encase the evil aliens. They screamed in agony before they were instantly turned to stone from the intense heat.

The Omni Twins burst out of the chest cavity with their intense strength as they stumbled out and removed their helmets for a breath of fresh air.

The rest of the group as well as Joel, Camille, Gordon and Betty Jean looked up at the sight of the petrified parents as well as Ben and Jen as they held their helmets under their arms.

"Ben? Jen?" Joel asked as he and his parents looked stunned as the twins gulped and then smiled.

"...Surprise!" Jen smiled as Ben nervously nodded.

Camille looked up and smiled at her parents. "Little big for the wedding cake. But it's the thought that counts."

After cleaning up after the accident, the wedding had continued on as planned with only the team present for the ceremony.

"... I now pronounce you man and wife," the priest said. "You may now kiss the bride."

Joel then dipped his new wife and gave her a kiss as the twins smiled.

"Yep. Best wedding ever," Ben said.

"You said it," Jen said. "Now come on. We've got a reception to attend."

"Right, you still have to perform your set," Allison said as they all walked towards the chapel.

The crowd had gathered in the banquet hall as Joel smashed a piece of cake into his wife's face before she smashed his into the cake.

Ben and Lucy danced while Gwen danced with her sister and the two smiled and had a good time.

"Wow, Ben," Lucy smiled. "You're pretty good at this."

"I learned from the best," Ben said as he saw his sister clear his throat and smile as she ushered him onto the stage. "Hold that thought."

He rushed onto the stage and picked up a guitar as Jen smiled and cleared her throat, catching the attention of the crowd.

"This one is for the happy couple Joel and Camille," Jen said as she turned to the band and nodded.

The sound of a banjo started as long as the sounds of a violin and piano also sounded in the area as Ben started his guitar along with his sister as she started to sing.

"There's a place

I've been looking for

That took me in and out of buildings behind window, walls and doors

And I thought I found it

Couple times, even settled down

And I'd hang around just long enough to find my way back out

I know now

The place that I was trying to reach

Was you, right here in front of me

The drummer then slammed down on his drum set while Ben and Jen jammed off on their guitars, much to the shock of Gwen, Becky and Allison as he knocked the guitar out of the park while singing backup for his sister at the same time.

"And I wouldn't change a thing

I'd walk right back through the rain

Back to every broken heart on the day that it was breakin'

And I'd relive all the years

And be thankful for the tears

I've cried with every stumbled step

That led to you and got me


Right here

Oh, baby,"

Everyone jammed out and danced to the music as Jen smiled to Joel and Camille with a wink as she continued.

"It's amazing

What I let my heart go through

To get me where it got me in this moment here with you

And it passed me by

God knows how many times

I was so caught up in holding what I never thought I'd find

I know now

There's a million roads I had to take

To get me in your arms this way

And I wouldn't change a thing

I'd walk right back through the rain

Back to every broken heart on the day that it was breakin'

And I'd relive all the years

And be thankful for the tears

I've cried with every stumbled step

That led to you and got me


In a love I never thought I'd get to get to


And if that's the road God made me take to be with you

The music suddenly slowed down a bit, leaving just the piano and Jen's sweet vocals.

Then I wouldn't change a thing

I'd walk right back through the rain

Back to every broken heart on the day that it was breakin'

The music then picked up again as the band finished up their set.

And I'd relive all the years

And be thankful for the tears

I've cried with every stumbled step

That led to you and got me


(Right here)

Right here!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

And I'd relive all the years

And be thankful for the tears!

I've cried with every stumbled step

That led to you and got me


Right here

Oh baby


Oh, got me


The song ended as the crowd of wedding guests all erupted into applause for Ben and Jen as they held their guitars and they heard whistles from their cousins and friends as Ben and Jen took a bow to them as Joel kissed Camille one last time.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10:

Ben 4 Good Buddy

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