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44.82% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Back with a Vengeance

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Back with a Vengeance

The Megacruiser was travelling through the deepest recesses of space with the gladiator matches going on inside to the galaxy's entertainment... just as Slix Vigma had planned.

As they passed through an asteroid belt, a claw shot out of the ship and hooked onto one of the giant chunks of ice that had the silhouette of a very familiar figure inside of it.

The claw pulled the ice into the ship, with some of the alien gladiators at the controls of the claw.

That was when the ship's champion burst into the room with a glare as he approached the ice with a glare and clenched fists.

"Wherever I went in the galaxy, no matter who's butt I kicked, one name kept coming up over and over again:" Kevin said with rage.

Said mutant human walked up to the ice and placed his molten hand on it, melting the ice and revealing the face of...


The other gladiators immediately recoiled back in fear as they stepped away from the ice as Kevin stood there.

"Looks like we have a lot in common. We both have a little beef with two little snot rags named Ben and Jen Tennyson. And if you're as bad as they say you are, then you're just what I need to take the pair of them out. For good. And my goody-two shoes sister along with them."

Meanwhile, a Null Void guardian flew through said void with not a care in the universe before an arrow was fired through its throat, killing it instantly as it finally landed at the feet of the young huntress on the ground as she took a knife from her belt and started to skin it alive as she glared.

"Five years," she monologued to herself. "Five miserable painful years of hunting these creatures. Doing anything I could to survive. I just want it to end! I want no more part of the Null Void. I want to go home! I'm sure that Mom and Dad have been worried sick about me no doubt. I must have been declared legally dead by now. But most of all, I'm sure that Gwen was the most broken-hearted when I went missing."

She then stood up after harvesting the meat before she wrapped it in the skin of the guardian before she glared and hopped off her rock onto another one where her camp was settled before she sighed.

"No matter. I can feel it in my bones that something is coming. I have no idea what it is, but it's something. It's going to mark me, Rebecca Noel Tennyson as the one who escaped the Null Void for good! I will not endure this place for one day longer!"

At Niagara Falls, the group was on a boat, admiring the Falls' beauty and majesty. Even Allison was having a good time, knowing that she was safe and sound in the boat with a smile.

"How can you not admire the beauty and raw power of nature?" Max asked as the girls looked over to the twins.

"I don't know," Allison said. "Why don't you ask the twins over there? They seem to have an idea."

Ben and Jen were sitting on the edge of the boat, trying out different combinations of their Omnitrixes as Max groaned.

"Ben, Jen, can you guys pay attention to anything other than those watches?" Max asked.

"Don't worry, Grandpa," Ben said. "We're just trying to find out how to control them better."

"And I'm trying to make sure he doesn't do something with his that he shouldn't," Jen said.

"Get real, guys," Gwen said. "There must be a billion command combinations on those things."

"Yeah, so?" Ben asked as Gwen groaned and looked back onto the area with a glance.

"It's times like this that I really miss Becky," Gwen sighed.

"I'm sure she's looking for you wherever she is," Allison said, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder. "You said she looked nothing like you. How do you know that you're twins?"

"This," Gwen said as she pulled her shirt collar down and revealed that she had a very peculiar birthmark on her collarbone. "She has the same birthmark on her collar. That's how we know we're twins."

"It seems like it would be fun to be a twin," she said. "I just hope Kevin's okay in the Megacruiser."

Suddenly, the twins hit a peculiar combination on their Omnitrixes which caused them to glow white and spin around to different alien combinations as they looked at them oddly.

"Uh-oh," Jen said. "Please tell me that we didn't bust these things again? I can't handle another fusion alien situation."

"Or," Ben suggested. "Maybe it's some kind of upgrade?"

Without warning, after the words left his mouth, he transformed into Upgrade while still wearing his life jacket.

Jen shot back in her seat as she stared wide-eyed. "No way! You didn't even touch it!"

"Unless," Upgrade suggested. "Maybe now we don't need to?"

"Let me try," Jen said, clutching her hands before she spoke out. "Needle Mouse."

She then transformed into Needle Mouse with a flash of pink light with a grin.


She transformed into Firefly as Ben transformed into Diamondhead.

"Cool," Diamondhead said. "This rocks!"

They then transformed into Stinkbomb and XLR8.

"We must have finally unlocked some kind of Master Control thing," Stinkbomb said.

They then transformed into Heatblast and Four Arms.

"Now we can alien-" Heatblast started as they transformed into Wildvine and Battlefly.

"Just by thinking about it," Battlefly finished.

They then finished by transforming into Wildmutt and Frostblight as they looked out on the edge of the boat with a glare.

As this was going on, another tourist turned to Max.

"Excuse me," he said. "Would you mind taking a picture of me and my wife?"

He then gasped as he saw Wildmutt look up from his perch as Frostblight face-palmed on him. He then stumbled back in fear before falling off the edge of the boat and into the waters below.

Frostblight then transformed into Mermaid as they looked up and saw Wildmutt transform into Stinkfly.

"No problems," Mermaid said. "The Omni Twins are on the case!"

She then dove down into the water after the man and then picked him up before instantly transforming into Firefly and then flew upwards with a smile and a euphoric laugh as Max, Gwen and Allison looked on below.

"Did Jen just transform directly from Mermaid to Firefly?" Allison asked.

"Yeah, she did," Max said. "But that's impossible."

"Not anymore!" Stinkfly said from above as his sister transformed into Battlefly as she held the man in the air.

"I don't mean to be a bother, but I think I'm going to be sick," the man said.

"Oh, right. Sorry," Stinkfly said as his sister set the man back on the boat.

"Say hello to the new and improved Omni Twins!" Battlefly smiled as she and her brother hovered in the air.

"The legendary Vilgax," Kevin boasted as he paced around the still-frozen warlord. "You don't look so tough."

Literally, as soon as the words left his mouth, Vilgax recovered from within his icy prison and immediately broke out, giving Kevin an uppercut in the process with a shout and causing the mutant human to land on his back.

"Underestimating me is a grave mistake, young one," Vilgax said as he activated his steroid pumps, causing his muscle mass to increase exponentially. "And the last you'll ever make!"

He then picked up a huge piece of rubble from the ship and tossed it at Kevin, knocking him over, before it went flying out the window, causing the air to start to leak out of the airlock of the ship.

Kevin then shot his Diamondhead crystals at Vilgax, which he easily smashed through with no problem.

He then tackled Kevin out the open indow and into the arena down below with a shout of effort downwards. He grabbed Kevin by his tail's stinger and spun him around before tossing him into the wall.

Kevin retaliated by flying away and he then flew downwards, giving him a flying kick down, connecting his sphered foot to Vilgax's face.

Vilgax recovered and tossed Kevin off of him as he backflipped back to his feet. Kevin then flew forwards and gave him blow after blow with all four of his massive arms before Vilgax caught him with a right hook to the gut, knocking the wind out of him before delivering an uppercut, sending him flying away and onto his stomach.

"I just saved your large alien butt," Kevin said. "You should be grateful!"

"Vilgax owes allegiance to no one!" he announced. "Especially some misshapen amalgam of creatures... from the Omnitrixes." Vilgax's eyes widened as he glared at Kevin. "What do you know of the Omnitrixes?"

"If you mean those watches that turn Ben and Jen Tennyson into those alien heroes, plenty. Now back off!"

"You may be of some use to me after all."

"You took the words right out of my mouth, pretty boy."

Meanwhile, Max, Gwen and Allison sat down at a table having a snack before Gwen saw her strawberries and cream get slimed from up above.

"Gross!" she exclaimed as she looked up. "Ben!"

Stinkfly laughed in the air as he flew away with Battlefly following with a sigh and a glare.

"You've been Stinkbutt for hours!" Allison said. "You two should give it a rest."

"No way. Now that we can stay alien for as long as we want, it's time to cash in," Stinkfly said.

"Ben, you know the old saying," Battlefly said, shaking her head before she flew back down and took some money out of her pocket and leafed through it. "Although it does have some perks. And no, I didn't steal this guys. I was paid for by giving rides to tourists as Firefly."

"Guys, you know that you're public heroes now," Max said. "Being a hero isn't about making money. It's about doing the right thing."

"I know," Battlefly sighed. "It's just nice to get a little compensation once in awhile."

"I understand, kiddo," Max said, laying a hand on his granddaughter's shoulder.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather see your dorky face for a change!" Gwen shouted to Stinkfly.

"Gwen's right, Ben," Max said. "Just because you two can be aliens all the time doesn't mean you should be aliens all the time. We still don't know if there are any hidden consequences."

"Okay, Grandpa," Stinkfly said. "I'll take it easy..."

He then flew away, leaving the others to their snacks... right before Ben showed back up as XLR8 and sped by and grabbed Max's strawberries and cream.

"... For a millisecond. Times up!"

He then sped away from the group as Battlefly sighed. "I'll go get him."

She then transformed into her own XLR8 form and sped off after her brother.

"Ah," Max sighed. "So glad we had this chat."

Meanwhile, Vilgax held a DNA scanner up to Kevin, analyzing his mutated DNA.

"Interesting," he said. "Your DNA has clearly merged with that of the Omnitrixes. Just like that of the Tennyson Twins."

"Yeah," Kevin said. "Thanks for the lesson, professor. Now when do I merge my fist with the twins' and my sister's faces?"

"After you remove the Omnitrixes."

"Fat chance. I've tried."

"As have I. But with my expertise and the DNA you share with Ben Tennyson, we can now succeed!"

"Listen to me, Vilgeek! I don't take orders. And I could care less about some stupid watches. I just want revenge on the little twerps wearing them."

"Which you stand a far better chance of achieving if they're not wearing the Omnitrixes."

"So what are we waiting for?"

"Patience. We can only track them when the Omnitrixes are in use."

At that point, they heard an alarm and looked towards the ship's radar to see a green pulsating dot sounding out.

Gwen and Allison looked out to see the view from the bridge overlooking the area only for Ben as Wildvine to jump above them, wrapping his vine-legs around the barrier and bungee-jumped downwards before shooting back up with a whoop and scaring Gwen as Max took his pictures.

This continued for a bit with the twins posing as various aliens in the pictures such as Wildcat and Heatblast, Firefly and Wildmutt, Frostblight and Four Arms, and Grey Matter on the lens, with Jen as a human shaking her head.

Gwen later purchased ice cream from a stand, only for Heatblast to melt it, causing Ben to laugh at her and Frostblight to get her revenge by shooting him with a blast of cold air.

Later, the group was on a gondola overlooking the falls.

"And if you look below, you'll see a steel barge that has been marooned in the rapids since 1918," the tour guide said over the P.A.

They all then heard a hocking sound as they looked to see Ben as Diamondhead hock a loogie down into the river.

"What are you doing?" Allison asked.

"An experiment," Diamondhead said. "I'm trying to find out which alien can hock the best loogie."

He then morphed into Heatblast, who spat out a fireball down into the river.

"Definitely Heatblast."

"Seriously, bro?" Jen asked. "We finally unlock the ability to transform instantly and be aliens for as long as we want and this is what you're doing with it?"

"Sorry, I'm just taking advantage of our new gift."

"Our gift is to be used for others, not ourselves," Jen said.

They then passed by another gondola on the opposite cable, who looked weirdly as Jen quickly ducked beneath the bars and put her Omni Suit on before shooting back up with a nervous wave to the couple on the opposite side.

"I don't know them," Gwen said.

Suddenly, they all felt a thud on the roof of the gondola.

They then looked up to see Kevin rip the roof off of the gondola with a smirk.

"But we do," Kevin smirked.

"Kevin?!" Allison gasped out.

Vilgax then showed his ugly face and snatched the twins through the area as they squirmed and wriggled in his grasp. He then touched a claw to Heatblast's Omnitrix symbol, causing him to transform back to Ben, who quickly activated his own Omni Suit.

"Vilgax too?" Jen asked.

"Indeed. And we know all of your secrets! Both of you!" Vilgax shouted.

"Kevin? Vilgax?" Ben asked.

"You're-" Jen started.

"Alive," Kevin finished. "And about to kick your butts!"

"So that's Vilgax," Allison sighed from inside the gondola. "Your descriptions of him can't do him justice to how ugly he is."

"I never took you for one to take up an apprentice, Vilgax," Max said.

"Silence, Tennyson!" Vilgax shouted. "Once these containment fields neutralize the Omnitrixes, grab them."

"Don't do this, Kevin!" Allison shouted. "I know you're better than this!"

"I said never tell me what to-" Kevin began before a flash of green and pink light flashed out and the twins vanished from sight. "Hey! Where'd the twins go?"

Vilgax released his grasp to see the twins vanished. He then saw Frostblight trying to get away while holding Grey Matter, but he quickly caught them.

"You two can't escape me that easily," Vilgax said... just before another flash showed out and Diamondhead and Stinkbomb appeared and knocked him back with a strong whip of Stinkbomb's tail.

"Guess again," Diamondhead said.

Vilgax was sent careening off the edge of the gondola, quickly grinding his claws into the frame and hanging off the edge.

Diamondhead went into battle with Kevin, socking him in the gut before he gave him a blow to the chest as Stinkbomb jumped in with a glare as she unleashed a cloud of toxic gas from her rear, enveloping Kevin with a gag as Diamondhead used the haze to his advantage, shooting his crystals at him, pounding against him painfully.

"What's this? The children have gained new control over the Omnitrixes," Vilgax realized.

Kevin was sent careening into the support beam of the gondola, releasing it before he stumbled off of the edge, but not before wrapping his tail around Diamondhead's foot, sending him off with him.

"Ben!" Stinkbomb shouted as she leaped off the edge of the gondola and transformed into Firefly and shot her heat ray out from her abdomen, blasting into Kevin as he hit the water below and she grabbed her brother.

"Thanks, sis," Diamondhead said as he transformed into Stinkfly to continue her flight as Kevin slammed into the steel barge trapped in the rapids below.

"No proble-" Firefly said before Vilgax tackled her from below, causing the three of them to crash into the barge as well, loosening it from the rocks holding it in the rapids.

Stinkfly gasped and flew in to help, leaving the other three still concerned on the gondola.

Speaking of which, they felt a jolt from above as the bolts fell out of the safety latch attaching the gondola to the cable above.

"Crap!" Allison shouted.

Meanwhile, Vilgax was tossed into Kevin as Firefly morphed into Four Arms with a glare as she cracked her knuckles and her neck. She then shouted out as she transformed into Water Lily and blasted them with her water streams off of the barge as they held on with their sharp claws.

She then gasped once she saw the cables snap from above as Stinkfly flew in with a smile.

"Ben, we need to save the others!" she shouted.

"Right!" Stinkfly said as his sister dove into the water with a flash of pink light.

XLR8 then sped on the water towards the others as she ran away towards the gondola before she transformed into Battlefly and flew beside her brother as they both flew to the gondola and saved the others, Battlefly carrying Allison and Gwen and Stinkfly carrying Max.

"Head down!" Battlefly said as they flew to the bridge.

Vilgax and Kevin growled at that before looking ahead and they saw the barge go over the waterfall, sending them screaming as they fell.

The twins then flew upwards and placed Gwen, Max and Allison on the area with a determined look as they transformed back to human form.

"We're going after Vilgax and Kevin," Ben said.

"Ben, Jen, you can't beat them both," Max warned. "Together, they're too powerful."

His warning fell on deaf ears as they each transformed into XLR8.

"Just watch us," Jen said as they both sped away.

"They sound pretty confident," Allison said.

"Yeah, too confident," Max said. "That's what worries me."

Vilgax and Kevin recovered on the rocks at the bottom of Niagara Falls as Vilgax took out his scanner and saw the green and pink dots at precisely their location.

"We should be right on top of them," Kevin said.

"Or..." Vilgax said as they saw a shadow looming down and saw Cannonbolt falling on top. "They're on top of us!"

Cannonbolt crashed down, sending the pair of them into the water again as he uncurled and revealed Jen as Frostblight inside him as she glared.

Meanwhile, Max pressed his hand to a scanner, causing a secret compartment in one of the shelves to come down and open up.

"I stashed something here that should take care of both Vilgax and Kevin," Max said as the compartment opened to reveal...

"The Null Void Projector?" Gwen asked. "But I thought we left that back at the Plumber's bunker in Mt. Rushmore."

"I decided it might come in handy again someday. Unfortunately, I was right."

"Oh boy," Allison said.

At the bottom of the falls, Cannonbolt and Frostblight hid from view as he saw Kevin imitating a chicken as they glared.

"Come on out, Tennysons, you chickens," Kevin said.

"Enough with your foolishness!" Vilgax glared as he saw the Rust Bucket pull up with Max, Gwen and Allison setting up their rig. "The old man and two girls are the key. Once we have them, the twins will come to us."

Kevin smirked as the pair left the area, leaving the twins concerned.

Back with the others, they were almost ready when Vilgax and Kevin showed up in front of them.

"Max, we've got company!" Allison shouted as Max gasped once he turned around.

"When I have the Omnitrixes, I shall enjoy tearing you apart, Tennyson!" Vilgax growled.

"Why wait?" Max asked as he aimed the Null Void Projector and fired. "Come and get me!"

He fired the projector, opening the portal that started sucking the pair of villains in.

"We've got them Grandpa!" Ben as Diamondhead shouted as he and Jen as Four Arms ran in and shouted out as Kevin growled.

"What's happening?!" he asked as he fell into the portal.

"The Null Void!" Vilgax realized. "No!"

He too fell in, but not before grabbing Diamondhead and Four Arms, pulling them in along with him.

"Ben! Jen! No!" the others all shouted as the portal closed.

Inside the Null Void, Ben, Jen, Vilgax and Kevin all landed in a heap on a floating rock.

They looked around and saw nothing but a swirling dark purple and orange void with purple rocks floating around on it as they all shuddered.

"Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good idea," Four Arms said as her brother nodded.

"Where are we?" Kevin asked.

"The Null Void," Vilgax answered. "An alternate dimension where the galaxy's worst of the worst are banished. I heard that it can be accessed from anywhere in the multiverse with the right tools. There might be some aliens that aren't even from our universe that exist here.

"Well I'm the baddest of the bad!" Kevin boasted.

"Oh yeah?" Diamondhead asked as he pointed outwards. "Tell it to them."

He then saw a flock of Null Void Guardians flying towards them and they tackled Vilgax and Kevin.

"Ben, we need to get out of here!" Four Arms whispered as she and her brother transformed into their XLR8 forms and sped away as fast as they could.

"No!" Vilgax shouted.

The pair kept running away from the scene across the rock until they suddenly stopped in their tracks once they saw the dead end leading into the infinite void before they looked out once the dust cleared.

"Is that... a fire?" Jen asked as she squinted.

"It's basically survival of the fittest here," Ben reminded. "Someone's cooking their food here. But who?"

Jen then looked up and saw Vilgax leaping from guardian to guardian as he charged towards them and gasped out. "That'll have to wait, bro."

They then lowered their visors again and sped off again.

Vilgax then wrestled the guardian in his claws as he showed up by Kevin.

"What was that all about?"

"Respect," Vilgax said. "I command it even here."

"Well good for you," Kevin scoffed. "But what about the twins?"

"Their grandfather will attempt a rescue. We must find them and extract the Omnitrixes before that or we'll be trapped in here forever."

Back on Earth, Gwen and Allison rested by the Rust Bucket with a sigh.

"I'm going in after the twins," Max as he stepped out, armed with a jetpack, grenades, black gloves and a radio as he prepared the Null Void Projector. He then fired it, opening a portal to the Null Void.

"You can't!" Gwen protested.

"I have to," Max said.

"No, Max," Allison said, standing up. "You're the only one who really knows how to work that thing. We'll go."

"No, it's too dangerous," Max said.

"It's our best chance of getting Ben and Jen out of there, Grandpa, and you know it," Gwen said as she turned to Allison who crossed her arms. "Are you certain you want to go, too?"

"I have to," Allison said. "I owe it to Jen. She's the best friend I've ever had. I can't just sit here and do nothing when she's in mortal danger."

"Be my guest," Gwen smiled.

Ben as Heatblast flew using his flame jets as Battlefly quickly flew beside him. They looked behind them to see a flock of Null Void guardians behind them as Vilgax and Kevin rode them, chasing after them.

"Any plans, bro?" Battlefly asked.

"Well, it mostly involves not dying," Heatblast said.

"I like that plan."

They quickly flew through the holes in the rocks, trying to outfly the guardians.

Suddenly, Vilgax and Kevin's guardians caught the pair of them in their jaws, but they weren't falling for it. They quickly changed into Grey Matter and Frostblight and wormed out of their grasp.

The guardians then all swarmed in around them as Ben transformed into Cannonbolt and bounced off of the rocks around him before he unfurled, revealing Needle Mouse, who shot out her quills all around her, managing to get all of them as she fell into Cannonbolt's grasp as he transformed into XLR8 and quickly ran across another rock.

He then noticed Vilgax's guardian flying at him as he transformed into Stinkfly and flew up before he tossed Jen down as she transformed into Four Arms and slammed down on the guardian, sending it flying down as she then transformed into Blossom Rose and wrapped her vines around another guardian, swinging from it before her brother came leaping in as Wildmutt and tackled her before she wrapped her arms around his neck as more guardians came flying in.

Wildmutt transformed into Wildvine, who stretched his arms around the guardians surrounding him and smashing their heads together before transforming back into Heatblast, who shot his flames out to propel himself upwards as his sister transformed into Firefly and followed him... just before they were slammed by two more guardians.

Thinking quickly, they transformed back into Grey Matter and Frostblight and wedged their way out of their grasp as another guardian came flying at them.

They both screamed in hysterics.

"Where's Gwen and Allison when we need them?!" Frostblight shouted.

Said young girls were suiting up in Plumbers Suits as Max equipped them with jetpacks and cut the fingers off Allison's gloves, which allowed her to use her powers if need be.

Allison placed her special items into her pocket with a nod.

They then placed some grenades around their belts as well as a headset on their heads. Finally, they placed a watch around their wrists and Allison slung the energy cannon around her shoulder with a nod.

"Your watches are homing beacons," Max said. "As soon as you two find the twins, you can use it to lead you back to the portal."

"How long do we have?" Gwen asked.

"I can only keep the portal open for about 40 minutes or so," Max said. He then gestured to the gauges on the girls' watches that ranged from black to green to finally red. "Once these gauges hit the red zone, you need to get out, no matter what."

He finally placed a blue blaster in Gwen's hand.

"What's this for?" Gwen asked.

"Anything that isn't the twins," Max said. "Now go!"

Gwen nodded and holstered the gun as she and Allison ran through the portal.

"Wish us luck!" Allison called out.

Gwen and Allison jumped out of the portal and landed on a floating island in the Null Void as they looked around the Null Void.

"This place looks like it goes on forever," Gwen said.

"It does," Max said. "So keep your eyes open. I'm not even sure what's inside there."

"Uh, Gwen? Do you have any idea what's going on here?" Allison asked.

She and Gwen looked and saw that on the island was what appeared to be some kind of camp. There was a small pit with a live roaring fire going as well as a small working tent made from what appeared to be scraps of fabric and wooden pegs. There was also a stand nearby with some fabric hanging out to dry and what appeared to be a water basin in the corner.

"No. But there's clearly someone else here," Gwen stated as they suddenly heard a wild call from nearby and Gwen was tackled onto her back with a small knife pressed to her throat as she looked on the ground.

She looked with a fearful look at her attacker. She was a young and rather well-toned human girl who had long messy black hair that was unevenly cut and bright green eyes that seemed to mirror Gwen's own. She wore what seemed to be a completely handmade outfit that consisted of animal- or alien- pelts that were fashioned and tied together with what seemed to be alien bones on them. She also wore wraps made from Vulpinmancer fur around her feet. She also had a leather belt around her with some weapons in it.

"Who are you? How did you get to the Null Void?!" she shouted out as Gwen looked fearfully at her.

"Hey, what's your problem?" Allison asked as the girl gave a hateful glance out.

"My... my name is Gwen. Gwen Tennyson," she whimpered out as the girls' expression suddenly softened as she dropped the knife and then stepped back a bit and held her head as she dropped to her knees and gasped.

"G-Gwen?" she asked as she panted heavily in utter disbelief. "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I didn't know it was you!"

"What are you talking about?" Gwen asked as the girl sighed and pulled down the collar of her outfit, revealing a very distinct birthmark on her collar. Gwen's eyes widened as she started to cry as did the girl. "B-Becky?"

Becky nodded as she and Gwen immediately hugged each other the tightest they could, crying incredibly hard all the while as Allison looked on, confused.

A few minutes later, Becky was cooking something over her campfire as she sighed as Gwen and Allison were sat at the area with a confused look at her.

"What are you doing in the Null Void?" Gwen asked as Becky sighed.

"Okay, I was playing out back when somebody kidnapped me without any kind of explanation."

"We know that."

"Okay, well, he was actually an alien criminal who said that he... wanted revenge on Grandpa Max for some reason," she said. "Since I'm one of his relatives, I'm sure that my kidnapping was enough for him. So he sent me to the Null Void, probably to die in his mind."

"So how are you still alive?" Allison asked as she sighed.

"The only way how I could," Becky said. "I learned to survive. Some alien criminals here found me and taught me everything about this place, the universe, the Plumbers, everything. I was also able to retain some memories of my life on Earth. They also taught me how to hunt down aliens for food and how to find water from the dirt in some areas."

"That's so cool," Gwen said as she smiled. "We were looking for you for months. You were later declared legally dead. But I never gave up hope that I would find you and now I have!"

"Easy there, sis," Becky said with a chuckle as she ate at her roast meat with a smile. "It's great to see you too. But how did you get here?"

"It's Ben and Jen," Gwen stated. "They're in a heated battle with Vilgax and Allison's evil brother Kevin and we're here to help get them out."

"This is great!" Becky smiled. "You can get us out of here! The portal's right there!"

"Not without our cousins, sis," Gwen said.

That was when they heard an explosion nearby as Battlefly flew away from the battle as Four Arms leaped away as Vilgax and Kevin chased them along with the Null Void guardians.

"Well guess what," Allison said, standing up. "We just found them."

"I'm coming too," Becky said as she went into the tent and came back out with her spear and a makeshift bow slung over her shoulder with a smile. "I know my way around the Null Void. Around here, they call me the Huntress."

"Let's do it," Gwen stated as her twin sister smiled back at her.

"Max," Allison said over her radio. "Sorry for the silence, but we found somebody that you're going to want to see when you get back."

"Please tell me it's not Phil," Max said.

"Who?" Allison asked.

"Long story," Gwen said. "Trust me, Grandpa, it's not. You're just going to have to see for yourself."

They then saw an island with a bunch of blue alien beasts before them, growling at them with a glare as Becky quickly reached for one of her arrows, put it into her campfire and shot it at them, sending them scurrying away.

"Havok Beasts," Becky sighed. "Always did get in my way of my hunt."

Gwen and Allison quickly activated their rocket packs and flew through the area as Becky leaped from rock to rock with a glare as she backflipped, keeping pace with them.

"Are you sure you're completely human?" Allison asked as Becky nodded.

"Yes," Becky said. "There's very little gravity in the Null Void. It makes it possible to do stuff like jump long distances."

"Oh, that makes more sense," Gwen smiled.

"Let's save the family reunion for later," Allison said. "Right now, we have to get to the twins so we can get out of here!"

"Right!" Becky said. "After five long years, I'm finally getting out of this hellhole!"

The twins crept along a rock out of sight from Kevin and Vilgax as they transformed into WIldmutt and Wildcat as Wildcat made gestures with her paws to him to enact her plan with a few mewls as well as her brother nodded.

Vilgax and Kevin rode on their guardians as Kevin tried to use his enhanced senses to sniff out the twins as Wilcat deactivated her transformation and hid in one of the rock's craters while gazing from behind her visor.

Wildmutt transformed into Grey Matter as the guardians quickly flew after the twins once they were noticed.

Jen quickly lit her hands up in pink energy as she blasted them outwards with a shout. Her energy blast hit the guardian point blank as she quickly created an energy platform beneath her feet and she cracked her knuckles as she caught Grey Matter in her grasp.

"Let's kick it," she said as she ran up, creating constant platforms beneath her feet as she finally jumped and struck Kevin in the chest with an energy charged kick as she quickly transformed into Firefly as she started flying in the air.

Grey Matter transformed into Stinkfly as the pair started flying again.

Back on Earth, Max was still manning the portal and about 35 minutes had passed since Jen and Allison had gone into the Null Void.

Then suddenly, the projector started sparking out green energy as Max sighed.

"That's not good," he said.

"Gwen, Allison, something's gone screwy with the projector!" Max shouted from over the radio. "I don't know how much longer I can keep the portal open! You have to get back now!"

"Oh no!" Becky shouted as she looked outwards to see the swarm of Null Void guardians flying around with jets of flame coming from them and flashes of green and pink light.

"Not without the twins!" Allison shouted. "If it was me in here, Jen and Ben would stop at nothing to get me out! I have to do the same for them!"

"Wait," Gwen said. "What's that stink?"

That was when Stinkfly and Firefly flew by and tackled Gwen and Allison as Becky gasped.

"Gwen!" she shouted as she ran up and leaped to the rock island where her sister was tackled to.

"Gwen?" Stinkfly asked.

"Allison?" Firefly asked as she hugged her friend. "Boy are we glad to see you!"

"Who's that?" Stinkfly's throat asked as Becky finally landed by her and aimed her spear at his throat after shoulder-rushing him off of her sister.

"Get your stinky claws off of my sister, Lepidopterran!" Becky shouted.

"Sister?" Firefly asked as her eyes went wide. "Becky? Is it really you!"

"Do I know you, Pyrolampus?" Becky asked as Firefly nodded to her brother.

"Maybe this will help," Stinkfly said as he and his sister released their transformations and went back to their human forms.

"No way!" Becky said as she saw her cousins rub her arms nervously. "Ben! Jen! It's really you guys!"

"It's good to see you too, Becky," Ben said with a huge smile as the two sets of twins ran up to each other and each engaged in a loving group hug as they laughed hardly and hugged as hard as they each could.

"I thought we'd never see you again," Jen said with a smile.

"Neither did I," Becky said. "Trust me, it was no picnic sending five years having to kill just so I could survive."

"I hate to break up the loving family reunion but the portal's closing!" Allison shouted. "We have to get out of here!"

"Right!" Ben said as he and Jen transformed into Stinkfly and Firefly again and flew outwards with Firefly carrying Becky with Gwen and Allison used their rocket packs as they flew back towards the portal.

Suddenly, a pink-purple worm creature flew outwards towards them as they avoided its jaws and looked worriedly at the portal as they nodded.

"There's the portal! Let's go!" Becky said as they flew towards the portal, only for Jen and Allison to get grabbed by Vilgax and Kevin as they flew by on their guardians.

"Going somewhere without your old pal, Kevin?" he asked with a smile as he held Allison with a glare.

She then growled as she took out her energy cannon. "Let me go Kevin!"

"I don't think so," he smirked. "Maybe you need a little charge, sis."

He then glared as he brought his hand up to her, about to discharge his energy as she glared.

"Stop!" Jen shouted as Becky snuck away.

"Gwen, what's going on?!" Max shouted over the radio. "Gwen! Allison!"

"Let them go or we'll-" Stinkfly began.

"You'll what?" Vilgax asked. "You're in no position to bargain with us right now."

The twins then sadly nodded to each other as they flew down to a rock below them and transformed back to human.

"Let them go and you can have the stupid Omnitrixes!" Jen shouted.

"Jen, Ben, no!" Allison shouted as Kevin brought his hand away from her.

"We have a deal, don't we Vilgax?" Ben asked. "Our cousin and friend for the stupid watches!"

Kevin then smiled as he and Vilgax floated down to the twins level.

The twins then sighed as they briefly fiddled with their Omnitrixes as they began to glow white a bit as they winked to each other.

Vilgax and Kevin then handed out the Gwen and Allison's hands as they held out their Omnitrix wrists.

Kevin then smirked. "Psych!" He then tossed his sister away and Vilgax tossed Gwen away as the twins gasped.

"No!" Jen shouted as Kevin pushed her and her brother to the ground, then slammed the containment devices on their Omnitrix wrists as they began to loosen their hold on them.

The Omnitrixes unleashed a burst of green and pink energy as the twins shouted out in pain. They finally loosed their hold on the twins, their Omni Suits dissolving around them in the process, and went into their containment devices as a blue sphere clamped around each of them as Kevin smirked and tossed the containment devices away from them with a smile.

"No way!" Becky shouted from up above as she readied her knives from her belt.

"Psyche right back to you!" Ben shouted. "We zeroed them out!"

"Good luck figuring out the Master Control now!" Jen teased as she stuck her tongue out.

"Cracking the control combination is child's play for one who has vast knowledge of the Omnitrixes such as myself," Vilgax boasted.

"Oh, maybe we should've thought that through," Ben shrugged.

"Oops," Jen said.

"But who says you'll ever get them?" Kevin said as he grabbed the spheres and flew away with a shout as his guardian flew by and he leaped onto it.

Vilgax then leapt onto his guardian, leaving the twins behind as they sadly sighed as Gwen and Allison flew by with a shout.

"We've got you!" Allison said.

Kevin and Vilgax flew towards the portal with a glare as Becky ran up from behind them with a shout.

"Hey Kevin! What about your revenge?!" Jen shouted. "We're still alive!'

"I figure leaving you stuck here with your archenemies is still pretty sweet," Kevin said. "And the fact that I can use these things to take over the Earth is even sweeter!"

"Not happening!" Allison shouted.

Behind the portal, the Null Void projector blew a fuse as it leaked its energy outwards as Max gasped.

"Guys! Get out before its too late!" Max shouted.

Vilgax leaped off of his guardian with a shout towards Kevin.

Suddenly, Becky appeared from above and stabbed her knives into Kevin's back, causing him to shout out in pain as he loosened his hold on the spheres as Vilgax finally caught him as Becky leapt off and back onto a rock as she shouted out.

"I told you that Kevin 11 doesn't take orders from nobody!" Kevin shouted as he repeatedly punched Vilgax.

Gwen and Allison then flew by with the twins in their grasp as they caught the spheres in midair. "Got them!"

"Let's go, sis!" Becky shouted as the others nodded.

The Null Void guardians flew down and caught the villains as they began to chase after the kids.

"Go where?" Vilgax asked as Gwen, Becky and Allison aimed their weapons with a glare. "Back to your miserable dimension?"

"Get out of our way, Squid Face! We're going home!" Jen shouted.

"First, the Omnitrixes," he gestured, sticking his claws out.

"Psst! Get rid of them," Ben whispered as his sister nodded.

"But your powers-" Gwen began.

"Are nowhere near as important as getting us home," Jen said. "Toss them now!"

Gwen and Allison nodded and stuck the spheres behind their backs.

"You want them?" Allison asked.

"Go and get them!" Gwen shouted as the girls tossed the spheres away.

"No!" Vilgax shouted as he flew on his guardian right after the spheres.

Kevin then grinned as the twins nodded.

"You want us?" Ben asked. "Come and get us!"

The pair then dropped down to Becky's camp below them with a nod.

"Ben, Jen, no!" Becky shouted.

"We know what we're doing, Becky! Just get out of here!" Jen said as Gwen and Allison nodded and flew their rocket packs away towards the portal and flew out of it towards the real world with a nod.

Kevin then glared as Becky looked towards the closing portal and then to Ben and Jen with a glare.

"Oh come on! Why can't anything be easy!?" she shouted as she engaged her bow as she dropped down towards her camp and fired a flaming arrow to Kevin, distracting him as she then stabbed her spear into the ground and pole vaulted her way through the portal with a shout of effort.

"Yep, that's definitely our cousin," Ben said as he and Jen tumbled their way under Kevin's arm before leaping on his face as Ben made it through the portal, followed by Jen as she created energy platforms beneath her feet and finally jumped through the portal as it finally closed.

"No!" Kevin protested as he clutched around empty air.

Ben and Jen landed on the ground as Becky groaned as she shielded her eyes from the sudden burst of light before her eyes adjusted as Max ran towards Ben and Jen.

"Ben! Jen! Gwen!" You're alright!" Max said as he hugged them.

"Well, mostly alright," Jen said as she rubbed her now bare wrist.

"What about me?" Allison asked as she joined in the hug as Becky nodded.

"And about that one we told you about?" Gwen said as she gestured to her sister who nervously pulled her fingers and brushed her messy hair out of her face. "Here she is."

"Hey... Grandpa," she said, her voice breaking as she smiled.

Max's eyes started to well up with tears as he ran up and hugged his granddaughter with sobs of joy as she hugged him back with a smile and a hug with a laugh as Gwen joined in with a smile.

"Oh my goodness! Rebecca! I thought I'd never see you again!" he said as they both smiled.

"So did I," Becky said. "And it's Becky, Grandpa."

"What were you doing in the Null Void?" Max asked.

"Long story. I'll tell you about it after we regroup," she said.

Ben and Jen sighed and bowed their heads in disappointment.

"Listen, guys, about the watches," Allison said.

"I know," Ben said. "You guys were right. I was cocky and totally abused my powers. And we're sorry."

"So did I, a little bit," Jen said.

"Guess that won't happen again now that we're back to being plain old Ben and Jen."

"Guys, that sacrifice you made for us was pretty impressive," Gwen said. "So here. We want to give you a couple of presents."

"If it's a hug, thanks, but we'll pass," Jen sighed.

"Okay, maybe we'll just keep them for ourselves then," Allison said as she and Gwen showed the spheres that they thought were discarded.

"Whoa!" Ben said as he and his sister took the spheres. "The Omnitrixes!"

"But I thought you two threw them away!" Jen said.

"Please, you two may be dumb enough to throw away the Omnitrixes, but we're not," Gwen smirked.

"So what did you guys throw away?" Becky asked curiously as Gwen and Allison smirked.

Vilgax chased after what he thought were the spheres that contained the Omnitrixes before he leaped off his guardian and caught them in his claws.

"Yes! At long last the Omnitrixes are mine!"

Suddenly, what were revealed to be Gwen and Allison's bombs suddenly activated before detonating in a huge explosion, leaving Vilgax in a smoldering crater.

He then shouted out in anger as he realized he was stuck in the Null Void forever.

"Nice job, Squid Head!" Kevin shouted as he flew by. "You blew it for both of us!"

That was when they heard a growling as the purple worm from earlier burrowed its way through the tunnel as Vilgax and Kevin quickly flew away from the scene.

Ben and Jen nodded and faced the spheres as they sighed and opened them up as the Omnitrixes came flying out of the spheres in a glowing green and pink light.

They then stuck their arms up to the sky as the silhouettes of all their aliens showed behind them before green and pink energy flashed outwards as the Omnitrixes were left smoking on their wrists with a sigh.

"Yes!" Jen shouted. "The Omni Twins are back in business!"

"Pretty clever, you guys," Becky said before she leaned back on her sister's shoulder.

"I think you guys owe your cousin a big time thank you," Max said.

"Thanks, Gwen," Jen said as she hugged Gwen tightly.

"I also owe her some big time get backs!" Ben said as he activated his Omnitrix. "Maybe a facefull of Stinkfly goo or a tangle of Wildvine tendrils or-" he said as he slammed down the Omnitrix, transforming into-

"Grey Matter?!" he shouted. "Oh no, I forgot, we zeroed out the Master Control!"

"Don't sweat it!" Allison laughed. "There are only, like, 999,999,999 more combinations for you to try."

"Stop it! Four Arms! Diamondhead!" Grey Matter shouted with no avail as Max and the girls all laughed at his conundrum with a smile.

"We got the Omnitrixes back, I got my sister back, and our two biggest enemies are trapped in the Null Void," Gwen said. "Everything worked out in the end."

"It sure did," Becky said as Allison sighed.

"I hope Kevin's going to be okay in there."

"If he survived on the Megacruiser that long, he can survive the Null Void," Jen reassured her friend as she nodded.

"Okay, the first thing we need to do once we hit the road is get you cleaned up and get you some actual clothes," Gwen nodded as Becky sighed.

"Yeah, I really need some, don't I?" she asked with a chuckle as she looked at her weapons. "But the weapons stay, got it?"

"Sure thing," Max said with a smile sa they all looked out towards the horizon.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10

Venger and Jen 10,000

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