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8.62% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Permanent Retirement

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Permanent Retirement

At a gas station somewhere in the desert, the Rust Bucket was parked as Max was at an ATM getting out some cash while the kids were inside of the convenience store getting ice cream.

Then, a pick-up truck pulled up and a thug walked up behind Max as he was using the ATM.

"Out of the way, Grandpa," he said. "I've got a major withdrawal to make."

He then violently tossed him out of the way and at the feet of another thug. He then smiled smugly.

Inside of the convenience store, the kids were looking over the ice cream selection.

"What do you have that's non-fat, less than 3% sugar?" Gwen asked.

"Napkins," the clerk said before turning to the twins. "What about you two?"

Just as Jen was about to make her selection, he twins then noticed one of the thugs hooking up a chain from the truck to the ATM, planning to drive away with it. Jen then smirked and bowed to him. "You may do the honors brother."

"Thank you, sister," Ben bowed back before turning to the ice cream man. "I'm about to go rocky road."

He then ran out of the store and dialed in on his watch while Jen turned to the clerk. "One chocolate with rainbow sprinkles, please."

The first thug then hooked up the chain to the ATM before turning to his buddy. "Hit it."

The other thug then gave a thumbs-up and tried to start the truck, only for it to not go anywhere after hitting the gas pedal.

Then, right before his eyes, the steering wheel dissolved and the entire front of the truck became a formless black and white mass with green data-like markings on his body forming some kind of limbs and a single circle on the front of the head representing an eye. This was another of Ben's aliens known as Upgrade.

"Your cash request has been denied!" Upgrade announced in a digitized version of Ben's voice, his eye lighting up as he spoke.

Outside of the car, we see that he's taken over the entire truck, it turning the same black and green as him as the thug was tossed out of the car and Upgrade de-merged with it as he looked to the other thug, who tossed the hook and chain at him like a mace, only for Upgrade to wrap it around his arm and then yank him right into a power-line pole, nearly unconscious.

As he tried to get up, Max prevented him from doing so by putting his foot on his chest.

"Where do you think you're going?" Max asked as he looked to Upgrade as Gwen and Jen walked out of the convenience store, enjoying their ice cream.

"Oh yeah!" Upgrade said as Jen smiled at him. "I'm ready for anything! Bring it on!"

"Where do we go next, Grandpa?" Jen asked, hopefully.

"We're heading off to see your Aunt Vera for the weekend," Max said.

The twins grew horrified looks upon their faces. (Or at least Jen did, since you can't really make out any emotions on Upgrade's face.)

"Boring old Aunt Vera?" Upgrade asked.

"The one who always pinches our cheeks to hard?" Jen asked.

"NO!" The twins shouted in horror.

The Rust Bucket drove through the desert with no scenery in sight as the twins slumped on the table in disappointment.

"Wow," Gwen said. "When Aunt Vera said she wanted to move away from it all, she really meant it."

"Oh man," Ben sighed. "This summer was supposed to be about F-U-N. Not hanging out at some old lady's house."

"For once, I'm in full agreement with you," Jen said. "I don't know how long I'm going to survive on old people food. I'd honestly rather be forced to eat a feast of Grandpa's cooking."

Ben then shuddered uncomfortably.

"I know. I'm scared, too."

"I like Aunt Vera," Gwen said.

"Duh," Ben said. "That's because you act like you're 100 years old."

"Sorry, cuz. He's right this time," Jen stated as she buried her hands in her face as she started sobbing at the thought of the food.

At the retirement complex, Vera was talking to her neighbor, Marty, who was watering his garden.

"It's been years since I've seen Max and the kids," she said. "I'm not sure I'll even recognize them. Stop by and say hello."

"I'd like that," Marty said as he went inside.

Inside of his apartment, he put down some snacks and sat down on his sofa to watch a movie. But as he picked up his snack, a slimy formless mass stuck to his hand and he gasped as it attacked him.

"This is going to be so boring," Ben stated as the Rust Bucket entered the retirement complex. "They're idea of excitement in this place is probably watching the grass grow."

Jen was going through her movie collection desperately. "Let's see. Iron Man, School of Rock, Source Code."

"She probably doesn't have a DVD Player," Ben reminded her.

"I know. Which is why I'm bringing mine."

As she stood up after putting her DVDs into her backpack, she stood up. As she looked though, she witnessed an old man slip on his roof while trying to fix his satellite. But as he did, he backflipped off of it and landed square on his feet.

"Whoa!" She exclaimed. "Did you see that?"

Gwen looked up from her laptop and just saw a bunch of senior citizens doing their usual thing as she looked back at her.

"See what?" Gwen asked.

"Sis, I know you're trying to keep the fun alive, but it's not really working on me," Ben said.

Jen then sighed and shook her head in disappointment.

Once they reached Vera's house, the twins stepped out and were blinded for a few seconds by the hot sun.

"Seriously," Ben said. "Why do old people have to live where it's so hot!?"

Gwen then smirked mischievously and sprayed the pair with her water gun.

"Hey!" they shouted.

Gwen then laughed and ran up ahead.

The twins then looked into the window of the neighbor's house and Marty snarled at them and stretched his neck rather disturbingly before closing the blinds.

"Wow," Jen said. "They really make you feel welcome here."

"Just watch the cheeks," Max said. "Vera's a pincher."

"Don't remind us," Ben said.

"Max!" Vera said, running out to hug her brother.

"Vera!" Max smiled as he hugged his sister.

The kids then walked up to her as the twins gave a fake smile.

"I can't believe you're finally here," Vera said as she hugged Gwen before pinching her cheeks. "And look at you three! So grown up!" She then moved on to the twins and pinched theirs as well.


"Come in. I can't wait to chew the fat with all of you."

The three went in as Jen started talking to herself.

"Stay positive. Stay positive," she said.

Little did they know that Marty was glaring at them through the blinds in his window.

Inside of Vera's house, it was pretty much what you would expect from a retirement complex would be. The walls were entirely white and your basic furniture was there.

Ben then sniffed in the air and groaned. "Why do old people's houses always smell like someone's cooking socks or something?"

Aunt Vera then walked up to Jen with a smile and handed her a slip of paper with the word "RhubarbPie" on it.

"What's this, our dessert tonight?"

Vera then chuckled a bit and smiled. "The wi-fi password. I'm not out of the time."

Jen then pulled out her cell phone and logged it onto the WiFi when she spied a piano on the wall. "Is that a piano?"

"Sure is," Vera stated as Jen sat down onto the seat as she turned her phone onto the YouTube app before she picked a song and put her headphones in and cracked her knuckles as she started to play 100 Years by Five for Fighting on the piano and nodded her head to the music and Ben and Gwen just stared at her as they approached her as she stopped playing.

"What the heck was that?" Ben asked as Jen sighed.

"I have no idea what it is with me, but once I hear a song a couple of times and identify the compositions in the music, I just get them almost instantly. I think it might be some kind of mental condition."

"That's delightful," Vera said as she laid a hand on Jen's shoulder. "You really are as gifted with music as Max told me."

"Thanks, Aunt Vera," Jen said.

Later, the family sat down to dinner and an orange Jell-O mold with white and brown bits was put in front of them and the twins nearly threw up in their mouths at the sight of it.

"Vera, this is delicious," Max said as the kids just picked at it. "What are these brown chunks in the mold?"

"Pork chops. And the white chunks are cauliflower," Vera said.

The kids then gulped in horror as Jen pushed her dish away.

"I think I'll pass," Jen said.

"Me too. We had take-out on the way here," Ben said.

"So, Ben," Vera said. "What have you been doing so far this summer?"

"Dealing with alien life forms," Ben said.

"And I'm his partner," Jen said.

Vera then chuckled a bit. "Oh, you kids and your wild imaginations."

Gwen then got up and saw the model bird collection on Vera's shelf, intrigued. She then spotted the red bird. "Aunt Vera, is that a stuffed red-billed North American chickadee?"

"*gasp* How perceptive, Gwen," Vera said. "And did you know the song of the red-billed North American chickadee is actually-"

"-a call indicating alarm or excitement?" they both finished before imitating the call, much to the horror of the twins.

Vera then came up to Ben's seat with a smile and a bowl in her hands. "Ben, would you like some candy?"

"Now we're talking," Ben said as he took one and put it into his mouth before immediately spitting it out. "Coffee? As a candy? Is this some kind of joke?"

The two then immediately got up from their seats. "I need to use the bathroom," they both said as they raced for the bathroom.

They both ran for it before Jen beat her brother to it, "Sorry bro. There's only one." She then closed the door with a start.

"Dang it!" Ben shouted.

Jen then gulped down her lunch as she glared. "It's Attack of the Old People! I need to get out of here." She then looked down at her watch with a start before she activated it and turned it to different icons with a glare. "Let's see, Ben's the one with Ghostfreak, so that's out. Firefly, XLR8, aha! Frost Blight." She then pressed the core down and a flash of pink light flashed out, starting her transformation.

The watch dissolved into her skin, which turned the light-blue of the color ice while her hair shortened and turned ocean blue. Her clothing changed into a small pink skintight dress with matching flat slippers. Her back grew fairy wings and she shrunk to 6 inches tall as she beat her wings and smiled at the camera as the light faded.

"Now to get out of here," she said, her voice a little more high-pitched due to the size of her windpipe. She then spotted the airvent and flew through it, travelling through the house's inner workings.

Meanwhile, Vera was showing a very bored-looking Ben and an interested Gwen her seashell collection.

"And this one is a Valentiana," she said as she handed the conch shell to Gwen. "Can you hear the ocean?"

Gwen held it up to her ear. But what she heard was not what she was expecting at all.

"Boring... boring..." she heard as her eyes widened and she looked up to see Frost Blight through the grates as she then gave a small breath and chilled the room down.

Ben then immediately felt the sudden change in temperature and looked to see Frost Blight give a thumbs up as she then smiled.

"Gotta run- I mean fly," Jen said as she flew out of the air vent and out through the conditioner's tiny window as she flew out to explore the grounds. "There's got to be something fun to do around here."

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a golf cart. "Hello." She then flew towards it and pressed her body against the gas pedal to make it go while using her strong frosty breath to push the steering wheel. To the onlookers on the street, it looked like the cart was driving itself, much to their confusion. She smiled at her antics before a whiff of something delicious made its way to her nostrils as she smacked her lips and pressed against the brake to make the cart stop before she saw her prize. "Mmm... apple pie."

But just as she was about to dig in, she saw something when she looked up. She then saw an old lady swatting violently at a fly before she leaped up, stuck to the ceiling, and ate the fly before falling down on her feet and cracking the joints in her neck rather grotesquely.

At first she was disgusted by her eating the fly. "Blech!" But then, realization at the amazing sight hit her like a truck. "No way! Ninja old people?!" She then turned and saw Marty driving the cart away. But then, the lawn sprinklers turned on and he got a panicked look on his face as he veered the cart away and gave a sigh of relief as Frost Blight looked on. "I wonder what Mr. Friendly's up to." She then followed him by flying behind him, going unnoticed by the onlookers due to her size.

A few minutes later, Frost Blight had followed Marty to the complex's waste area where he lifted up a folded red rug onto his shoulder. But then, he walked over to the gate, stretched up his legs and stepped over it with no effort at all as Frost Blight just looked incredibly creeped out.

"This place just keeps getting weirder by the minute," she stated as she squeezed through one of the gate's holes as she looked to see Marty moving the garbage dumpster out of the way, revealing a hidden staircase underneath it as he was about to go down when the watch symbol started beeping rapidly, much to Frost Blight's panic as a flash of purple light came out and Jen fell to the ground and let out a grunt of effort.

Marty unfortunately heard that and stretched his head around to the back of his body as Jen let out a disgusted squeal.

"That is so wrong," Jen said as Marty then stretched around the rest of his body and screeched as Jen screamed in terror as he grabbed her by the shoulders before she struggled out of his grasp.

Jen looked at the closed gate as he creeped towards her. "This is where those 2 years of gymnastics lessons pays off." She then started scaling the gate's grating and then once at the top, she then did a double front flip and landed on the ground gracefully before she made it to the golf cart as Marty stretched over the gate again and ran for her as she then floored it as the golf cart was going about as fast as Marty was running as Jen looked back at him in a frenzy. "Okay. Creepy old guy coming right for me. Maybe this won't be the most boring place on this vacation after all?"

She then floored it but the golf cart only went 40 mph and she grunted in effort. But then, Marty stretched his arms forward, grabbed the front of the cart and started dragging it back. Jen then started panicking and then spied the golf clubs in the duffel bag and then sliced off his hand with a mighty "Fore!" She then started driving away from him, but then felt a bump on top of the cart and knew that Marty had climbed on top of it. With the sudden jolt, she lost control of the cart and then hit a parking space block and then they both went flying into a tree Jen groaned and sat up in pain and leaned against a tree to rest.

But not for long as Marty suddenly reformed himself like rubber and Jen was too weak to fight back as he grabbed her legs and started stretching backwards as Jen started struggling with her Omnitrix as she grunted in effort.

But then, Marty noticed the lawn sprinkler spraying onto him and he grunted in fear as he ran off, leaving Jen very confused.

"What the heck was that all about?"

Later back in Aunt Vera's house, Ben, Gwen and Max were in the kitchen when Jen came rushing up to them out of breath.

"Guys, something is seriously wrong with this place!" she shouted before Max shushed her.

"Your Aunt Vera is sleeping."

"Are you for real? It's only like 6:30."

"Thank you!" Ben said, while shushing. "But seriously, what's wrong, sis?"

"Bro, this place is so much creepier than we thought. I was out for a walk and I saw some pretty strange things to say the least. First, this old woman ninja scales up a wall, munches on a fly and lands on the floor without so much as a scratch on her. Then, Marty, the creepy guy from next door is this weird alien who has the ability to stretch his neck 180 degrees and he can stretch his body to limitless forms and-"

"Slow down, kiddo," Max said.

"Jen, you snuck out. Aunt Vera was heartbroken," Gwen chided.

"She's old. She'll forget soon enough," Jen said.

"I believe you. We've seen enough strange stuff this summer for anything to be possible," Ben said, giving Jen a slap on the shoulder.

"Thanks. I think we should hero up and check out Marty's apartment," Jen suggested.

"Well, maybe we should do some investigating. But you two stay exactly as you are," Max said.

"Fine," the twins sighed.

Max then gave an exaggerated old man voice. "Us old geezers don't forget as much as you think." He then winked at Gwen before walking off.

"You know, ever since you two got those watches, you've been like magnets for the weird."

"Why do you think I've had such an open mind as of late?" Jen said.

Later, the family entered Marty's apartment with Max cracking open the door just a tad before calling out "Hello? Anyone home?" When nobody answered, he shushed his grandchildren before they entered the apartment with hesitation in their walk as they saw the creepy shadows scrawled upon the wall. They also heard a ticking noise followed by a ringing.

They then searched the apartment for a light switch so they could see their way around for anything unusual. Then, Gwen felt something touch her as Jen flipped the light switch and they saw it was just a coat and hat on a rack blowing by the open window.

"Well, nothing seems out of whack," Max analyzed.

"I"m telling you, I know what I saw," Jen persisted. Then, she saw a faded spot on the carpeted floor. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. When I caught him, he had something rolled up in a rug and stashed it in a secret passage under the dumpster. This is where the rug was."

"I'll admit, it does seem unusual that a rug would be removed from an apartment like this," Gwen admitted.

"Ben and I have proved time and time again that we're not crazy. I'll prove it this time too," Jen promised.

Back at Aunt Vera's house at sunset Max was showing the kids to their rooms. "You kids sleep well. I'll be in the guest room if you need me."

"But Grandpa-" Ben began before Max interrupted him.

"There's nothing more we can do tonight. I'm going for an early walk in the morning. When I get back, we'll check things out again. Now get some rest," Max said before leaving them alone as Jen nodded.

"He's got a point. We're going to need all the energy we can get to uncover whatever's happening here," Jen said before she gave out a loud yawn and stretched before heading to her room. "Nighty night."

In Vera's room, the sleeping Vera's hand fell off of the covers as the same substance that attacked Marty suddenly slithered in the rafters. It then slithered up her arm before she suddenly woke up as the slime-like substance covered her body completely Spider-Man 3 style before she could even scream.

The next morning, Ben went through Vera's fridge with his sister and watching miserably and his cousin getting a glass of water. "Prune juice, prune juice, and, oh what a surprise, more prune juice."

Jen sighed and rubbed her brow with her fingers. "Why is it seem that old people were always old? I know that they were young like us once but man does it not feel like it."

Then, Vera came down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Aunt Vera," Gwen said with a smile. "How did you sleep?"

"Just... fine," Vera said with little emotion in her voice, which caused the twins to raise their eyebrows in suspicion. "How about you?" Then, she reached out like a zombie and pinched Jen's cheeks rather painfully.

"Fine, Aunt Vera," Jen said.

"I made you some coffee, Aunt Vera," Gwen said. But then, she tripped and sent the coffee and water sprawling to the ground, causing Vera to panic, jump up, and do the splits between the kitchen shelves.

"Clean it up! Clean it up right now!" She ordered as the kids looked absolutely shocked at the sight of it.

"I'm sorry," Gwen apologized before she cleaned up the coffee and water with a towel.

Vera then jumped down once it was cleaned up and glanced over to see the empty guest room where Max was sleeping.

"Where did your grandfather go?"

"He said he was going for an early walk," Gwen said.

"Well, behave yourselves. I'll be back soon," Vera said before walking away from them and Jen crossed her arms.

"She's one of them," Jen said.

"One of what?" Gwen asked.

"Whatever's possessing this old people. I've seen senior citizens who are rather spry in my life so seeing one do the splits is not out of the realm of plausibility for me. But an entire comunity and one of which seems to have elastic powers? I can only suspend my disbelief so far."

"I believe you," Ben said. "I would have said you were crazy too until I saw it for myself."

"But Aunt Vera wasn't anything like that before," Gwen reminded them.

"Maybe she was normal before. Or at least normal when it comes to old people. But someone or something has got to her and who knows how many of the fossils around here," Ben said.

"We've got to do something," Jen said as they nodded.

"I think we need to go look for Grandpa Max," Gwen said as the three walked out of the house.

Later in an alleyway, they were walking down an alleyway in the complex silently with Jen leading the charge.

"So, where are we going, Sherlock?" Gwen asked as Jen pressed herself against the wall and saw two seniors looking suspicious walking past them.

"The trap door by the dumpster," Jen said. "When I first confronted Marty, he was stowing something in it. If I'm right, it might be the real Marty," she stated.

The three waited for the seniors to pass out of sight before they made a break for it and hid in another alleyway.

Meanwhile, Marty and another senior were waiting by a wall as Vera walked up to them.

"Is the food supply ready for transport?" she asked.

"The pods are in the final stages of gestation," Marty said. "What about the young ones?"

"Too chewy," Vera sighed and shook her head. "They need to age more before they get nice and tender."

"I'm not talking about eating. The brunette girl suspects too much.

Then, Vera gave an evil smile.

Back with the kids, they finally made it to the dumpster as Jen pointed.

"It's right over there," she said as they walked over to it.

"Just follow the disgusting smell," Gwen stated, holding her nose.

"That's one way to put it," Jen admitted.

Soon, they passed two seniors playing shuffleboard. Then, they gave a menacing growl and started chucking the pucks at them as Ben grew concerned. "Run!"

They then ran for cover from the flying pucks before they ran behind a corner and panted heavily.

"So do you believe me now?"

"I do," Gwen said.

Then, Max came out from behind them as they looked over.

"Guys, what's going on?" he asked.

"They're everywhere!" Ben shouted.

"I know," Max said before he stretched out and revealed his jagged teeth. "Come here. I'll protect you," he then gave out a roar as Jen glared.

"No one messes with my grandfather!"

"Let's get out of here!" Gwen shouted as they ran away again. But soon, they were stopped by Vera, Marty, and another senior blocking the way holding up a car. They then looked back to see Max charging them as the twins looked at each other in fear.

"Oh, this is not good," Ben said as the seniors tossed the car at them and they ducked out of the way as the car then suddenly landed on Max as they all looked concerned.

"No!" Gwen shouted.

But then, suddenly from the wreckage of the car, a formless slime-like being flowed from out of it and formed itself into Max with his left eye exposed and not solid as the others surrounded them.

"Gwen, get to the trap door!" Ben said as Gwen nodded and ran to the dumpster and saw the trap door underneath it. She then tried her best to move it but she just wasn't strong enough.

The twins looked at each other as they backed up from the old people walking towards them.

"Hero time?" Jen asked.

"Hero time," Ben confirmed as the pair chose a form each and slammed their watches down.

The watch sank into his wrist, causing his veins to pulse and expand rapidly, until they reached his eye, which he clenched shut. When he opened them again, they were fully orange. Afterwards, orange fur sprouted all over his body, his teeth turned to fangs and he grew three gills on each side of his collar. He stretched his three-fingered paw out and it sprouted black claws. The watch's symbol was on his shoulder pad and he let out a roar as the transformation ended. This was Wildmutt, which he now called the canine alien.

Like her brother, the watch sank into Jen's wrist, causing her blood vessels pumped abnormally before they travelled up to her eyes and when she shot them open, her sclera turned green and her pupils contracted into feline slits. Her body started cracking and snapping as her mass built up to that of a teenager and her skin erupted in pink fur with blue stripes. Her hair grew longer into a mane-like state. She rose to the camera and her teeth sharpened to fangs and her face pushed out into a small feline muzzle and then the camera shot to the rear view as a long pink and blue striped tail shot out of her spine. She rose her arms up, shot out her claws from her paws and slammed them against the ground and gave a mighty roar like the tigress she now was as the transformation ended.

The pair then growled and snarled at the seniors as Wildcat looked at the dumpster and then tossed it to the seniors, crushing them.

Wildmutt then glared at the trapdoor and snarled lightly at Gwen and she nodded.

"Got it," she then got to undoing the locks of the door. "It's kind of scary I'm starting to speak mutt."

Then, the seniors came oozing out of the dumpster and started towards them just as Gwen opened the door. Wildcat picked her up on her back and they jumped down into the trap door as the seniors glared at them from above.

"Does the expression 'look before you leap' mean anything to you?"

Then, they glanced upwards and, much to their alarm, the seniors started crawling down, sticking to the walls like spiders while growling at them.

"Move it!"

The pair then ran through the caverns as the seniors leaped down and started following them as they left no haste and didn't stop before they saw the tunnel split into two paths as they glared.

"These tunnels must go under the entire complex," Gwen analyzed as she got down from Wildcat as she then sniffed the air suspiciously as did Wildmutt as he saw the heat signature of the Max as he then stretched his arms at them as Wildcat grabbed his arms and swung him into the wall.

He then grabbed Wildcat's scruff and flipped her onto her back as she groaned in pain and her brother glared at him as he started punching him in the face with no hesitation as he groaned and snarled at him before slamming him into the wall, grabbing his arm, shaking him like a rag doll and right by Wildcat as she snarled angrily and unsheathed her claws as she was about to bring them down on him as he then briefly turned normal again.

"You wouldn't want to hurt old Grandpa Max, now would you?" he said as Wildcat purred thoughtfully as he then glared at her and gave a spin kick to her which caused her to fly back before she adjusted herself and landed on all fours, her claws digging into the rocky floor as Wildmutt and Gwen met up with her.

"Hey, short, dumb, and hairy. Rule One: he's not Grandpa. He's an alien freak," Gwen stated. "And that leads to Rule Two: we kick alien butt."

Wildcat nodded as she and Wildmutt charged him as they both gave rapid punches, slashes and kicks to him before Wildcat grabbed him and tossed him into the wall again, this time causing a bunch of rocks to fall on him, finishing him off.

Then, the pair sniffed the air briefly as they then charged down one of the split tunnels as fast as they could.

"You don't come with seatbelts, remember?!" Gwen shouted as the pair ran down as fast as they could as the watches started beeping, signifying the time out as they slammed into the wall in a flash of red and purple light as they recovered and shook their heads as the twins were back to normal.

"Hey, freakshow!" she told Ben. "What do I look like, a crash test dummy?!"

"Sorry," Ben said. "It was the only way we could get through."

"Listen, Gwen, I don't know what it is but I think we picked up a scent coming through here," Jen said. "Come on," they then walked down the caverns again as they then saw a spaceship and a bunch of pods that looked like they came out of Alien.

"It's like everyone in Retirement Village has been podded up," Gwen said as they looked through the pods. Ben came across the one that was holding their grandfather.

"Grandpa Max!" Ben said as he gripped the pod and pulled away, ripping it open and Max came out and came to his senses almost instantly.

"I was out for a walk and then *groan* I can't remember what happened next," Max explained as the twins helped him to his feet.

"You and the others in the complex were podded up by these gross shapeshifting aliens," Jen explained.

Ben ran over to another pod to free someone else before he was interrupted.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Vera said as she, Marty, and another senior walked up to them.

"Well you're not me," Ben said as he, his sister, and his cousin got into a fighting stance.

"Not yet, I'm not," Marty said as he and the others let out a shriek and transformed into their true forms: a green amoeba-like being with the ability to screech loudly with their organs visible in their transparent bodies as Jen looked sick to her stomach.

The others backed up in fear as the aliens approached them.

"You can fill me in later," Max said as Gwen accidentally touched the pink wall behind her, which turned yellow and revealed itself to be a door to their ship and she looked behind to see a ton of pods already loaded into the ship.

"Guys, look over here," she shouted as they all looked into it to see the pods.

"Their ship," Max exclaimed as he ran over.

"They found it!" one of the aliens shouted. "We can't let them out!"

With that, the ship activated, shining brightly, illuminating the cavern.

"Get the pods on board," another of the aliens said. "They've been marinating long enough."

"Marinating?" Max asked as Gwen looked up and gasped as she saw Vera's pod.

"They've got Aunt Vera!"

The twins then backed up and nodded to each other as Ben activated their watches and selected their forms.

"You guys really burn me up," Ben said as he slammed down his watch and transformed in a flash of green light.

The watch sunk down into his arm and from where it sinked, brown-orange rocks erupted from his skin and worked their way down his body until they reached his eye. Then, cracks appeared in the outline of his now rocky skin and the watch symbol appeared on his chest. His head erupted into flames with a face outline inside and he struck a pose, transforming into Heatblast.

The aliens stepped back in fear of the fiery alien as he grunted back. "Now I'm going to return the favor," he then thrust his hands forward and produced a fireball that blew the aliens back as they all jumped up and morphed into each other in a massive mass of green goo as Jen looked absolutely disgusted.

"Whatever you are, you just made a terrible mistake," the giant alien said. "Us Limax live for the heat. Why do you think we came to the desert in summer?"

Jen then glared. "Oh yeah? Well we're about to give you four times the trouble!" she then activated her watch and slammed her core down.

The watch sank into Jen's watch and his blood vessels expanded rapidly before spreading across her entire body, which eventually reached her eyes, which she clutched shut and when she shot them open again, they were fully golden. A second pair of arms shot out from below her primary pair and her muscle mass grew exponentially. Her feet morphed themselves to only have two toes and her skin turned red with a few black crests on his face and she grew a second pair of eyes beneath the original ones. She wore a pink and black one-piece bodysuit before he shot a pose. Her Four Arms was slightly more feminine than Ben's in form and she let out a grunt as she punched both sets of fists together.

The twins set out punching the formless mass rapidly only to be picked up with the Limax's tentacles and slammed around the walls and floor before it noticed Gwen and Max unloading the pods from the ship. To counter this, he sent out two globs of itself that slithered their way towards them.

Gwen tried to pick up Vera's pod until she was suddenly stopped by one of the Limax, which slashed her backpack off and open. That was its mistake as Gwen noticed her water gun in it and she smiled as she dove for it.

The two Limax ran away in fear from her water gun as she sprayed them and they dove out trying to avoid it.

"They hate water!" Gwen shouted in realization to the twins. "Aunt Vera when we were in the kitchen!"

"Or Marty when I was on the golf cart," Four Arms said to herself.

The twins then noticed a water pipeline above them and then nodded to each other as Heatblast fired a fireball at it and it sprayed water on the giant Limax as he roared in pain and let the twins go before Four Arms jumped up and completely separated the pipe, spraying a massive gush of water on the giant alien as he melted right before their eyes just as Max and Gwen finished unloading the pods.

"Sorry! No drive-thru service here!" Max said as they ran out and the Limax rushed back into the ship.

The four stood back as the ship took off in a hurry before it made its way out of the cavern and up into space, leaving a massive crater in the ground.

"Good riddance," Four Arms said to herself.

"We should put them back into their condos so they'll think they never left," Max said as Gwen groaned.

"But that could take hours."

"Give us a few minutes," Heatblast said.

"XLR8 is good. But two XLR8's are going to be better," Four Arms said.

The next morning, when everything was back to normal, Vera hugged Max and the kids goodbye.

"Don't be strangers," Vera told her brother.

"We won't," Max said, getting into the drivers seat as Gwen walked up.

"Bye, Aunt Vera," Gwen said.

"Bye, dear," Vera said. "Oh, and this is for the road." She then handed Gwen a green Jell-O mold. "The twins told me how much you loved my gelatin mold. This one's lime with chunks of grouper and chickpeas."

The twins snickered to themselves.

"Uh, thanks," Gwen said as she walked to the Rust Bucket.

Vera then walked up to the twins. "I'm sorry if there wasn't enough excitement for you two, dears. I hope you weren't bored to tears."

"Actually, it turned out better than we thought," Ben said.

"There was more excitement than you can possibly imagine," Jen smiled.

"I'm glad," Vera said, hugging her great nephew and niece. "Have fun on the road."

"Don't worry. We will," Jen said as they ran to the RV.

"Oh, and Ben, Jen?"

The twins then turned to her.

"Keep up the good work, dealing with all those aliens you were telling us about."

"...You're kidding, right?" Ben asked as Vera laughed.

"Of course, dears," Vera said before shooting them a wink.

They then shrugged before driving away.

As they drove by the cavern, the Limax that was left behind started oozing out of the rocky walls and slithered away through the caverns.

Also, on a rocky wall, a figure stood by with her arms folded.

She's an ungodly-beautiful woman of age 25 with breasts in-between D and DD cups, strong, firm buttocks, wide hips and strong legs. Her eyes are sapphire blue and her hair are golden-blonde that reached to over her rump, lips as red as rich blood and has the height of 6'7". She wears a scarlet-red bodysuit with half-shoulder sleeves, elbow-length gloves and knee-high boots, and wore an eye mask over her eyes and a scarlett crown with a pink heart crest that held her hair, giving her a large bang that covered her right eye. She carried a long scabbard around her hip, held by the scabbard's golden belt with a pouch that was strapped around her waist and in her hand is a hi-tech binocular.

"Supreme Kai of Time did give me orders never to interfere with their business. But that doesn't mean I can't keep watch over them. The future must be preserved and the multiverse with it," she said. "I don't care how much Chronos Spanner talks down to me or gives me orders. I'm Queen of Cinnibar and nothing is going to change that."

The woman then summoned a large silver key with a rainbow shaft and slashed open a portal that she walked through, leaving this dimension behind.

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