/ Perkotaan / Below and Under

Below and Under Original

Below and Under

Perkotaan 2 Chapters 1.9K Views
Author: Lip_Service

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In her heart, there are unresolved desires of her youth.
What desires could she have, after all she had gotten everything.
From the hearts of the people, the wealth of the nation and the high of flattery and lust.

This time there's a chance of something different.

Life is still what it is, an unpredictable thing and even more so, it was the most mischievous and petty.
Happy ever after is for only those that hadn't seen the end, she had.

Somehow she was given a chance to rewrite another script.
As the unknown wife of a business mugul.

Yael, who?

Parents Strongly Cautioned

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Author Lip_Service