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3.44% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: And Then There Were 20

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: And Then There Were 20

Okay. Now that I'm back I've decided to reboot my stories from my previous account and this time, I'm going to be doing the entirety of the Ben 10 series with Jen in it. She is going to be the voice of reason between her brother and cousin while they're arguing.

Deep within outer space, a battle was going on in the asteroid belt. There was a small grey ship with twin fins and green spheres on the edges and it was blasted with red lasers. The lasers came from a much larger ship that looked like a larger version of the Spartan Laser from Halo and with red spheres. This was the ship known as the Chimera Wrath.

The green ship flew to the side and fired two green lasers back at it, causing some damage to the hull.

Inside the Chimera Wrath, two humanoid robots were at the controls. They were orange with a black faceplate with four orange dots and spikes on the shoulders.

"Hull damage 20%, but the system's still operational," one of the robots reported.

The captain of the ship was a light green squid-like alien being with a red armored suit and gauntlets and tentacles for a beard and piercing red eyes. This was the alien warlord known as Vilgax.

"I have come too far to be denied!"

The ships exited the asteroid belt as the smaller ship evaded the Chimera Wrath's lasers.

"The Omnitrixes shall be mine and there is not a being in the galaxy that dare stand in my way!"

On Planet Earth, a 10 year-old boy with brown hair and electric green eyes in his class was folding down a paper airplane. He wore a green shirt with a black collar and went slightly down to the side and had a white '10' on it. He also wore brown pants with extra pockets at the side and black sneakers. This is one half of our unlikely duo, Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson.

Ben then smiled and tossed the paper airplane that hit the teacher on the back of the head. The teacher, Mrs. Reolf put a glare on her face and he panicked and ducked under his book.

About 15 minutes later, Ben looked up at the clock, begging for the class to be over as the seconds ticked by.

"Come on! Come on!"

"And I just want to remind you all that I'm teaching summer school this year and it's not too late to sign up," Mrs. Reolf said.

"Yeah, right," Ben said as the bell rang once the clock struck 3:00 p.m. "Yes! Outta here!"

The students then stood up from their desks and left the room.

"Have a good vacation and I hope to see you all again in the fall," Mrs. Reolf said. "Benjamin."

Ben halted where he stood and turned to face the teacher.

"Could I have a word with you before you go?" She held up the paper airplane.

Ben groaned, embarrassed, before walking to the desk.

Meanwhile at the same time, a girl who looked basically like a female version of Ben was sitting at a desk. She had the same hairstyle, only longer in the back and the same electric green eyes, tapping her foot on the ground. She basically wore a pink version of Ben's shirt, complete with the 10, but on the left side of her shirt while Ben's was on the right side. She also had blue pants instead of Ben's brown ones and white sneakers. This was Ben's twin sister Jennifer Heather "Jen" Tennyson, the other half of our heroic duo.

She stared up at the clock with a nervous twitch in her head as she kicked her foot up and down as she looked like she was about to burst from the class at any moment.

"Come on, clock. Ben's probably waiting for me at any moment now," she thought to herself as she glared. "I need this vacation."

"Okay, class," the teacher said. "I hope you have a good summer and I hope to see you again soon."

That was when the bell rang and everyone shot up out of their seats, especially Jen who grabbed her backpack and practically bolted for the door as she rolled her fist in celebration. "Woo-hoo! Now to find Ben."

Outside, a kid with black hair, a white shirt and blue jacket and glasses backed up against a tree as two bullies smiled mischeivously.

The first was a boy with tan skin, black hair, brown eyes, and a blue shirt with a cash register on it. This was the leader of the two, Cash.

The second kid was another boy with fair skin, brown hair, glasses, and a yellow shirt with an army green jacket. This was Cash's lackey, JT.

"Normally, we'd take your money and beat you up," Cash said, punching his fist into his hand. "But since it's the last day of school, we're gonna give you a break. Now fork over the cash so we can get out of here!"

"Leave him alone!" Ben said from behind them as he glared at the two.

"Back off, shrimp!" JT said.

"I said leave him alone!"

"Oh, looks like we got ourselves a hero!" Cash mocked. "Suppose we don't want to back off."

The two then walked over to him. "What are you going to do about it, Tennyson?"

The three glared at each other before Ben charged them with a shout.

At the same moment, Jen had walked outside and took a breath of fresh air and exhaled invitingly. "Ah. So good."

Soon enough, two girls walked out of the school and stood side by side to her. The first was had raven-black hair that reaches her ears and curved upward, brown eyes and she wore a tan frilly dress and black shoes. She was also starting to develop breasts on her chest.

The second was a young girl a few months younger than her with short blonde hair tied in pigtails and has chocolate brown eyes. She was dressed in a safari-colored shirt and pants with shoes with different shades of green and Jen smiled to them.

"So," the older girl said. "What are you doing this summer, Jen?"

"Ben and I are going on a road trip around the country with our grandpa," Jen said. "So basically, we're going to have so much fun all around."

"No way! That's awesome!" the black-haired girl said. "I'm going to see if I can get a job before school starts again. Not much you can't do when you come from a family as wealthy as mine."

"Of course, Simone," the younger girl said with a smile. "Your dad's Carl Nesmith. That's got to have some perks."

"At least I'm not a snob about it," Simone chuckled as she and Jen looked to her. "What about you, Casey?"

"I'm going to sign up for an animal care project in the city. We go on trips to places like Africa and Asia to study exotic species of animals. It's going to be awesome."

"Of course it is, wild girl," Simone smiled as the three girls sighed.

"Well, gotta run," Casey said. "My mom wants me home early to get the chores done."

"Same here, I'm going to help my dad with some of his work back at the tower," she said.

"Bye, Simone, bye Casey," Jen waved as her two friends left.

As she watched them leave, she saw a flash of green out of the corner of her eye and saw Ben and another kid getting bullied by Cash and J.T.

"What?!" she said to herself. "How does Ben get himself into these situations? No matter. That's what big sisters are for."

She then started walking over to them with an angry look on her face.

About a minute later, Ben was being shaken upside-down as his money fell out of his pockets.

"Thanks a lot," The kid said, having his money already been taken.

"I was just trying to help," Ben said.

"Next time you try to be a hero, make sure you can back it up."

"Quiet!" Cash said as the last of Ben's money fell out and he dropped him to the ground.

"Look at the dough." JT said.

"Ahem." The two bullies gasped as they heard a feminine voice behind them. They turned around to see the last thing they ever wanted to see: Jen impatiently tapping her foot with her arms crossed and a glare in her eyes.

"Oh," JT said, rubbing his head in embarassment. "Jen. How's it going?"

"Cash, JT. Am I hallucinating or do I see what i think I see: you bullying my only brother?" Jen asked with a stern look on her face.

"What? No! We're just having a pleasant conversation." Cash said.

"They were bullying a kid for his lunch money and I tried to help, but they then just laughed and proceeded to do the same thing to me," Ben said.

"What?!" Jen said as the screen behind her burst into flames as did her eyes as she glared daggers at the two. "If I were you, I'd return the money to both of them right now!"

Cash and JT shrank where they stood and, panicked, gave them both back their money and then ran away as if their lives depended on it.

Jen then smiled at the two of them running. "They were smart to run."

"Thanks Jen." the kid said as Jen smiled and he left.

"Thanks, sis," Ben said as the two hugged.

"Anything for you, bro," Jen said as they heard a honking and yellowish-grey RV called the Rust Bucket pulled up to the corner.

The driver was a man in his late 50's with white hair and a red Hawaiian shirt with blue pants and brown boots. This was the twins grandfather, Maxwell "Max" Tennyson.

"Come on, kids. We're burning daylight! I want to get to the campsite by nightfall!"

"Grandpa Max!" both of them said in delight as they ran up to the car and entered the Rust Bucket, hugging their grandfather.

"You have no idea how much Jen and I have been looking forward to this." Ben said. But then they turned to see a girl sitting by the window seat.

"Oh no!"

Jen just smiled at the sight of her cousin.

She was a 10 year-old girl with red hair in a pixie cut and wore a long-sleeved blue shirt with lighter blue in the center and a cat icon at the chest and wore a blue hairpin. She also wore white pants and white shoes. This was our heroes' cousin, Gwendolyn "Gwen" Tennyson.

"What are you doing here?! What is she doing here?!" Ben asked in a shout.

"Take it easy, dweeb." Gwen sighed. "This wasn't my idea. Someone convinced my mom that going camping for the summer would be a good experience for me."

"Grandpa, please. Tell me you didn't!" begged Ben.

"I thought it would be fun if your cousin came along with us for the summer." Max said. "Is that a problem?"

"Not at all. Hey, Gwen." Jen smiled at her and gave her a nice hug.

"Well, I may have to go with the worst cousin ever, but at least I also get to spend it with the best cousin ever to balance it out." Gwen said.

"How can you possibly respect this nerd?" Ben asked as Jen sighed and shook her head.

"Because she's family." Jen said.

"So, how was your school year?" Jen asked Gwen as the two girls talked.

"Same old, same old." Gwen said with a sigh.

"Same here." Jen said.

"I can't believe it." Ben groaned. "I wait all school year to go on this trip and now the Queen of Cooties is along for the ride. No offense, sis." Ben said.

"None taken." Jen said.

"Hey! I had my own summer vacation planned out too, you know!" Gwen said, pulling out a schedule. "Each activity is color-coated so I never did the same thing two days in a row. Now, I'm stuck going camping with my geekazoid cousin for three months. But at least I have Jen, too."

"Geek." Ben mocked.

"Jerk." Gwen shot back.

"Something tells me it's going to be a long summer." Max said as they went onto the highway.

"Bro, could we talk, twin-to-twin?" Jen said, pulling Ben into the restroom. "Look, Ben. I know you don't like her, but she's our family like it or not. She doesn't want to be here either, but it's out of our control now. There's nothing I can do about it. You're gonna have to get used to it."

"I guess you're right, sis." Ben said with a sigh.

"Just watch, she can be reasonable." Jen said as they walked out of the bathroom. "Hey, guys. Can I please have the top bunk?"

"Yes." Gwen and Max said simultaneously.

"See, Ben?" That was when she thought more about it. "Am I going to fall out every time the RV makes a sharp turn?"


Jen then sighed. "Okay, bad example."

That night the campsite, the kids sat at the picnic table preparing for dinner as Jen strummed her guitar with a great smile as she sang to herself.

"One reason that I actually like visiting you sometimes, Jen's music." Gwen smiled as Jen nodded. "She is so talented. I just know that I'm going to be a star when she grows up."

Soon enough, Max came out carrying a bowl. "Chow time!"

Jen smiled and placed her guitar down. "Alright. I'm starving."

As he placed the bowl down, the three recoiled in disgust as the bowl was squirming with worms that were still alive.

Jen threw up in her mouth a little bit.

"Okay. I give up. What is that?" Ben asked.

"Marinated meal worms." Max said. "Hard to find them fresh in the States. You know, they're considered a delicacy in some countries."

"And totally gross in others," Gwen stated.

One of the worms squirmed out of the bowl and slithered away.

Jen gulped hard. "Okay, I'm sure they're a delicacy in France, but let's face it. They'll eat anything in France."

"If these don't sound good, I've got some smoked sheep's tongue in the fridge." Max said.

"Ugh," Ben groaned. "Couldn't we just have a burger or something?"

"Nonsense!" Max stated. "This summer's gonna be an adventure for your taste buds. I'll grab the tongue."

Gwen and the twins looked at each other.

"Okay. I was looking forward to this trip. Had I known what the food was going to be like, I would've just ran back home and kissed the ground." Jen stated.

"Okay. I've got a half-eaten bag of corn chips and a candy bar in my backpack." Ben said. "What have you got, Gwen?"

"Some rice cakes and hard candy." Gwen said. "And you, Jen?"

"A bag of beef jerky and a bottle of cola."

"Think we can make them last the whole summer?" Ben asked.

The kids groaned disappointedly.

Back in space, the battle was still going on as the Chimera Wrath blasted lasers at the smaller ship, and eventually hit the back of it, destroying the engine.

"They're propulsion systems have been destroyed," The pilot reported to Vilgax. "Prepare to board!"

"I want the Omnitrixes now!" Vilgax stated.

However, in a last effort of defense, the smaller ship fired a green laser from the top fin and it blasted the upper area of the Chimera Wrath, which caused a huge explosion, which destroyed the pilot and severely injured Vilgax. But not before the Chimera Wrath fired one last laser, which destroyed the ship and there was nothing left but the front.

The ship sent out a space capsule just before it was destroyed and it separated to sent out a pod that was hurtling down to Earth to find it's destination.

Back down at the campsite, Ben was playing on his gaming system while his sister played her guitar and shook her head rhythmically while Gwen was on her laptop.

Max came up to them holding a bag of marshmallows as they continued on their activities.

"Who wants to roast marshmallows?"

The three of them just ignored him and continued.

"Okay. How about we tell scary stories?"

"Scarier than having to spend your summer with your reek of a cousin?" Ben laughed.

"Ben! That was so uncalled for!" Jen scolded.

Gwen glared at him and turned back to her laptop.

"I'd like to, Grandpa, but I'm busy looking up cures for extreme doofusness!" Gwen mocked. "Nothing yet, Ben, but let's not give up hope!"

"Come on, you two. We're all in this together. Either you can mope around all summer or we can have some fun!" Max encouraged.

"I vote for fun!" Jen said, hopefully.

"I vote for moping." Gwen frowned.

"I'm going to take a walk. Smell you around, Gwen!" said Ben as he got up, left his game on the floor and walked into the woods.

Jen sighed and set down her guitar. "I'm going to go make sure he's okay."

"Go for it." Gwen said.

"Ben, wait!" Jen shouted as she ran to catch up with him.

"I think you're starting to grow on each other." Max said.

"Only in Jen's dreams." Gwen sighed and went back to her Internet.

"Oh, man! This is going to be the worst vacation ever! I might as well have gone to summer school!" Ben complained as his sister came running up to him.

"Ben, please. You have to get along with Gwen." Jen said.

"Why?" Ben said.

"Two reasons. One, she's family. And two, if you don't you're going to ruin this summer for all four of us!"

Without warning, the two of them looked up to see a shooting star with a pink streak soaring across the sky.

"Whoa! A shooting star!" Ben said.

Jen then cupped her hands and made a wish.

But then, the 'shooting star' change directions and started heading straight for them.

"Oh no!" Jen said. "Run!"

The twins then turned direction and ran. But before they could get far enough, they were thrown by the force of the impact and landed in the dirt.

The comet that landed created a huge crater in the ground as the pair dusted themselves off, walked to the edge of the crater and looked at it.

"It's not a shooting star at all." Jen said.

"It looks like a satellite or something."

The satellite was actually the space pod from earlier as it then cooled off from the heat of re-entry. Then, the ground that the twins were standing on suddenly gave way and the twins came tumbling down and found themselves facing the pod.

The pair of them looked nervously as the space pod opened to reveal two identical watches. One was green and one was pink on the faceplate. They were black-framed with grey supports and had pink and green buttons on each of them.

"Watches?" Ben asked as Jen gulped. "What are watches doing in outer space?" He then got a mischievous grin on his face.

"Oh no. I know that look, Ben. I'm not so sure it's safe to do this without research."

But her warning fell on deaf ears as Ben stuck his hand in and the green watch unhatched itself, jumped up, and clamped right onto his left arm as they both yelped in shock and awe.

"Ben!" Jen asked as the pink watch clamped on her left arm.

"Get off me! Get it off, get it off!" Ben shouted in a panic as Jen seemed to remain a little more cool than him as she shook her arm, but the watches still wouldn't get off.

Ben struggled with the watch as he pulled and pulled, but it just wouldn't budge.

The two climbed out of the crater and climbed right back out. "Grandpa!"

"Hmm..." Max wondered. "The twins have been gone awhile. But I guess they can't get into too much trouble out here."

"Unless they wind up bear food." Gwen said as Max turned and glared at her.

"Hey, I can dream, can't I?"

Ben stuck a stick under his watch and tried to pry it off, but it just wouldn't budge. The stick snapped off and he groaned.

"Forget it, Benjamin. These things aren't coming off."

"Easy for you to say, Jennifer." Ben said. He then fell to his knees and started fiddling with the watch. Suddenly, the faceplate popped up. "Woah!"

"Ben, I don't think that-"

The X-shaped faceplate then folded to form a diamond shape and the silhouette of a flame-headed creature with thick hands appeared inside of it.


Jen then placed her hands over her eyes. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Ben then pressed down the faceplate and a flash of green light suddenly came out of the watch.

The watch sunk down into his arm and from where it sinked, brown-orange rocks erupted from his skin and worked their way down his body until they reached his eye. Then, cracks appeared in the outline of his now rocky skin and the watch symbol appeared on his chest. His head erupted into flames with a face outline inside and he and his sister both screamed in hysterics.

"I'm on fire! I'm on fire!" Ben screamed and started running and screaming as Jen started backing up in fear, trying not to let her brother burn her. "Hey. I'm on fire and I'm okay." He realized and smirked to his sister. "Check it out. I'm totally hot!"

Jen then put her hands up. "Ben, slow down. You know that I'm scared of fire." She remembered that once upon a time there was a fire in the Tennyson household, which kind of scarred her for life. She's been scared of fire ever since.

Ben then reassured her with hand signals as he turned to a dead tree. "Oh yeah. Here goes." Ben then threw his hand out and tossed a fireball, which shot the branch of the tree off. "Liking it." He put his hands together and pulled them apart to form a bigger fireball. He then tossed it and it destroyed three trees.

"Wait! Stop!" Ben said as he realized he accidentally started a forest fire.

Jen then screamed her little head off and started running for her life.

From the campsite, Gwen and Max saw the smoke from the fire rising up from the trees.

"What's that?" Gwen asked, getting up from her seat.

"Looks like the start of a forest fire." Max said. "We should let the ranger station know. Probably some darn fool out there, messing with something he shouldn't." Then the two got a shocked realization on their faces. "Ben!"

He then reached into a chest and got out two fire extinguishers and handed one to Gwen.

"You'd better take this."

"What about Jen?"

"She's not foolish like her brother. She would never do anything to start something like this."

Jen, in a completely panicked state, ducked behind a rock.

"Okay, Jen. If there was any time for you to conquer your fear, it's now." She thought to herself as she started fiddling with her watch.

"Come on. Ben's watch turned him into some kind of monster. My watch has got to do the same thing!" Her faceplate popped up to reveal a silhouette of a pixie-like creature as she then smirked. "Please let this be something that can deal with fire!"

She then nervously closed her eyes and braced herself, but before she could press down the faceplate, a flaming tree branch fell down in front of her, startling her. As she backed up against the rock for safety, she then slammed her watch against the rock and it released a bright flash of pink light.

Her skin turned an icy blue and started radiating cold air and her eyes shot open to reveal bright glowing pink eyes with no pupils and her hair shifted into blue spikey hair like ice. Her clothes then shifted to a pink ballerina-like outfit complete with the skirt and flat shoes. Her body then shrank to 3 inches high and a pair of insect wings grew out of her back. The watch symbol appeared on the belt of her skirt.

As the light faded, Jen stood there, hovering in the air as the wings beat almost on instinct. She then gripped her shoulders and shivered. "Brr. When did it get so cold out here? Isn't it supposed to be summer?"

She then realized the fire was still there and she flew backwards and setting a hand on the rock. But where she touched, the rock instantly frosted over. She then, awed, looked at her hand and came to a realization. "Ice powers. Awesome!"

She then looked over to the fire and let out a breath as hard as she could, letting out icy cold air, which extinguished the fire. "Let's hope this works." She then flew over to others and started breathing deeply.

Ben started stomping on the fire in a futile attempt to put it out.

"This would be so cool if it weren't so... not cool."

A short ways away, Gwen was putting out fires as best as she could until she eventually ran into Ben and accidentally put out his fire. When she saw him, she screamed, scared.

"Look, I know I look weird, but there's no reason to be scared." Ben said until Gwen slugged him with the fire extinguisher, knocking him back and then she blasted him with it, causing him to cough up foam.

"I don't know what you are, but you'll stay down there if you know what's good for you." Gwen warned.

Ben focused and summoned a small flame to appear on her shoe.

"Ow!" She jumped back, causing Ben to giggle at her reaction, before putting out the flame, holding her foot up in pain. She then held up the fire extinguisher. "I warned you."

"Don't even think about it, freak."

That caused her to stop and realize that there's only one person she knows who would ever call her that. "Ben? Is that you? What happened?"

"Well, see, this meteor fell from the sky and almost smudged me and Jen except it wasn't a meteor or a satellite but these two cool watches that jumped up onto our wrists and when I tried to get mine off, I suddenly was on fire! Only it didn't hurt when I was starting this mega forest fire!" Ben explained.

Meanwhile with Jen, she was putting out the flames with her cryokinesis as best as she could before she backed right into Max, who looked at her in awe.

A Cryosprite? But their planet is lightyears away! Max thought.

Jen gulped at her grandfather as she then held up her hands as if surrendering. "Promise me you won't freak out, Grandpa Max. It's me, Jen."

"Jen? What's going on?" Max asked.

"Ben and I will explain after we take care of this. Less talking, more extinguishing!" Jen said as she breathed a massive breath and extinguished the flame behind him as they ran deeper into the woods to meet up with her brother and her cousin as Ben was explaining the story to Gwen.

"Gwen! Are you al- What in blazes?"

"Hey bro." Jen said, deadpan.

"Jen?" Ben asked as Jen nodded.

"Ben? What happened?"

"Well, when me and Jen were walking, this meteor-"

"Excuse me? Major fire burning out of control, remember?"

"What do we do?" Ben asked.

"My ice powers aren't enough to put this thing out by myself." Jen said.

Max thought for a bit before he came up with something. "Backfire. Start a new fire and let it burn into the old one. They'll snuff each other out. Then Jen can take out what's left of it. Think you two can take care of it?"

"Shooting flames, I can definitely do." Ben said.

"Let's get to work, bro." Jen said before she and Ben flew/ran into the flames and she let out a breath to put out the fire in her way.

Once the twins reached a clearing, Ben cracked his knuckles and let out a heat ray, starting a second fire, which slowly burned into the old one.

Jen then rubbed her hands together and crossed her arms apart and then swept them apart, releasing a massive cold flurry which extinguished the fire.

"Pound it." Jen said as she and Ben lightly tapped fists, only for Jen to singe herself on his molten skin.



Later, the park ranger drove up only to be stunned to see that the fire was already out.

Back up in space on board the Chimera Wrath, one of the pilot robots was reporting to Vilgax, who was inside of a tank.

"What do you mean it's not there?!" Vilgax asked angrily. "This battle nearly cost me my life and you say the Omnitrixes are no longer on board the transport?!"

Vilgax rose up from inside of the tank and we are treated to a truly grisly site. His entire body was basically mutilated from the explosion from earlier. His entire left side was basically destroyed with the bones sticking out. His right arm and leg were tattered and he was strapped to a breathing apparatus to keep himself alive while his body regenerated.

"Sensors indicate a probe was jettisoned from the ship just before boarding. It landed on the planet below there." the pilot reported.

Vilgax growled and turned to one of his robot scouts. "Bring it to me."

The robot complied and left the room.

Back at the campsite, Ben and Jen were explaining their story to their grandfather and cousin. Jen was hovering in midair while Ben was just sitting on a log. It's amazing how it didn't burn to a crisp under his weight.

"And you say these watches just clamped up on your wrists?"

Gwen tossed the two a marshmallow and Jen chewed at it as she was unable to swallow at her size.

"Hey this time it wasn't my fault!" Ben said as the marshmallow roasted and he tossed it into his mouth. "I swear!"

"It's true!" Jen said. "I warned him not to but what can I say? Curiosity killed the cat."

"I believe you two, kids."

"Think their going to stay monsters forever?" Gwen asked.

"Hey! I would hardly describe fairies as monsters!" Jen said, crossing her arms.

"They're not monsters. They're aliens." Max said.

The kids then looked at him curiously, wondering how he could possibly know that.

"I mean, look at them? What else could they be?"

"I don't want to be fire guy forever. How am I going to make the little league team this if I charcoal the ball every time I catch a pop fly?" Ben asked.

"And how am I going to be a singer if my voice is as high as it is right now?" Jen asked.

"Don't worry, guys. We'll figure this thing out."

Then, all of a sudden, the watch symbols on Ben's chest and Jen's belt started beeping red and purple respectively and then, after a few seconds, released a bright flash of light of each respective color and then, when it faded, the twins stood there, back to their normal selves.

"I'm me again!" Ben said, in an almost celebratory fashion.

"Me too!" Jen cheered, tossing the remains of the marshmallow into her mouth.

"Aw!" Gwen whined. "Too bad. I liked you better when you were a briquette." Gwen said, holding up a marshmallow.

Ben then started to struggle with the watch. "I still can't get this thing off."

"Better not fool with it until we know exactly what we're dealing with." Max warned.

"Better to be safe than sorry." Jen agreed, nodding her head.

"I'll go check out that crash site. You three stay here." Max said.

An orange pod launched out of the Chimera Wrath and crashed down in the forest where the pod containing the watches were. It then separated its segments, sprouting three legs with no feet, two arms that sprouted claws with no hands, and its head popped out of the top with glowing red eyes.

It then scanned around and noticed the pod that the watches were stored in and then destroyed it with a laser.

Then, two spider-like drones popped out of its shoulders and they went looking for the Omnitrixes.

Ben sat on the bumper of the RV, fiddling with his watch and trying to see how it worked.

"I wonder what this does?"

"Busted!" Jen shouted as she and Gwen surprised him.

Gwen laughed.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Like your face!"

Ben went back to fiddling with the watch as the faceplate turned each time he twisted it.

"Ben, you heard Grandpa Max. We really should be careful with these things." Jen stated.

"What's the point of having these if we aren't going to use them?" Ben asked as Jen facepalmed.

"It's hard to believe that we're twins when I'm so much more mature than him." Jen said, half to herself.

"You heard what he said." Gwen said.

"Yeah, so?"

The two sighed.

"Come on! Don't tell me you aren't the least bit curious about what else this thing can do?"

"Alright. I am." Jen said.

"Not in the least." Gwen said.

"Are you sure you're related to us?" Ben asked.

"To be fair, if one of these things was on your wrist, you'd be thinking the same as I am." Ben stated.

Meanwhile, Max was at the crater in the woods and picked up a peace of shrapnel from the destroyed transport pod.

"I don't like this. Not one little bit." Max said.

"Look, if Jen and I can figure these things out then maybe we can help people." Ben said, still fiddling at his watch. "I mean, really help them. Not just, you know. Make things worse." That suggestion immediately piqued Jen's interest.

"Are you saying that we could be superheroes?" Jen asked with stars in her eyes.

"You know it, sis."

"I'm game." Jen said as she started to fiddle at her own watch.

"So, what did it feel like? You know, going all alien like that?" Gwen asked, roasting a marshmalllow.

"It freaked me out at first." Jen said. "It was like my mind was transferred into a different body."

"It was like I was me, but also like I was someone else."

Eventually, Ben got his core to pop up again and the image of the fire alien appeared again. "Hey, I think I figured out how I did it. Should I try it again? Just once?"

Ben then twisted the dial three to show a silhouette of an insectoid alien, a humanoid reptile alien, and a canine alien in that order.

"I wouldn't." Gwen warned as Jen popped up her watch's core and it showed the fairy alien again and then she twisted it three times to show a silhouette of a humanoid butterfly alien, a plant alien, and a feline alien in that order.

"No duh, you wouldn't." Ben said as he slammed his core down, initiating the transformation sequence.

The watch sank into his wrist, causing his veins to pulse and expand rapidly, until they reached his eye, which he clenched shut. When he opened them again, they were fully orange. Afterwards, orange fur sprouted all over his body, his teeth turned to fangs and he grew three gills on each side of his collar. He stretched his three-fingered paw out and it sprouted black claws. The watch's symbol was on his shoulder pad and he let out a roar as the transformation ended.

Jen then nodded and slammed her core down, releasing a pink light. Like her brother, the watch sank into her wrist, causing her blood vessels pumped abnormally before they travelled up to her eyes and when she shot them open, her sclera turned green and her pupils contracted into feline slits. Her body started cracking and snapping as her mass built up to that of a teenager and her skin erupted in pink fur with blue stripes. Her hair grew longer into a mane-like state. She rose to the camera and her teeth sharpened to fangs and her face pushed out into a anthro feline muzzle and then the camera shot to the rear view as a long pink and blue striped tail shot out of her spine. She rose her arms up, shot out her claws from her hands and slammed them against the ground and gave a mighty roar like the tigress she now was as the transformation ended.

The two looked over each other, but all the two could articulate was growls and meows respectively.

"Ew!" Gwen groaned, looking over Ben's new form as he drooled involuntarily. "This thing's even grosser than you are normally! Bow wow! Put a flea collar on this mutt!"

Ben roared angrily at her remark.

As for Jen, seeing her brother in that state while she was in her feline form set something off in her due to her new feline instincts. She panicked quickly and jumped on all fours on one of the logs before backflipping onto the RV and finally, swung on a tree branch before settling on there to safety from the alien canine.

"I guess cats are just naturally scared of dogs." Gwen said as Jen nodded from the branch and she turned back to Ben. "And no eyes? What good is this one? It can't see." She then looked at the stick she was holding with the marshmallow on it and got an idea.

Jen then face-pawed herself at what her cousin was about to do.

She then spit on her hands to secure a grip on the stick before winding up the stick before striking it.

Suddenly, Ben's gills reacted to this and sensed Gwen's body heat and that she was about to hit him. He jumped out of the way onto the RV, causing Gwen to fall over and he gave out a grin.

"Okay, so maybe it's not a total loser."

Ben then front flipped back towards her and Jen then got onto the RV.

Gwen pinched her nose at the smell of Ben's foul breath odor. "Two words: breath mints."

Ben then kicked some dirt in his cousin's face before running off into the woods as Jen shook her head in disbelief.

"Ben! Get back here! Ben! I'm telling Grandpa that you turned into some freaky animal monster thing and went swinging around the forest after he told you not to!" She then realized what she just said. "This is one majorly weird day."

Jen then jumped down from the RV and looked at her cousin and gave out her signature baby doll eyes and pouted her lip.

"Oh no! Not the baby doll eyes!" Gwen begged as Jen's eyes shined brighter. "Okay fine! Go after him!"

Jen then smiled and ran after her brother.

Ben went swinging through the trees. It was surprising how the branches were able to support his weight in this form.

Little did he know that the drones that the robot sent after them were searching for him and his sister. One of them aimed it's laser at him and he sensed its presence before jumping out of the way before it blasted the treebranch. He then started swinging from the trees again avoiding its laser blasts as it destroyed the trees.

The robot searched around blindly but couldn't find Ben due to the smoke before giving up and floating away to search in another area.

Ben was grasping onto a tree before climbing up it so he could get the drop on the robot... literally.

As the robot was searching, Ben suddenly leapt from the tree and grabbed the robot and bit its claws off. The robot tried to shake him off by flying away, but he held on tightly, clawing away at its circuitry and tore the head part off before the symbol started beeping and he jumped off before he was engulfed in the explosion and he turned back to his default form.

He stood up, a few leaves in his hair and looked back towards the small fire on the cliffside. "Yes!" He cheered before he found the other drone and saw it aiming its laser at him. "Uh oh. Not good."

But before the robot could do anything, it was pounced on by Jen as she scratched and bit at its circuitry.

Angry, the robot grabbed her and tossed her off before charging at Ben again.

Worried for her brother, she grabbed one of the falling trees and used it as a bat, swinging it and smashing the robot into the ground before hitting it 3 more times to make sure it was completely destroyed before she timed out and turned back to her default self.

"Nobody messes with my brother except me and Gwen!" Jen shouted, angrily before she calmed down by taking deep breaths.

"Thanks... Hey!" Ben shouted.

Back at the RV, the family regrouped as the twins sighed, waiting for the punishment Max was going to give them.

"I was worried you two would get popular with those things on your wrists. That's why I warned you not to use it until we know what the heck they are."

"Sorry, Grandpa." Ben and Jen said in unison.

"On the plus side, we figured out how to make them work." Ben said.

"All you do is press this button." Jen said, demonstrating. "Then, when the ring pops up, just dial it in until you've got the one you want to be, slam it down, and then bam! You're one of 10 super-cool aliens! A different set for each watch, though some are the same as we've analyzed."

"What about staying a super-cool alien and not transforming back into plain old pizza face?" Gwen asked.

"We're... still working on figuring that out." Ben stated.

Max stroked his chin and smiled. "With a device as powerful as that watch on you, I'd say we better help you learn. Fast."

The twins then perked up at this.

"Shut up!" Jen said.

"You're actually encouraging us to help people?" Ben asked.

"It's going to take some getting used to. But yes." Max smiled before the twins high-fived.

"Mayday! Mayday!" A ranger from the radio reported. "We're under attack by some kind of- I know you're not going to believe me- but robot!"

"Sounds just like those things that attacked me," Ben said. "They must be looking for the watches. Those people are in trouble because of us!"

"Forget it, bro. Do you really think I want to save your butt twice in the same night?" Jen asked.

"You won't have to. We're going to be saving other people this time, sis." Ben said as his sister sighed.

"You're right. We have to help them!"

"You? What are you going to do about it, Tennyson?" Gwen asked.

"Um, you're Tennyson too, doofus." Ben said.

"...Crap." Gwen said, admitting defeat.

The twins looked at their watches and smirked.

Outside near the robot attack, the Tennysons reached a clearing as the watches beeped and the twins looked to Max, who nodded in approval.

The twins then dialed their watches to select their forms.

"Eenie," Ben dialed past a ghost alien while Jen dialed past a butterfly alien, "meenie," Ben dialed past an insectoid alien while Jen dialed past the fire alien, "miney," they finally selected their aliens.

"Here goes." Jen said as the two slammed their watches in a mixed flash of green and pink light.

Ben's watch sank into his wrist and it became encased in green diamond before it covered his other arm and his head before it closed around his eye and it became fully golden. Four spike-like diamonds, the lower pair smaller than the upper pair, grew out of his back and his clothes morphed into a bodysuit, black on one side, white on the other. The watch symbol was on his upper left bicep as the transformation ended.

Chlorophyll-filled veins travelled up Jen's arm as the watch sank into her arm and she clutched her eyes closed before they opened, revealing a fully green color as her skin turned a lighter green then her eyes. Her clothes transformed into a plant-themed dress with white daisy-like ruffles with red in between the flaps and her shoes turned into grass-like flats. Her hair transformed into a budded flower on top of her head and pink flower cuffs appeared on her wrists and the watch appeared on the clasp of her dress skirt as she spread out her hands and a flurry of vines spread out as she ended the transformation.

The twins looked at each other and Jen admired her new form. "With this girl, I could save the rain forest in the next few days."

"What do these two do?" Gwen asked.

"I don't know." Ben said. "But I bet it's going to be cool."

The robot destroyed the RVs in the trailer park with its lasers, prompting the campers to run away in fear as the Tennysons ran up and they gazed in awe at the sheer size of the robot compared to the drones.

"Whoa!" Gwen gasped.

"Looks like Papa Robot this time." Ben said.

"We'll get Gear Head's attention. You guys get the campers to safety." Jen ordered.

Gwen and Max complied and ran off to help.

The twins eyes glowed and they ran off to fight the robot.

As the campers ran away, one of them tripped and a ranger tried to help him get up. But before he could do anything, the robot grabbed him and he screamed.

"Leave him alone!" a voice commanded, catching the robot's attention and it turned its head to see the two aliens. It scanned the two before catching sight of the watch symbols and it beeped in confirmation. It had found what it was looking for.

"You want somebody to pick on? Try us on for size!" Jen shouted.

The robot let the ranger go and dropped him onto his van before firing a laser at Ben, sending him flying into an RV before firing another laser to blow it up.

"Brother!" Jen shouted, careful not to reveal who they were.

The robot then turned to her and readied its laser wrist.

"Ah!" Jen screamed before closing her eyes and crossing her arms in defense, bracing for the impact. Little did she know that the reflex of crossing her arms had caused a shield of roots to form in front of her, blocking the laser from her. She opened one eye, then the other, watching the shield dissipate and the roots went back into the ground. "This girl can control nature? Awesome!"

A green crystal blade came out of the wreckage of the RV and Ben pulled himself out, revealing the blade to be formed from his own arm. "Cool." He said as the arm grew crystal spikes.

Ben then got out of the wreckage and ran for the robot, trying to slice him, but it jumped up, spun its legs around like a helicopter, and landed right on top of him. "Uh-oh. I think I'm in trouble."

Jen noticed this and thrust her hands forward, summoning a ton of vines from the surrounding trees that wrapped around the robot's arms and she pulled back, trying to get it off of her brother.

Meanwhile, Gwen and Max helped the ranger off of his van as the rest of the campers got to cover.

"What is going on here?" the ranger asked.

"Trust me. You wouldn't believe us if we told you." Gwen said. "Now come on!"

The two ran off, but the robot stayed behind as Jen finally pulled the robot back enough to free Ben and the vines snapped.

"I think that this lady's much stronger in the sunlight." Jen surmised, noticing the moon in the sky.

The robot grabbed Ben and threw him right into the ranger's van! Fortunately, he ducked in time and ran away from the scene as Ben recovered and got out of the van's wreckage.

The two dodged the robot's lasers left and right until it eventually blasted a tree, which was about to fall right on top of their cousin. The twins noticed this and Jen wrapped her vines around the tree in an attempt to hold it back for a bit as the vines snapped one by one. Ben then ran under the tree and commanded a huge crystal spike to grow out of his back and it sliced the tree in two and the halves fell on either side of the cousins.

"So, does this make us even?" Ben asked.

"Even." Gwen agreed.

Much to the cousin's surprise, however, the robot grabbed Ben. The robot attempted to rip Ben apart with its other arm, but as it grabbed Ben's arm, Ben commanded it into it's spiked blade form, destroying the robot's left hand completely. The robot then blasted Ben away with the laser on its wrist and Ben landed in a crater.

"Ben!" Max shouted as Jen stepped up and commanded a club made of vines with thorns sticking out of it and a shield made of roots.

"Okay, Bolt Brain. Let's see how you like... Blossom Rose!" Jen said with a bit of flare.

"...Blossom Rose?" Gwen asked, deadpan.

"Oh great. They're naming their alien forms now." Max said.

Blossom Rose then swung her sword and a flurry of thorns shot out of it, sticking in the robot's metal as she blocked his laser with her shield.

Ben got out of the crater and formed his arms into mirror shields as the robot fired another beam. The beam deflected off of his shield and went into another direction.

That was when the twins reached a realization and Jen threw her weapons away.

Ben prompted the robot to fire again. "Come on! Put one in here." Ben said as Blossom Rose rubbed her hands together and commanded her vines again.

"Get out of there!" Max shouted.

"Hang on. I think they're onto something." Gwen said.

Blossom Rose thrust her hands forward and the vines wrapped around the robot's torso and legs holding him in place as he fired and Ben held out his hands and deflected the beam, his crystal body acting like a mirror.

The campers came up to watch the spectacle.

"What comes around goes around." Ben said.

"Let's see how you like it, you techno freak!"Blossom Rose shouted as Ben deflected the laser and Jen pulled her vines to redirect the laser back onto the robot, slicing it in half, and resulting in an explosion.

"Alright!" Gwen and Max shouted.

"Way to go B-" Max stopped himself, realizing he was about to give away his grandchildren's secret identities. "Diamond-headed guy and Blossom Rose."

Blossom Rose then walked up to her brother and smiled. "Pound it." She said as they pounded their fists.

They then looked at the guys watching them.

"Well, I... think our work here is done, sis." Ben said as the two ran away from the scene. "Say, that name has a nice ring to it. Diamondhead."

"I say, we name our forms. We have to call them something." Blossom Rose said.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Diamondhead said.

Gwen and Max then left the scene as well, leaving the campers confused.

"Who were those two?" a male camper asked.

The others shrugged their shoulders in confusion.

Back up in space, where drones were making repairs to the Chimera Wrath, Vilgax received the information regarding his scout robot's destruction.

"Failure!? Unbelievable!" Vilgax shouted. "The two humans beings who are keeping the Omnitrixes from me will soon hang from my trophy wall!"

Back at the campsite, Max and Gwen were finishing packing up their sleeping bags and other luggage back into the Rust Bucket.

Max then noticed two certain twins were missing. "Where are Ben and Jen?"

"I haven't seen 'em since breakfast." Gwen stated.

Soon, a dust cloud came speeding up and two aliens sped to a screeching halt, both of the same species. They were both blue-skinned velociraptor-like aliens with black skin on their arms and legs. They each had a long prehensile tail with blue and black stripes. Their arms ended with three fingered hands with scissor-like claws and instead of feet, they had blue wheel-like spheres at the end of their legs. A blue and black mask lifted from their faces, revealing the green eyes with black markings. They each wore a jumpsuit-like version of their regular clothes with the watch symbols on their chest.

"Guys?" Gwen asked.

"Yep." Ben said. "Turns out we have some of the same forms as the other."

"Hey! Check this out!" Jen said as her mask closed and she grabbed the cooler, TV, sleeping bags, and other luggage and packed it into the car at lightning-quick speed. "Pretty fast, huh?"

And that was when their watches timed out and they morphed back to normal.

"I have a feeling that this is gonna be the best summer ever." Ben said with a smile as his sister smirked.

"You said it, bro." Jen said, jabbing his shoulder.

"Absolutely." Max agreed.

"It's certainly going to be interesting." Gwen admitted. "So, where did you two go off anyway?"

"Just had to run a few errands before our vacation really got rolling." Ben said as Jen rolled her eyes, knowing what they really did.

Cash and J.T. were hanging from a tree branch by their underpants.

"Dude, how did we get up here?!" Cash asked.

"Not sure." J.T. said. "It all happened so fast."

"Hey! Somebody! Anybody! A little help here please!" Cash called out as the cars rolled past, ignoring them.

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