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32.75% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: The Galactic Enforcers

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: The Galactic Enforcers

In the deepest reaches of space, a wormhole opened and a spaceship appeared out of nowhere advancing towards a red planet. It touched down on a space station before two robot drones approached it.

However, another wormhole opened and sent an energy blast downwards that destroyed the robots. The energy blast stopped once it reached the station and revealed an alien of the same species as Technorg, but he had both arms and wore a red suit with spikes that showed off some of his chest.

Some robot guards appeared and blasted lightning at him, which did nothing to affect his thick skin. He then charged forward and destroyed the robots with one punch each before crushing the head of the last one with his bare hands. He then sliced through the door in front of him with a laser before entering the room.

Inside the room was a container with some sort of purple crystal inside.

The alien took the crystal, exited the station and reboarded his spaceship. He headed to the bridge where the chair by the controls spun around to reveal a shadowy figure.

"Element X," he said as a claw came out from the shadow to take the Element X container. "It's no good by itself, you know. Where are we going to find the Bicenthium we need to make it go boom?"

The shadow emerged and revealed himself to be none other than Sixsix. He then typed in something into his control console and showed a hologram of Earth. (Seriously, why is it always Earth that aliens are after? We're not really that special of a planet!)

"I should've known," the alien said. "The cespool of the galaxy: Earth."

The camera transitions to an old black-and-white styled cartoon with a city and a bunch of citizens screaming as a giant robot attacked.

"Tremble insects!" the pilot shouted. "Bow in fierce defeat of Lord Doomikus!"

Suddenly, on two nearby cars stood the twins dressed in superhero outfits donned with a green cape for Ben and a pink cape for Jen and they each sported a mask on their faces and an UB on Ben's chest and a UJ on Jen's and they smiled smugly.

"Oh yeah?" Ben asked.

"We'll see about that!" Jen taunted.

"Ultra Ben and Ultra Jen?!" Lord Doomikus asked as the twins leaped off and destroyed the legs of the robot with their super strength. "My destructoid! No!"

The destructoid crashed down and Ultra Jen held Lord Doomikus over her shoulder as she and her brother stood on the robot's destroyed leg.

"And any other troop who makes trouble in Tennyson Town is going to get the same four-fisted justice!" Ultra Ben shouted as he and his sister smiled in victory.

"Ultra Ben! Ultra Jen!" the crowd cheered as they smiled and played it up to the crowd.

"Ben! Jen!"

"Ben! Jen!" Gwen shouted, snapping the twins out of their daydream as she stood beside Allison and she sighed. "That's a work of art you know, not your own personal buttrest."

It was revealed that the twins were reading a manga with the same robot from their vision on it and were sitting on a giant sculpture of a foot, which represented the leg from their daydream.

The group was visiting the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh. As expected, Ben was bored out of his wits as his sister tried to comfort him as well.

"You're going to get us kicked out of the museum," Allison said as the twins got back down.

"Sorry," Jen said. "I was just interested in that comic and I kind of got lost in dreamland."

"Besides, I'm not that lucky," Ben said.

"You know, one afternoon of culture won't kill you," Gwen said.

"Unless it bores me to death," Ben said before taking a bite of chocolate.

"Hey, can I have a piece of that?" Gwen asked.

"Sorry, chocolate's for superheroes only," Ben said before handing a few pieces to his sister and walking away.

"More like superjerks only," Gwen scoffed.

Jen, feeling a bit guilty, snuck a piece to Allison and Gwen each with a smile. "As far as I'm concerned, you're a superhero in your own way."

"Thanks, Jen," Gwen smiled as she took a bite of the chocolate and Jen walked off to join her brother down the stairs.

They then heard a sudden zooming sound and looked up to see a spaceship whooshing overhead into the city.

"Maybe this won't be such a boring trip after all," Ben said.

"It's hero time!" Jen said.

They then and took off running into the crowd that gathered around the spaceship as it opened up to reveal the alien from earlier. He then jumped out of the ship and glared.

"Take me to the Bicenthium alloy!"

The crowd only looked confused at what he just said. In response, he grunted out and punched the ground, causing a massive crater to form, which spent the crowd running away screaming, including the twins as they hid behind a corner.

"Well that was just plain rude," Jen said. "Man, I think Firefly is starting to seep into my regular brain as well."

"Somebody's got to teach this guy some manners," Ben said as the twins activated their Omnitrixes.

Back at the museum, Gwen, Max and Allison stood at the fountain, looking for the twins.

"Ben? Jen?" Max asked.

"Where do you think they are?" Gwen asked before they heard an explosion and they looked across the field and Allison face-palmed.

"I'll give you one guess." Allison said as she fingered the materials in her pocket.

As the alien from before rampaged through the streets, he was suddenly tackled by Ben as Four Arms, who got him into a headlock.

"Okay, tough guy."

"A Tetramand? This planet really is a dump."

He then grabbed Four Arms' face and tossed him into the jewelry store next to him before dusting his hand off.

"But a Tetramand sure beats a Skunkian, doesn't it," Stinkbomb as she stood by a building, waggling her tail with a glare. She then glared as she ran up to him and whacked him in the face with her tail before he grabbed her by the leg, before she kicked him with her other paw and then unleashed her toxic gas cloud in his face before she backflipped herself out of there, landing on her paws with a glare.

Suddenly, from the top of the ship, Sixsix flew out using his jetpack as Four Arms recovered and then groaned.

"Oh man! Not this guy again!"

Sixsix fired his plasma blaster, which Four Arms dodged by ducking into a cafe. He then unsheathed his missiles from his gauntlet and fired them as they flew around before Stinkbomb looked up and saw it going towards her gas cloud.

"Oh fu-"

She wasn't able to finish as the rocket detonated, igniting the gas and sending her flying backwards in a fiery explosion before she landed in her brother's grasp.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'll be fine," she said. "For now, we have to find a way to beat these two fools."

They then ran way with the others chasing them.

Gwen, Max and Allison ducked behind a corner observing the fight.

"Grandpa, the alien with the jetpack," Gwen realized.

"It's one of those bounty hunters who went after the twins in the desert. He must have busted out of galactic jail."

"Well I'm not going to let those two hurt my friends!" Allison shouted as she reached out her hand and absorbed the concrete from the street before charging into battle.

Sixsix let loose his missiles, which Four Arms caught and tossed back at him, only for him to avoid them as they hit the building next to him.

Stinkbomb fought the orange alien with a glare as she scratched and clawed at him while hissing all the way before Allison ran in and pounded on him with her concrete-armored body.

"It's three-on-two!" Stinkbomb hissed. "You're outnumbered!"

Four Arms finally caused a missile to connect with Sixsix, causing him to crash down onto a truck. Four Arms jumped onto the truck, about to finish him off.

Unfortunately, Sixsix tricked him and activated a device that electrocuted Four Arms and shocked him into submission, causing him to fall down, at Sixsix's mercy. He activated his gauntlet and aimed his missiles before muttering something to him in his native language.

"I have no idea what you said, but I'm pretty sure you just asked me for my last words," Four Arms groaned in pain.

However, just when Sixsix was about to fire, a beam of blue light appeared in the sky and three alien figures materialized on the street in front of them. The first was very muscular in build, had dark blue skin and a bald head with a lantern jaw. His eyes appeared to be covered with what appeared to be a black domino mask that reveals pure light blue eyes and has four fingered hands. His uniform is a simple yellow one-piece jumpsuit with a stylized 'U' on the chest and a white cape with golden buckles.

The second was a Tetramand like Four Arms. She is buff and bulky, had red skin with spikes on her arms and her head and long flowing black hair. She has two front toes on each foot. She has an additional set of smaller pectoral muscles below their primary set to help move her second set of arms. She wore an outfit like a traditional gladiator outfit that had a golden headpiece, a yellow suit of armor with a white skirt on the bottom and a belt with a blue buckle.

The final figure looks like a floating octopus with yellow tentacles and a head that looks like a bluish-green brain in a bowl. He also has a face that appears to be projected from somewhere.

Sixsix was enveloped in a bluish-aura and tossed aside to his partners and the twins gasped when they saw what just happened.

"No way!" Four Arms exclaimed.

"Awesome!" Stinkbomb agreed.

"Okay, this is weird," Gwen said as she and Max walked up.

"True, but you have to be used to it by now, Gwen," Allison said.

"Okay, you're right," Gwen admitted, shrugging.

"Rescue Formation Alpha 9!" the first figurre, who appeared to be the leader, ordered as the three flew into the fight.

"It's the capes!" the orange alien muttered. "I hate capes!"

He then jumped into the fight as Sixsix fired his weapons at them. The blue alien dodged them by flying before retaliating with two red heat beams from his eyes, which destroyed his blaster.

The Tetramand ran in and clapped all four of her hands together, sending out a shockwave that sent Sixsix flying back into the side of the truck again.

Four Arms noticed this as she smiled to him and winked her left eyes to him in a flirty gesture, causing him and his sister to cringe back.

The octopus alien engaged with the orange alien, who swiped at him while he levitated to avoid every punch. He then focused and surrounded his opponent in a blue aura before using his telekinesis to levitate him to the sky, where he was met with a swift punch to the face by their leader, sending him falling down and landing in a heap alongside his partner.

"By the provision set forward by the Galactic Code of Conduct, I order you to surrender!" the leader announced. "Will you yield?"

"Yield?!" Four Arms asked as he and his sister walked up, clearly annoyed. "What is this, a traffic light?"

"I've seen enough of these guys to know that they never yield! Not one! The only way you're going to take care of them is to arrest them on the spot!" Stinkbomb said, folding her arms and tapping her paw.

"Kick their butts before they try to pull a fast one on you!" Allison agreed.

As they argued, Sixsix let loose a flash grenade from his armor, which blinded them. When it faded, they saw the getaway ship take off and leave them behind. The ship turned around and Sixsix let loose two blasts from his spot at the rear, which destroyed two pillars supporting the museum, causing it to cave in.

"Crap!" Stinkbomb shouted.

Four Arms and his Tetramand companion ran in and immediately grabbed the pillars, using their brute strength to push it back onto their bases. The octopus alien then used his telekinesis to stabilize the pillars.

"You may release your grip now," he told the two Tetramands once it was completely stabilized and set back onto their supports.

Their leader flew in and used his heat vision to seal the cracks so that it wouldn't fall again.

Once the job was done, the Tetramand woman walked forward and started flirting with Four Arms. "So, what's a big strong alien like you doing on a planet like this? We make a great team, don't we?"

"Watch it, lady," Stinkbomb said as she walked forward impatiently as the Omnitrix symbols started beeping.

"Yes!" Four Arms cheered, relieved. "Saved by the beep!"

A red and purple light flashed out and the two aliens were gone, leaving two human kids in their place.

"Hey! Where'd the rest of you go?!"

"Sorry, I'm just a kid," Ben said. "I just get some extra hands once in awhile."

"And besides, my brother's clearly not comfortable with you flirting with him," Jen said.

"So, it is true," the octopus alien said as the Tetramand's partners flew down. "The Omnitrixes are in possession of children. We heard you were of somewhat limited mental capacity."

The kids gave him a glare at that for suggesting they were dumb.

"No offense."

"Don't worry," Gwen stated. "They get that all the time. Or at least Ben does."

"Greetings," the leader said. "I am Ultimos, the Specimen Prime. This is Synaptak and Tini. We are the Galactic Enforcers!" Once he finished, they all struck a pose.

Gwen, Max and Allison looked unimpressed with the gesture... the twins on the other hand...

"Whoa! The costumes, the moves!" Ben admired. "You guys rock!"

"I can't believe it! A real life team of alien superheroes!" Jen practically fangirled.

"As per the Galactic Code of Conduct, we hereby officially request clearance to operate in your quadrant," Ultimos said.

"Uh, sure," Ben said.

"Then we have much to discuss with you."

Ultimos pressed a button on his belt and then five beams of blue light appeared beneath the five human's feet and they were teleported upwards.

"Alright!" Ben cheered.

"This is awesome!" Jen cheered as well as they were teleported.

Up in Earth's orbit, a spaceship floated upwards that was clearly the Galactic Enforcers' home base.

The team was teleported onto the ship with Max and Allison looking dazed.

"Whoa, never did like those transporter disks," Max said.

Jen looked over to Allison as she looked woozy and held her head.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Allison said as she found a chair and sat down at it. "It's just that after that whole thing with Slix Vigma, I think I've had my fair share of teleporting for awhile."

"I understand, girl," Jen said as she slapped a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Besides, I'm sure that Kevin is fine. He's still human after all."

"You know, you're not the only one who lost a sibling," Gwen said, walking over to her with a sigh.

"You want to tell her what happened?" Jen asked.

"After what happened with her brother, she deserves to know," Gwen said, laying a hand on her shoulder. "I'm actually a twin too. Though she looks, or looked, nothing like me."


"Her name was Rebecca," Gwen said. "But everyone called her Becky. Ben and Jen's family came to visit us one Thanksgiving when we were five. Everyone was having a good time there, laughing and hanging out. Then, Becky went outside to play one day in our parent's yard. But then, when it came time to eat Thanksgiving dinner, they called out for her. No answer."

"Oh, I know where this is going," Allison said.

"We had called out for her, looking all over the streets. No answer. We called the police to set up a search perimeter. No hide nor hair of her was ever found. Now, here we are almost five years later and we still have no idea what happened," Gwen said as a tear came to her eye.

"Oh man," Allison said as Gwen sat down, weeping.

"She's been missing for so long that she's been pronounced legally dead," Jen sighed out.

"That's why you're so protective of Ben," Allison realized. "You don't want the same thing to happen to you that happened to her."

"You're right," Jen said. "But I like to think that Becky is still out there somewhere looking for us. Missing us as much as we miss her."

A few seconds later, the Galactic Enforcers teleported in as well with a smile as the twins got up and started geeking out as usual.

"How cool is this?" Ben asked.

"This is superhero heaven!" Jen said, admiring the room.

"You aren't far off, sis," Ben agreed.

"Close your mouth, super-dweebs," Gwen said. "You're drooling all over the place."

"Oh, you love it too, you big baby," Jen teased her cousin, which even Gwen couldn't stifle a chuckle at, falling victim to her cousin's charismatic attitude once again.

"So why do we have the misfortune of being in Mr. Gadget Guy's company again?" Max asked as Ultimos activated a hologram projector.

"His name is Sixsix," Ultimos explained. "He escaped incarceration, but didn't bring Kraab or the Predator along with him for selfish reasons. He's formed an alliance with the cretin Vulkanus."

"A Detrovite," Synaptak examined. "Limited mental capabilities, not unlike Appoplexians; all brawn, no brains. You two know the type."

"Um, forgive me for interrupting, sir," Allison said. "But me and the twins here recently met a Detrovite ourselves. I understand that they have a strong sense of honor. When the twins spared his life, he swore his eternal loyalty to them. He saved us when we tried to escape Slix Vigma's ship."

"Not this one," Tini said. "His philosophy is punch first, ask questions never. He's one of the most ruthless criminals in the entire galaxy."

"I see," Allison nodded in understanding.

"They were hired to steal Element X," Ultimos said.

The group gave a bunch of blank expressions before he sighed.

"Okay, we give up. What's Element X?" Ben asked.

"Element X can be used to form one half of a devastatingly explosive compound," Synaptak explained.

"But why come to Earth?" Max asked. "There's hundreds, maybe thousands of planets in the galaxy. What makes this one so special?"

"Most likely in search of the other ingredient: Bicenthium alloy. It's very rare, but rumored to be found on your planet. When combined, the alloy and Element X form an explosive powerful enough to destroy an entire solar system."

"Why does this stuff look so familiar?" Gwen asked, pondering.

"Uh, cuz, no offense," Jen said. "But we're in their house here. I think they have it covered."

"Well, I guess there's nothing left to do but to get down there and start looking for the-" Max began.

"Excuse me, but the Galactic Code is very clear on our protocol," Ultimos interrupted. "Tini, launch Observos 1-4."

Tini walked over to a control console and highlighted four green buttons, launching four cameras down to Earth.

"The Observos will cover every inch of the city and locate the perpetrators," Ultimos explained. "In the meantime, perhaps a tour would be in order."

"We'd be honored," Max said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but the Galactic Code is very clear. Provision 373-837: No civilian visitors in secure areas of the ship. You and your redhead granddaughter will have to remain here on the bridge. Ben, Jen, Allison, Tini will show you three around."

Tini then smiled as she picked up the giggling twins and placed them on her shoulders.

"Hey, how come they get to go?" Gwen complained.

"Wearing the Omnitrixes give them full 'hero' status. And Allison's absorbing powers are the same deal."

"See you in a few hours," Allison said with a bow as she followed the twins and the Galactic Enforcers (with Synaptak wearing a very annoyed expression) out of the bridge to see the rest of the ship.

"Don't worry about us, we'll be fine!" Gwen shouted after them before waiting until they were out of earshot. "Super jerks."

"Whoa," Ben said as they examined the ship's gym. "That's cool."

"I'll say, bro," Jen smiled as Allison leaned against the wall, listening to her heavy metal music on her phone as Ultimos/Synaptak walked up to the group.

"Ah, kids," Ultimos greeted. "Here, I want to show you something."

He pressed a button on his belt and a pedestal table rose up from the floor and a huge manual dropped from the ceiling onto it.

"This is the Galactic Code of Conduct. Every Galactic Enforcer must learn the rules so they can live the rules."

"Oh man," Ben groaned. "Superhero homework?"

"Well, the first 12,000 pages are admittedly a bit dry but-"

Suddenly, an alarm blared through the ship, catching the attention of Ultimos.

"The Observos have detected something."

They all ran to the bridge where Max and Jen were waiting for them as Allison cracked her joints and readied herself for battle.

"What is it?"

They looked to see the Observo cameras showing on Sixsix and Vulkanus in a mine mining for the Bicenthium alloy. Vulkanus lifted one of the mine carts before Sixsix flew over to him and gave him an order in his language.

"Yeah, well it would go faster if you helped too!"

"That's a strip mine," Max analyzed. "Looks like they're after iron ore. Is that the missing ingredient?"

"We'd better get down there," Ultimos said. "But we could use some help. Ben, Jen, Allison, would you consider a temporary commission in the Galactic Enforcers?"

"Good idea!/Bad idea!" Tini and Synaptak said at the same time.

"It would seem that I am the deciding vote."

"If it means wearing one of those outfits, count me out," Allison said. "There is no way that you're getting me to wear yellow."

"Very well," he said before turning to the twins. "As for you two, let's get you in uniform."

"Do you have anything in pink?" Jen asked.

Later, the door opened to have Ben come out and present himself proudly, wearing a version of Ultimos' uniform suited for his size.

"Presenting Ultra Ben, Galactic Enforcer!"

Jen then walked out shyly rubbing her shoulder as she sighed. She wore a version of Tini's uniform fitted for her size... which was just as yellow as Tini's. "And Ultra Jen, his partner... man that sounded better in my head."

Gwen, Max and Allison stood by the bridge shocked at her as she sighed and Jen walked over to Allison.

"Allison, I'm going to ask you a question and I need you to be fully honest with me."

"It's hideous," Allison deadpanned.


"Yeah, I agree," Gwen said. "Yellow definitely is not your color."

"I know," Jen sighed, rubbing her arm. "And I definitely don't look good in a skirt either."

Ben smiled as he walked forward... before tripping over his cape and he sprawled down onto the floor and chuckled. "I meant to do that."

"...Although it's better than having a cape to trip me up."

"What about us?" Max asked.

"I'm afraid the GCC is quite clear about the participation of non-superpowered beings. You'll be much safer here."

Synaptak let out a telekinetic beam from his head that created a shield that blocked Gwen and Max's path.


"Sorry, guys. This is a superhero thing," Ben said. "We'll be back after we kick Sixsix's can." He then took out his chocolate candies and munched on one before he turned to Ultimos. "Hey, want one?"

"Ah, local cuisine," Ultimos said. "I certainly wouldn't want to offend your planet's customs."

He then munched on the candy with a smile.

Allison nodded. "We'll see you soon."

The group then teleported down to the mine.

Speaking of which, Vulkanus was still mining out the iron ore as Sixsix shot up to him and gave out an order to him in his native language before he held up the Element X.

"Once the ore has been purified, it can be fused with Element X and then BOOM! The galaxy will be at our feet."

Little did the thugs know, the team was watching him from behind the mine's shed.

"Let's do this," Jen said. "The sooner I can get out of this ridiculous outfit, the better."

"You know, you have your own Omni Suit," Ben said. "Why not use that?"

"I'm sure it's in the Galactic Code of Conduct," Jen said. "And as long as I'm serving with the Galactic Enforcers, I'm sure I have to wear it."

"You're probably right," Ben said.

"Now that we've got them in our sights, we'll catch them completely off guard," Allison began before she noticed something troubling beside her and her friends. "...Ultimos?"

They looked to see the leader of the Galactic Enforcers had shriveled up like a raisin with his blue skin turning brown, his muscle mass decreased dramatically and he was shivering like a leaf.

"Cold... so c-c-cold..." he said as he fell over into Synaptak's tentacles.

"What's wrong with him?" Ben asked, concerned.

"It appears to be Sucrotaxonite poisoning," Synaptak analyzed. "But how?"

"Ugh," Jen sighed before face-palming. "It's got to be the chocolate. How else could it happen so soon?"

"Hey, I only gave him a little," Ben shot back. "How was I supposed to know his species is allergic to chocolate? I was only trying to be polite."

"You did this?" Synaptak asked. "I suspected you three could not be trusted."

"Hey, leave the kid alone!" Allison countered, defending Ben. "He was just trying to be nice. And besides, chocolate is his super weakness? You've got to admit that's a little lame."

"Don't worry, Tini," Synaptak said, setting Ultimos down. "I have the situation under control. It'll be dealt with after these rogues are behind bars." He then flew over and presented himself to their opponents with a glare. "Galactic Enforcers, engage!"

This caught the attention of Sixsix and Vulkanus as Jen banged her head against the shed's wall and Ben glared at Synaptak.

"What'd you do that for?!"

"As the leader, I announce our presence with authority!"

"And let the bad guys know we're here?!" Allison shouted.

"What's your point, Osmosian?" Synaptak asked as they were enveloped as they saw the shadow of a truck flying at them.

They braced themselves for impact... which never came. It was revealed that the truck was enveloped in a blue aura and Synaptak tossed it away with his telekinesis. He then turned to the rogues before him.

"By permission set forth by the Galactic Code of Conduct, I order you to surrender."

Vulkanus and Sixsix looked at each other and nodded before Vulkanus ran off and Sixsix flew up and fired his blasters at the group as Jen created a forcefield and shielded them from the blasts as she turned to Synaptak with an angry look on her face.

"Guess what, Synaptak? It's my turn to give you some pointers on being a superhero: less bark more bite!"

They moved for cover as Vulkanus tossed another truck at them, which they dodged by hiding behind the shed as Allison escorted the weakened Ultimos to safety as she found a loose piece of iron ore and coated herself in the material, forming an armor around herself.

"Does that ever work?" Ben asked as he turned to Tini.

"Are you finally going to turn into a Tetramand?"

"Not if I can help it," Ben said as he dialed in XLR8 and slammed the core down, triggering his transformation.

The Omnitrix sunk into his wrist as his muscles and blood vessels swelled and he clutched his eyes shut as they turned fully green and a black crest formed over each of them. His skin turned black and blue and scaly as the Omnitrix symbol appeared on his chest. His body morphed into a more velociraptor-like shape and his fingers morphed into four black scissor-like claws. His feet morphed into a more reptilian shape with black wheel-like orbs and he grew a black and blue striped tail which he whipped to the camera as a black and blue visor shifted down over his face as he posed for the camera.

"My turn," Jen said as she slammed her Omnitrix core down.

Her skin turned a deep fuchsia pink and it shifted up to her eyes as she clutched them closed and she opened them to reveal they had turned a fully deep pink and a more compound shape as she smiled to the camera. Two antennae grew from her forehead and her hair turned a deep pink. Her clothes turned into a pink skintight one-piece leotard with the Omnitrix symbol on the belt. Two slits opened in the back of her outfit and two large pink, purple and red patterned wings burst forth. She flapped them rapidly and posed for the camera.

"A Rhopaloceran?" Synaptak asked Battlefly. "They are known for being a rather peaceful species. They're not exactly known for their battle prowess."

"They can be if you know how to use them," Battlefly smiled as she picked up Allison by the arms.

"Guess we'll split up," XLR8 said.

"We'll get their attention while you guys take out Vulkanus," Allison said as XLR8 ran off and Battlefly flew ahead with her friend in tow.

XLR8 avoided all of Sixsix's lasers as Battlefly flew forward and avoided the blasts as well with grace in her flight pattern.

"How can you carry me?" Allison asked, confused.

"Hey, I'm not as fragile as I look," Battlefly smirked.

XLR8 ran forward and spun around in a huge circle below Sixsix, forming a huge cyclone, which caused the bounty hunter to lose control of his jetpack.

Battlefly and Allison examined Vulkanus from up above as the iron ore-coated teenager focused.

"Wait for it..." she said.

XLR8 ran out of the cyclone, only to crash into a truck which Vulkanus threw at him, causing him to lose control as the cyclone dissipated and Sixsix crashed into the ground, dazed.

The Detrovite stood over XLR8, ready to crush him with a mine tanker, only for Tini to rush up to him and punch him in the face as he groaned.

Tini ran up and helped XLR8 to his feet.

"Now?" Battlefly asked.

"Not yet!" Allison said.

"What are you doing?" XLR8 asked. "You're supposed to be fighting Sixsix!"

"No! I must protect you!" Tini said, right before she was crushed by a crane and tossed aside by Vulkanus who recovered.

"Tini!" Synaptak shouted as he fired a telekinetic beam at Vulkanus, pushing him back as Sixsix recovered.

He glared and fired a beam from his gauntlet at Synaptak, causing him to lose consciousness and fall to the ground.

"Okay, now!" Allison shouted as Battlefly let her go and she rapidly picked up speed as she fell and she shouted out before delivering a powerful punch to Sixsix as he hovered using his jetpack that appeared to cause a sonic boom and he flew backwards into another cart from the sheer force of the punch.

Battlefly flew downwards as she and her brother looked to the defeated Enforcers with a look of pity on their face.

"Well, you did say you wanted to find other superheroes to hang out with, Ben," Battlefly said, crossing her arms.

"How was I supposed to know they would be the worst superhero team ever?!" XLR8 said.

They looked up to see Allison deflecting all of Sixsix's blasts as he recovered fairly quickly and Vulkanus was approaching them.

Gwen and Max watched the battle unfold on the ship, concerned.

"They're getting creamed!" Gwen said. "We have to do something!"

"Already on it," Max said. "I'm programming in the coordinates from the spaceship. We should be beamed right down into the pit."


Max pressed the button and they were teleported downwards.

Sixsix fired on the twins as they avoided all of his blasts and they glared before he tossed grenades at them and using his extra arms that they dodged.

Allison glared as she avoided Vulkanus' swipes at her as she delivered her own with her iron ore armor. She ducked and punched him in the face with a shout.

"Oh man! We're getting destroyed here!" Battlefly shouted as she tossed a cyclone downwards at Vulkanus, which did nothing to deter him.

XLR8 ran vertically up a beam before he backflipped off of it and kicked Sixsix in the chest, sending him crashing down while he laughed safely.

Gwen and Max were teleported into the battlefield.

They gasped when the saw another mining cart tossed at them, only for Battlefly to tackle them and fly them out of the way.

Vulkanus looked over to the newcomers before turning to his partner, who gave out another order in his native language. He nodded and picked up the cart full of iron ore before running him off.

Gwen groaned. "Why couldn't we have just stayed in that nice warm spaceship?"

The Omnitrixes timed out as the twins stood there, looking very annoyed as Allison walked over with her arms crossed.

"Well, we blew it," she deadpanned.

Vulkanus ran towards the space ship, iron ore in hand as his partner got an idea and fired a flurry of missiles at the rock face of the canyon, causing an avalanche.

The twins gasped as they looked over to see Synaptak and Tini struggling to get up with the avalanche closing in on them.

"This looks like a job for Ultra Ben! Only I can save Tini!" Ben said as Jen face-palmed and Synaptak recovered and pushed him aside.

"Stand aside, earthling," he said as Jen showed up.

"I think you could use some help with this one," Jen said as she crossed her arms as her eyes glowed with pink energy.

The rock slide then pushed down, burying the group... but suddenly, a flurry of rocks was pushed aside in a field of pink and blue energy. Suddenly, Jen felt a little bit light headed and she fell back into her brother's arms, woozy.

"She has energy powers without the Omnitrix," Tini analyzed as Jen tried to get her bearings.

"Sort of," Ben said, fanning her. "She's limited in how much power she can use before she runs out of energy."

Synaptak scoffed at that as he flew over to his partner who smiled at him.

"Wow Ben," Gwen smiled. "You can annoy anyone into action."

"It's a gift."

They then heard the thrusters of the spaceship next to them as it flew out of the mine and out of sight.

"We've lost Sixsix and Vulkanus," Max said.

"The Bicenthium alloy and the Element X can only be bound together with an enormous amount of heat," Synaptak explained.

"Oh, like a steel mill?" Max asked annoyed.

"Are you certain that has the amount of heat they would require?"

"What did you expect, they try to drill their way down to the Earth's core?" Jen asked.

"Are there any such facilities in this area?" Synaptak asked, annoyed.

"Hello!? Pittsburgh, Steeltown USA?" Gwen shouted.

"You guys really don't know anything about Earth at all, do you?" Allison asked.

"Interesting theory," a newly healthy Ultimos said as he walked over to them. "But according to the Galactic Code of-"

"Forget the stupid Code of Conduct!" Jen shouted. "This time, we're doing things the Tennyson way."

"Um, with a touch of the Levin way," Allison reminded.

"Of course," Jen said as she smiled. "Now first things first... get us back on the ship so I can get out of this stupid outfit!"

At a nearby steel mill, Vulkanus was getting to work, placing the stolen iron ore in the hot magma, not bothered at all by the intense heat.

Sixsix walked over to him and gave out an order in his native language.

"Don't blow a gasket partner. Only the purest mixture can combine with Element X to give us the explosive we want." He then lifted his hands up and chuckled at the sight of the molten iron. "Perfect."

They suddenly heard a rumbling noise coming from above them as Sixsix readied his weapons.

The roof of the mill opened and the Galactic Enforcers hovered in with a smirk as they smiled.

"You capes never learn," Vulkanus smirked.

"Wrong Vulkanus!" shouted Ben as Cannonbolt as he rolled into the room as Jen as Frostblight flew in beside him as she glared.

"Galactic Enforcers, formation surprise!"

Cannonbolt slammed into Sixsix before he could move and he crashed into the beam.

"Galactic Enforcers, engage!" Ultimos shouted.

The said trio flew in as Tini engaged Vulkanus in hand-to-hand combat as she slammed him upside the head before launching him up into the air where Ultimos tackled him.

In the control room, Max, Gwen and Allison rushed in and went to work.

"Making steel is like baking a cake," Gwen explained. "Mess the recipe up and Element X won't bond to it."

"Which is why Jen went Frostlbight," Allison realized. "Her ice powers would be more than enough to cool it off enough for Element X to reject it."

Sixsix unsheathed all his weapons and fired tons of energy blasts and missiles at the flying Cannonbolt as they all deflected off of his indestructible plates.

Cannonbolt then hit a pipe and went flying back at him, but Sixsix was prepared this time. He unsheathed a blade from his pack and smacked Cannonbolt hard enough to force him out of his ball form and send him to the molten steel.

Fortunately, Synaptak came to the rescue and used his telekinesis on him to save him.

Frostblight glared at him as she flew beside him. He tried swiping at her but due to her size and speed, she was able to dodge every one.

"You know, Sixsix, you really need to take a chill pill," she said as she flew all around him, unleashing an icy wind from her wings which froze him from the waist down before Synaptak sent him flying back with a telekinetic blast.

Meanwhile, Tini and Ultimos brawled Vulkanus with a glare as they both laid the smackdown on him with a glare as Tini uppercut him before he eventually got the upper hand and smacked them both down to the ground.

He stood over Ultimos and was prepared to finish him off, but Tini got him into an arm lock with all four of her arms and Ultimos flew in and landed a strong uppercut, sending him flying back into the molten steel.

Sixsix unsheathed an energy whip, which Cannonbolt and Frostblight dodged, but Synaptak wasn't so lucky. He was shocked by the whip before Frostblight nodded to Cannonbolt and he slammed against Sixsix, causing him to lose his focus and Synaptak was freed, but he fell unconscious to the floor.

Ultimos and Tini both ran in to join the fight.

"Whoa, this is exhilarating isn't it?" Ultimos asked. "No plan, no rules, no..."

Suddenly, Tini tackled her leader out of the way as a glob of molten steel landed beside them.

Vulkanus, covered in molten steel glared as he saw a lift above him coming into position. He then looked to see Gwen, Max and Allison at the controls.

They then gasped once they saw another molten steel ball coming right at them. They then got out of the way as it absolutely demolished the controls.

"The controls are smashed!" Gwen exclaimed. "I can't mess with the mix from here!"

"It's up to Jen now," Allison said as she absorbed the steel from the controls. "I'll go help them hold off Sixsix."

She then jumped out of the window and ran towards the fight.

Cannonbolt dodged every single one of the blasts that were fired towards him before he smashed into Sixsix again and left him sprawled down on the floor.

"Now stay down!" Frostblight shouted as she unleashed a gust of icy breath from her mouth and froze him to the floor up to his head.

They then looked to see Vulkanus by the molten steel about to put combine it with the Element X as Allison ran by Ultimos and Tini.

"Tini, throw me!" she shouted as the Tetramand grabbed Allison and tossed her towards the Detrovite, tackling him and sending the Element X container flying from his grasp.

"No!" Frostblight shouted as she flew upwards and caught it in her hands before she flew downwards and shook her hands off, the glass from the container having absorbed the heat from the mill. "Hot, hot, hot!"

"I'll take it from here!" Cannobolt said as he jumped down and took the Element X in his hands as Frostblight flew upwards to the molten steel container.

Sixsix wasn't having any of this however. He used his jetpack's fire to free himself from the ice and he unleashed a bola from his gauntlet that wrapped around Cannonbolt's legs, sending him sprawling to the floor and the container to go tumbling out of his hands.

Vulkanus picked it up and ran for the steel.

Synaptak recovered and fired another telekinetic beam at Sixsix, sending him careening out of control before Ultimos flew Tini to him and she laid a hard punch on him, sending him to the floor again.

He got up, dazed, before he found he was surrounded on all sides by the Galactic Enforcers and Allison as she glared. They all ran in towards him, trying to pull a squeeze play. Unfortunately, Sixsix unleashed a sonic pulse from his armor, sending them all flying back.

Vulkanus came running up with the Element X, ready to combine it with the steel.

Fortunately, Synaptak saw the molten steel bucket above on the railing and he used his telekinesis to levitate it downwards.

Tini recovered and ran up, sending up an uppercut to the container, destroying it and sending the Element X splattering all over the floor.

Synaptak then dumped the molten steel on the two rogue aliens before Ultimos unleashed his super cold breath and Frostblight flew in and did the same to freeze them in a hardened steel prison.

Cannonbolt then jumped up as the six heroes admired their handiwork with a smug smile on each of them.

"Don't know if it's art, but I like it."

Ultimos carried the prisoners away as Ben and Tini had a heart-to-heart.

"Listen, about that whole Tetramand thing."

"Don't worry, Ben," Tini said. "I have found a new partner."

Synaptak then flew over and wrapped a tentacle around her as they both walked away.

"Check out the frontal lobes on him."

The pair then walked away as Ultimos then walked over and faced the twins as they smiled at him.

"Ben, you and your sister's unorthodox methods are just what we need to defeat this new breed of criminals," Ultimos said as he handed them two badges. "We officially extend to you full commissions in the Galactic Enforcers."

The pair then took the badges with a smile.

"Thanks," Jen said. "But no thanks."

They then turned to Gwen, Max and Allison.

"We're already part of a super team," Ben said.

They attempted to hand the badges back, but Ultimos stopped them.

"Keep them. In the hopes that we meet again someday."

"Deal," Jen said.

Ultimos smiled and walked over to his partners and their captives.

"Galactic Enforcers, away!"

They then teleported back to their spaceship, leaving their new friends behind.

"Ben, I want you to make me a promise. As my brother," Jen said with a serious look on her face.

"Fire away," Ben smiled.

"You will never get me to wear yellow ever again," Jen smiled with a wink.

"Deal," he said as the twins laughed and hugged each other as Max, Gwen and Allison looked on with approval.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10:

Camp Fear

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