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22.81% Being The Vampire’s Fledgling / Chapter 34: The Ball for a King

Chapter 34: The Ball for a King

Silas's POV:

I eased myself out of Charles's bed, slipping from both his and Sylar's arms as the sun went down. Sylar lifted his head as he looked towards me. "Silas?" He asked. I blushed and looked towards him.

"Yeah?" I asked, coming back to him then glanced at Charles, seeing he was still asleep. I purred then and stole a kiss from Sylar. He purred and wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. I smirked against his lips and deepened the kiss slightly before I pulled back and glanced Charles over carefully before I returned my attention to Sylar and exposed my fangs. Sylar giggled softly and exposed his neck to me. I purred and leaned in, biting into his neck and then sat us up, pulling him into my arms. My room isn't that far away.... I pulled my fangs out then and looked at him before I leaned in towards his ear. "Want to go to my room?" I whispered teasingly in his ear. Charles groaned then by us and I felt him shifting a little. I tensed up a little and looked towards Charles then looked at Sylar, conflicted. If we do go though... what if he wakes up? It might not be a good idea to leave Charles alone so early in his new life... but then... I haven't had alone time with Sylar in a few days now. I pulled Sylar's body closer and watched Charles, waiting for him to be silent for a few minutes before I leaned into his neck again and licked it. I purred to him and then bit down, starting to give him back his mark. Sylar held back a moan, trying to be quiet so he wouldn't wake up Charles. Charles let out a small groan and rubbed his eyes, starting to sit up now. I widened my eyes and quickly pushed my brother out of my lap. Sylar whined and frowned towards me. Charles looked towards me sleepily then towards Sylar. I watched him, tensing up then decided to distract Charles.

"Charles, are you hungry?" I purred to him.

"Yeah," he nodded towards me and pushed the covers off.

"Do you want bottled blood?" I asked him, giving a smile.

"Why would you ask a question like that? Of course I do." He gave me a slight frown.

"Well... you might've wanted blood from me," I told him and shrugged, grabbing my cellphone to text the maids to bring three bottles of blood. I glanced at Sylar and gave him an apologetic look. Charles looked Sylar over then leaned in towards his neck and pinned him to the bed, biting into his neck where I had bit him. I frowned and then went to pull Charles away from him. Is he doing it out of spite because Sylar has the mark now? "Charles~ You didn't ask," I scolded, trying to pull him off my brother. He whined and held onto Sylar. Sylar held back a giggle, trying to be mad at him for not asking. "Charles!" I scolded and then yanked him off Sylar. Charles growled towards me then and licked his lips.

"But he smells good."

"Then you ask him," I told him firmly. "You need to learn self control," I told him and then sighed. "Bottle blood will be in here shortly." I looked Charles over curiously then. "You only bit him because he smelled good, right? Not because I gave him the mark back?"

"What?" He asked and then frowned. "Why would I bite him for having the mark back?" I shrugged then.

"Dunno... people are weird," I told him then sighed as the maid walked in with the bottles of blood. She handed us each a warm bottle and smiled, leaving quickly. I opened mine and started to sip on it, looking the two of them over. I probably won't have any kind of time with Sylar... at least alone.... Is that such a bad thing though? I mean... if someone found out about us, it wouldn't go over very well.... Maybe having Charles here will calm things down. I frowned a little at the thought, not liking it at the same time. Charles sucked down his bottle of blood quickly. Sylar got to his feet then.

"I'm going to my room to take a shower, see you two." He purred and left us with his bottle. I watched him go and then pouted and sighed. Sylar.... I looked towards Charles and then finished my bottle, setting it down before I got to my feet. He watched me and frowned slightly.

"Are you leaving too?" Charles asked.

"No," I told him and smiled. "I thought perhaps you'd like to explore the castle." I held out a hand to him and purred softly. "Come on cutie." He sat down the empty bottle and took my hand, crawling out of the bed. I pulled him to me and started to lead him to the door, keeping him close as I took him out into the hall and started to show him around, showing him where my room was first. "I'll probably be sleeping here today," I mumbled to him as I tapped my door with my knuckle. "This is my room, so if you need something, knock and ask," I purred. He nodded towards me.

"Okay, I'll knock." He looked around the hall then towards me. I smiled at him then tugged him along, taking my time to show him the rest of the castle.

When I finished, I sat him down in the night room and handed him the remote to the TV, sitting down beside him. "I think that's enough for today. We should relax," I purred to him and smiled. He turned the TV on and put on Mad Max, sitting back to watch it with a small smile growing on his face. I watched him then relaxed on the couch and closed my eyes as I leaned my head back, deciding to get some rest while I could.

I woke up feeling something sharp pierce my skin on my neck. I yelped and squirmed, flashing my eyes open in panic as I groaned and tried to see who was biting me as my crystal pulsed in fear. I found Charles on top of me. I could feel him starting to drink my blood as he held onto me. I widened my eyes and gripped his shirt tightly, groaning. He moaned softly at the taste of my blood. I blushed as I heard him moan and I gasped as my body trembled a little. He licked my skin as he pulled his fangs out to suck on the wound. I moaned then and instinctively threw my head back, exposing my neck more to him. What am I doing? I should be stopping him.... He gripped my shirt and pulled back from my neck, licking his lips clean. I bit my bottom lip and then slowly looked at him. "C-Charles," I whispered. I need to get onto him about it! He bit me while I was napping! I stared at him then as I tried to come up with something to tell him.

"You were sleeping and I got hungry," he said innocently. I bit my bottom lip as I felt my resolve weaken.

"N-next time wake me up," I whispered to him then sighed. "I won't get onto you this time, but I will next time."

"But you looked so peaceful," he mumbled. I blushed then. Peaceful? I looked him over and then sighed.

"You should still wake me up if you're hungry."

"Okay," he nodded. "I won't argue with you." I purred then.

"Good," I told him then rubbed his head. "You could get in a lot of trouble and get me in trouble if you learn a bad habit." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I don't mind you biting me if I'm awake." He smirked and leaned into my neck, biting down into me again. I yelped and then blushed. Charles! I tried to relax and then tilted my head, exposing my neck for him after I calmed down. He started to drink my blood again, giggling as he took his fangs out. I blushed and let him drink from me, rubbing his back comfortingly. He pulled back after a few minutes and licked his lips again then let out a small yawn. I watched him curiously then picked him up into my arms. "Let's get you back to your room," I purred softly to him. "You look tired." He nodded and rested his head against my shoulder.

"I don't understand why I'm so tired," he mumbled.

"It's because you've been recently turned," I told him softly. "You are still adjusting to the new sleeping schedule." I purred to him then and started to carry him to his room.

"I slept for so long though," he mumbled. "I should be wide awake still..." He breath caught and I could tell he drifted asleep in my arms. He's going to be wonderful to watch grow into a strong vampire over the next five years. He has yet to discover what this life is going to bring to him. So many wonders I'll be teaching him...

~Time Skip, a few weeks later~

"It took us long enough but we finally got everything set," Lyle told me. He handed me a glass of blood then and bowed slightly. "I hope the ball is to your liking, brother." Charles adjusted his bow tie and looked agitated to be in the suit I persuaded him to wear tonight. Milo was standing with Lyle and us. Of course Sylar still hadn't showed up to the ball, he was still stuck on not attending. He really didn't find them enjoyable. Instead he said something about making Colsin play a game with him.

"Are you sure Sylar isn't coming?" Charles asked in disappointment. "Who's going to be with me when you have to make your speech?"

"Don't worry Charles, you can stand with Milo while I hand over the crown to my brother publically." Lyle gave him an encouraging look then rubbed Milo's arm.

"Gentlemen," I heard Aurelio purr as he walked up in a black suit with a floral tie. "How's Sylar's teeth? Did they stop hurting yet?" Aurelio's eyes drifted to Charles then. "Silas, you got a new fledgling. Hello, I'm Aurelio." Aurelio snatched up Charles's hand and gave it a kiss.

"C-Ch-Charles," Charles said shyly as his eyes watched Aurelio than snatched his hand away and came closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist as he hid his face into my body. "Who's that guy?" He asked me. "He's got a strange scent!"

"It's okay Charles, he's a wizard friend of mine." Lyle laughed softly.

"Yes, I have another letter for you too." Aurelio looked Lyle over. "Do you want it?"

"Later," Lyle whispered to him. I watched them and then purred softly to Charles, rubbing the top of his head as I played with his hair to sooth him and wrapped him up in my arms. He's been doing so well~ I smiled and then kissed the top of his head gently and smelled his hair a little, happy he was my fledgling... the one I'd be able to keep. I wouldn't lose this one. I'd raise him right so I don't lose him. He looked up at me then and blushed before pulling away from me and stole Milo from Lyle.

"Milo, you don't mind if I make you dance with me, do you?" Charles asked playfully and dragged him towards the dance floor. Milo blushed and followed after him.

"No," he told Charles then smiled happily as he went to go dance with him. I glanced around the room towards the guests beginning to talk with one another and greet each other. I smiled and looked towards Lyle.

"It's great," I purred softly and walked up, grabbing his hand. "I couldn't have done it any better. I really think you should stay king, but I guess I'll just have to live up to your accomplishments." I smiled at him and gave him a playful look.

"Silas," Lyle purred. "Don't do that whole I should stay king." He pulled me towards the dance floor then, ditching Aurelio. I laughed and purred to him.

"Alright," I told him and then wrapped my arms around his neck when we stopped, deciding to let him lead. I smiled and looked up at him. My sweet brother.... I can't believe I fought him for so long over something so stupid. He wasn't to blame. It shouldn't have taken my death for me to realize that I was wrong. He pulled me close as he started to lead me.

"I'm very proud of who you turned out to be," Lyle told me. I blushed then.

"You're proud?" I asked softly.

"Of course I am. I think our father would be too." Our father huh? I grinned and kissed his cheek.

"I hope he's happy with me," I purred. "I'd hate to disappoint him. I'd hate to disappoint you too. You're the best big brother I could've asked for."

"Well I tried over the years, didn't I?" I nodded.

"Uh huh," I hummed. "I'll have to try to be a good king and a better brother for everyone too," I whispered softly and then glanced around at the guests. I caught Milo leading Charles in a dance, laughing like they were making jokes. I smirked and then looked back at him. "Our fledglings seem to be getting along well. I think Milo is a good influence on Charles. My fledgling is so young that he really does need someone like Milo who knows what he's going through."

"Yeah, he was turned at a young age too," Lyle told me. "I still can't believe he took a bullet for you."

"It looked more like he did it on instinct," I whispered thoughtfully. "I think he got scared that I was going to get shot and be pissed that he jumped in front of it without thinking it through."

"Well obviously he did since he didn't have much reaction time to think it through while the gun went off." I nodded.

"He definitely deserves to have a long happy eternity," I whispered, watching my fledgling with his. "He'll be able to find it too."

"His eyes are so pretty," Lyle purred. "He's a great fledgling for you. I couldn't have picked anyone else." I laughed.

"I'm really pleased with him too," I told him and smiled. "I'll have to do my best to be a good maker for him. I'm not going to lose him. I refuse."

"You better not lose this one. It'd be sad to hear." I took a deep breath.

"I won't," I whispered, eyeing my fledgling down. "I can't lose him. I don't think I would be okay if I did.... He's... so amazing. Even Stormy was nothing like him."

"Well you was teaching Stormy bad things," Lyle told me. "Which was not a good thing at all for a fledgling. That's why vampires get their fangs taken from them." I nodded and then looked back towards Lyle.

"He won't be like her," I promised him.

"Good, you're king. Keep a good reputation."  I smiled and then nodded.

"I will...."

Charles's POV:

Milo glanced towards Lyle and Silas then looked at me and purred. "So how are you doing?" He asked, getting serious. "Are you finding the transition rough at all?" He looked a little worried as he turned us a little. I blushed slightly.

"No, I don't find it rough. I mean, disguising myself as a vampire over the last two years- I guess I don't really feel any different.... well except for the hunger, tiredness, and then all the new scents I've been picking up. Some of it is confusion to me." I looked around us then. "I'm okay though Milo." He nodded and smiled.

"That's good.... It helped me to go out into the garden with Lyle and just relax and explore the scents out there. It might help," he suggested. "It also is kinda fun to go out there~ but stay away from the maze. The werewolves live there."

"Will you take me out there tomorrow night?" I asked him. He looked thoughtful then nodded.

"Yeah, but Lyle will probably come with us," he told me. "He doesn't like me out of his sight. We could get Silas to come too~" He gave me a sweet smile then. "They could trade maker tips while we have fun looking at the flowers."

"Okay, good idea." I nodded and looked towards Silas. I'll have to tell him about our plans. Milo smiled then.

"It'll be fun," he promised me and then stopped as the song ended. "Let's go get ourselves some blood. Those two still look busy," he whispered as he glanced towards Lyle and Silas whispering to each other and then started to tug me towards the tables. I followed Milo over to where there was glasses of blood waiting then grabbed a glass for myself. He purred happily as he started to sip on one and looked around the room, studying it. I suddenly felt like I was being watched, getting uncomfortable as I drank. I stopped drinking the blood and looked towards Silas. He was probably the one watching me like a good maker, right? Silas had his eyes off me at the minute, addressing a girl that came up to him and interrupted his conversation with him. He smiled then and nodded, looking towards me then frowned as he saw me watching him. He gave me a worried look like he noticed I wasn't okay. I gave him a small smile before adverting my eyes from him and took a sip of my blood. I glanced around the room then. Maybe it was Everest or Esther? Everest was hanging on his mate Neal, purring to him happily as he talked to him with a happy, excited look in his eyes. I caught Esther dancing with a guy, a few other guys watching her like they were going to ask for the next one as soon as she was let go. I looked towards Milo and bit my bottom lip. I'm just being paranoid. I took a sip of my blood quickly. Milo looked towards me then but paused and frowned, reaching out to pull me to him, but I was suddenly grabbed from behind, a purr rising up near my ear as a body held me close. I widened my eyes as panic rose up in my chest. I squirmed and dropped the glass of blood quickly. Milo widened his eyes and grabbed my hand. "Let him go," he said with a snarl, exposing his fangs at the person holding me from behind. I saw a few people pausing out of the corner of my eyes, looking towards us and I could smell Silas nearing as his shoes clicked on the floor rather quickly.

"No, it's fine," the voice purred softly, masculine. I felt my cheek get kissed then as a sweet scent washed over me... luring me towards the person holding me. I held back a moan as I calmed down a little. Who's got me in his arms? I tried to turn my head then. Why does he smell so good? He let me turn to him and purred as he wrapped his arms around my waist, watching me with a loving look in his eyes.

"Get the hell off my fledgling," I heard Silas snarl nearby towards the shoulder length blond haired male with dark blue eyes that smelled so sweet. I gasped softly and pressed my hands against his chest.

"Silas," I whined out and tried to get out of the guy's arms. The guy frowned at me then glared towards Silas.

"No," the guy said simply and then pulled me closer. "You're not going to take him from me. He's my mate," he hissed softly then kissed my cheek. Mate? I closed my eyes tightly as I breathed in his sweet scent. I've got a male for a mate? I glanced towards Silas then.

"Silas," I said quickly. He's not going to keep me from my maker, is he? Silas was standing a few feet away, shocked looking, but as soon as he heard me say his name, he grew pissed looking towards my mate.

"Let. Him. Go," he snarled and exposed his fangs. "He doesn't want to be held by you. Even if what you say is true about him being your mate, he is still my fledgling and I will be taking care of him." He started for us then, a dangerous look on his face. My mate tightened his grip on me and then purred softly.

"It'll be okay, mon amour," he whispered to me. I suddenly saw Silas grow confused looking as he glanced around the room like he was searching for us, smelling the air as he looked worried.

"Charles?" He called out and I could hear the panic clear in his voice and smell the fear on him. He couldn't smell or see us anymore.... No one could. They were all looking around and I could see Milo trembling a little as he looked around wide eyed. I widened my eyes and tried to get away from the stranger.

"Silas!" I whined out. "I'm still here!" He didn't seem to hear me and I could see the devastation on his face.

"Lyle," he said quickly, looking towards his brother with a heartbroken look. "Brother please, you have to help me find him. You know I can't lose him," he said, a tear slipping from him as he ran up to Lyle and grabbed his hand. "Please," he begged. "I don't know what to do." The stranger held me to him and started to pull me towards the doors calmly. I struggled in his arms, trying to reach out for my maker.

"Why can't he hear me?" I asked in panic. Lyle's face grew with worry as he rushed towards Aurelio's side.

"Aurelio, can you find Charles?" He asked him.

"I don't sense them anywhere," Aurelio told him. "I doubt a tracker spell would help but I can still try."

"You can try for sure," the stranger purred and then chuckled lightly. "You won't be able to find us though, wizard~" He looked towards me and then gave me a sweet smile. "I'm not going to hurt you, so you don't have to look so frightened."

"Don't take me from Silas," I begged. He stopped then and frowned.

"Why?" He asked me and bit his bottom lip. "We're mates.... You should be with me."

"No, I can't. Silas said I have to stay by his side until I'm five. You can't take me from him. He's holding onto my charm bracelet for me too." I exposed my fangs towards him. "I won't let you take me from my maker!" He frowned at me and looked me in the eyes before he rubbed my cheek.

"But mon amour, we're mates," he mumbled, a sweet sad look in his eyes. "We're destined for each other.... You can't seriously ask to leave me. We were born to be together~"

"You're stealing me from my maker though," I whined. "How could you do that to me? You're trying to make me choose when I can't. You can't take me from him." He frowned and watched me then sighed.

"If I let you go back to your maker... you have to promise you will wait for me," he whispered, giving me a loving look. "I would hate to hear that my mate had chosen another lover."

"Of course I'll wait," I promised quickly. He's not going to steal me! He purred to me and then kissed my cheek.

"Alright," he said softly and I heard a small gasp from the audience.

"Found them! They're over here!" I heard Esther shouting. Silas was over in seconds, yanking me away from my mate. He snarled at him and glared him down, about to go after him. I held onto Silas so he wouldn't be able to go after him.

"Silas, please don't hurt my mate. He returned me." I buried my face into his arm to prevent him from wanting to pull away. I could hear Lyle run up then to back up Silas. He tensed up then looked towards me. I could feel his anger practically radiating off him, but he stayed.

"Don't you ever," he hissed, looking back towards my mate. "I mean, ever! Take my fledgling away from me again!" He snarled then pulled me into his arms. "I don't care if you are his mate or not. If you want to be in his life, you can talk and spend time with him, but you are not going to take him," he growled, sounding ferocious like a cat about to pounce.

Y-yes sir," I heard my mate whisper. I buried my face into Silas's chest and purred as he protected me. I  wrapped my arms around his neck and looked back towards the strange man. He watched us then looked at me before he started to walk off, putting his hands in his pocket. Silas watched him go, clenching his jaw but let him. I widened my eyes slightly as he walked away. Why's he doing that? I thought he was my mate? He's going to leave now? He walked towards the table with blood on it then picked up a glass, sipping on it calmly as a few vampires watched him. Most had returned to dancing and talking after he had backed down from Silas, but there were the few. I gripped Silas's shirt and clung to him. There's no way I'm letting Silas go tonight. I almost got kidnapped.... by a stranger that smells delightful. Silas purred to me softly then after watching him walk away, running his fingers through my hair.

"Are you okay?" He asked me worriedly, tilting my head up to have me look at him.

"Yeah," I told him softly. "How serious are mates?" He winced and then sighed.

"They're... extremely important if you can find yours," he mumbled. "To werewolves, they search all their lives, most never giving their love to another till they find their destined mate. They practically worship the moon goddess and their mates.... Vampires don't normally find theirs, so they tend to fall in love with others, but if we do find ours, it's a big sign. Fate wanted you to be with that person for a reason.... They're the other half of your soul," he purred to me. "To say someone is your true mate is the best thing you can ever say to most... but there are the few who reject their mates and sometimes kill them. They don't cherish what fate has given them... but for those who do love their mates, they're in for a happy life and lots of love with their mate. It's on a whole other level of love to have a mate from what I've heard. Everest met his mate about a few months ago... but he's already clinging onto him like he's the world." I nodded as I watched the stranger than let Silas go slowly. I started for him then and rubbed my wrist nervously. The man glanced over towards a male that started walking towards him and grabbed his wrist, leaning in and whispering something in his ear. My mate whimpered then and tugged on his wrist, trying to get it back. I paused as I watched and looked my mate over. The guy pulled back a little then smiled at my mate, giving him a sweet look before he rubbed his cheek.

"Now don't go upsetting the future king again Pierre," the male purred to my mate. My mate blushed then nodded.

"Yes master," he whispered. The male looked pleased at him then and kissed his cheek.

"Good boy." I frowned and snatched my mate's wrist quickly.

"I think you owe me a dance," I told him. The male frowned at us then looked towards my mate.

"Don't be too long. I'd like to introduce you to someone later," he told him, giving a firm look before he started to walk off. My mate blushed and then looked at his feet, shuffling them a little. I frowned as I watched the guy walk away. I don't like him... The lights in the room blinked suddenly and a bolt of lightening struck through them. My mate widened his eyes in slight fear, looking towards it with a yelp as he jumped.

"W-what was that?" He asked, trembling a little. I looked around in shock and bit my bottom lip, thinking about going back to Silas. Silas was already coming for me, walking up and wrapping me up in his arms. I purred and leaned against his chest, feeling safer already. He purred to me comfortingly and kissed my cheek then glanced Pierre over, watching him trembling before he reached out and pulled Pierre to him.

"You're a fledgling, aren't you? I can smell it on you, but you're not that young either...." Silas whispered to Pierre as he wrapped him up in his arms with me. Pierre blushed then and nodded.

"I've been a vampire for three years," he whispered. I looked the older fledgling over. Pierre.... my mate....

"Silas, his maker sounded harsh on him..." I whispered. Silas frowned and then smelled Pierre closer before he tensed up.

"No wonder, his maker is one of the French lords," he told me. "He must've been angry with him."

"You should clear things up then so Pierre doesn't stay in trouble..." I looked towards my mate. "I don't want you to be in too much trouble over me." Pierre bit his bottom lip nervously as he looked towards me and then up at Silas.

"I-it's okay," he said quickly. "I'd rather not.... He's busy a lot and stressed out."

"Silas, I want to spend more time with Pierre." I whined then. "Set it up for us." Silas sighed then and looked at Pierre then in the direction of where Pierre's maker had walked off. He let us go and started to go after him. Pierre yelped and scrambled after Silas, looking freaked out. I followed and giggled. My maker is going to set some ground rules of visitation rights. He walked up to his maker and slipped in front of his view, interrupting the girl he was talking to and smirked, grabbing his hand and shaking it.

"Hello," he purred. "I think you may remember your fledgling running off with mine for a bit." Pierre's maker paused and looked Silas over then frowned.

"Yeah, I got onto him for it," he assured Silas.

"No, that's not what this is about. I was thinking that perhaps you could have Pierre visit more often here to spend time with my fledgling since how they're mates," he started. I could see Pierre's maker's expression hardening and he glanced at Pierre then at Silas. I felt Pierre shrinking back and trembling a little. I widened my eyes and looked towards Pierre. He's afraid of his maker? I looked towards his maker quickly.

"Please," I whispered softly. "He's my mate." He looked at me and then at Pierre. Silas glanced at Pierre then frowned but returned his attention back to his maker.

"It won't hurt anything to have him here for the next month," Silas said quickly, stepping in front of us. It got quiet for a few minutes and Pierre looked terrified, squeezing his eyes shut as he listened to the silence.

"Alright... I'll send his stuff over for a month," I heard his maker say reluctantly.

"Good~ I'll send you a letter once a week to report on how he is," Silas said then started to pull us away from him, leading us back. He glanced at Pierre closely as he watched him trembling still then glanced back at his maker who was watching us, waiting till he looked away before he started to pull us towards the doors quickly. I followed Silas quickly, rubbing his hand. Silas must've picked up on Pierre's feelings too. Pierre widened his eyes as he saw where he was pulling him and started to struggle a little but Silas refused to let go, taking us out of the room quietly and started to pull him down towards a nearby room.

"W-what are you doing?" Pierre asked quickly, sounding nervous. I gave Pierre a calming look.

"It's okay," I told him quickly. He whimpered then, looking at me and then at Silas but stopped struggling. Silas purred towards him comfortingly then took him towards the room and led us inside. He locked the door behind him as he let us go then frowned a little, looking at Pierre.

"Are you okay?" He asked him softly, giving him a concerned look. Pierre nodded quickly, eyes wide. Silas frowned then and walked up, starting to unbutton Pierre's dress shirt and loosened his tie. Pierre yelped and started to struggle, looking afraid.

"Please," he begged, starting to cry. I frowned and looked Pierre over. What's the matter with him?

"It's okay," I told him quickly. He quickly shook his head, gripping Silas's hand as Silas managed to get his shirt off. Silas's eyes widened and he quickly looked Pierre over, grabbing him and turning him around. I could see marks all over Pierre's body, a few scars that were trying to heal and disappear but were finding it hard and some newer, fresher welts on his body like he had recently been beaten. I frowned and stepped away from the sight quickly. I felt my heart pound in my chest at the sight of his body. Who would do something so cruel? Silas growled a little and then gently placed the shirt back on Pierre's trembling shoulders as he cried softly. Pierre quickly started to button up his shirt, a small whimper escaping his lips.

"Please don't tell," he begged, his voice coming out barely a whisper. Silas watched him for a few minutes before he looked at me.

"Watch him," he told me and then walked out, shutting the door behind him. I could hear him making a phone call just outside. I widened my eyes and looked towards Pierre than at the door. Pierre's maker is in trouble... "Lyle," I heard him whisper outside. "I found an abused fledgling," he muttered. "After the ball is over, we should arrest his maker." Pierre looked towards the door with wide eyes as he heard it too and then gripped his shirt a little tighter, looking devastated. I walked over to Pierre and wrapped him into my arms quickly. I could hear Lyle agreeing with Silas. "We're going to keep the fledgling too. He belongs to Charles... and it's clear that his maker isn't fit to be raising him. What do you want me to do with the fledgling till we arrest his maker? Do you want me to keep him out of the ball or return him to it? His maker might come for him if we put him back in the room."

"Yes, but it'll look suspicious if he's not in the room." I could hear Lyle next to Silas then.

"I know... but honestly," Silas whispered then opened the door, leading Lyle inside. Pierre widened his eyes as he recognized Lyle then shrunk into my arms quickly. "I mean... there are scars on his body. If it was his maker, he did it not just in anger. It takes a lot of skill to scar our kind. He had to have used something on him... and they're not healing and disappearing like they should. He's even got wounds on him from recently."

"He does?" Lyle asked. "This kind of abuse means he's been using a weapon made by hunters. We need to arrest him now, not after the ball. He could be a danger to us all and we not know it. Everest has been wanting a fledgling, let's ask him if he wants to take on the last few years of training this young vampire." Silas nodded then.

"Everest would do a good job of helping him adjust," he whispered then looked Pierre over. "I think I scared him trying to see what was going on. He was terrified of his maker and it made me wonder." Pierre hid his face into my chest then, shaking a little.

"Well let's go get him. You two stay here and behave." Lyle pointed his finger at us. "We'll be back after the arrest with Everest."

"Please don't arrest him," Pierre begged, looking towards Lyle as he tried not to cry. "Please...." Silas frowned a little towards Pierre and gently took Lyle's hand.

"It's okay," Lyle told him. "You're safe with us and we'll be able to protect you." Lyle pulled Silas back out of the room then. I rubbed Pierre's head to comfort him. He whimpered a little and then hid his face back into my chest, trembling as he held onto me tightly.

"What's the matter?" I asked softly.

"He's going to hate me," he whispered, his voice shaking. "He'll be mad at me again.... I don't want him to be mad at me."

"Why're you so focused on him? He made these on you-" I ran my fingers across his chest. "You should be happy. We're saving you from him." He shivered as I touched a scar and he hid his face into my neck then.

"H-he didn't mean it," he whimpered. "He loves me.... I'm his fledgling...."

"He was so cruel though," I whispered. "That's not right of him.... Silas loves me and doesn't abuse me..." He whimpered and then curled up into me a little more before I felt him bite me. I gasped and tensed up. He didn't ask me... Silas says we're supposed to ask... Does he know that? He moaned a little and started to drink from me, pulling his fangs out quickly. I exposed my neck, deciding to let him drink from me. There's no telling when he last had blood. He began to relax as he drank from me and I could feel him calming down. He purred after a few minutes then wrapped his arms around me, licking my neck hungrily. I gripped his shirt and gave a soft moan. He drank from me like he was starving for a few minutes then pulled away, licking his lips with a happy look on his face. I rubbed my neck and gave him a sweet smile.

"Was you hungry?" I asked curiously. He nodded and then smiled.

"Uh huh," he hummed out then purred to me, kissing my cheek. "I was hungry...." I blushed. Seems like I was right, his maker was starving him.

"Pierre you know we're not supposed to bite others without consent right? I mean... I probably would have told you it was fine but you're still supposed to ask me. Silas told me, and he's a king. Not only that but he's my maker."

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