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65.51% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Be Afraid of the Dark

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Be Afraid of the Dark

Ben and Jen looked at each other, shaking in their boots before looking to each other and nodding.

"What will you do, Omni Twins? There is nowhere to run."

"No! You're wrong, Ghostfreak!" Jen shouted as she shot her hands out and fired an energy beam, which got him right in the head as he and Dr. Viktor glared.

"Any ideas, sis?" Ben asked as she nervously crossed her arms.

"Just one," she said as her hands glowed pink. "Camouflat Vaporis."

That was when a blueish mist appeared all around them in the silo hideout, blocking the twins from their vision as they stumbled around blindly. When the mist cleared, they noticed the twins running away.

"You won't get far!" Ghostfreak shouted as he ran after them.

As Ben and Jen ran away on the bridge between the platforms, they were interrupted by Ghostfreak phasing through the floor in front of them. They turned around only for Dr. Viktor to jump down to their level on the other side.

"Jump for it!" Ben shouted as the pair of them leaped off of the bridge, grabbed two cables and swung away.

Dr. Viktor glared and generated purple lightning from his fists and aimed at the Omni Twins.

"No!" Ghostfreak shouted.

He grabbed Dr. Viktor's fists, causing him to miss as the lightning zapped outwards, cutting their cables.

Ben screamed as Jen adjusted herself in the air and focused, creating an energy platform beneath her feet, which she and Ben landed on.

"Run!" she shouted as she and Ben ran on her energy platforms like stairs away from the two aliens.

"They must be alive when I merge with one of them if I am to have the power of the Omnitrix."

"Yes, master," Dr. Viktor said.

Ghostfreak followed them with a glare as he flew around the area.

"They need help," Drake said as he watched from his perch. "I'll need to wait for the right moment."

"What's the matter, Ben and Jen?" he asked as they hid from behind a pole. "Aren't you happy to see me again?"

"Not particularly," Ben said.

"Haven't you learned by now that nothing can stop me?!" he said as he stuck his head out from behind their hiding perch.

That was when the Omnitrixes beeped their confirmation for usage.

"Nothing except-" Ben began as he and Jen slammed down the Omnitrix cores, transforming into-

"Grey Matter? Aw man!" he said. "Give me a break!"

"It doesn't matter who we turn into, bro," Frostblight said, crossing her arms. "He can't merge with us as long as we're transformed."

Dr. Viktor looked down at them from the bridge and leaped down as the twins panicked and dove through the floor as it separated from the landing, leaving Dr. Viktor empty-handed.

Ghostfreak looked through the floor as the two miniature aliens hid from him and crawled away through the floorboards.

"Find them!" he ordered his minion. "I can't merge with them in their alien forms! But it's merely a matter of time until they turn human again."

"Yeah, you're not finding them, freak," said a voice from behind them and they turned to see Drake Flame leaning by the machinery and he smirked mischeivously at them. "Not while I'm in town."

"This does not concern you, Alpha Osmosian!" said Dr. Viktor as Drake smiled at them.

"Au contraire, Doctor, the fate of the universe is always my concern," he said as he lit his hands up in energy and shouted out as he fired out at them with a shout and Dr. Viktor blasted lightning at him and he backflipped over the lightning and smiled as he showed off great parkour skills towards them. He then ran up the machine and then shouted out as he fired a blast of fire at Ghostfreak, burning him as he shouted out and fired a beam of purple energy from his chest.

As the spaceship rocketed towards the station, Max, Gwen, Becky and Allison climbed up into the control station at the head of the ship.

"Shouldn't we be looking for the corrodium?" Gwen asked.

"They are planning something for it after all," Becky agreed as they climbed up the ladder.

"It's easier to bring the entire kit and caboodle back to earth than to waste our time looking for a few rocks in a rocket ship," Max said as he settled into the controls.

"Guess we know where I got my brains from," Gwen smiled.

"Max, are you sure you know how to fly this thing, Max?" Allison asked as she sat down next to him with the two sisters leaning against the wall behind them.

"Can't be too hard," Max said. "It's just like riding a bicycle... a 100-ton, 20,000 mile-an-hour, hi-tech bicycle."

"We're doomed," Becky sighed.

As they settled in, a few bandages came winding through the ship directly behind them.

The battle raged on back in the station as Dr. Viktor fired lightning out at Drake and he glared as he suddenly caught the lightning in his hand, directed through his stomach and then shouted out as he fired it back outwards at Ghostfreak, shocking him as he glared outwards at them.

Ghostfreak glared as he flew through the hideout, looking for the twins, but he wasn't escaping Drake's eye. He shouted out as he grabbed at his tail and shouted out as he threw him at Dr. Viktor and they groaned as they slammed into a boiler behind them as Drake glared.

"Why are we wasting time looking for those two little pests anyway when the master plan is so close to becoming reality?" Dr. Viktor asked as Ghostfreak glared outward at his minion. "Master, no!"

Ghostfreak shouted out as he possessed Dr. Viktor and flew him into the wall before slamming him hard into the floor twice and then flew out of him and tossed him into a piece of machinery.

Drake could only laugh at that with a smile as he watched the show.

"You fool! Those "little pests" could ruin everything we've planned! Now do as I say or you will be the first to feel the focus of my wrath."

"But right now, the pair of you are feeling my wrath!" Drake reminded as he ran in and gave an energy kick to Ghostfreak's face while the twins crawled, hidden, underneath the hideout as Frostblight looked outwards and Grey Matter looked to her.

"Master plan?" Frostblight asked. "I don't like the sound of that, bro."

"I agree," Grey Matter said as they looked outwards to a communications device directly in front of them. "And I like the looks of it even less."

They then fired up the machine and typed into the ship's radio and nodded.

"Earth to Grandpa. Come in Grandpa!" Frostblight said as she and Grey Matter appeared on the ship's projection screen.

"Ben? Jen?"

"If you two are checking up on us, don't bother. We're totally handling things up here," Gwen said. "We don't need your help."

"You're wrong, Gwen," Grey Matter told them. "When you hear what the two of us have to tell you, you're going to wish that you had us with you."

"Hate to say it, sis," Becky said. "But I think they know what they're talking about in this case."

"Fine!" Gwen said.

"What is it, guys?" Max asked.

"We found out what old Bolthead is up to," Frostblight said. "He's going to project a corrodium beam from the space station to a transceiver in New Mexico."

"...Which will then spread it over the entire Earth!" Max realized.

"New Mexico?" Allison asked. "Like where we first fought that werewolf?"

"Duh!" Grey Matter said. "That's why he was stealing all that satellite equipment."

"A beam of corrodium like that would mutate all human and animal life on Earth," Max said.

"Call us crazy, but I think that's just a side effect," Grey Matter said. "With the sun blocked out, Ghostfreak would be at full power all the time."

"Ghostfreak?!" the ship's occupants asked.

"Yeah," Frostblight nodded. "Dr. Monster somehow brought Ghostfreak back to life. He's behind all of the stuff that's been happening to us lately. The werewolf, the mummy, everything!"

Max heard a beeping sound from inside his pocket and he nodded.

"Hold on a second, Ben," Max said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his tracker, which showed a beeping dot advancing towards them. "That's strange. The scanner says that the corrodium in the ship is moving."

"How could it be moving?" Becky asked. "Unless-"

That was when the bandages from behind wrapped around all of them and pulled them back.

"It's inside the mummy!" Allison realized.

The girls screamed as the mummy pulled them all back into the depths of the ship again.

"Guys, no!" Frostblight shouted when Grey Matter hushed her as they heard the sound of the fight coming from above them.

Drake flew back into the machine, leaving a huge dent in it as he glared.

"Okay, that's it," he said, wiping some blood from his lip. "No more Mr. Nice Osmosian."

He then backflipped up, shot himself by kicking herself off the railing like a cannon and then ignited his hands in flames as he punched Dr. Viktor off of the railing, sending him crashing downwards.

Frostblight investigated as Drake landed absolutely gracefully next to her as he spied her in the hole and shot her a wink.


"That's my name, don't wear it out," he whispered as he shot towards Dr. Viktor and gave out a powerful punch to his jaw, sending him flying.

"We've got to help him," Grey Matter said. "But we're not much use in our current forms. There's got to be something in this junk that'll help us."

Frostblight looked to him and then smiled and snapped her fingers.

"A-ha!" she said as she flew upwards and started unplugging and dismantling the machines along with her brother doing the same.

Ghostfreak took advantage of Drake's preoccupation with his minion and tried looking for the twins again.

As the twins were sweating throught heir work, they heard the all-too familiar beeping.

"No!" they shouted.

The flash of red and purple light shined out, catching the villain's attention as Viktor and Drake looked up and saw the lights.

Allison and Max held onto the ladder with all of their strength as the mummy tried pulling them downwards and Becky desperately tried to reach for her spear with a glare as she grunted out in pain.

"We can't keep this up much longer!" Max said as Allison cried out in effort.

"Hold on, guys!" Gwen said as she focused.

"Gwen, no!" Becky said. "Your spells don't work inside your hazmat suit, remember?"

"Yes, they do," Gwen said. "Just not like they're supposed to. Emocha Objectia!"

Just like in Digby Dairy, Gwen's suit inflated up like a huge balloon with a shout. Only this time, she was in zero-gravity atmosphere and she shouted out as she flew downwards into the mummy, hitting him like a wrecking ball.

As they pounded against him, the others stopped to look on in awe as Gwen suddenly lost control and slammed them into an airlock that closed on them from the impact.

Gwen's suit then deflated as her sister, grandfather and friend groaned in slight pain.

"At least I bought us some time to regroup in this closet," she said. "Who needs the twins and their stupid alien heroes?"

Max looked around and gasped. "Gwen this isn't a closet! It's an airlock!"

"You've got to be kidding me!" Allison said.

As Max tried to pry the door open, the mummy showed up in the window and glared before he pulled the lever to the airlock, causing a red light to bathe them all as Becky groaned.

"Yep, saw that one coming."

The airlock instantly opened, sucking all of the air out and sending the four tumbling outwards into space.

The mummy glared outwards before going back to his business as the ship docked into the station.

"Exterior airlock mode repressurizing," the A.I. said.

Thankfully, Max and Allison had managed to grab onto the station with the hazmat suit's magnetic grip and they grabbed Gwen and Becky and set them down on the station's outer wall.

"Not very stylish, but you gotta love these Plumber suits," Gwen said with a smile.

"Yeah," Max said. "But they won't last long in zero-atmosphere."

"We've got to find another way inside the station," Allison said. "And fast."

Back on Earth, the twins were cramped together inside the spaces between the machinery as Jen looked at her brother with an uncomfortable look upon her face.

"Ben, I love you, but I don't think I ever wanted to be this close to you," she groaned.

"I agree," Ben winced as they looked above.

They then saw the part of the machinery pry open from Dr. Viktor's powerful strength as he glared at them.

They pocketed their new weapons and looked towards the Frankenstein monster alien.

"Don't suppose you'd consider becoming a good guy?" Ben asked.

Dr. Viktor shouted out and grabbed them by the wrists and tossed them outwards into the open with a grunt of pain.

Neither of them noticed as the Omnitrixes spun and glowed yellow.

Drake then shouted out as he gave an energy kick that sent Dr. Viktor tumbling off the edge to the ground as the twins stood in front of the Ectonurite staring down at them.

"Soon, the Earth will be mine! But first, the Omnitrix, Benjamin!"

The screwed twins looked to each other and promptly nodded.

"You want to be in the spotlight, freak?!" Jen shouted.

"Try this on for size!" Ben shouted as they reached into their pockets and pulled out their new devices.

Ghostfreak merely cackled at that as the twins smirked before they fired twin beams of light from the devices, sending him screaming as he flew away from them.

"Sun guns," Jen said. "A little gift from our close personal friend Grey Matter."

"Master, no!" Dr. Viktor shouted. "You will pay for your insolence, children!"

He then shouted out as he pounded his fists against the ground, sending out a flash of purple lightning, sending them crashing through the floors as they screamed.

"No!" Drake shouted.

Dr. Viktor smirked as Drake flew at him with flaming fists as he shouted out and rammed him and started slugging him in the face with reckless abandon as the twins reappeared on the edge and pulled themselves back up onto the platform.

Ben then noticed the lever on the controls of the platform and looked to see a giant weight hanging from a chain by them.

"Oh yeah," Ben said as he pulled down the lever.

"Drake, look out!" Jen shouted.

Drake noticed the weight swinging at him and dove out of the way as the weight smacked into Dr. Viktor, sending him spiraling into his own machine, shocking him painfully as electricity leaked out from his pores before his body fell limp.

"Oh yeah! Badder than the bad guys!" Ben said.

"Nice work, you two," Drake said as he ruffled their heads.

"Now we just gotta find a way to get up into space and help the others," Jen said.

Drake smiled at them.

"This is as far as I go," Drake said with a smile. "You're on your own, my man."

"Thank you," Jen said as Drake opened a portal behind him.

"Oh, before I go, tell Scarlett I said hi."

"We'll keep that in mind," Ben said as Drake vanished behind the portal.

Ben and Jen looked at the bottom of the hideout to see tons of discarded machinery and Ben smiled as he looked to see the Omnitrixes recharge.

"Awesome!" Ben said as he dialed in the Omnitrix. "Please give me someone I can use."

He then slammed the core down and transformed into Upgrade and cheered.

"Yes!" he shouted before grabbing Jen and oozing their way downwards to the area and smiled.

"Let's go!" Jen said as Upgrade slimed into the engine nearby them and morphed into it as Jen hung on with her suit's magnetic grip to the side and smiled.

"Let's get out of here!" Upgrade cheered.

Suddenly, Dr. Viktor, now with a huge piece of machinery strapped to his back, leaped down in front of them and shouted out as he ran at them.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Jen shouted as she looked out through her visor.

Dr. Viktor rushed up as Upgrade fired up the engine and he grabbed onto the edge just as they shot up through the atmosphere, heading right for outer space.

Upgrade stuck his eye out to see Dr. Viktor hanging onto the edge of the engine as his sister climbed up to the head of the ship.

"Why can't you just stay grounded like your master?!" Upgrade asked.

Dr. Viktor climbed as Jen groaned outwards and Dr. Viktor blasted her with lightning, which hurt her slightly, but not enough to hinder her as she fired out a blast of pink energy along with Upgrade's laser eye, which knocked him back before Jen shouted out as she nailed him with an uppercut to the jaw.

As the fight happened, above them, the others were climbing up the ladder on the exterior of the space station, trying to find a way inside.

"There should be a manual access pattern here somewhere," Max said to the girls.

"You know, for a man who's never been up in space, you sure know a lot about it," Gwen said.

"I never said I didn't go into space," Max replied. "I just said I never went into space with N.A.S.A."

"Of course," Becky said. "He's a Plumber. Of course he's been into space."

Max then looked above him and saw a hatch and lever by him.

On the interior, the mummy walked up, floating in the zero-gravity atmosphere and used his bandage to press a button, opening a glass door and he glared as he reached into his chest and took out the corrodium, placing it into the reactor.

The corrodium then sparked out and blew up in the reactor, powering it up as it caused a glowing purple light to flow through the pipes above it.

Outside, the satellite on the end of the station started to align with the Earth.

"Target in range," the station's A.I. said as the mummy adjusted the beam. "Beginning transmission in 5... 4... 3... 2..."

"I don't think so, Phar-no!" Allison shouted as she flew in with a kick to the mummy's head as she and the others glared at her.

The lack of control caused the corrodium beam to power down.

The others glared as Becky pulled out her spear and shouted out with a charge to the mummy before he wrapped his appendages around her and tossed her into the wall.

Her sister, however, tossed a few debris his way until he did the same.

As the others were getting their butts handed to them, the twins were still approaching on Upgrade's rocket engine as Dr. Viktor refused to give up.

As Jen blocked his blasts with her forcefields and gave an energy punch to the face before Upgrade blasted him, they looked out and saw the space station approaching.

"We have reached our destination, passengers," Upgrade said as he and his sister smirked and they leaped off of the engine and landed on the station's exterior. "Thank you for flying Air Upgrade."

"Buh-bye!" Jen smirked as she blew a kiss to the villain.

"NOOOOO!" Dr. Viktor shouted as he and the engine drifted aimlessly through the atmosphere of space.

Upgrade then oozed through the cracks of the station and then opened the hatch for his sister as she smiled and crawled in as well.

As they approached, they saw their grandfather, cousins, and friend were now at the mercy of the mummy as he glared at them.o

"Ben? Jen?" Allison asked.

"Who else?" Jen asked as she and Upgrade fired out their beams and blasted the mummy away.

"Somebody get him in the airlock," Upgrade said.

Max then ran and pressed the button on the airlock opening it as Jen ran up and gave a flying energy kick to the mummy's chest, causing him to fly into the airlock and Becky closed it as he tried to escape.

"You guys are so lucky that we came here for you," Jen said with a sigh as Upgrade timed out and Ben started floating in the air as he took his helmet off.

"Oh man," he said. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"Oh yeah," Gwen said. "Real heroic."

"Hey, we just saved your lives," Jen said.

"You know what your problem is, Ben?" Becky asked.


"You're too threatened by the fact that the four of us can handle ourselves without you."

"We're a team, you guys," Allison said. "You need us every bit as much as we need you."

That was when a beeping sound was heard by them.

"Wait," Max said, breaking up the feud. "Something's not right."

Outside, the beam started to charge up again.

"Target re-accquired."

"What?" Jen asked.

That was when the moving joystick stopped to reveal Ghostfreak as he faded into their vision.

"Your descriptions do him no justice," Becky whispered to her sister, who nodded.

"I know, sis."

"Ghostfreak?" Ben asked.

"But how?"

"You two aren't the only ones who can hitch a ride on a rocket," the Ectonurite said.

"We've stopped you before. We can stop you again."

"Perhaps," Ghostfreak said. "But you're already too late!"

Indeed he was right, the corrodium beam fired from the station's satellite and shot down to Earth, where it hit the homemade transceiver in New Mexico.

The werewolf growled and typed the commands into the transceiver, which shot the beam back up into space from the satellite dish, splitting in two as it redirected off of two satellites. Soon enough, the Earth was suddenly coated in a blanket of darkness from the sky.

The civilians in various cities below pointed up to the phenomenon, before they instantly mutated into the same creatures from Dairyville due to the properties of the corrodium.

Within 10 seconds, the whole Earth was covered in the purplish-black aura being projected from the station.

"Darkness falls! Earth is now my domain!" Ghostfreak rejoiced, much to our heroes' dismay.

Max went for the controls to try to stop it, but Ghostfreak wasn't falling for it. Not now.

He went for the airlock and opened it up, unleashing the mummy, who then wrapped his appendages around his enemies as they grunted and struggled in his grasp.

"Now, how shall I dispose of you six?"

"Oh, whatever you do, don't toss us out into space!" Gwen begged.

"Excellent idea! Remove the suits!"

The mummy obeyed his master's order and took the suits off of Gwen, Max, Becky and Allison as they groaned out.

"Nice going, big mouth!" Ben said.

"Why don't you just hand them our watches when you're at it?!" Jen agreed.

"I can handle this," Gwen said as she levitated her spellbook in front of her. "Appendaga Regoria!"

The mummy then flew back as its bandages untangled around the team and it growled back at them.

"You've learned some new tricks since we last met, child!"

"She's not the only one!" Ben said as he and his sister dialed in their aliens to the newest addition and smirked to each other as they slammed down the cores.

Ben had a muscular body and a human nose, dark greyish yellow skin, a black mullet hairstyle with brown at the end, sideburns, and two tower-like conductor coils on his back. He wore black pants with lines on them with a triangle dash in the middle, that glowed green as well as brown gloves with his fingers showing. He had stitch-like lines on his arms and three black and green bolts on his chest and one black bolt on each side of his neck, with all bolts having a green line on them. He had white lines on his waist that connect to the Omnitrix symbol on his waist, like a belt clasp.

Jen's form was similar to him, but she had a pale corpse-like complexion and a similar style battlesuit to his with a white and pink trainer's bra with smaller metal conductor cables from her back as well as white fingerless gloves, similar bolts to her with a pink line, stitch-like markings on her arms and pink pants on her that ended with heavy metal boots on her feet. But the biggest thing about her was her black beehive-like hairstyle with a with a white streak in it to imitate the Bride of Frankenstein.

"Electromagnetic body?" Ben asked. "Sweet."

"Ew," Jen said as she looked herself over and looked to her brother. "Please don't transform into this form with me in public, bro. I don't want anyone thinking that I'm your bride."

"Good call," Ben said. "Now for a name?"

"Frankenstrike sound cool?" Jen asked.


The two then generated pink and green lightning respectively and glared at the two monsters in front of them.

Jen shouted out as she ran forward and leap-kicked the mummy in the head as him groaned out and slammed into the back of the station wall as she started generating out pink lightning and shocked him.

Ben, meanwhile, shouted out as he traded blows with Ghostfreak, who tried phasing through his punches, but Ben was ready. He then generated green lightning out and shocked him with a grunt of effort as Ghostfreak glared.

"Clever, Tennyson," he said. "But I always have a contingency plan."

The mummy glared out as he suddenly wrapped his bandages around Allison and reeled her in and she grunted and groaned in his grasp as he parted his chest to reveal a single piece of corrdoium in his chest.

"What?!" Allison shouted. "Of course he saved a piece. How could he not?"

"It will be a pleasure to witness your horror in seeing your close friend mutate before your very eyes," he said.

Allison grunted in protest as the mummy brought her closer and closer and she winced her eyes shut, preparing for the inevitable and she waited 30 seconds and whimpered out... only to open her eyes a few seconds later to see that nothing happened. Nada.

"What?!" Ghostfreak shouted as Allison smiled.

"Huh, add another thing to the superpowers list," she smiled as she then yanked her hand free and shouted out as she socked the mummy hard in the face and he grunted out as he flew back and the corrodium flew outwards and she crushed it underneath her heavy boot.

"This isn't over!" Ghostfreak shouted as he phased through the wall.

"Wow, Allison," Jen said as Allison brushed some hair out of her face.

"But didn't you say that corrodium is highly unstable and will corrupt any human?" Ben asked Max.

"I can only assume that it's because her Osmosian DNA renders her immune to the corrodium's effects," Max theorized. "She's technically already a mutant."

"Which means that the guys back in Royal Woods are probably fighting off their loved ones as we speak," Gwen realized.

Speaking of which...

Speed Queen shouted out as she rapidly parried the blows of the mutated Royal Woods citizens that surrounded her and kicked one in the face, sending it back.

"Prodigy, any word on how this happened?"

"Negative," Prodigy said to her eldest sibling. "I can only assume it's because of the veil of darkness over our heads at the moment."

"Well I'm tired of having to sock these punks around knowing that they're our loved ones!" Parkour said as she tumbled up and sent a mutant flying backwards into a building and she shouted out in fury.

"But how come we wren't affected?" Firecracker asked as he zoomed by on his flame jets.

"I think our powers shielded us from the effects because we're technically already mutants," Prodigy told him as Amplifier shot out of the nearby power lines and drop-kicked one and shouted out.

"Imagine if that was Sam you just knocked out," Miss Appear chuckled, only for her sister to shoot her the death glare. "Sorry."

"Enough talk, guys," Speed Queen said as the L-Crew backed up against each other. "I'm sure that the Omni Team is handling this as they speak, wherever they are."

"The controls are locked out," Max said. "I can't shut down the corrodium beam!"

"No problem," Ben said. "A little lightning should do the trick."

"No!" Ghostfreak shouted as he pounced on the twins and activated his intangibility, phasing through the floor.

"Alright," Jen said. "It's go time freak! Us and you!"

They phased out of the station's floor and the twins used their electromagnetism to stick to the wall's metal.

"Here in the darkness of space, I am at my full potential!"

As he exclaimed, Ghostfreak mutated some more with spines growing out of his body frame and his tentacles grew back out of his stomach and the twins deadpanned as he socked them in the head and sent them back against the wall where they glared.

"Oh, you want to play?" Ben asked. "Let's play!"

Jen looked at the transmitter on the satellite and smirked.

"Stay away from that transmitter, children!"

"Make us!" Jen said.

The then shouted out and fired a twin beam of pink and green lightning and Ghostfreak fired a purple energy beam at them from his chest, each one threatening to overpower the other.

Meanwhile, the shuttle detached from the station and started flying towards the transmitter.

Max stood inside with a smile as he looked at the fight ahead of them.

"Yeah, I still got the right stuff!"

He then saw a bit of a flaming jet shooting right towards him.

"What in the world?"

Upon closer inspection, he saw that Dr. Viktor somehow hotwired the engine and was now shooting right towards him with him strapped to the front.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Jen shouted as she dodged another beam from Ghostfreak.c

Dr. Viktor then shouted as he grabbed onto the shuttle and then started to bring it back towards the station.

"Bet Neil Armstrong never had to deal with something like this!"

Inside, Gwen and the others were still trying to find a way to unfreeze the controls to the ship with little success.

Gwen flipped through her spellbook and nodded.

"Hurry up, sis!" Becky shouted.

"I'm trying! Let's see... Reanima Verdanica!"

With those words, a bunch of flowers sprouted and bloomed from the controls.

Allison shot Gwen a glare and folded her arms.

"...Okay. How about... Reanima Dynamica!"

That was when some lightning bolts shot out of the controls, causing the girls to scream and duck for cover, right when they bumped into the mummy.

"Well, this can only end so well," Allison deadpanned as she ducked and kicked off of the mummy with a shout as Becky stabbed at him with her spear, only for him to dodge and form himself around it and tossed her and her sister into a wall.

Becky glared and then pressed a button, opening the door to reveal a restroom.

"I, uh, gotta use the bathroom."

They then ran and closed the door behind them as a bunch of dents appeared in the door, followed by the mummy using his immense strength to break it and crumple it up as Allison ran in with her body coated in metal and her hands molded into hammers and she whacked him in the head with a shout.

"Doesn't 'occupied' mean anything to you, punk?!" Gwen shouted as she and Becky dodged his bows and then shouted out and dealt a double-kick into the head, causing him to stumble back.

The mummy glared and Allison shouted out with a war cry and gave a final punch to his face, causing him to get two of his bandages caught in the toilet's suction and then Allison smirked before she pressed the button on the side, causing the toilet to start flushing, taking the mummy and his bandages to get sucked in with it.

"Don't forget to put the seat down on your way out!" Becky smirked as the mummy protested before even his headdress was sucked in.

Outside, Ghostfreak and the twins were still engaged in a brutal lightning and energy beam match as they shouted out and blasted at each other with a shout and Jen put her hands together and Ben used that as a platform to punch Ghostfreak in the face.

They then shouted out and combined their lightning blasts as Ghostfreak countered with another energy beam.

"Every minute brings the two of you closer to becoming human again," Ghostfreak reminded them. "Your oxygen is limited in those suits. It'll be a pleasure to watch you explode in the vacuum of space!"

"He's right, bro!" Jen said as he overpowered their blasts and sent them tumbling back. "We have to make this fast!"

Suddenly, the mummy appeared before them and grabbed them before slamming them into the station's frame, leaving them dazed.

Ghostfreak floated in front of them with a glare and charged up his energy beam again.

"Now we finish this."

Then, the two rockets zoomed by with a thrust as they looked up and saw Dr. Viktor struggling to hold onto the shuttle Max was driving. He activated his lightning generators and started sparking out his purple lightning.

"I don't know what you're up to, but I don't like the looks of it one bit," Max said.

He then shouted out as he steered the rocket, sending the pair of them into a spiral.

Ben then looked to his sister and smirked.

"I think I know what he's doing," he whispered.

"He's a genius!" Jen agreed.

Max then smirked as he killed the thrusters, allowing Dr. Viktor's rocket to take over, causing it to smash right into the transmitter, destroying it.

"NOOOOOOO!" Ghostfreak shouted in protest.

With the destruction of the transmitter, the beam disengaged, dispelling the veil of darkness over the Earth.

The L-Crew all ganged up together and looked worriedly at each other as they looked up to see the light return to Royal Woods and the mutants to all stop in their tracks and slowly return back to humans as they looked at each other.

"What happened?" Firecracker asked.

"I believe our friends happened," Speed Queen smiled as they all looked up.

In New Mexico, the transceiver suddenly stopped working and started sparking out as the werewolf looked at it and whimpered before the transceiver exploded, taking the werewolf with it.

"You will pay dearly for that!" Ghostfreak shouted as he aimed his beam at them again and blasted out.

"I don't think so!" Ben shouted as he and his sister discharged their lightning, shocking the mummy as they quickly jumped away, leaving the mummy to be blasted by the beam.

"Once again, the Omni Twins and company save the day!" Jen said as she leaped off a piece of debris and tried to grab Ghostfreak, only for him to phase through the station and reappear on the other side next to his minion.

They then looked out and saw Dr. Viktor approaching with the machine still strapped to his back and they glared out.

"Oh no," Jen said. "That's the portal generator!"

Dr. Viktor got down onto his knees and glared. "If we're going down, we're taking the two of you with us!"

He then activated the machine, which sent out a blast and opened up a portal to a familiar looking orange void.

"No!" Jen shouted as she and Ben gripped onto two ledges as the mummy groaned out as the portal sucked him right into the Null Void and Dr. Viktor glared as he grabbed a piece of debris and Ben looked to her.

"Sis, I think Kevin could use some company in there!" Ben told her.

"Agreed!" she said as they sent out a lightning blast to Dr. Viktor, causing him to get sucked into the Null Void as well as the portal closed.

The two then sighed in relief and nodded. "Two freaks down, one to-"

"Where'd he go?" Jen asked as they looked to see that Ghostfreak had vanished.

They then saw an explosion ring out and gasped.

"No! The others!" Jen shouted as they quickly ran into the station with a red light bathing them.

"Gwen, Allison, Becky!" Ben shouted as the Omnitrixes timed out, leaving the twins floating in the air.

"This is bad!" Becky said, holding her sister.

"We'll never get out of here before the Omnitrixes recharge!" Allison shouted.

"The station's about to depressurize! Hold on!" Gwen said as she and Becky nodded and grabbed the hazmat suits and tossed the third to Allison, who nodded.

"What are you doing?!" Jen asked.

"Saving your lives!" Gwen said as she and Becky pressed the button to their chests, activating the suits as they tackled the already suited twins out of the wall as it was torn open into space with Allison following."

"Crap!" Becky shouted as they looked out to see explosions ring out all across the station before it exploded in a huge ball of fire, with them just out of range.

"Oh great," Ben said. "Just what I needed. To float in space forever."

"Hey, this is no picnic for us either, cuz," Becky said as Allison groaned as well.

"You kids need a lift?" Max's voice called out as they saw the space shuttle approach them.

"Yes, please!" Jen said.

Once inside the ship, everyone celebrated their victory over Ghostfreak and his minions.

"Mission accomplished," Max said to the smiling children. "I suppose saving the Earth beats a moonwalk any day."

"In your face, Neil Armstrong," Allison agreed.

"I still say that things would've gone a lot smoother if you four just let the two of us handle things by ourselves," Ben said.

"Guys, when will you two admit that we're just as good as the Omnitrixes?"

"Face it," Jen said. "Nothing is as good as the Omnitrixes."

"I agree!" a familiar Ectonurite shouted as black and white tentacles wrapped around the twins and they gasped.

"Ghostfreak!" Ben shouted as his nemesis phased them through the wall to the other side of the ship.

"Ben, Jen, no!" Gwen shouted.

"The two of you have merely delayed my plans, Omni Twins! Once I have full control over the Omnitrix, Earth's defenses will be powerless against me!"

As the villain monologued, Gwen, Becky and Allison noticed the lever nearby and smirked.

"Guys, sunny-side-up!" Allison shouted.

The twins looked to them and smiled in mischief.

"Smiling at your demise. I admire that."

"Oh, we're not smiling at our demise, freak!" Ben said.

"We're smiling at yours!"

Allison pulled the lever, opening the sun roof of the shuttle.

"Grandpa, now!" Becky shouted.

Max complied by barreling the ship around.

"Foolish children!"

That was when Ghostfreak was suddenly bathed by the sun's light and screamed in pain as he suddenly evaporated into ashes once again.

"So, have we made our point about teamwork yet?" Gwen asked as she closed the roof.

"For sure," Jen said as they suddenly felt a tremor and fell down to the ground, gravity returning.

The ship was engulfed in flame upon its re-entry to the planet's atmosphere, causing everyone to panic.

"We took on too much damage when I rammed the transmitter!" Max shouted. "The ship is breaking up!"

The ship then exploded when a green light flashed out and a certain pillbug alien alien shot down to the Earth, rolled up in its indestructible shell and flamed up in the re-entry before smashing into the ground.

Cannonbolt created a crater in the ground and unrolled himself, revealing the others safe and sound from its indestructible shell.

"...Ouch..." he groaned as the Omnitrix timed out.

"That had to hurt," Jen said as the Omnitrix timed out.

"Alright, alright," Ben said. "I guess we are pretty good at kicking butt together."

"From now on, we're a team," Jen said as she and Ben put their hands out.

"Team," Ben said.

"Team," Allison said, putting her hand in.

"Team," Becky said, doing the same.

"Team," Max said.

Gwen hesitated before putting her hand on the top. "Team."

"And the best part is, we've seen the last of Ghostfreak," Jen smiled as they saw the Omnitrixes instantly recharge with a familiar new icon on both of them.

"Ghostfreak?" Ben asked as he saw his ghost alien return to his Omnitrix.

"Oh, man," Jen said at the alien now in her watch.

"Uh, guys? Where are we?" Ben asked as he looked up to see the Great Pyramids.

"Egypt?!" Gwen asked as they saw a magical portal open in the crater and Scarlett walked out with a smile.

"You guys did good," Scarlett said.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here, Scarlett," Jen said. "We need a ride back to Cape Canaveral."

"I know," Scarlett said. "Remember, Jen. I'm your guardian angel. I'm always watching over you."

She then posed her hands together and created a portal, engulfing the team before they reappeared in front of the Kennedy Space Center as she refocused her arms and glared.

"We're so lucky to have you as a friend, Scarlett," Allison said as the warrior queen ruffled her hair.

"You are indeed," Scarlett said. "We'll be meeting again soon."

"Oh, by the way," Ben said as she opened her portal back to Cinnibar. "Drake told me to tell you he says hi."

"I'll thank him in person later," Scarlett smiled as she left.

Scarlett then reappeared back in her castle as her forces were waiting for her.

"Tough day?" Bayonetta asked as Scarlett groaned and sat down at the dinner table.

"You said it," Scarlett said. "Between having to take the Tennysons back home, taking care of castle work, managing the kingdom and looking over the other dimensions to send you guys too, I hardly have time to breathe."

"I thought I had it tough when I had to take down Zeus," Kratos smirked to her as she smiled.

"Taking down the gods is nothing compared to what I do every single day, Kratos," Scarlett said as she felt at her abdomen. "I still have nightmares about Victor Blum."

"He's gone for good, though," Avatar Korra said as she smiled at her. "You and Princess Sofia took him down yourselves."

"I know, Korra," Scarlett said with a smile. "But the PTSD never goes away. Ever."

"You'll be fine," Ryu said. "I know through experience that time doesn't heal anything."

"It just teaches us to live with the pain," Caitlyn said as Scarlett nodded. "I had my entire leg cut off in battle."

"You're not the only one who had it tough, Scarlett," Queen Elsa said. "We all did."

"Look at me," Cole said. "I nearly sacrificed my life to save my entire world from the plague."

"Enough of the chatter. Let us feast!" Sora cheered.

"Yeah!" the Scarlett Army rejoiced as soldiers young and old, boy and girl all chatted and mingled with each other as the camera panned out to show Drake smiling down at them from his perch on the castle with a smile.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10:

The Visitor

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