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37.93% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Tough Luck

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Tough Luck

In a prison cell, two young women walked through the halls, prison guards were getting tossed around left and right like ragdolls in a puff of purple smoke and explosions.

From out of the smoke stepped a young woman with a stern look on her face. She wore a magenta coat with purple at the ends, underneath she wore purple long boots with black straps around them. She also had long silver hair in a low ponytail, with two strands of hair out and light purple and pinkish eyes, along with purple lipstick. She wore a brown magical charm bag around her waist.

Her sister, who was about two feet taller than her had a much darker look. She shoulder-length white hair with a black spiked headband. She wears a black choker around her neck, a white charm bag, a black top with a purple sweater over it, a magenta skirt, grey leggings and black boots.

The older sister nodded to the younger one with a determined look.

She reached and pulled a glowing orb out of her charm bag with a glare as she tossed it to the side, resulting in an explosion that sent the guards flying back.

One of the guards tried to close the door on them, but they caused several dents in it before blowing it open effortlessly as they glared before she approached the prison cell that she smirked at as the older sister put her hands together as they glowed a bright magenta.

"Fallum Quarca Daminigan!" she chanted.

As her hands touched the door, it blew off of its hinges and she walked in to see someone else.

"Enchantress, Charmcaster" a familiar voice from the end of the room in the darkness rang out. "I've been waiting."

"Hey, major jailbreaks aren't exactly easy to pull off, you know," Enchantress said, crossing her arms.

"You will show me respect, my dear nieces," said a voice as he turned to reveal Hex. His eyes glowed yellow in his anger. "Or you will suffer the consequences."

"Yes uncle," Charmcaster said, fearfully as they bowed their heads.

"My staff!"

Charmcaster reached into her bag and produced her uncle's staff with a fearful look. "The magic must have drained out of it or something. It doesn't work. But I swear, it's not my fault."

Hex glared as he shot his hand out and the staff immediately flew into it.

"Its powers can be brought to life only in the hands of a master magician like myself," he said as he shot his hand out and a golden beam of light shot out of it towards the two sisters, which split in two to hit the guards. "Now to find the Keystone. The moment of alignment is nearly upon us.

He then fired his staff towards the wall, breaking it open before he and his niece stepped on the destroyed door.

"Once I have completed the ritual and gained its powers, I shall take my revenge on the ones who imprisoned me in this festering sewer!"

He then used his telekinesis on the door, allowing them to float out of the hole and into the night sky as the guards looked helplessly after them.

The camera zoomed to pictures of Lucky Girl and the Scarlet Warrior on the wall with darts in them.

Elsewhere on a highway bridge in the Nevada desert, a retirement bus was hanging precariously off of the edge, dangerously close to falling. The senior passengers inside were panicking before they felt a sudden jolt on either side.

They looked behind them to see Four Arms and Allison, who had absorbed the bumper's metal, pulling back on it with a shout as Battlefly was out front, pushing with all of her might towards the front of the car as her brow broke out in sweat. She was clearly not used to the heavy work in this form.

Once they had set the bus back safely on the bridge, Four Arms broke the back door off and gazed at the senior citizens within.

"It's okay, everyone. Everything's alright now," Four Arms said as he started to walk away with Allison giving an "ahem" to him while nudging him, gesturing to the passengers.

"So, you're not gonna help us off, Mr. Male Omni Twin?" an old man asked as Battlefly flew up towards him. "Who raised you anyway."

"Sorry about that, everyone," she said, flapping her wings as she went up front. "He got all the stubbornness."

"Oh, be a dear and carry me, would you?" an old woman with a walker asked. "My bunions are killing me."

"Your bunions, my butt!" another old woman asked. "My new hip is killing me! I'm first!"

"Why did I come along again?" Allison asked as Battlefly and Four Arms got to work in helping the seniors out.

Back in the Rust Bucket, Gwen sighed as she was on her laptop, researching magical artifacts and wizards like Stonehenge, dream catchers, charm bracelets, etc. before she looked at her old Lucky Girl mask.

"Lucky Girl," she sighed. "I wish you were more than just another Halloween costume."

"Ugh," Ben sighed as he, his sister and her friend walked inside with a groan. "Sometimes this hero stuff gets way old."

"Hey, now that the Omni Twins are public knowledge, it's kind of our duty to help them," Jen sighed. "As much as I hate it sometimes."

"You should be proud of yourself, guys," Max said. "Those folks would've been in a real pickle without you three."

"I know," Ben said as Allison went to the kitchen to help cook dinner.

"It's just that we would like just one regular summer day where we can just sit back and do nothing," Jen said as she sat down next to Gwen with a sigh as she looked at her Omnitrix. "It just feels like these things are both a blessing and a curse."

"Jen's right," Allison said. "I would like a day where we could just relax, like Gwen."

Gwen then shot up and glared at them. "You three should appreciate that your powers are permanent. I only got to be Lucky Girl for a few hours."

"Really, was that it?" Ben asked as Jen sighed.

"No offense, cuz, but with all the bragging you did, it felt like weeks," Jen said as Gwen angrily tossed a pillow in her face. "And unless I'm mistaken, it was your choice to destroy those charms in the first place. If you hadn't you could have the power those charms had and you'd be able to help us all the time."

Gwen then sighed and laid her head down in disappointment, knowing her cousin was right.

"The worst part of that whole bus thing was when those old grannies wanted us to go with them to some boring magic convention in Las Vegas," Allison sighed. "As if."

That was when Jen and Gwen's eyes widened in wonder. "Magic convention?"

Somewhere in the desert, a fire was set as Hex, Enchantress and Charmcaster stood by it as Hex chanted a spell.

"Darkara Dorokey Aghosto!"

From out of the fire, an image formed in the shape of what looked like one of the Charms of Bezel.

"Keystone of Bezel, reveal your location to me!" he shouted.

That was when the Keystone's image stopped to reveal what appeared to be a map with a glowing dot revealing its location.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again, uncle, but we're out of here," Charmcaster said with a nervous chuckle before she and her sister started to walk away before a blast occurred at their feet as Hex glared with his eyes glowing yellow.

"You two may leave my service only when I say you can!" Hex commanded.

"Yes, uncle," Enchantress said before looking to her younger sister with a smile. "Think about it. If he succeeds, then we can take the charms and the power for ourselves! We'll be able to do whatever we want!"

"But does that mean we have to hurt people?" Charmcaster asked. "That's not what I want."

"We don't have to hurt people. We can just make a living for ourselves with everything we can achieve!"

"I suppose you're right."

In Las Vegas, the gang had parked outside Caesar's Palace, where the magic convention was taking place. They stepped inside the hotel, looking at the wonder and excitement that was going on as they passed by Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen restaurant in the hotel where a familiar figure in a red dress and sunglasses was sitting and dining with a friend.

She had a very tall slender sexy look with long black hair in a high ponytail with a red ribbon running through it and blue eyes behind a nice pair of black reading glasses. She had quite plump breasts with a golden amulet around her neck and a black bodysuit with gold lining around it as she sighed at her as she cut into her roast duck.

"Remind me again why I agreed to come with you?" she asked.

"Because, I'm your queen and you do as I say. Plus you're my head sorceress and this concerns magic, Bayonetta," she said as she sighed.

"Yes, Queen Scarlett," she sighed. "Now, what's the purpose of our mission?"

"Somewhere at the magic convention that's taking place here today lies a very important artifact known as the Keystone of Bezel, which holds the power to magnify its holder's abliities by tenfold. When I first came to this dimension a month ago, Gwen Tennyson destroyed the Charms of Bezel, which are directly connected to this Keystone. Now, there's going to be a solar eclipse that's happening over the United States today. If this stone is used for the Ritual of Bezel at the highest peak during the right moment of the eclipse, the charms can be recreated. There are some sorcerers in this dimension who know about this and will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. It's our job to make sure this doesn't happen," Scarlett stated, folding her arms. "And in the event that it does, we have to make sure that we get the charms back ourselves and bring them back to to the Mystic Isles so that they can never fall into the wrong hands again."

"As long as the mission isn't boring," Bayonetta sighed as Scarlett picked up the check and laid down her credit card before she looked over her shoulder to see the Tennysons and Allison walking towards them.

"Oh come on! Why is it that whenever I come here I always run into these guys? And it looks like they have a new friend traveling with them too."

"Should you introduce me?"

"Not until we're absolutely sure that they need us," Scarlett said as the waiter brought her card back and they followed them towards the magic convention.

At said convention, they looked towards the stands and saw magic acts with cheap card tricks, connecting rings, and LARPers playing Dungeons and Dragons at a table. Needless to say, nothing impressive.

Gwen groaned in disappointment as she looked at the banner overhead. "Magician of the Year Expo? It's just a bunch of cheap junk and gross-out tricks! I thought it was going to be magic magic. Not cheesy magic."

Ben then scoffed as he looked at the bin as his sister walked over to him with a sigh.

"You what I don't get about you, Ben? You know for a fact that magic exists. You've seen it for real, you've been in the presence of powerful sorceresses like Scarlett and Hex and yet you just scoffed at Gwen's disappointment," Jen said with a smirk on her face.

"True," Ben said as he sighed. "But it's still hard to believe."

He then looked through the cheap gags with a sigh.

"Hey, look, fake bugs in ice cubes, fake barf, fake dog puke!"

"Yeah, we get it, Ben," Max said. "Still, as long as we're here, we might as well look around."

Gwen nodded in disappointment as the camera positioned back to Scarlett and Bayonetta walk in and sighed when she shook her head.

"This is where this Keystone is? At a poser convention? Are you serious?" Bayonetta asked as Scarlett sighed.

"I don't get it. My magic sense has never been wrong before," Scarlett said. "It has to be here, but it doesn't look convincing from first glance. We'll find it here."

"You'd better be right about this," she said as she clutched at her belt with a sigh. "It's a pity that I'm not allowed to use guns in hotels."

"If something bad goes on like I think it will, I think the guards will be willing to make an exception. Besides, it's not like anyone's going to find out, right? According to all known governments outside my dimension, we don't exist. We're ghosts."

"You're right," Bayonetta said.

They walked over to the Magic Jewels section where they examined the selection of jewels with the shopkeeper reading a book as Gwen walked up.

"I don't suppose you have any real magical artifacts?"

"What you see is what you get, honey," the shopkeeper said.

Gwen gazed over the selection to see a blue and gold bracer with a familiar looking red and black keystone in it that shimmered before her eyes. She then slipped it on with a smile as she looked to the shopkeeper.

"I'll take it."

"Gwen, you find something you like?" Max asked as he and the others walked over.

"Yeah, it kind of reminds me of..." Gwen said before they heard a screaming outside as a helicopter was smoking with an escape artist in a straight jacket dangled from a rope.

"Help!" he shouted as the others ran out as they examined the case as they walked outwards with Scarlett and Bayonetta not far behind.

"Something tells me that's not part of the act," Max said as they looked towards the twins.

"I know, I know," Ben said. "Hero time."

"Let's do it," Jen said as they ran off.

"Should we help them?" Bayonetta asked.

"Not yet!" Scarlett said as they too ran off in the other direction.

The helicopter careened out of control and severed some powerlines as it crossed them as the escape artist dodged them in fear as Stinkfly and Firefly grabbed onto either side of the helicopter, trying to stabilize it.

"Everything's under control!" Stinkfly shouted as the tail fin of the helicopter broke off and was sent spinning down towards the crowd as Firefly gasped.

"Never say things like that under these conditions, brother!" she shouted.

Scarlett and Bayonetta looked as the tail blade spun towards them as Bayonetta reached for her guns.

"Now?" she asked.

Scarlett glared as she nodded. "Now."

Bayonetta nodded as she fired her guns and that hit the fin dead on, slowing it, but not nearly enough.

The blade was spinning right in Max's path as Gwen and Allison gasped and Gwen sprung into action.

"Grandpa, look out!" she shouted as she went flipping off the cards as Allison gasped in awe at this. Suddenly, the bracer around her wrist suddenly glowed and she tackled Max out of the way.

"Gwen, how did you do that?" Max asked as she looked at her wrist and smirked.

"Just lucky, I guess," she said before running off.

In the sky, Stinkfly and Firefly were hanging from the helicopter as they tried in vain to stabilize it.

"Do something!" Firefly asked him as Stinkfly nodded and spat out his go from his mouth on one side and attached to the helicopter before he fired more from his eyestalks that slimed the building on the other side, creating a web that caused the helicopter to be stuck to the buildings.

"Hold on just a few seconds longer!" Stinkfly shouted as the fire burned through the rope, breaking it.

The escape artist screamed as he plummeted to the ground with Firefly diving after him, trying to close the gap.

"Not good!" she said.

That was when Gwen, dressed in her Lucky Girl suit, ran up onto a car and backflipped onto a bus and then shouted out as she jumped off and caught the falling escape artist before bouncing off an awning and landing safely on the ground as the twins flew down as Allison ran up to them, shocked at what she just saw her friend do.

"Lucky Girl?" Firefly asked.

That was when the crowd cheered out as the Omnitrixes timed out and the Omni Twins stood next to them as the crowd cheered at their heroics before Lucky Girl turned to them.

"Don't you two even start with me about cramping your superhero style."

"Hey, we're just finally happy to get some backup," Ben said. "We need all the help we can get in this business."

"But how'd you get your Lucky Girl powers back?" Jen asked as their cousin smirked.

That was when Scarlett and Bayonetta looked from beyond and nodded.

"We'll be seeing you again soon, Lucky Girl," Scarlett said with a bow as they took their leave.

Gwen looked at her bracer and looked up the gem in the middle with a glare as the group gathered around her.

"It looks like it's one of the Charms of Bezel," Gwen said.

"That's impossible," Ben said. "You destroyed all of those charms in that cemetery in New Orleans fighting that Hex creep. That was when Scarlett took the spellbook and left."

"I thought I did," Gwen said, remembering the event. "But this is the legendary lost Keystone. It's rumored to increase ten times the powers in scale of the one who possesses it."

"Well the legend seems to be fact, not fiction," Max said.

"I can't believe it," Allison said in awe. "Magic's real."

"You are so lucky," Jen said.

"It's not luck," Gwen smirked. "It's magic."

The group watched a magic show going on at the Expo as they applauded the tricks they were seeing while Gwen and Jen looked unimpressed at it.

"And remember," the emcee said, walking onto the stage. "The Best Magician of the Year will be found in just a few hours during the solar eclipse. Now, please remember today's contestant, The Amazing Alan!"

Smoke appeared from the stage as Alan stepped out and revealed a magic box as Scarlett and Bayonetta stood in their disguises in the crowd, as Bayonetta whispered to her queen.

"You need that keystone, right?" Bayonetta asked.

"Yes. Gwen doesn't know what she's doing with that thing," Scarlett said. "It's something that's far too dangerous in the wrong hands."

"For my first trick, I'll need a volunteer!" Alan said.

Gwen looked to her side and saw Ben step out with a smile, startling Alan as he waved to the crowd.

"Ben Tennyson, at your service!"

"What's he up to?" Max asked.

"Improving the act, I'd say," Jen said with a smile.

Alan then placed Ben in the box. "And boy goes in. But what comes out will amaze and surprise you."

"They won't be the only ones," Ben smirked as Alan closed the lid and locked it.

"Abra kadabra!" he said as a green light glowed from within the box and it started shaking as Wildmutt jumped out of it and landed at the crowd, startling Alan as the crowd, including Jen and Allison cheered and whistled at the trick while Max and Gwen stood unimpressed.

That was when the glass roof of the ceiling melted and a red cloud of smoke flew in and exploded, sending Wildmutt and Alan back as Hex, Enchantress and Charmcaster stood there, glaring.

"Hex!" Jen and Gwen gasped as the crowd screamed.

"Hey, wait your turn, pal," Alan said to Hex. "You're ruining my act!"

"I have no time for amateurs," Hex glared as he used his telekinetic magic to levitate Alan and send him flying into Wildmutt with a glare. "Give me the Keystone of Bezel!"

"You'll have to find it yourself, bub!" Jen asked.

"If it's magic you want, it's magic you shall have!" he shouted as he activated his staff and several explosions rang out across the ground as the crowd screamed in terror and dispersed away as Scarlett and Bayonetta nodded to each other and backflipped away, shedding their disguises.

Bayonetta dodged an explosion by a hair's breadth and time seemed to slow to a crawl around her as she gasped outwards and reached for her guns as she fired at Bayonetta and hit him, sending him flying back as Max, Gwen, Jen and Allison stood by each other as Scarlett ran by her.

"Hex is up to his old tricks again," Max realized as Scarlett smiled.

"Hello, my friend. We meet again," Scarlett said.

"What are you doing here, Scarlett? I didn't call you," Jen said.

"For the same reason that Hex is here. That Keystone," she said, pointing at Gwen's bracelet.

"You'll have to explain why later. For now, this looks like a job for Lucky Girl," Gwen said as she ran off and Bayonetta dodged Hex's magic blasts before sending out spells from her hands as well, countering them as well.

Scarlett then nodded as Bayonetta ducked behind her and she activated her shield and blocked another one of the blasts from Enchantress' hands.

"I'm the Scarlet Warrior by the way," she said as she shook Allison's hand. "But call me Scarlett."

"Allison Levin," she said.

"Everyone, this is Bayonetta, my head sorceress," Scarlett said as Bayonetta bowed to them from behind the shield. "She's the Scarlet Army's head of magic strategies and battle."

"Another magician?" Jen asked.

"Please," Bayonetta said with a sigh. "I prefer witch."

"A real life witch?" Jen asked in awe as she smiled.

"Don't fangirl with me, m'kay?" Bayonetta asked as she pulled out a whip with a snake's head at the end.

"Give me the keystone or I will destroy you all!" Hex shouted.

"You forgot to say 'pretty please!'" Lucky Girl shouted as she leapt onto the stage with a glare as her bracelet glowed in the light.

"The keystone and Lucky Girl?" Hex asked before chuckling. "How convenient?"

That was when Wildmutt ran in and tackled Hex and started knawing at his staff as Jen glared at Enchantress, who glared at her as she braced herself.

"I don't know who you are, but you're about to become cat food!" she shouted as she slammed her Omnitrix core down.

Her blood vessels pumped abnormally before they travelled up to her eyes and when she shot them open, her sclera turned green and her pupils contracted into feline slits. Her body started cracking and snapping as her mass built up to that of a teenager and her skin erupted in pink fur with blue stripes. Her hair grew longer into a mane-like state. She rose to the camera and her teeth sharpened to fangs and her face pushed out into a anthro feline muzzle and then the camera shot to the rear view as a long pink and blue striped tail shot out of her spine. She rose her arms up, shot out her claws from her hands and slammed them against the ground and gave a mighty roar like the tigress she now was as the transformation ended.

Wildcat growled and snarled at Enchantress as she tackled her off the stage as she bore her claws at her and dodged the spells that she released from her hands. She then dodged the magic beams from her eyes as she growled and scratched at the sorceress.'

"Charmcaster! Do something!" she shouted.

"Yes, Enchantress!" she said as she bowed. She then unzipped her charm bag and tossed some grey magic disks out and hit Wildmutt in the face with a glare, distracting him as she glared.

Hex then glared and fired yellow magic beams from his eyes that blasted Wildmutt back and sent him sprawling into his sister, sending them crashing into a magic booth.

Lucky Girl then tried to sneak up behind Charmcaster, but she was ready for her. She then threw her disks at her again, sending her flying back before she was hit by a magic blast herself as she glared.

She then saw Scarlett glaring with her hands smoking as she reached and grabbed her sword.

"You'll pay for that," she said as she tossed her disk away and tossed a magic disk at her that increased in side as it rolled towards Scarlett as she gasped and gave out a punch to it that pushed it back slightly before she gasped out with all her strength as Bayonetta ran towards the disk.

She then leaped upwards and landed a strong kick against the disk that sent it sprawling away as she glared.

"You are so dead!" Bayonetta said.

Enchantress flew up to help before Lucky Girl laid a hard kick to Enchantress that caused her to slide back and she glared as Charmcaster ran to her sister and helped her up.

"If you're paling around with Hex, you're no friends of mine," Lucky Girl said.

That was when Hex grabbed her arm with a glare.

"There are two kinds of luck, child," he said. "Let me show you the bad kind."

"Guess what," Lucky Girl said with a smile. "I'm not just lucky anymore. I'm totally kick butt!"

She then grabbed Hex and flipped him downwards onto his back, causing him to groan out as he stood up and glared at his rival.

"Even with your new powers, you are no match for a master magician! Now give me the Keystone!"

As he was monologuing, he failed to notice as Wildcat and Wildmutt pushed a speaker from the stage down on top of him with a glare.

He gasped as the speaker landed on top of him.

"Finders, keepers, skull face!" Lucky Girl shouted.

"And losers, weepers?" Enchantress asked as she reached into her pouch and tossed out some brown and pink marble figures at the group's feet.

"Is that the best you got?" Lucky Girl asked.

That was when the figures started glowing before they grew into large stone canine beasts in front of them as Scarlett and Bayonetta landed in front of Lucky Girl with a glare.

"Then again, that's pretty good."

The beasts growled as Scarlett lit her hands up in flame. She tossed fireballs at them with a glare before she fired a kick at one, sending it off as Bayonetta engaged in battle with the other one, cracking her whip at it with a glare.

"Back! Back!" she shouted.

The beast growled as it was hit by the whip with a glare before Bayonetta sighed and backfipped against its claws before she turned into a puff of bats with a burst of smoke before reforming and summoning an iron maiden that opened on its own. She then kicked the beast into the iron maiden and snapped her fingers as the maiden closed and exploded in a puff of smoke.

Wildmutt and Wildcat ran in and tackled Enchantress and Charmcaster with a glare as they fought off of them with a glare.

"Get off of me, dog breath!" Charmcaster shouted as she summoned a totem from her charm bag that sent Wildmutt off of him.

Wildcat snarled and nipped at Enchantress' neck as she glared.

"I've always hated cats!" she said as she landed a magically charged punch at her and sent her flying into her brother again.

"See you around, fido," Charmcaster said as she tossed some brown marbles at their feet that exploded outwards, sending them crashing down into the stage's basement.

Allison got the better of them, however, and tossed the speaker into the sisters again with the strength she gained from absorbing the metal from her bullet, knocking them out.

"ENOUGH!" Hex shouted out as Max ran up and he sent out a telekinetic blast from her staff that caught them off guard, sending them all back through the stages' curtains and out the back door into the hotel's botanical gardens and hedge maze.

They almost instantly got up as Scarlett hoisted herself onto her feet with her sword with a glare.

"Where are the twins?" Max asked.

That was when they saw Charmcaster's marble figures roll towards them as Scarlett sighed.

They ran away from the stone beasts with a shout as Scarlett and Bayonetta fired their magical blasts back at them as they shrugged them all off.

"Split up!" Scarlett shouted.

They nodded as Scarlett and Bayonetta split up at the sides of the maze as two of the beasts followed them and Gwen and Max split up and hid behind a corner as the beast ran right by them.

Bayonetta glared on her end as she hid behind a corner as the beast ran by her.

She then ran up to him and kicked out as she fired the guns that were strapped into her boots that blasted the beast against the wall. She then glared as she brought out her sword, jumped up and sliced the beast into tiny chunks of stone that rained down upon her.

She then sighed, flipped her hair and took out a lollipop.

"I've taken on angels, demons and sages with powers the likes of which you can't possibly imagine. You magicians are mere childs' play."

Scarlett engaged her beast head on as she flicked her wrists and summoned her sword and Keyblade.

"I am so not in the mood," Scarlett said as she twirled her blades as the beast leaped at her before she blocked it with her sword and then whacked her with her Keyblade as she gave out a war cry towards her opponent as she shot out heat beams from her eyes that blasted it to bits as she dusted off her shoulders from it.

"Now to find Hex," she said as she ran off.

Speaking of which, Hex and his nieces appeared in a puff of smoke that rose from the hotel and they walked forward.

"Circle around and drive them to me," Hex ordered as his nieces bowed.

"Yes uncle," they said as they ran off in opposite directions.

Soon after, everyone was taking off around the hedge maze, racing around to avoid the beasts.

Max soon came to a dead end as the final stone beast came towards him with a glare... until the twins got in the way and destroyed him with a single punch each. It was at that point that the Omnitrixes timed out.

"Are you two okay?" Max asked.

"Yeah, we're fine," Ben said.

"Where's Lucky Girl?" Ben asked.

Said heroine was wandering through the hedge maze along with Allison when she heard a rustling on the other side of the wall she was next to.

"Okay, Hex. Time for a surprise party," she said as she landed right on top of... Charmcaster, knocking her charm bag away as she picked it up. "Not so tough without your bag of tricks are you?"

Charmcaster than scrambled away from Lucky Girl in fear as she held her hands up and gulped. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt anybody! I my uncle made me do it, I swear!"

"Why should we believe you?" Allison asked as she tore through the shrubs with her blade arms as she dissolved her armor.

"My name is Charmcaster. The other girl is my older sister Enchantress. We're Hex's nieces. You know what he's like. I can help you!" she said.

That was when they saw one of the hedges on the opposite side burst into flames as a hole appeared to reveal Scarlett with smoke emanating from her hand as she crossed her arms.

"I'm a pretty good judge of character," she said as she put her hand to Charmcaster's mind before she closed her eyes and opened them again to reveal they were glowing as she saw the images flowing through her own before she stumbled back. "I don't think she's lying."

"You're telling the truth?" Allison asked.

"Yes," Charmcaster said, bowing her head. "I can help you! Hex wants the Keystone of Bezel. It's in your bracelet."

"Duh, I know that. He wants it to magnify his power by tenfold," Lucky Girl said.

"Actually, there's more to it than that," Scarlett said. "If he performs the Ritual of Bezel with the Keystone at the highest point during the eclipse, he can recreate all the other charms you destroyed."

"Making new friends, Charmcaster?" said a familiar voice as Enchantress walked towards them.

"Stay away from her!" Charmcaster said as she sighed.

"Relax... I don't think that I'm doing anything with this lady by me," she said once Bayonetta stepped out with a gun pointed to her.

"Be a good girl," she said as Scarlett nodded to her.

"Just what I hate... traitors!" Hex shouted out as he faded through the hedge bushes and revealed that he was levitating the twins and Max.

"Guys!" she said as Scarlett, Bayonetta and Allison prepared.

"I won't let you do this, uncle!" Enchantress said as she took her bag back from and pointed it towards her uncle.

Small stone bat creatures flew out and grabbed Hex by his cloak and hood and carried him into the air, causing him to lose his focus as Ben, Jen and Max hit the ground.

"What?! Enchantress! Charmcaster! How dare you betray me!"

The bats then carried him away before dropping him into the nearby swimming pool.

"I guess you two are legit," Lucky Girl said.

"Now let's go finish the job before Hex can dry off!" Jen said, cracking her knuckles.

"Our uncle is going to be real mad at us, isn't he?" Charmcaster asked.

"Good point," Allison said. "Family comes first."

"Then Enchantress, you go with Grandpa, Allison and the witch," Ben said.

"Me, my cousins and Scarlett will handle your uncle," Gwen said. "We can take care of your sister."

"Oh thank you!" Enchantress said as she took Lucky Girl in a tight hug. "Thank you! I could never forgive myself if anything happened to my sister."

"No time to waste!" Scarlett said as she set off at a pace as she ran along with the twins, Gwen and Charmcaster running alongside her.

"Is it me or was that a bit weird?" Lucky Girl asked.

"You're a superhero now," Ben said. "Trust me, people act weird around us."

"How do you think I feel being in charge of an entire kingdom?" Scarlett asked. "I have thousands of people depending on me to provide for them. Almost everybody I know treats me differently from everyone else."

"So this is what being good feels like," Charmcaster said as she ran alongside them. "I think I like it."

They arrived at the swimming pool to see Hex rising from the pool on a waterspout as Scarlett summoned a bow and aimed it at him before charging it with energy.

"The watches are still in the red," Jen said. "Ben's going to have to wait."

"We can't wait!" Lucky Girl said as she jumped up... before falling directly to the ground.

Jen glared as she fired an energy blast at Hex, which he tilted his head to avoid as Scarlett fired her arrows at him, which he dodged with his telekinesis. Charmcaster glared as she readied her charm bag.

"Give me the Keystone!" Hex shouted as he used his telekinesis and levitated Gwen over and he grabbed her arm... only to find nothing in the bracelet.

That was when he was hit by a triple whammy by Scarlett's magic-charged arrows, Jen's energy blasts and Charmcaster's small discs.

"We will see each other soon and finish our business then," Hex said as he vanished in a puff of red smoke.

"Well that was weird," Jen said as Lucky Girl looked down and gasped in horror.

"The keystone! It's gone!" Lucky Girl gasped.

"Enchantress," Charmcaster realized as she sighed. "She always was the black sheep of the family."

That was when Allison and Bayonetta ran over with a gasp as Scarlett glared.

"I tried to stop her," Bayonetta said, clearly annoyed. "But when I realized she had the Keystone it was too late."

"It's not your fault," Scarlett said, putting her hand on her friend's shoulder. "She had us all fooled. It could've happened to any of us."

"It doesn't matter now," Jen said. "She and her uncle are going down. No offense, Charmcaster."

"None taken," she said. "All that matters is that we stop them."

"Playing innocent was genius, my dear," Hex said as Enchantress bowed her head to him. "But you should've informed me first."

"Yes, uncle," Enchantress said. "It was actually Charmcaster's idea to come up with the plan to help them, but apparently, for her it wasn't an act. She was always the weak one."

"No matter," Hex said as his niece handed him the Keystone. "Soon I shall have enough power to destroy all my enemies and rule the world!"

Scarlett and Bayonetta helped Max to his feet as they laid him against the Rust Bucket and he sighed.

"I turned my head for just a second and 'wham!'" Max said. "When I came to, Enchantress was gone."

"All that 'My uncle made me do it' stuff was just an act!" Lucky Girl said with a glare as she shot to Charmcaster.

"She's innocent, Gwen," Scarlett said. "I read her mind, I found absolutely no wickedness in it."

"It's true!" Charmcaster said, putting her hands up. "I had nothing to do with Enchantress' deeds."

"She needed to get close enough to me to steal the Keystone," Gwen said as she took off her mask with a sigh. "Some hero I turned out to be."

"Right now, all you should care about is how to stop Hex and Enchantress before they recreate all those other charms," Jen said.

"Wait, Scarlett," Ben said. "You said that the ritual had to be performed at the highest peak during the eclipse."

"And the highest point around here is..." Gwen said as they looked up to the replica of the Space Needle.

Hex and Enchantress glared as they leaped towards the Space Needle before landing on it as some tourists came up the elevator to the top.

Hex glared at them and pointed his staff at it as one of the tourists immediately hit the button again, closing the elevator doors as Hex sealed them shut with a heat beam from his staff.

"I do not want to be disturbed!" he said.

"Yes, uncle," Enchantress said.

They looked up to see the moon slowly move behind the sun. The Keystone began to glow in Hex's hand and he glared at the eclipse and began to chant.

"Barban Hextida Zerzam! Barban Hextida Zerzam!"

The Keystone was enveloped by a glow and floated to the top of the radio tower: the highest peak in Vegas.

Down below, the Rust Bucket drove up as Scarlett and Bayonetta appeared next to it through a portal while Charmcaster appeared in a puff of smoke as they looked downward.

Everyone got out of the RV as they grouped together and watched the eclipse forming in the sky.

"We're running out of time," Max said. "The eclipse is still a few minutes away."

"Okay, I have a contingency plan," Scarlett said. "Bayonetta and I are strong enough to stop him should he succeed. You guys take on Enchantress. Then Bayonetta and I take the charms back home to Cinnibar where they can't be used to harm anyone ever again."

"Guess it's up to you five," Gwen shrugged as Allison stuck her hand out and absorbed the metal from the Rust Bucket in preparation.

"I don't know," Jen said. "We'll still need some help. You still feeling lucky?"

"What can I do without my powers?" Gwen asked.

"Hey, you never needed powers to help us before," Ben smiled.

They then looked to see the security guards swarming around in fear as the tourists from before got out from the bottom of the elevator as they sighed.

"Elevator's out," Allison sighed. "Now what are we going to do?"

"Easy for Stinkfly," Ben said as he pressed his Omnitrix and tried to transform only to find that it was still charging. "Oh man. The stupid watches aren't working yet."

"But that window washer's platform is," Max said as he pointed to it as the washer ran away.

"You guys take that," Scarlett said as she looked up. "But for the ones of us who can fly on our own..."

Bayonetta transformed into a crow, Scarlett transformed into a red eagle while Charmcaster started levitating on her own power.

"See you guys up top," Charmcaster said as she and the others floated up while Max ran for the platform.

Ben and Jen smirked.

"And we have an idea for our own rides," Jen said as the twins ran into the Rust Bucket while Allison waited outside for them.

"What are you waiting for? Go to Max," she said.

Gwen nodded as she ran for the platform as well.

"Barban Hextida Zerzam!" Hex chanted as he and Enchantress looked on as the Keystone started giving out energy sparks.

That was when they heard a whistle as Scarlett and Bayonetta transformed back and aimed their weapons at him with a glare while Charmcaster flipped through her spellbook as she landed on top of it.

"I am a firm believer in karma, Hex," Scarlett said, drawing her sword up. "And you're about to get yours."

"What are you doing, Charmcaster?" Enchantress asked. "All I wanted was for us to have a better life!"

"If that means hurting others, then I don't want it!" Charmcaster shouted. "What would Dad say if he found out about what you're doing?"

"You said you'd never mention our father!" Enchantress shouted.

"I'll only apologize when you do!" Charmcaster said as she unleashed out her dark purple figures as they grew into the stone beasts that surrounded Enchantress.

She glared as she threw her own figures, revealing larger white beasts that growled as they stomped down on them as Charmcaster gasped.

"Curses! My magic's not strong enough to combat her yet!" Charmcaster said.

"Well ours is!" Scarlett said as she sliced through a large white beast and glared. She then pointed to another one and fired a large red energy blast from her hands while the camera transitioned to Bayonetta as she glared and flicked out a scythe that separated into three blades.

She then gave out a shout as she sliced through it into giant chunks, which she then blew apart with her heel guns as she gave out punches and kicks to the other ones as portals opened and giant heels and fists made from her hair appeared and blasted through them with ease as she glared.

"You didn't really think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you?" Lucky Girl asked as she appeared over the edge, seeming to be levitating. "Now give me back the Keystone or deal with the awesome powers of Lucky Girl!"

They all looked over, good guys and bad, in shock as Charmcaster gasped.

"But how?"

"This is totally bogus!" Enchantress said. "She can't have any powers, it's some kind of trick!"

Hex then scoffed and used his telekinesis, encasing Lucky Girl... and Max in a yellow aura and lifted them through the air while Scarlett gasped as he threw them against the tower's ground.

"Your silly stunt has gained you nothing!"

Gwen then smirked as she looked towards them. "You should know as well as anybody that sometimes magic is about... misdirection!"

"Hey skull face!" they heard as the twins soared in on their hoverboards, wearing their Omni Suits with Allison in tow on Jen's. "Stay away from my family!"

Jen then rammed Hex in the head as she and her brother hopped by as Enchantress summoned more of her beasts as Allison glared.

"Geronimo!" Allison shouted, energy cannon slung over her back as she leaped off of Jen's hoverboard while she absorbed the material from her crystal while she slammed into one and laid absolute waste to them as she shouted out and glared.

Scarlett smiled as Enchantress glared at her in fury while Charmcaster gasped as the twins flew through the air on their hoverboards.

"I forgot how much fun this thing is!" Ben cheered while looking to Max.

"Guys, Hex is-"

Jen gasped as she realized that Hex was hanging onto her hoverboard and swung onto it while she lost her stability and glared as she gathered her energy in her hands.

"I shall not be denied my destiny as ruler of this world!"

"That isn't going to happen today or any other day, Hex!" she shouted as she fired her energy bolts at him while trying to retain her balance as Ben flew by and socked Hex in the face with a glare.

"Stay away from my sister!"

Hex tried to whack Ben with his staff, but this didn't do anything as he just avoided it as they flew all around on their hoverboards as Enchantress glared after them while Scarlett, Bayonetta and Allison engaged with her beasts in charge as Charmcaster flew after her sister and tackled her to the ground as Lucky Girl and Max ran up to her.

"Hey, Enchantress! Read any good stories lately?"

"Stay away from me!" she shouted as she blasted Charmcaster off of her and into the rollercoaster next to her. She then tossed her white marbles at Max and Gwen's feet and into the cars next to her before she used her telekinesis on the control mechanism, starting the roller coaster up as it moved along the tracks as Scarlett gasped.

"Bayonetta, go save them!" Scarlett shouted as her witch friend nodded and leaped after them as she summoned crow wings on her back and she dive-bombed after them as the twins continued fighting Hex as he continued whacking at them as Jen fell off of her board while Scarlett grabbed it with one hand as the Omnitrixes finally recharged.

"Yes! Time for Four Arms of fun!" Ben said as Hex whacked Jen off of her board as she slammed her Omnitrix core down as Hex flew by and whacked him off of his board and he continued and Ben did the same and they transformed into...

"Wildvine?" Ben asked as he stretched his arm out and grabbed a nearby building while grabbing his sister who transformed into...

"Oh come on! What use is a flower in a situation like this?" Blossom Rose whined as Wildvine glared.

"Stop whining and get your act together!" he shouted as he flipped back onto his board, tackling Hex while Jen shot her hand out and vines shot out of her fingers and wrapped around her board, getting back onto it as she got back onto the board as the camera shot back to Allison as she fired the energy cannon at the white beasts while Scarlett sliced through the others with her sword while freezing another one in place with an ice blast from her hands before smashing through it with her strength.

The twins then glared as they flew back onto the Space Needle tower and crashed onto the ground with a groan as Enchantress glared at the twins as Blossom Rose chuckled nervously.

"Hey, how's the eclipse?"

Enchantress shot out white marbles that Blossom Rose gasped and avoided as they fell and destroyed a section of the roller coaster's tracks.

"Oh no!" Jen shouted as she saw the coaster approach.

"We're not gonna make it!" Charmcaster shouted as she and Gwen started screaming as Jen gasped.

"Gwen!" Jen shouted.

"Grandpa Max!" Ben shouted.

"Charmcaster!" Allison shouted as Gwen and Charmcaster held each other in fear when suddenly... time started to slow around them as Bayonetta flew close by and crossed her arms and flipped her hair with a glare.

"Magicians. Why do they always think they have the magic game all figured out when the only ones who do are witches?"

She then tossed Gwen, Max and Charmcaster out of the roller coaster and back onto the Space Needle replica before flying back there herself and landed as time resumed to normal around her.

As they looked up once they recovered, they saw that the eclipse was now in full alignment as Hex recovered and stood up.

"I'll take it from here, Enchantress," Hex said.

"That would be a big 'no' uncle," Enchantress smirked. "There's been a change of plans. I get the power of the Keystone and the charms and you get squat! And my sister will get what's coming to her for betraying me."

Hex levitated his staff in retaliation, but Enchantress threw an explosive at him, sending him backwards and into a pipeline, knocking him out.

"I just needed a 'Master Magician' like you to perform the recreation ritual. Now that that's done," she smirked as she turned to the Keystone on top.

Suddenly, storms started to swarm around the Keystone as five sparks of energy came out and formed into the Charms of Bezel, recreating them.

"The power of Bezel will soon be mine!" Enchantress cackled as she heard a scoff.

"Ahem," she heard and gasped once she saw the group glare at her.

"You'll never defeat me!" she said as she looked to see it start to rain and she gave a wicked grin. "Aquata Risa Spackwata!" she said as she gathered the rain and tossed it at Bayonetta, who was knocked back before she scoffed and walked back in place, unimpressed.

"Was that supposed to melt me?" she asked. "That only works in the movies."

Enchantress gulped nervously as Gwen knelt and picked up Hex's staff.

Enchantress smirked at them as they bared their weapons at her. "Are you serious? That staff only works in the hands of a Master Magician!"

Suddenly, the staff sent out a blast of energy that zapped Enchantress back as they all looked in shock.

"Okay, why did that work?"

They saw Hex stir and recover as Blossom Rose gathered energy in her flower bud as it bloomed and zapped him back as Scarlett glared and flew up.

"Restrain them!" she ordered as Bayonetta aimed her gun and stepped on the unconscious Enchantress as she looked up and saw the ritual complete as they saw the Keystone and the Charms of Bezel fall to the ground around them and the skies cleared as Scarlett shot her hands out and the Keystone and Charms levitated into her open hand once she sighed in relief as Hex recovered.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?!" Hex glared.

"Save the day?" Blossom Rose smirked as Gwen smashed the staff against the ground, causing its energy to dissipate as Charmcaster walked over with a glare.

"I'm going to enjoy this," she said as she gave Hex a quick sucker punch to the face, knocking him out for the count.

Scarlett then nodded and put an energy-restraining anklet around the unconscious Hex and Enchantress and cuffed them to the railing. The Omnitrixes timed out as Scarlett looked at the charms in her hands and put them in a pouch in her belt.

"Now I can take these back to my dimension's magical storage where they can't be used to harm anyone ever again," she smiled as she turned to Gwen.

"Are you sure you have to? Even the Luck Charm?" Gwen asked, wringing her fingers.

"Yes," Scarlett said. "These are far too dangerous to be out in the open. If I did leave even one to you, it could potentially be stolen by one of your enemies. It's a risk that I'm afraid I'm just not willing to take."

"You're right," Gwen admitted with a sigh. "It's for the best."

"Thank you for understanding," Scarlett said as she winked at her. "Besides, you don't need it, Gwen. You have your own kind of magic within you."

Gwen then smiled and hugged the warrior, who smiled as she leaned down and hugged her back before clearing up.

"Bayonetta," she said as she opened a portal behind her with a smile as she backhand tossed Gwen a small blue jewel, which she caught and put into her bracelet with a smile. "We'll be leaving now."

"Good," Bayonetta scoffed. "I'm getting sick of this place anyway."

Scarlett smiled as Bayonetta walked through the portal back at the heroes.

"So long, my friends," she said with a bow. "Until we meet again. Which, judging from the patterns so far, will be very shortly."

She then left through the portal with a flourish as it closed behind her.

They then turned to Charmcaster, who sighed as she looked at her unconscious sister and uncle who would be arrested as soon as the authorities arrived as Jen turned to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"You okay?" Jen asked as she smiled.

"Yeah, I am," she said with a smile. "It's just that it's going to be different. I've been traveling with my sister for so long, but now I see that she's not the best figure to go along with."

"You could come with us," Jen suggested as Charmcaster put her hand up and shook her head.

"Hard pass," she said. "I think I need to spend some time alone. You know, get my head in the game. Get a job somewhere."

"I understand," she said. "Don't worry. I'm sure we'll see each other again."

"Farewell Jen Tennyson," she said with a smile as she put one of her marbles in her hand. "You and Gwen will make great friends... and rivals."

She then threw the marble down and vanished in a puff of smoke.

Gwen sighed as she looked down at her bracelet that now had a brilliant sapphire in it as a gift to Scarlett.

"Looks like the charms are gone... and Lucky Girl along with them."

Jen then smiled as she and Ben walked over. "Hey, don't be too bummed."

"There's other ways for you to be a hero," Ben smiled.

Gwen's eyes then shot to the twins' hoverboards and a smirk grew on her face.

"Like learning to ride a hoverboard?"

"You know, to get good at one of these things takes a lot of practice," Ben said as Gwen ran off.

"Then I'd better get started!" Gwen smiled as Ben gasped as she went on his hoverboard and took off.

"Wait! Wait a minute!" Ben shouted after her as she was cheering and whooping as she flew through the air as the others smiled.

"Gwen is going to be impossible to live without, isn't she?" Allison asked as she slung the cannon over her shoulder.

"You said it," Jen smiled as they looked at the young girl having fun in the air.

Scarlett walked into a chamber as a figure walked out from the shadows and nodded to her.

"Mission accomplished," Scarlett said as she reached into her pouch and revealed the Charms and Keystone of Bezel and presented them to her.

"A job well done as always, Scarlett," the voice said as she levitated the Charms and Keystone over in a golden aura and placed them in a magic golden gauntlet, which she then placed in a case in a wall along with several other magical artifacts as she nodded.

The figure stepped out of the shadows to reveal a large cream-colored pony with a long spiral horn growing out of her forehead and large wings on her back. She had a golden crown with a purple jewel in the center and a golden and white dress on her frame with golden dress horseshoes on her feet with a golden bracelet similar to Scarlett's wrapped around her front left hoof. She also had a flowing mane and tail with water colors of pink blue and green that flowed regardless of the wind conditions. Her defining feature was what appeared to be a tattoo of the sun on her flanks.

"Thank you, Princess Celestia," Scarlett said. "Though I'm not exactly sure how well that Time Patrol is going to take this."

"Scarlett, you're a Protector," Celestia said. "They were fools to prohibit you when you were only doing your job. If there's anybody that they should deal with in this regard, it would be me, Hippolyta and Pink Diamond since we are the leaders of the Protectors."

"So you're letting me roll with the punches?" Scarlett asked.

"Yes," Celestia said. "We're going to deal with Drake Flame and the so-called Time Patrol for you. Just keep doing your thing and we'll handle the rest."

"Thank you, Princess," Scarlett said with a bow as she took her leave with a sigh as two more figures walked next to Celestia as soon as they were alone.

One had rose pink skin, and large and fluffy pale pink hair and magenta eyes with diamond-shaped pupils. She wore rose-colored lipstick and had a pink gemstone on her navel and displayed in a large pentagon-shaped opening. She wore a magenta-pink and dark magenta top which was cropped in the middle to reveal her midriff and gem with large, puffy pink and white shoulder pads, magenta pink gloves and a small pink and white skirt. She also wore magenta pink pants which were short and puffy, white stockings and a pair of pink slippers with white pom poms floating over each of them and a bright pink bracelet similar to Scarlett's on her left wrist.

The other appeared to be a human with long brunette hair in curls with golden armor with a red cape flowing from it, golden gauntlets and golden and brown boots on her feet. She also had a sword sheath attached to her belt and another bronze bracelet on her wrist as she nodded.

"Are you sure that this is for the best Celestia?" the magenta figure asked.

"Positive, Pink," Celestia said. "She's just doing her job as a Protector like the rest of us."

"Supreme Kai of Time and especially Drake Flame will not be happy with our ruling when we meet," the human woman said with a scoff.

"Seriously, Hippolyta, when have you ever been interested in other's opinions?" Pink Diamond asked.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10:

They Lurk Below

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