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1.21% Believe In The Weird and Wild (Star vs. the Forces of Evil x Steven U) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Life Gets a Little Wild

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Life Gets a Little Wild

Summary: Growing up is difficult for parents, but just as much for kids to.

"Okay, hear me out, two older siblings. They can legally let you get into trouble, fighting monsters and all that jazz." Ponyhead tried to raise her offer. "I'll add in the baby if you want, very moldable, basically living playdough you can mess with anytime you want."

"Come on Ponyhead, your sisters aren't that bad. They're always nice to me when I come over." Her deluded bestie B-fly said, ignorant to the pain she was forced to live under.

"Yes, because daddy drills into all of our heads to be 'utmost respectful' to all our guests. They are total jerks and i'd LOVE to have a brother I can just have fun with. What about you Q-fly, can I bribe you?" 

"What do you mean by bribe?" The innocence was still strong with this one, probably the only thing that was preventing him from becoming a pain in the neck. "Dad already explained the whole adopting thing to us, so I don't think I'm ready to switch families, not anytime soon at least."

"Sorry PH, but he's my little brother! Anyone that tries taking him away,'I'm punching them in the face!"

"Can I at least borrow him for the exploding bubble thing? I feel like one or two explosions would make them get off my back for a month."

"I can't really control those, they just sorta happen when I feel a lot of emotions." Q-fly explained. "At most you're the more likely one to explode all the time."

"It still probably would be worth it." The floating unicorn head sighed. "Girl, you have no idea just how lucky you really are, only having one sibling, and he's not actively planning your funeral. Seriously, I've been sleeping with one eye open for two weeks!"

B-fly laughed. "Jokes on you, papa taught me to never sleep! That way I can take on any monster that sneaks into my bedroom!"

"And mom puts more security on my bedroom door than probably the money vault because of all the explosions, so no one's really able to break in. I think a butler got zapped yesterday because of it."

"Not all of us can be that lucky. For me, I've just been getting lectured by daddy about being an 'example' and junk, keeps telling me he'll send me to Saint Olga's if I don't show 'improvement'."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Oh right, she forgot just how afraid Star was of that name. "Not saint Olga's school for wayward princesses! The school that literally sucks all the life from girls that just wanna have fun!"

"Star, if it was really that bad, mom and dad would have done something." Quartz said. "They're just good people doing a job they think is right, no matter how much we disagree with it."

"Sides, it's not even an actual threat for me. It's just a generic threat all parent queens and kings say all the time to scare us, like how they say the stump will kill us on stump day if we don't respect it."

"We have to respect the stump, I don't wanna get killed by a tree! They're too nice to fight, they give us air!" This kid was a little too nice for his own good at times.

"And I've been blessed to be born on such a holy occasion, I owe my life to the stump till the day I die!" And Star was just a little nuts about her favorite holiday. But that's what made them the best people to hang around with.

"Alright, enough family junk, time for the real biz: who's the cutest prince from the silver bell ball?"

"Well I don't wanna brag but …" The boy batted his eyelashes. Who knew he had vanity in him?

"Eh, probably that Lucitor guy." B-fly said with a bit of a shrug. "It's the only dance of the night that doesn't feel awkward and forced."

"He lives in the underworld, and he's a jerk." The little q-fly grumbled with crossed arms. "Every time we sit next to each other, he always lights my chair on fire."

"Oh like a little fire is anything to actually worry about. He's a demon, so that's probably just how he says hello." B-fly waved off, and her shipping instincts were already getting a bit of a beep from this. "What about you Pony?"

"You know me girl, none of those royal lamos couldn't handle me if they tried! Prince Kelpbottom might be a bit of a looker give or take a few years. The less said about your cousin Rock, the better." Both Butterflys just gave a simple nod in agreement. "Don't think you're out of the conversation either, Q-fly, there's got to be a little lady out there you got your eyes on." She floated up to his face. "Come on, little bro, don't be hidin stuff from me now."

"Huh…guess I haven't thought too much about it really. Everyone seems nice enough to be friends, but it always feels like we hang out together because we're forced too, cept you, Ponyhead." He shrugged. "You're the most fun we've had with other royal families."

"Glad to be of service, Q-fly, that's what I'm here for!" She snickered a little in self praise. "And to think there was a time I wish you didn't exist."


"Thought you'd just be a nightmare trying to steal my bestie. Obviously that's not what I think about you now." She turned to B-fly. "Seriously, I don't know how, but I will offer a moon sized cookie if you give me him." Just one day of having a non-murderous little nuisence over her shoulder, that's all she asked for.

"Hahaha, no way in Corn, PH, we're stuck together like glue! The cheek marks make it so!" Star held her brother in a neck hold, ruffling his hair. "As my bestie, you get to share honorary brother/sister status, but no more than that."

"Fine, I'll just spend more time here than at home. Not like that's going to be a problem for me." Crashing places seemed like a perfect habit to pick up.


It was times like this that made Star especially glad to be the older sister. It meant that whenever she wanted to plan something fun, she could always count on her brother to go along and back her up no matter what, even if it was at two o'clock in the morning and he was essentially sleepwalking. "Don't fall asleep now, don't you remember what today is?"

"A day I'd be more prepared for if I slept for a co…co….couple more hours…" Quartz's eyes slowly sank downward as his head leaned back. With the sound of the boy's snoring, Star easily rectified it by lightly tapping the kid's head.

"Nope, it's a very special day where you get to do very special things." She smiled. "Right this way ya sleepy head!" Star led her brother to one of the rooms that they weren't supposed to go into without their parents.

"I-I only…got up because you said you had a cookie cat waiting for me." Ah yes, the promise of ice cream for breakfast. A tried and true tradition in the Butterfly home. "This isn't going to be one of those times where you bring me somewhere and it's just us throwing pebbles at random monsters, right?"

"Oh please, it was one time."

"I can't even count the times on my hands." He argued back. "Seriously, I can't. I don't know any bigger numbers after one hundred. Is this something Mom will get mad at us for doing?"

"What she doesn't know won't hurt us." Simple logic. Best part about living in a castle was that it was big enough to hide in, so there was no telling who was where at any time. Quartz actually got lost for about an hour one time. "Alright, here it…is!" She burst through the door but not knocking it on the ground like cool people did, she needed to be somewhat quiet.

"You brought me….to a mostly empty room." Her brother grumbled a bit with a yawn. "Barely any windows, just a case with Mom's wand and…" Her brother 's widened at said object. "Star…why did you bring me to the most valuable thing Mom owns?"

"Well, you know how Mom keeps telling me that wand is mine when I turn fourteen and I'll be able to do whatever I want with it?"

"I'm pretty sure that her words were that you SHOULDN'T do whatever you want with it." Oh Quartz, always joking about made up stuff like 'responsibility'.

"Well I think just one teensy weensy spell wouldn't hurt on someone's fifth birthday." She smiled, giving him puppy eyes.

"Oh right, I'm going to be…actually I am five already, today is already tomorrow." Her brother finally got exactly what she was getting at. "Are you sure about this? Mom also says that it can destroy the universe, and I like living here."

"It'll only do that if it's in the hands of bad people, and we're not bad people! We're the best people that I know!" Star jumped up and grabbed the item from it's spot. "Who knows, maybe there's a spell to make a Cookie Cat Cake." She added the biggest bait she knew.

"The desert of legends…." Her brother drooled at the very thought. "Fine, one spell, and I want the cake to be as big and tall as me!"

"Whatever you say, short stack." She giggled, being an inch taller than her brother. "Now come on, Cookie CAT CAKE CATACLYSM!" She shouted and waved the blue scepter into the air..but nothing happened. "That's weird, I was pretty sure that was all I needed…" She tapped the wand on her palm, before it shook out and blasted giant pieces of cake into the wall, creating a hole. "...Well I'm pretty sure that it was as big as you."

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, we're dead, we're dead, we're completely dead! Mom's going to kill us, and I'm not going to have my birthday party, which means I won't turn five!" Perfectly reasonable fear to have. "Okay, let's just leave the wand here and hopefully mom will think it was just a freak accident."

"Or I can use another spell and fix the mess, that way we can have our cake and not get in trouble." She waved the wand in the air, but Quartz grabbed it and pulled it back.

"I think I've seen enough magic for today." Star didn't let it go even when Quartz's pull got a little stronger. "Star, I really don't feel like getting in trouble today.."

"And we won't if you just let me fix it…"

"I'd rather not risk breaking more of Mom's stuff, she hates the exploding bubbles as it is."

"That's just because Mom's a party pooper who hates fun."

"She also makes really good pies that we probably won't ever eat again when she's this mess!"

"When I fix everything, I'll make pies as large as the castle!" The two of them thus began probably the most intense game of tug of war in the universe. Quartz was pretty strong, but she had both age and longer arms, so it was pretty even between the both of them. Occasionally a few blasts of magic would be shot out of the wand, making a few more holes, but neither of them paid any real attention to it.

"Why are you even going this far! I would've just been fine with a normal cookie cat!"

"Well you're my brother, and I just want to give you something really special that shows how special I think you are!

"I know you love me, you don't need to make big gestures like this, it's fine!"

"But going big is just how I love to do things! I love it when we do stuff like this, even when we get in trouble! It helps me know I always have someone right beside me!"

"I love that we do stuff together too, but I love that we can hang out in general! Big or small, I love every minute of it!"

"Great, because I feel the exact same way!" The two of them stopped pulling and just stared at each other, realizing that their face marks were glowing. Ten seconds later, they let their shoulders drop and just laughed about the whole thing. "Were we really just fighting about how much we love each other?"

"I think so. I think we were both just about to blow up over it. Hehehe." This had to be the weirdest argument in history, and she's heard that time-out guy talking to that old flying goat. "So how about we just hide this wand, and hope mom won't notice the … hole …" He looked at the multiple holes in the walls. "... Mom's gonna kill us."

"Well, isn't that just touching?" Their mutual pondering about their impending doom was interrupted with a slightly squeaky voice invading the room. "Much more than I could ever say about my own family, but that's a can of worms I'd rather not open. Now give me the wand!"

The Butterfly brother and sister turned around and noticed a short bird-like figure, smaller than both of them, in a ratty robe and a skull helmet resting on the top of his round head. "…Who are you?"

"Wait, you never got told about me?" The bird asked with a raised head. "I try to steal your family's wand all the time."

"You're gonna have to be more specific." Star deadpanned. "Oh, are you the ice cream villain dad wrestled?" That would instantly make this day much less of a disaster.

"I'm the leader of the most vicious group of monsters to ever roam mewni!? I have a castle and everything!"

"I thought monsters didn't have a kingdom." Quartz tilted his head. "Usually I just see you guys sleeping in holes in the ground or caves."

"I'm Ludo Avarice! The…you know what, why am I doing this!? I don't need to explain myself to a duo of thumb suckers." Rude, she hasn't done that in months! "Now hand me the wand or face the consequences!"

"What consequences, it's just you by yourself." Star pointed out. "You look like you could get beaten up by any stray cat."

"That's where you're wrong! Behind me is my army of loyal, fierce, and terrifying…why the hell are you morons taking so long!?" Ludo looked down at the biggest hole they made, where she noticed a rope, probably how the little guy got up.

"Sorry sir, we're not as tiny as you! Our muscles make us too heavy." A voice called out from down below.

"Well they're coming, and soon you'll … hey where are you going!?" He screamed as the two of them walked away.

"To get our parents, why would we wait around to be attacked?" She asked.

"Oh no you don't!" He charged at them waving his hands widely, though he didn't even get close when Quartz put up a giant bubble around them. "Just because you have magic doesn't mean I'm not a force to be reckoned…" The bubble exploded, sending Ludo into an un-destroyed section of the wall. "Aggg! You won't be able to keep that up forever!"

"What in the blazes is going on around here!?" The shrill voice of their mother shouted, and she was far from happy.

Star was not the brightest bulb in the bunch, especially at such a young age, but she knew how to get out of trouble. "We heard a noise and came to check and we saw this birdman trying to take the wand!"

"He's been threatening to destroy us with his army, so we kept the wand out of reach!" Quartz, who was honest to a fault, especially around mom, understood the vital importance of keeping a lie going at this moment.

"Don't listen to those ingrates, I was…" Ludo was stopped from saying anything else as he was surrounded by blue magic from their mother's hand. Ooh, non-wand magic, now that was a rare sight to see.

"You break into my home, threaten my children, on my son's birthday, and you think I'm going to listen to any half hearted excuse you have to explain yourself?"

"…well anything sounds bad when you put it in that kind of light." Those were the last words of the little bird man as Mom tossed him out the hole, and jumped down it herself, likely to beat the stuffing out of the other monsters.

"All and all, I say this is a pretty memorable way to start a birthday." Quartz sent her a small smile that gave her the warm fuzzies. "But seriously, we will never talk about this again."

"Agree. This secret is going to our graves."


"Now the F chord is one of the harder strings to get a hold of, so don't get too frustrated if you don't get it right away."

"Really? It feels so easy though." Quartz held the instrument in his arms, and sure enough, he had the position down easily. "All you need to do is stretch your fingers out a little."

"…It took me a whole month to do it comfortably." She held back the irritation and chose to just focus on the pride of having a non wild child…okay, he was still a bit troublesome, but not as much as Star was on his own.

"Come on, maybe like this." Said girl was pretty docile … Well that was a lie, but any moment she wasn't fighting a guard or destroying the castle was a win for her. "Dang it." She sent out a sour note. "This is getting nowhere."

"It's a difficult practice for sure, but it helps for one to be well rounded." Every queen had at least one hobby they were proficient in, and she was hoping this would quell the fighting instincts just a bit. "Besides, it helps to give a demonstration when you have someone write a song about you."

"That's …" Star paused and checked her pockets before pulling out a single silver, walking over to the swear jar and depositing it. "Bull, we all know all the princess songs are the same." When she invented the jar she kind of forgot about the fact they had royal allowances.

"Yeah, yours said you were perfect because your favorite color is pink and that you never sleep." Quartz voiced his complaint. "The one about Solaria said she was dainty and flowery when she's literally known as the monster carver, and the one about Grandma Comet just said she smelled like cake and honey."

"That's just how every minstrel saw the princess they wrote about. It's lazy, but every princess has one eventually." She chuckled. "At the time I actually hated mine, so I learned music by myself in an attempt to write a better one, only to discover playing music and writing music are two different things."

"Really, you taught yourself?" It was a rare sight to see her daughter look genuinely impressed by her. "Grandma didn't teach you?"

"Oh no, her talents solely belonged to the kitchen. She couldn't tell an Oboe from an elbow if you asked her." She hardly let any of the castle's chefs do any of the actual cooking because she practically LIVED in the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, that's where you learned that little song right?" Star eyes lit up in remembrance. "Over and under and around and through.."

"Take the little Mewni Rabbit and pull it through." Moments where she was on the same page as Star were a very rare sight. "She taught me that and sang it whenever we made pies. Her baking was considered good enough to end wars." A shame all her mother's efforts were for naught.

"So if I get good enough at playing music, I can end wars without having to fight?" Quartz asked curiously. "Just imagine it, singing that can end any and all conflict no matter what, with the power of friendship and family."

"Silly Quartz, monsters love fighting no matter what we do, so it's best to punch them in the face until they stop being jerks and go away." Star said with a small grin, and it was rather unfortunate she found herself agreeing more with her daughter.

"But the Rose Guard wanted to make peace when she was still around." Moon felt herself freeze in place when her son mentioned that name. "Yeah, it didn't work out, but if she tried back then, then there has to be something to the idea."

"It's…something that would be ideal." Moon held herself from gritting her teeth. "However, the ideal options are unfortunately the ones least likely to work."

"Besides, once we both get our totally amazing magic and master it, we'll be so strong and awesome that monster's will be too scared to even think about fighting us!" Her daughter held her guitar in the air as if it was a sword. "The unstoppable duo of Star and Quartz will be the best…" She fell on her back from all the weight now overhead and smashed the guitar to pieces. "...They really shouldn't make these things so heavy."

"Somehow this is still miles better than what you'd be doing on your own." Moon couldn't help but give a small roll of the eyes. That was the third instrument this month. "Go grab one of the spares from your room, and get one of the guards to carry it for you, please."

Her daughter gave a shrug of the shoulders and left the room, leaving her alone with her adopted son, something he thankfully never tried to ask more about, at least in detail. "Dum de dum, dum da-da, dum dee dum, dum dee da…" Quartz hummed a little tone as he stroked his guitar, an object he actually took care of pretty well. 

"What song are you trying to play?" She asked.

"Oh, not really trying to play a song…I think. Just strumming something that's been coming to me for some reason." He continued to stroke. "I could do about anything…I could even learn…" He kept scratching his head. "It's like something there, but not, like a scratch I can't itch."

"Just keep practicing sweetie, I'm sure it'll come to you eventually." She's watched this boy grow so much in so little time. She may have disagreed with Rose's decisions in the end, but her son was not one of them. Wherever Rose may have been now, Moon could only hoped she found some form of peace and happiness she couldn't obtain here.


Tom began his track to the Silver Bell Ball, where he would meet his one true sweetheart once more. The sparkly eyes, the perfect smile, the wild attitude. It was almost perfect! All she was missing was horns and she'd be the complete package! The wild child Butterfly princess, Star. He only got to see her once a year, twice if he was lucky, and he would do his damndest to make every impression count!

"GAAAAAAUGGGGHHH." Was the call of his mother trailing from behind him, with thunderous footsteps every step she took.

"No, I don't need you to carry me, Mom. I'm not a baby anymore!"

"GAAAAUUUUGGGH." God, parents could be so embarrassing! Next thing you know she would get nostalgic and show the baby pictures. "Burgggggggh."

"Fine, I'll tone down on the fire, but I make no promises that someone won't get burnt!" It was like asking him to stop breathing, or to prove the existence of god, it was downright impossible! There were just too many people that got on his nerves, telling him to 'calm down' and to not 'raise his voice' in a library, or to not stab someone and drag them back to hell when they got his orders wrong.

"I'm just saying, if we could train one to not jump around all the time, bringing a puppy into the Ball wouldn't be so bad. Maybe the girls would focus on it instead of the boys."

"You're just mad cause they keep pinching your cheeks." The voice of his demon with angel wings said as she pinched the cheek of the one face he wished he didn't have to see tonight. "It's not their fault your face is just so squishy and soft."

"Yeah, but you'd think Princess Spiderbite would be more conscious about causing pain to someone's face." Quartz Butterfly grumbled as the brat turned to him and scowled. "Oh…it's you…"

"Huh, wha…oh, you're the Lucitor kid..Tom, right?" Star said with a slightly questioning look.

"Yes, it's lovely to meet you once more, Star Butterfly." He smiled. "I hope Stars okay, I know we're supposed to be formal but … you don't seem as dainty as one of those critters." He hoped his joke would land.

"Hah, hope not, there's a lot of muscles tucked within these babies!" She flexed her arms with a cute giggle. "You don't get to kick monster butt everyday by not packing some heat." He could feel his cheeks fluster, that was really awesome.

"I tend to kick some butt myself, mostly the demon variety." He smirked, leaning against a pillar. "I could show you some fun places if you want."

"Yeah, sounds great, we can ALL get together and share the fun!" The little nuisance got right between them and almost knocked him to the ground. "Me, Star, Ponyhead, and you, getting together, sharing a fun friend time amongst FRIENDS."

"Oh that sounds amazing! Anything's better than these stuffy old boring dances. Then again, what isn't better, am I right?" He laughed, but underneath his forced smile, he was restraining himself from opening a gateway back to the underworld and consuming the boy for ruining the moment. After all, it wouldn't make a good impression to send one's brother to death. "Well, gotta get going, Mom get's her undies twisted if she doesn't do a last minute check up on me. Parents, am I right?" She chuckled before cutely skipping away.

"Yeah, they can be a real pain." He growled and let the ground burn the moment he knew Star wasn't watching. "What is your deal, man!? Why'd you have to barge in like that!?"

"My deal is that you're a jerk, and an angry one at that!" Quartz pointed a finger at him accusedly. "You've lit my chair on fire for three years, and you think I'm going to trust you around my sister?"

 "I did it because you keep breaking into musical numbers every ten minutes. Who does that!?"

"Me, because I'm trying to make the night be more than just 'royalty hanging out with royalty because of kingdom stuff'. And Star loves it, everyone loves it…except you."

"Maybe if the spotlight wasn't focused on you, I'd actually enjoy myself." So his plans to get on Star's good side would be on halt if this guy was always forming a bubble around her. This would've been easier if Star found Quartz annoying, but nope, they got along like fire and brimstone. "Look, this whole night's about giving off a good impression in front of everyone, right?"

"I thought it was just shoving kids together while the adults talked all fancy." He, wanted, to murder this kid!

"The…point…is…" He felt his teeth cracking from all the pressure he put on them. "If we get angry with each other in front of everyone, then our parents will get mad with each other, and that can lead to war between our families." A huge exaggeration, but he was dealing with a kid.

"You make a solid argument." Yes, finally, he was seeing the logic. "So we'll just hate each other like girls do, in silence."

"Exact….wait what?" He paused at that. "Is that how that works?"

"Pretty much. Why do you think Ponyhead is always so passive aggressive whenever one of her exes shows up to one of these dances? Or why Princess Spiderbite is always grumbling whenever her parent's have their backs turned?" Hmm … he always thought it was that thing mom said about once a month blood time.

"Alright, I'm good with that. Tonight, when everyone's eyes are on us, we tone back any fighting between us."

"As long as Star doesn't get hurt, I'm good with it." Already on the same page with the future in-law. That was already one step closer he was to making that little starship his. "Truce?" Quartz held out his hand.

"Truce." Tom returned the gesture…and lit it on fire for five seconds, making the brat recoil. "No one saw that, so it counts!"


"So what's the point in Dirhena having her own painting?" Quartz asked his mom as she led him through the Grandma room, his favorite room in the entire Butterfly castle. "From what you've read to us, she never did anything aside from drawing a lot of black balls and 'heaping'. Whatever that means."

"No matter how small their time as queen was, it's important to remember our history, Quartz, otherwise we'll end up repeating the same mistakes of the past."

"What mistakes did you make?" He asked with curiosity. He's never really seen mom mess up before.

"Oh quite a few, sadly. I had a bit of a rebellious streak in my youth as well, though it was never as rambunctious as Star's. There was the time I let little Chauncey out on the battle to deliver a message. It was the last message he delivered." His mom wiped away a stray tear. "He was a brave little pig-goat, loyal to the end." Sounded like a good pig, it would have been nice to meet him.

The next picture … "Why does Rhina the Riddled's picture look so messed up?" It was just a bunch of puzzle pieces put together randomly.

"Each picture was made to reflect each queen's personality to a point. Rhina was more of a scholar than a Queen, which would've probably been fine if she didn't prioritize riddles above everything else." His mom sighed. "She saw everything as a puzzle to solve, though that more often than not made her try to find the 'easy way' to a solution."

"Didn't she kill her husband?" Star said, sneaking up from behind them. "They hated each other, so she blasted him with death magic?"

"No, she casted a spell to break his heart….it literally broke it into pieces." Mom corrected her. "Let this be a magic to always be very specific on how you word your magic, alright?"

"Got it. I'll make it specifically awesome!" Star said with an excited nod. Magic was starting to sound dangerous to him in all honesty. Made him wish his own wasn't so destructive. "Hah, there was actually a boy queen?" Star pointed to the only painting of a boy in the room.

"A bit of an outlier. Jushtin only had the wand until Solaria was born. We are a matriarchy after all." 

"…" Quartz looked at the bald woman laughing with a sword on top of a pile of skulls, and gave his mother a look.

"Like I said, these are here to learn from the past. A queen shouldn't allow her hands to touch so much blood." She didn't call out the killing in general. 

Fortunately, there were paintings of less troubling figures in the room, such as Skywyne, who happened to be Star's favorite. The one with Comet and his mom was always really nice to see, but there was only one picture that really stood out and spoke to him. "Why's the Rose Guard's painting here?"

The picture showed a tall pink figure standing tall with pink armor all over her body except her head, showing off long and flowing pink curly hair. "She was a valuable ally to the Butterfly's for generations, dating all the way back to Skywyne. When Mewni faced complete destruction, it was by the two's combined efforts that our castle stands where it is today."

"Oh, I know this story!" Star shouted excitedly. "Dragons burned down the kingdom to ash, so Skywyne put everyone on a time loop to make the work go faster, which was fast because the Rose Guard's awesome healing powers restored all the corn! Five years of work were done in just one day!"

"She was one of our kingdom's greatest defenders." Mom said with a look of slight fondness. "Though she didn't have any obligation to us, she kept coming back in times of great need whenever she could."

"So whenever we need a lot of help she'll come and save us?" Quartz smiled at the image, feeling a warmth from the eyes of that protector.

"…I believe she'll return in the most unexpected of ways." Mom ruffled his curly hair. "Until that day comes, just focus on maintaining your magic, and you just might be Mewni's best defender yourself."

"That's what I've been saying all this time, bro! Star and Quartz: the best butterfly duo to ever exist!" Star shook him back and forth. "Me, the awesome queen, kicking names and taking butt, and you, the adorable knight that explodes with happiness! Our names will go down in Mewni history!"

"I don't wanna explode, I just wanna protect." He winned. "... But being a knight sounds really cool." His eyes sparkled, looking at all the queens and the Rose Guard. While some of them did it in ways he didn't agree with, all of them did their best to help Mewni, so that's what he would do. "I'm going to be a strong knight that's able to protect everyone!" Maybe even the monsters, they usually seemed so sad.

Ninja_Knight_808 Ninja_Knight_808

No matter what world he is in Steven is still Steven.

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