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58.62% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Under Wraps

Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Under Wraps

In Dairyville, South Carolina, some kids, accompanied by a farm boy, who was covered in mud and wore only overalls and carried a piglet, snuck into the pasture, a stick under the barbed wire fence.

"Maybe we shouldn't be here," the farm boy said.

"I knew we shouldn't have brought him. He's nothing but a big baby," one said.

"Come on, Todd, don't wimp out now. It's just a little fun," the other said. "Just push down the cow and it can't get back up."

"We'll even let you tip the first one. Unless, the little baby wants to go home so mommy can change his diaper!"

He then stuck his thumb in his mouth and started sucking in a mocking gesture.

Todd and the pig then walked up with a determined expression upon his face as he pushed a cow with all of his might. Unfortunately, it was satanding in a mud puddle and he suddenly slipped in the mud, getting the pig soaked in mud.

The bullies behind him laughed in hysterics... just before a shocked expression came on their face and they ran away screaming along with the pig.

"Huh?" Todd asked. "Where's everybody going?"

He then stood up and saw the bull behind him looking rather pissed off. It snorted out and Todd got a nervous look on his face before getting his game face on.

"Back off, cow chip!"

That was when the cow got a nervous expression on its face and then ran away from him.

"Yeah, that's right! No one messes with Todd Maplewood!" he said.

He didn't notice until he looked behind him that a purple glowing silhouette resembling a mummy walked up and growled at him. Todd ran away screaming as purple lightning flashed behind him.

The Rust Bucket was parked near a lake and Gwen read her spellbook as Ben and Jen played on their gaming system and Becky sharpened her weapons with a smile.

"You gotta love summer vacation," Ben said.

"I know right. Nothing to do except sit around all day and-" Jen began before she was shocked when she felt a hand behind her.

She looked up to see Max with suds in his hair and wearing a bathrobe as she gasped.

"Grandpa," Jen said. "What gives?"

"What gives, Jennifer, is that I ran out of water in the shower... again! It's your job to keep the tank full, Ben!"

"I will, just later," Jen said.

"Oh, sure. The same way that Ben is 'going' to make his bed or take out the trash?"

"You're one to talk, Gwen," Allison said, walking in from the door outside. "You think those dirty dishes are going to wash themselves? We agreed that you would clean up after me when I'm done in the kitchen to do your part!"

"But it's summer vacation, Allison!"

"Yeah," Ben said. "If we wanted to do chores, we may as well have stayed at home."

"But then you never would've found me again," Becky said as she stood next to Allison. "The two of us know the meaning and value of hard work because we had to survive on our own for so long. I wish I could say the same for you three."

Max growled as the radio suddenly broadcast an advertisement.

"Y'all ready for a little fresh air? Want a chance to commune with the animals? You want to teach someone the value of some good old-fashioned hard work? Well sign your whole clan up for a week at Dairyville Family Fun Farm Camp and experience life on a real working farm!"

Max then smirked at them as Ben, Jen and Gwen got a nervous look on their faces.

"I do not like that look in his eye," Jen said.

"Me either," Gwen said.

The Rust Bucket drove down the road to the farm camp with Ben, Jen and Gwen groaning in misery.

"Trust me," Max said. "You kids are going to love it. When I was a kid, I spent every summer on my Uncle Jedediah's farm."

"I spent 4 years living on the streets and working 3 jobs at a time," Allison said. "I'm used to it."

"And I had to hunt down wild aliens every day for five years just so I could survive," Becky said. "This is going to be nothing for me."

"Yeah, but not for us," Ben said.

"Learning the value of hard work is exactly what you kids need," Max said. "We're going."

Once they were at the farm, a young woman spread a bag of feed out over the yard and the chickens by them immediately started pecking at it. Todd was standing next to her holding his pig.

"Welcome," she said. "I'm Joan Maplewood, this is my son Todd. You must be the Tennysons."

"Yes," Max said. "Call me Max. And these tenderfoots are my grandkids. Ben, Jen, Gwen and Becky. And also their good friend Allison."

Ben, Jen and Gwen looked either bored, irritated or both while Allison and Becky looked prepared.

"Hey," Ben, Jen and Gwen chorused.

"Well, enough chit-chat. You're here to work," Joan said. "You can start by unloading that truck full of feed over there."

"Righty-o," Max said as he walked over as Becky and Allison followed him as Becky cracked her knuckles.

"Let's get 'er done," Becky said as Allison looked at her funny. "Sorry, I couldn't resist."

Max then passed a bag to Ben, who groaned from its weight.

"Aw, man. There's got to be like a thousand of these things," he said. "Looks like a job for-"

He was about to press his Omnitrix down when Max stopped him.

"Ben "I'm-Too-Lazy-To-Fill-A-Water-Tank" Tennyson. And only him if you know what I mean. And that goes for you too, Jen."

"Yes, Grandpa," the twins chorused.

"Why do I get the feeling that the fun part of our summer vacation is suddenly over?" Gwen asked as she hefted a bag over her shoulder.

"We'll get back to fun after the week is over," Allison said as she hefted two bags over her shoulders. "Let's go, guys."

About 2 hours later, all of the bags of feed were stacked into a high pile in the barn.

"Well, that's the last of it," Max said. "Nothing like building up a good sweat, right kids?"

He looked down to see his grandchildren laying against the feed bags and panting heavily, every muscle in their body aching. Even Becky and Allison were looking tired due to the amount of stress that task put on their bodies.

Suddenly, they heard a metal clanging from the house as Joan rang a triangle from the porch.

"Come and get it! Supper time!"

"Finally, I'm starving," Jen said as she stood up.

"Maybe since we're on a farm, the food is probably amazing," Becky said.

"That's a safe bet," Allison said. "I'm the one who has to provide food for you guys since you refuse to taste Max's cooking. And for good reason. I need a break."

The dinner table was set with turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, beef brisket, pretty much everything that you would expect for a seasonal dinner. It was like heaven to the kids as they indulged in the goodies before them.

"Good grub, Joan," Max said as Gwen sighed.

"Yeah, with no actual grubs in it for a change," she said, giving Max the stink eye.

"So," Ben said to Todd. "No TV, no video games, no malls. What do you guys do for excitement around here?"

"Well, you guys won't believe what I saw last night," Todd said.

"Now, none of that," Joan interrupted. "No one's interested in your tall tales."

She then stood up and took her plate away.

"Let's get these dishes washed and then hit the hay."

"What!?" the kids all shouted in a chorus.

"But it's still light out!" Jen shouted.

"Trust me," Max said. "You'll be glad you got the sleep come morning."

As the group walked to the area where they would be sleeping for the next week, Ben and Jen grew curious and walked up to Todd as he walked ahead.

"Hey," Ben said. "Okay, spill it."

"What?" Todd asked.

"Your mom was wrong," Jen said. "We're interested. What did you see last night?"

"Ah, nothing. You wouldn't believe me if I told you anyway."

"Try us," Gwen said as she, Becky and Allison walked up.

"Yeah," Becky said. "We've seen some pretty bizarre stuff this summer."

"Well," Todd began. "I was down in Old Man Johnson's pasture when right in front of me, bigger than life was... a mummy! A genuine Egyptian walking dead mummy!"

"Really?" everyone asked.

"Okay," Allison said. "We buy it."

"You do?" Todd asked.

"We saw a werewolf in the desert of New Mexico," Jen smiled. "Trust me, we know what we're talking about."

"Good," Todd said. "I thought you wouldn't believe me. I guess I'm not crazy after all."

At the sleeping area, everyone walked up to see four bunk beds stacked up against the walls with some nightstands next to them.

"Here it is. Home sweet home for the next week."

Gwen sniffed as Jen plugged her nose from the awful stench that filled the room.

"Ew," Becky said. "What's that smell."

"Oh, this is also the chicken coop. See you in the morning."

As Todd left, Max climbed the stairs after the kids, inhaled a huge amount of air and sighed.

"Isn't that great? Nothing like the smell of country air," he said as Ben, Jen and Gwen groaned.

"Could this get any worse?" Ben asked.

He then lay down on the bed's pillow and then heard a cluck behind him.


He pulled the pillow away to reveal a hen sitting at the base of his bed.

"Guess we won't have to worry about fresh eggs in the morning," Max said as the kids groaned. Even Allison and Becky looked uncertain about that, despite the fact that Allison used to sleep in the subway and Becky had to make her own camp just to survive.

After a few hours of sleep, Ben and Jen snuck out of the chicken coop and then quickly rushed down the fields, only to be stopped by Gwen, Becky and Allison as they stood by the barn.

"Where do you think you're going?" Gwen smirked as Ben and Jen stopped as they turned and smiled.

"The same place you are," Jen said.

"Mummy hunt," they all chorused before running into the fields.

They ran until they reached Old Man Johnson's pasture and crawled under the barbed wire fence.

They then looked to see glowing purple footprints leading into a crater in the ground.

"Think that's where its tomb was?" Ben asked.

"An ancient Egyptian tomb in South Carolina?" Allison asked. "Not likely."

They then noticed the glowing footprints in the ground as Becky looked upwards and gulped.

"Uh, guys? We've got problems."

They all looked up to the top of the hill to see two cows. Only they were glowing black and purple with glowing purple eyes and frills on their backs.

"Um," Ben began with a gulp. "I know I'm a city kid, but cows aren't supposed to look like that, right?"

"Nope," Gwen said.

The cows snorted and charged the group with growls and snarls as Ben gulped.

"Split up!" he shouted as he and Jen ran one way while Gwen and Becky ran another way and Allison ran a third way.

One of the cows decided to chase after Gwen and Becky while the other ran after Allison as she ran away in a hurry.

Allison gulped as she ran before the cows were tackled aside by Jenwolf as she growled and howled at the moon as Allison sighed.

"Thanks, Jenwolf," Allison said.

"You know, I'm not liking Jenwolf anymore," she said before she held her finger in her hand. "How about... Blitzwolfer?"

"Blitzwolfer?" she asked.

"Yeah, she moves like a blitz and she's a wolf so Blitzwolfer."

"I like it," she said. "Give that name to Ben too."

The mutated bull ran after Gwen and Becky before a blue and black blur sped by and picked them up in a hurry before stopping.

"Thanks," Becky told XLR8 as Blitzwolfer and Allison ran over as she smiled.

"So, Ben," Blitzwolfer said to her. "What do you think of Blitzwolfer?"

"I like it," Ben said. "I'll use it too."

That's when they noticed the cows charging again and XLR8 sped towards them before circling and smiling while the girls climbed up a nearby tree for safety, knowing they were no match for the cows even with their powers.

"Man, I should've brought my weapons," Becky said.

f"Toro! Toro!"

The cows chased after him again, only for him to speed away again.


Blitzwolfer smiled as XLR8 glared at them.

"Jen, look out behind you!" Allison shouted as Blitzwolfer was rammed by the bull and she slumped down before rubbing her head. "Never mind."

XLR8 helped Blitzwolfer up as she split her muzzle open four ways and let out her pink sonic howl outwards, catching the cows offguard as they fell to the ground around quite a distance ahead as XLR8 took some barbed wire from the nearby fence and wrapped the cows' legs with it as the group glared outwards at them.

"First a mummy, now mutant cows?" Gwen asked. "What's happening on this freaky farm?"

"Only one way to find out," XLR8 said as Becky glared and he closed his visor. "Follow the glow trail."

"Benjamin Tennyson, don't you dare leave us here..."

That was when he zipped off.


As XLR8 zipped off through the cornfields, he looked outwards to see a glowing purple light and the large mummy tossed the dirt away from a hole it was digging in the ground.

"Wow," XLR8 said. "Looks like Todd was right. But why would a mummy try to dig its way back into the ground?"

The mummy gazed over three large glowing purple rocks in the ground before he turned its head outwards at XLR8, shocking him.

He then leaped up and shot its wrapping-like tendrils into the ground around XLR8 before he rushed away from the blow before it could land.

He then growled outwards once again and shot out another blow, only for XLR8 to rush away again, only for it to destroy a nearby shed.

XLR8 then rushed into the shed and threw out a ton of trowels and garden forks at the mummy, only for it to open a hole in its body to dodge it, causing them to stick into the nearby power line support. What he didn't expect was for XLR8 to rush up to him without haste and land a powerful blow against its headdress.

The mummy recovered and wraps its tendrils around XLR8 and pulled him in before whacking him in the head with its foot, causing him to slump up against the nearby grain silo.

XLR8 then quickly rushed up the silo before the blow could hit and then looked around for the mummy, only for him to pop up behind him and slam him down into the ground below.

The mummy lowered itself to the ground using its tendrils as XLR8 gulped and the Omnitrix timed out.

Ben stood up as the mummy glared at him.

"I hate it when that happens."

It then growled and wrapped its tendrils around the supports for the silo and pulled, breaking it apart and it was sent hurtling to the ground.

Just as it was about to hit, a pink energy blast collided with Ben, causing him to be blasted out of the way as Jen and the girls stood by and ran over to him.

"You okay, bro?" Jen asked as Ben nodded.

"That's what happens when you don't have backup," Allison said.

"So, are we even in the rescue department?" Gwen asked.

"We sure are," Ben said. "But where's the mummy?"

"I don't know," Becky said. "But that was one major monster movie."

"He was digging for something at the bottom of this crater," Ben said, gesturing to the crater. "But it's gone now."

"What do you think it was?" Gwen asked them as Jen sighed.

"I don't know... but something tells me that we're going to find out soon," Jen sighed.

The kids wandered to the bunk beds and sighed.

"Oh man," Ben said as he and the others had heavy sleep bags under her eyes. Ben took the top bunk while his sister took the bottom. "Chasing down a mummy sure takes a lot out of you."

"Wake me up after three weeks," Jen said as she sighed.

Literally, the minute that they actually managed to fall asleep, Joan then sneaked up on them and turned on the light.

"Rise and shine, sleepy heads!"

"Gah!" Jen shouted as she and Ben fell out of the bed and groaned on the floor as she covered her face with the pillow and then screamed into it with all of the breath in her lungs.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Gwen shouted. "It's 5:00 in the morning!"

"And those cows aren't going to milk themselves," Joan said.

Max then went out of bed and groaned as he stood up. "Now, aren't you kids glad you went to bed early?"

"Ben, could you please go Heatblast and kill me?" Jen begged.

"Not happening."

"I know," Jen whimpered as the kids looked to each other. Now even Allison and Becky, who were accustomed to doing hard work, were now practically going insane.

In the barn, Todd was showing the others how to milk the cows as it gently pulled on one of the cows' udders.

"Just squeeze and pull. Squeeze and pull."

"Don't they have machines for this kind of stuff?" Ben asked.

"Mom doesn't believe in them. She says they spook the cows."

"Isn't there something else we can do?" Jen asked.

"Well, the manure needs to be shoveled."

The kids then looked over to the pile of cow feces with flies hovering over it and they instantly grew disgusted.

"Milking," they all chorused.

As Todd and Max left them in the barn, the twins then instantly went for their Omnitrixes in a hurry as they dialed in the proper alien.

"What are you doing?" Becky asked.

"What does it look like we're doing?" Jen asked. "This thing is going to take forever unless we get a little special help."

"You know what Max said to you guys," Allison said. "You two aren't supposed to go alien to do the farm work."

"Fine," Ben said. "Then I guess you want to milk all these cows with us!"

They then looked at the huge number of cows inside the area as Gwen, Becky and Allison gulped.

"As you were," Gwen said.

The twins smirked as they slammed the cores down in a flash of green and pink light.

Later, Gwen laid back and relaxed as Becky and Allison still milked their cows while Ben and Jen as Four Arms lifted up the cows with their strength and chased after other ones as Becky and Allison groaned at their antics as they milked.

"Hold still, will ya?!" Ben asked. "I don't like this any more than you do!"

That was when a bucket of milk came flying across the area before it landed on Allison's head as she removed the bucket from her head with a groan and tossed it aside, now drenched with raw milk.

"Hey, that one was almost full!" Jen shouted. "Hold it!"

Gwen sighed as Ben stumbled and crashed into the wall, dropping the cows.

"How's it going in there?" they heard Joan's voice call out and the twin Tetramands immediately ducked and hid in the hay bales as the door opened.

"Just milking away!" Gwen lied as she and her sister and friend continued to milk.

"Where are those cousins of yours?" Joan asked as Allison crossed her hands over her throat and shook her head.


"Went to get more buckets!" Becky piped up as she and her sister smiled nervously as her eye twitched.

"Well, when you guys are done here, find Todd. He'll show you your other chores for the day."

At that, she left the barn and closed the door as the twins stuck out from the hay bales with a groan.

"We won't survive until the end of the week!" Jen practically cried outwards.

"Not without these anyway," Ben smiled.

Later, we get our montage of chores that we always seem to get in any show. Todd showed the guys that they needed to slop the pigs and dumped the slop into a bay, and then handed the bucket to Ben and they looked over to see the huge amount of pigs and he smiled at Jen and Gwen and they smiled as Gwen rolled up her sleeve, revealing her tattoos while Jen's hands glowed pink and she smirked.

Ben slammed his core down and transformed into Wildvine and he stretched out his arms with bags in both hands and slopped the pigs while Jen and Gwen used their telekinesis and levitated their bags over and slopped the other pigs. This difficult chore suddenly became a light breeze.

Later, Todd was in the henhouse and told the kids to pick out the eggs that the hens laid and the twins smirked and ducked inside the hen house before transforming into their XLR8 forms and quickly chased the chickens, collecting as many eggs as they could as fast as they could.

Later, Todd gestured to two plows drawn by a horse in an open field and walked away while the twins smiled and transformed into Wildmutt and Wildcat and pulled the plows respectively and plowed the fields in record time with only their jaws.

Finally, Todd told them to dig holes in the dirt and then stab a large wooden stake into it. When he walked away, the twins transformed into their Diamondhead forms and Allison absorbed the material from the shovel and the three of them formed their arms into blades, stabbing a hole into the ground before planting the stakes in the ground, their chores done.

As the sun set on the horizon, the kids followed Todd back to the farm.

"So," Ben said. "Do you and your mom have to live like this every day?"

"Nah," Todd said. "During planting and harvest seasons, we don't have it so easy. But to tell you the truth, that keeps you busy. It's usually pretty boring here in Dairyville. I mean, it's not like every day a mummy appears in a flash of purple lightning."

As those last two words left Todd's lips, the kids immediately froze where they stood and Todd walked away from them as they all turned to each other.

"Purple lightning?" they all chorused.

"Purple lightning?" Max asked as he shoveled manure into the back of the pickup truck.

"Just like when we crossed paths with that alien werewolf in New Mexico," Jen said.

"There's no way that it's just a coincidence, Grandpa," Gwen said.

"I don't know," Max said, planting the shovel in the manure. "But it can't be good. Let's go. You guys fill me in on the rest while I grab some gear from the Rust Bucket."

"You got it," Allison nodded.

Later, when the kids led Max to the still hogtied mutant cows, he brought a scanner up to them that picked up on their readings and he nodded.

"Well," he told the kids. "That would explain your mutant cows, kids. But I'm afraid that we've got an even bigger problem."

"Really?" Becky asked. "Bigger than a rampaging mummy and mutated cows trying to kill us? I shudder to imagine."

"Explain," Ben said, crossing his arms.

"I'm picking up trace readings of corrodium from them."

"Corrodium?" Allison asked.

"It's a high-energy mineral, not naturally found on Earth. My guess is that a meteor crashed down here a few thousand years back and it scattered debris all over the area. This farm and Dairyville must have been built right on top of it."

"No way," Jen said. "The mummy is a rock collector?"

"Not exactly, Jen," Max said. "Corrodium is a powerful energy source that's very unpredictable. That must have been what mutated these cattle."

"So," Gwen said. "If that mummy gets more of the stuff..."

"Then he can turn every living creature on the eastern seaboard into the same kind of monsters."

"Oh no!" Allison said.

"We've got to stop him!" Becky said.

"And stop him we will," Ben nodded.

As Max tracked the corrodium using his scanner, he drove the Rust Bucket up to the strongest signal that he could get from it before he parked.

"The scanners indicate that the corrodium energy signals are the highest right over there."

The twins looked up and their jaws immediately dropped upon seeing that they were right in front of the factory for...

"Digby Dairy!?" Jen shouted. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"What?" Allison asked. "What's the matter?"

"Digby Dairy only makes the best ice cream on the face of the planet, Allison!" Ben shouted. "We've got to get that corrodium or else we'll never be able to enjoy it again!"

They then walked out of the area to see a sleeping security guard at his post, snoring loudly. Max then sneaked past the gate and ushered the kids through as he then nodded to the twins.

"Guys," he said. "Activate your Omni-Suits. You're going to need them."

The twins then nodded and pressed the button, which instantly enveloped them in their Omni Suits as they nodded.

"I don't suppose our super suits are going to help in this situation," Becky said.

As they walked down the factory steps, Max's scanner started to beep louder and louder until it started to spark outwards and go haywire and he looked to them.

"I don't know about you, but I'm guessing there's a huge chunk of corrodium buried right over here beneath the concrete."

"I'm on it!" Omni-Green said as he activated his Omnitrix and Omni-Pink gasped.

"Ben, no!"

But she was too late as Ben slammed down the core. The Omnitrix sank into his wrist and it became encased in green diamond before it covered his other arm and his head before it closed around his eye and it became fully golden. Four spike-like diamonds, the lower pair smaller than the upper pair, grew out of his back and his clothes morphed into a green and black bodysuit with the Omnitrix symbol was on his upper left bicep as the transformation ended.

"Wait!" Max shouted as Diamondhead leaped over the railing and morphed his hands into blades and immediately started stabbing at the ground until a glowing purple light enveloped the entire gang.

"Found it," Diamondhead said as he looked at the dark purple mineral at the bottom of the new crater.

"You idiot!" Allison shouted.


"You just did the mummy's dirty work for him!" Gwen explained.

"Oh... yeah..." Diamondhead said.

That was when the lights started flickering on and off as Gwen fingered at her spellbook and Allison glared as Becky unsheathed her spear and glared.

"Get ready to fight," Omni-Pink said as she slammed her core down and transformed into Battlefly with a glare as she started hovering with her wings as the mummy appeared in a flash and started crawling on the walls towards them.

"Something tells me that he's not here for the chocolate zoomies," Gwen said nervously as Diamondhead threw himself at the alien and stabbed a blade through his stomach.

"Now that's gotta hurt," he said.

The mummy retaliated by wrapping his bandage tendrils around Diamondhead and tossed him away into the generator as Battlefly flew in and put her hands to her head as her antennae started sending out some telepathic signals.

Large roots then wrapped their way around the mummy's legs, enwrapping him, but this did nothing as he wrapped his arms around her arms and tossed her into her brother before he wrapped a bandage around the corrodium and placed it alongside the other two rocks in his chest.

"He's got the corrodium!" Max said.

The mummy roared before he was hit by a flurry of crystals and a wind blast from behind as Diamondhead and Battlefly turned to him.

"You might as well take those rocks right back into the ground where you came from, because that's where you're going!" Battlefly shouted as she and her brother flew at him.

Battlefly charged and flew forwards, dodging the mummy's punches as she fired a wind blast at him and Diamondhead grabbed his arm and pulled him in before punching him right in the head and caused him to go flying back into the freezer.

The others walked up to the freezer before the mummy stumbled outwards and opened its chest, revealing the three glowing rocks in its chest.

"It's trying to expose us to the corrodium," Max realized.

They all walked backwards before the door opened and the security guard from outside entered the freezer and yawned at the commotion.

"What in blazes is going on here?"

"No! Get back!" Allison shouted.

But it was too late and the mummy wrapped its tendrils around the security guard and brought him in closer to the corrodium. He gasped out before his eyes started glowing purple and his jaw detached, his skin turned black with glowing purple lines and his hands and legs stretched out to points.

"That's not good," Gwen said before Max pressed a red device on her chest, which wrapped around her into a beige suit with a clear blue visor. He then did the same on Allison, Becky and himself.

"Level 10 hazmat suits," Max said. "I don't think your parents would appreciate me bringing you home all mutated."

"Hey, what about us!?" Battlefly shouted.

"As long as your in alien form, you should be safe from the mutation effects. And if I'm right, your Omni Suits should protect you just as well as the hazmat suits would."

"Now you tell us," Diamondhead said before he was wrapped around by the mummy and tossed aside into his sister.

The mutated security guard growled and swiped its bladed hands at the others before they ran off back into the storage area.

"Crap!" Becky shouted as she pulled out her spear.

"Well, here goes nothing," Gwen said as she sighed before making a pose. "Emocha Objectia!"

Suddenly, her entire hazmat suit inflated up like a balloon and she screamed in terror and she started flying and bouncing all over the room and crashed into the objects, followed by Becky, Allison and finally the mutated security guard before she finally deflated and groaned as she stood on her sister.

"Okay, note to self: never try to perform a spell from inside a hazmat suit."

"And of course, I can't use my powers either," Allison groaned. "I have to actually be touching a substance to absorb it, which aren't much use in a hazmat suit."

The three then started avoiding the swipes from the mutated guard and Becky brought out her spear and started threatening him with it.

"Back! Back, I say!" she shouted as Max removed a pipe from one of the coolant tanks and brought it up to him.

"I don't want to hurt you!" Max said.

His words fell on deaf ears (or lack thereof) as the guard sliced the pipe in half.

"So much for that idea."

Max continued to dodge the swipes from the guard and backed up before tossing the two pipes at the guard, only for them to back up again and finally, Max ran out of walking room and fell off the edge of the balcony.

"Crap!" Allison shouted as she and Gwen ran away from the guard as it turned its sights on them.

Gwen then ducked inside of the packaging conveyor belt and dodged the stabbings from the guard before she emerged from the other side and Allison came in and punched the guard away from them before it recovered as she stood by Gwen.

Just as it was about to bring its blades down on them, Becky came flying in on a crane hook and then shouted out a wild call and tackled the guard before whacking him away with her spear and sent him crashing into the conveyor belt.

"Let's wrap this thing up!" Allison shouted as she activated the conveyor belt, causing the guard to be pulled into the belt and then come out on the other side wrapped in packaging paper.

As they all dusted their hands off, an explosion rang out from the other side of the factory as the fight between the twins and the mummy continued.

Diamondhead and Battlefly dodged the blows from the mummy before firing crystals and wind blasts at it, which he avoided by stretching his body around them.

That was when the Omnitrixes started beeping down, leaving the twins safe inside their Omni Suits.

"Run!" Omni-Pink shouted as she and her brother ran away from the mummy while she fired energy blasts at it from her hands before they ducked a corner away from the mummy before Max caught them.

"Oh, it's only you, Grandpa," Omni-Green said.

That was when Max found himself wrapped up with the bandages again and he was tossed away as the Omni Twins prepared themselves.

They ran off as Jen fired out energy slashes from her arms and Ben ran in as Gwen and Becky looked away.

"Ben!" Becky realized when she saw a container next to her. "Slop the hogs!"

Ben looked to his right and saw the container next to him and he then tossed it out to the ground, sending out strawberry ice cream mix, which caused the mummy to slip and crash into the refrigerators.

"Hey," Jen said. "Grandpa was right. This farm work stuff really does pay off."

Allison went over to the machine controls and then started fiddling with the buttons.

"Come on," he said. "This has got to do something good for us... There! Now Jen!"

Jen smiled as she grabbed the hose and engaged it. "Eat marshmallow, mummy!"

Marshmallow cream blew out into the mummy's face and it crashed down into the processing machine and Gwen ran over to a lever.

"Or maybe you'd prefer peanuts!" she shouted as she pulled the lever and caused a ton of peanuts onto the mummy, which caused it to fall into the processor which tore it to shreds.

"Yes!" the kids all shouted as they high-fived.

"Well, that takes care of that," Allison said as they walked away.

Suddenly, despite their belief, bandages came out of the processor and wrapped around the twins legs and pulled them upwards as the mummy emerged again.

Gwen, Becky and Allison looked back outwards and groaned.

"Seriously, what are the odds?!" Gwen said.

"Grandpa! Help!" Jen shouted as the wrappings formed out of the processor and immediately reformed back into its original shape as Max came in as the twins struggled in its grasp.

The bandages reached for the Omnitrix emblems on their chests.

"Oh no!" Gwen said.

"If the mummy touches the emblems, the Omni Suits will deactivate and they'll be exposed to the corrodium!" Becky realized.

The mummy inadvertently wrapped its bandages around the Omnitrixes, which caused yellow lights to glow out from them Max nodded.

"The Omnitrixes. They're sampling the mummy's DNA," Max realized. "Go alien! It's your only hope!"

"Let's fight mummy with mummy!" Jen said as she and Ben slammed their Omnitrixes down.

Jen had transformed into a form very similar to the mummy with her entire body being made up of bandages, but her headdress was more similar in style to that of Cleopatra and she immediately noticed. Ben however, transformed into...

"Upgrade?" he asked as he saw Jen's new form. "Oh man."

Jen immediately snaked out using her bandage forms and reformed around him as Upgrade oozed out of the mummy's grasp.

"You're about to get ruled by... Cleowraptra!" she shouted.

The mummy whacked him aside as he crashed into a few liquid tanks.

"Careful, guys! That's liquid nitrogen!" Max warned. "It'll freeze you in seconds."

Upgrade then smirked and merged with the tank as Cleowraptra then shouted out and wrapped her bandage tendrils around the mummy's legs and had him absolutely restrained as Upgrade looked to him.

"Just getting you fired up before cooling you way down! Permanently!"

He blasted out the liquid nitrogen from the tanks as Cleowraptra immediately dove out of the way of the blast as the mummy was absolutely soaked with the liquid nitrogen. He tried to strike out at the twins again, but was it was no use. It was immediately frozen on the spot as it stuck out its bandages.

"Whoa," Upgrade smirked. "Anyone for an extra large order of mummy ripple?"

Upgrade demerged from a wet cement mixer as Allison finished turning her hands into blades to scrape the cement away as she smiled at her work.

"Nice job, you two," Max said as the Omnitrixes timed out. "By the time day shift begins at the factory, the concrete will harden. Nobody will know that a mummycicle is buried under here."

"There's one thing I think we're forgetting though," Ben said. "What about the cows? And the security guard?"

"Don't worry. They weren't exposed long enough for the effects to be permanent. It should wear off in a few hours."

"Let's get out of here," Becky said as they deactivated the hazmat suits and walked out to the Rust Bucket.

"Gladly," Max said. "We'd better head back to the farm. I'm sure that Joan has more chores for us to do."

Ben, Jen and Gwen immediately grew worried. Even Becky and Allison looked disturbed at that as they gulped.

"Yeah, about that, Grandpa..." Jen said, brushing her foot on the ground.

"Jen, Gwen and I would just like to say..." that was when he, his sister and their cousin immediately ran up and hugged him with pleading looks in their eyes.

"Please don't make us go back there, please! We've learned our lesson, Grandpa! We'll do our chores from now on, we promise! Just don't make us go back to the farm!"

"Turns out, all it takes to break them is some manure," Becky said as Allison giggled.

"Oh, thank goodness," Max said. "I just remembered how much I hated working on Uncle Jedediah's farm when I was a kid."

They all breathed a sigh of relief as Becky and Allison looked to them.

"Please keep your promise. I'm not cleaning up after you all the time, you know that."

"Right," Ben said. "We promise."

"Let's get out of here before I get stuck on manure duty again," Max said as they walked towards the Rust Bucket.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10:

The Unnaturals

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