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21.47% Being The Vampire’s Fledgling / Chapter 32: A New Fledgling

Chapter 32: A New Fledgling

Silas's POV:

I watched as Sylar walked up to the table and then purred softly in amusement. There goes my brother, already drinking at bars. I laughed and then looked expectantly towards Charles. He's doing a really good job. I'm proud of him.... Maybe I should give him a small raise for impressing me. I walked up and then linked arms with Charles. "So~ it looks really great up here. How is the vampire part?" I asked curiously. He smirked and dragged me behind the bar into a back room where an elevator and lounge was. He walked me up to the elevator and took me downstairs where the vampire bar was slightly darker gothic looking for a pleasant appearance.

"I had fun," Charles explained. I laughed.

"I see that.... I really like it," I purred and then glanced the room over. "I think I might even give you a raise on your pay."

"Well thank you~! It'll be opening up as soon as we get the blood sorted and a parking lot put out near the bridge." He spun me around to take me back up in the elevator. Well that was quick.

"Alright.... Tell me when you get the parking lot put in and I'll send you shipments of blood for it. I'll even send you the alcohol for upstairs," I told him and then walked into the elevator. "I was thinking about maybe paying some human volunteers to give vampires downstairs some blood if they don't like it in bottles. They'll have to pay a little more for it though. What do you think?"

"I think if we do that then we'd have to set up a special room for it. I don't want downstairs smelling like a blood bath." He had the elevator take us up then. "There is an attic upstairs I was planning to turn into a storage room for the blood. We could turn it into a room for the human donors to sit around in." I thought it over and then nodded.

"Yeah... we'll have to put some rules in though for the vampires and have someone enforce them incase they try to take too much from the human," I mumbled and then played with a strand of my hair. "I'll donate some money personally to get you a good refrigerator room put in downstairs in the basement off to the side so you don't have to worry about transporting blood too far and whatnot."

"I've already paid a few bartenders and bouncers to stand around this place. What more do you want?" He teased me lightly. "I might as well call this the fun house." I laughed and looked at him.

"You could if you really wanted," I teased back. "What you name it is up to you."

"Like I said, I'm still searching for a name." He stepped off the elevator when we reached the lounge. He pointed to a side door. "That'll take you to a hall for storage and the set of stairs going up to the attic but I'll get the elevator to go up there if we turn it into a place for the donors." I nodded.

"That sounds good to me...." I frowned a little then, wondering if he already had turned the storage rooms into refrigerators or not. "Do you have a refrigerated room already?" I asked curiously. I might be able to send him some blood sooner.

"Yes, on the storage hall though. There's one ready to go." I nodded. He should still have one downstairs... for quicker access.

"Alright, we'll get you a second downstairs... and I'll get you a shipment of blood in a week," I purred. "The purebloods seem to like the idea of this and are supporting it better than I thought they would. We're doing quite well that it won't take more than a month to get this all up and running. You'll be having business before you know it." I smirked at him. "I'm really proud of you Charles. This is better than I expected. You didn't cut corners with designing this place. I picked the right person for the job," I purred to him and then put an arm around his shoulders. "You're definitely a business person though~" I teased him.

"Yeah, thanks." He blushed. "I just want to do something for your species. Plus the pay is good." He pulled away from me and started for the bar. "I owe you a glass of vodka, remember?" I nodded and followed him, purring.

"Better be some good vodka," I teased him and smirked. He's going to be a great help to me. I might even give him the entire privileges to run this place on his own after a few years as long as he promises to keep the pricing reasonable and obey the rules set in place. Sylar had moved to a booth with a glass of tea. Ricky was just getting back behind the bar, picking up the gun to continue cleaning it when it went off, pointed directly at me. Charles jumped in front of me instinctively. I suddenly caught the smell of his human blood. Ricky's eyes widened as he looked at the gun and put safety on quickly. I widened my eyes as Charles took the bullet and caught him quickly. "Charles!" I looked at him worriedly then slowly lowered him to the floor. Why the hell did he take the bullet?! He's human! I looked him over worriedly, glancing at his chest where he had been shot. Oh my lord... I quickly put my hand over it and then looked at him. "Charles, hang on," I told him. "We'll get you some help," I told him, trying to be comforting. Will he be able to make it if I get someone to call 911 for him? I bit my bottom lip and then held him close. I don't know if they could make it in time.... I might have to give him my blood to try to save him, but would he accept it? He reached out for his chest and started to cough up blood. Sylar got to his feet quickly, his eyes widening. Ricky ran up to us after sitting the gun down.

"Charles! I'm so sorry!" Ricky told him in panic. I growled at Ricky then, feeling my fangs expose in anger. Why the hell wasn't the safety on?! I glared him down then returned my attention to Charles, biting into my wrist instead of choosing to get him more humans to help him. They probably wouldn't be able to save him.... I held my wrist against his lips, sitting him up a little with his head in my lap.

"Drink Charles," I whispered, moving his hair out of his face. "Please...." I can't believe he still jumped in the way.... Why would he do that? I bit my bottom lip as I looked down at him and tried to comfortingly rub his cheek, coaxing him to my wrist. He coughed up some more blood, tears starting to run down his face.

"I'll get something to get the bullet out," Ricky said as he rushed for the bar again. Sylar walked up to us then. I glanced at Sylar then looked at Charles, frowning as he didn't try to drink my blood. Shit... I exposed my fangs. I'm going to have to turn him. He can't physically drink my blood. I leaned in and bit into his neck quickly, trying to make the pain not that great as I took care not to do it roughly. He let out a gasp, coughing up more blood into my shoulder. I heard Ricky rush over with towels and a few silverware. I glanced at Ricky out of the corner of my eyes and pulled Charles closer to me instead of letting him near him then closed my eyes and focused on draining Charles so I could turn him into my fledgling. I didn't think I'd be getting a fledgling again so soon.... Charles's heart raced in his chest before slowing drastically. I could hear Charles stop coughing, the blood still draining out of his mouth. I pulled away when he was on his last little bit then looked down at him before I pulled my wrist to my mouth and reopened it, seeing it had healed. I pressed my wrist against his lips, forcing him to drink from me.

"Drink Charles," I purred softly to him, watching him closely. He held his eyes open a little, looking tired. After a few minutes I heard him moan softly and lick my wrist. His fingers twitched. I purred comfortingly to him and pulled him close. "That's it... There you go," I purred to him and let him have my wrist. "Drink what you need. You're going to be alright." He coughed slightly as he started to drink from me. I purred and watched him then glanced towards Sylar to check on him and see if he was alright... or you know, terrified. He was watching me carefully, concern in his eyes.

"Silas, we should get the bullet out of him..." Sylar told me. I nodded and then looked towards Ricky, still pissed at him but let him near my future fledgling. Ricky rushed as he was allowed now and tore at Charles's shirt to get at his wound. I could see the bullet was close to Charles' heart. He placed the towel down by us as he started to dig out the bullet carefully. Charles let out a small groan of pain and tensed in my lap. I frowned and looked towards the bullet, watching as Ricky was digging it out then looked towards Charles as I let him keep my wrist. I'm going to need a bottle of blood after this.... Ricky managed to get the bullet out and placed it on the towel then looked towards Charles.

"I'm so sorry boss, I didn't know the gun wasn't on safety. Why'd you jump in front of a vampire you idiot!" I watched Ricky then frowned.

"Next time, check," I hissed at him then looked at Charles, rubbing his cheek comfortingly with my free hand.

"I- I will, I swear." Ricky watched us and started to shake a little. Charles's chest wound started to heal up now and he let out a small moan. I purred towards him as I saw his body taking to my blood well and then pulled him closer. He'll make a good fledgling.... I pulled my wrist back after a few more minutes then rubbed his cheek again before I looked at Ricky.

"Can you get me a drink?" I asked him calmly, taking a deep breath then sighed. I'll need to get blood when I get home.... This will leave me weaker than normal.

"What would you like?" Ricky asked and started for the bar quickly. Charles licked his lips and rubbed at his chest.

"Some vodka," I told him then picked Charles up into my arms and began to carry him to a booth to lay him down. Ricky started to fix me a glass then. Charles let out a groan as I picked him up. I laid him down and rubbed his cheek again comfortingly before I pulled away. "You'll be fine," I whispered. He's going to be in a lot of pain for the next few hours when he starts turning officially. I sat down at the bar as I waited on my drink, rubbing my wrist. Ricky handed it over to me then went over to the floor and started to clean it up. Sylar sat down next to me with his drink and gave me a concerned look again.

"Should I go see if there is someone that could give you some blood?" He asked. I looked at him then purred.

"No, it's fine," I told him confidently. "I'll drink something when we get home. We'll have to take Charles back with us and get him a room set up to stay in the castle. He's going to need to be near me." I kissed his cheek then took a sip of my vodka.

"Yeah I know.... I'll text the servants now to set him up a room near yours." He pulled out his phone then to get it done. "I'll also have some blood waiting on us when we get back." I nodded.

"Thanks Sylar," I purred to him. I hope he's not worried.... I glanced him over before I looked at my drink. He might get jealous. I heard Charles let out a small yelp then. Sylar jumped in his seat and looked towards him. I glanced over my shoulder towards Charles. "It's just the transformation setting in," I whispered towards Sylar. "He'll be crying and possibly screaming for awhile."

"For a while?" Sylar asked and tensed up. "That's what Stormy and Milo went through?" I nodded.

"Yes, it takes hours," I mumbled. "That's why Lyle said you should only turn with consent. It's an awful thing to do to someone who doesn't want it. Then they're forced to live for eternity with the one who inflicted so much pain on them. Then again... eternity compared to a few hours of pain is probably worth it. He's going to be feeling like he's on fire and he's going to be in a lot of pain, and there is really nothing I can do about it except comfort him through it. He'll be throwing up too more than likely. His entire human system will be shutting down and be forced into the vampire state of immortality. He's being remade into one of us in his very cells." Sylar nodded as he listened to me.

"We should get him out of that hot fur coat then," Sylar suggested. I nodded.

"Good idea...." I purred then got to my feet, walking over to Charles. I gently started to pull his coat off him to help him then tried to get him as comfortable as possible, turning his coat into a pillow and slipping it under his head. "There we go...." I watched him for a few seconds then started back for Sylar. I'll worry about Charles when it starts to get worse. Sylar was standing behind the bar then, making an ice pack and held it out to me. I looked at it then took it, setting my drink down and carried it over towards Charles, putting it on his chest near his neck to help keep him cool then walked back to Sylar again. He sat down next to me and watched Ricky cleaning up the blood on the floor. I watched Ricky and then sipped on my drink. "No more guns Ricky," I told him firmly. "You're not allowed to touch another one in this place."

"We better take this gun with us," Sylar decided. I nodded.

"Yeah, we'll confiscate it. You can only have tasers," I decided. I reached for the gun then unloaded it, setting it on the counter beside me. Ricky looked towards us then nodded in agreement. Charles started to squirm then, I could hear him letting out a few groans. I glanced back at him then downed the rest of my drink quickly. Looks like it's getting worse. I started to go over to him, walking over carefully as I looked at him worriedly. He held his throat and looked up at the ceiling in a daze. I walked up and then sat down on the table, sitting criss cross apple sauce as I looked at him, watching over him. He let out a scream then as his transformation kicked in, his skin tone turning pale. I bit my bottom lip then got down from the table with concern. I gently picked his head up and moved his coat, slipping under him as I let his head rest in my lap. I purred comfortingly to him and ran my fingers through his hair to try to sooth him. He looked up into my eyes then and reached up, grabbing my shirt.

"Silas?" He asked. I purred and nodded.

"I'm here," I told him softly and rubbed his head gently. He patted my chest then and let his hand slip back down to his neck. He closed his eyes and looked like he was in pain. I watched him and then pulled him closer. "It'll be over soon," I promised him. In a few hours.... He nodded as he believed my promise. His body tensed up and he let out another scream. I winced and felt my stone pulse a little. Would it have been better to let him die? No... this is for the best. I felt a little guilty as I watched him then held him in my arms. "Shhhhh, you'll be okay," I promised softly and then buried my face into his shoulder. Why the hell did you jump in the way?! He started to pant then, his skin dropping to a cold temperature. I removed the ice pack off him, setting it aside and then looked at him worriedly before I looked towards Sylar and pulled out my keys. "Sylar, can you go get the car and drive it over," I asked him softly, holding out the keys to him. Sylar nodded as he rushed over and got the keys from me then left the building. Charles rolled over on me then and puked into the floor, gripping my body so he wouldn't fall into it. I held him tightly, biting my lower lip as I watched him and moved my feet out of the way so they wouldn't get any puke on them then wrinkled my nose as the scent hit me. Gross.... I gagged and then picked him up when he was finished and started to carry him away from the area so I wouldn't have to sit there. He held onto me, his body trembling in my arms. "Shhhh," I whispered in his ear comfortingly and held him against me. "You're going to be alright. I'm taking you home with me. Sylar is bringing the car around."

"Are you sure it'll be okay to move him so much?" Ricky asked me with concern.

"He needs to be in a safer place," I told him and looked at him. "It'll be better for him when he's back at home in a bed."

"Please take care of him," Ricky begged. "Let him know I really didn't mean it." I nodded to him.

"I will when he can comprehend what's happening around him," I promised him. "He probably can't think straight right now.... Do you know if he lived with someone or alone?"

"He has a tree house nearby he stays at. He's been living in it for a few years. That's about all I know." He rubbed the back of his head then. "I'm positive he stayed there alone." I nodded.

"Thank you..." So I don't need to notify his household about this. There isn't one. I looked him over and then walked outside as I heard the car pull up and quickly put Charles in the back. I shut the door then got in the passenger's seat, buckling up then looked towards Sylar. "Alright, let's get home before he starts getting bad," I told him. Sylar nodded and started to drive us home, going a little over the speed limit to get us there. When we got there, I was quickly out of the car and pulling Charles out of the backseat, carrying him bridal style then looked at Sylar. "Come on," I purred to him then started walking towards the door quickly. Sylar followed after me quickly. A few servants rushed our way, holding out our blood.

"We set up a room as ordered," one of the maids told us. Charles gripped my shirt then. I nodded and then looked towards one of the butlers, about to hand Charles to him so he could take him to his room while I drank blood. Charles grip on me tightened as he felt me about to hand him off. I frowned a little and looked at him.

"Alright," I whispered softly to him. "I'll carry you..." I held him closer, not wanting to make him cry out if I was to hand him to the butler. Sylar took the blood from the servants and gave them a thankful look.

"Right this way," the butler told us and lead us upstairs to the prepared room. I followed them and then took him inside his room and set him on the bed then looked towards Sylar for my blood, feeling half starved. He gave me the bottle quickly, sitting one down for Charles and then started to drink his. Charles curled up in the bed and let out a small cry of pain. I looked at Charles as I opened my bottle of blood and started to drink it quickly, glad I was finally getting fed. I purred after my hunger was satisfied and walked over, closing the door then went to Sylar, pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you my sweet brother," I purred to him and kissed his cheek then looked towards Charles. "I can't believe he jumped in front of the bullet...."

"No kidding," Sylar mumbled. He looked at Charles. "That was extremely brave of him... I'm not even sure if I can say brave."

"Why not?" I purred and then looked at Charles. "It was brave of him.... He'll make a great fledgling."

"A very great fledgling," Sylar agreed and purred.

"I hope he won't be too upset with me when he wakes up from the transformation," I mumbled. It wasn't exactly with consent.... I nuzzled my head into Sylar's neck then and purred.

"You saved him after he jumped in front of you to protect you from a bullet, I don't think he'll be upset." Sylar rubbed my head then looked towards Charles and pulled back from me, getting into bed and pulled him into his arms to give him comfort. I growled playfully at Sylar and walked over, sitting down on the bed.

"He's not yours," I teased.

"So? He saved my big brother. I'm going to be here until he's done transforming." Sylar gave me a smile. I laughed and then gave another playful growl before I took my shoes off and then curled up on the bed, pulling them both into my arms.

"You'll be stuck here for awhile," I told him then nuzzled my face into Charles's neck, putting him between me and Sylar. Charles leaned against my body then, finding comfort at my touch. I purred to him then and slowly slipped my arms around Charles, pulling him closer to me. He's sweet.... He let out a pained groan and turned to me, resting his head against my chest. He held back a scream from turning. Sylar reached out and rubbed his head, playing with his hair. I bit my bottom lip and then started to hum softly in his ear to comfort him, singing softly as I comforted him.

~Time Skip~

I woke up, feeling a little off like there was two people in my bed. I frowned and opened my eyes, looking towards them then widened my eyes. Oh... that's right.... I'm a maker again. I blushed a bit as I looked Charles and Sylar over then sat up slowly. I have more responsibilities.... Damn. Charles rolled over as I started to move than curled up to Sylar to replace me. I frowned a little. Well... I guess that's alright. Charles needed to be turned or he'd die. I reached out for the phone on the nightstand, calling up the maids to bring in bottles of blood for us then looked towards them as I finished. Guess I'm going to figure out how Lyle managed to care for a fledgling and be king. I heard a knock on the door then and Lyle stepped in with Milo.

"Hey," Lyle whispered. "The maids told us about Charles. They said you brought him in and he looked like he was transforming." I purred at the sight of my brother and got up.

"Yeah," I said and ran up to him, tackling him into a hug. "He jumped in front of a bullet for me, and I saved his life. I'm a maker again." I smiled up at him and then looked towards Sylar and Charles. He looked towards them.

"Who was trying to shoot you?" He asked and frowned.

"Some human was playing with a loaded gun that wasn't on safety and it went off," I muttered. "He was cleaning it and managed to forget that it was loaded and on the firing mechanism, so Charles and I got a surprise when we came back into the room when it went off. He jumped in front of me and took a bullet in the chest."

"That was silly of him, he was a human and you could have easily healed from that." Lyle looked towards Charles. "That was very noble of him to do though. You better thank him." I nodded.

"I will," I whispered. "I hope he'll be alright. He seems to be moving around a little better. He curled up with Sylar when I sat up.... I think they'll probably be friends." I laughed then gently started to pull Lyle over to the bed so he could see my new fledgling. Lyle looked over Charles, gently touching his cheek and looked towards me.

"Well his transformation is complete." He stood up straight. "You better keep an eye on him." I nodded.

"I'll do my best to raise him right," I purred softly then looked Charles over. "I'll have to keep Sylar from being jealous though. He might get upset when I end up having to share my attention with Charles more. He got upset recently with me because I haven't had much time for him, and this will probably make the time I do have shorter."

"Well if Charles is going to be around more he might help Sylar from boredom. They're around the same age after all. Sylar is eighteen and Charles looks around sixteen. Maybe they're what they need. Either way you need to make sure he doesn't leave your sight for too long. Especially now. So if you're going to do king things, bring them with you or I can take over for a week for you and get the ball preparations finished. Milo won't mind." Milo purred and smiled, looking up at Lyle lovingly. I thought it over and bit my bottom lip. Should I really hand it back to him for a week? The help would be amazing! I'd have time to give my two boys the attention they need. I glanced at them then looked at Lyle.

"The help would be great if you could do that," I whispered. "It would be amazing! I could devote the time to helping them both adjust."

"By the time I'm done it'll be time for the ball," Lyle told me. "So you can take off until then. I don't mind, besides.... you won't be official to the public until then. Take your time adjusting with your new fledgling." Lyle rubbed Milo's shoulder then. I nodded and watched as Milo looked towards Charles with interest, then purred, rubbing his head against Lyle's chest happily.

"I think Milo could be helpful too to Charles. You can tell him he can always come to Milo for questions. I mean, you'll have to teach him the differences of scents first so he doesn't attack him. We had that discussion before. Milo would be a great senpai for him though. Right Milo?" Milo nodded and giggled.

"As long as he doesn't attack me," he mumbled and looked at Charles again with curiosity. "I wouldn't mind having another friend."

"Two fledglings together can help each other with inner problems they're embarrassed to talk to us about. Although you should let Charles know he needs to tell you everything and be honest." I nodded and looked at Milo then at Charles. It's not a bad idea to have them be friends. They both went through the same process... and Milo is older than Charles as a vampire and could tell him some things about control that I possibly can't tell him. Fledglings have to learn control quickly and find it harder than purebloods.

"Alright... I'll make sure that he doesn't attack Milo and I'll have him around the maids more to help him adjust to realizing he can't attack humans," I told him then glanced at Charles. "I won't turn him into another Stormy," I mumbled.

"We'll be here to help you if you want it," Lyle purred. Sylar rubbed his eyes and looked towards me, letting a yawn out. He noticed Lyle and Milo then gave them a smile.

"Hey, what're you two doing in here?" He gave a sweet smile. "You must've heard about Charles." I purred as I saw Sylar awake. Milo smiled.

"Yeah we came to see," Milo said happily and then looked at Charles with interest. "He looks like he's doing okay."

"He got shot in the chest last night, I'm happy we were able to save him." Sylar ran his fingers through Charles' curls. "He should be waking up soon, right?"

"Yeah, but it takes longer for fledglings." Lyle sat down on the edge of the bed. Milo purred and then crawled into the bed, playing with Charles's hair with a sweet look on his face.

"He'll be awake eventually," I told Sylar and then sat down beside Lyle as I watched Milo carefully. Charles licked his lips then in his sleep.

"Did you already call the servants for some blood?" Lyle asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah, I ordered the three of us some blood. I figured they'd be hungry," I told him. "They're on their way up here with it." Milo watched Charles and looked a bit nervous as he saw Charles lick his lips.

"Lyle, he won't bite me in his sleep, will he?" He asked, sounding a bit afraid.

"No, he barely can move right now. He probably caught your faint human scent though." Milo nodded and relaxed a bit before he started to play with Charles's hair again. A servant walked in with a tray of three bottles of blood and walked up, setting them down. I purred and then grabbed one, opening it before I leaned over Charles and held it against his lips. Charles fluttered his eyes open from the smell of the blood and opened his mouth a little. His eye color had changed from lavender to a more powerful and sharp purple that swirled, creating different shades. I widened my eyes and stared at his pretty colored eyes then looked at him as I tilted the bottle to let him drink from it and then purred to him.

"There we go," I purred to him comfortingly and started to sit him up, pulling him into my lap slowly as I held him and fed him. He grabbed the bottle, starting to chug the rest down then pushed it away as he finished it off. I purred and rubbed his head as he finished it. "How are you feeling?" I asked softly, watching him. He rubbed his chest then.

"Good.... What happened? I remember that gun going off and I was afraid for you so I jumped in front of you...." He trailed off. I nodded and then purred, giving him a sweet look. He really will be a great fledgling.

"Yeah, Ricky forgot that the firing mechanism was on and then it fired. You got shot in the chest... and I couldn't let you die," I mumbled to him. "I turned you last night to save your life." He leaned against me then and let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad you didn't let me die," he told me. I blushed then and looked at him. He's glad....

"I couldn't let you die," I whispered to him and then hugged him tightly. "You took a bullet for me...."

"Well yeah, that would have been bad if you got shot and got mad at me, thinking I planned something. Plus what if it was a bullet you couldn't come back from. I would've felt terrible and your brother was there." He shook his head. "I'm not going to let someone like you get shot easily. Especially since you're royal." I purred.

"You still didn't have to," I mumbled and then kissed his cheek. "At least you're safe though. We took the gun away from Ricky.... Oh, you're going to be staying here by the way.... This is your room," I told him and purred.

"Well at least that idiot doesn't have the gun anymore...." Charles sighed out in relief. He looked around the room then and tensed up. "Wait, when did we get here?"

"Last night. I moved you from the bar to here," I told him calmly. "Since how you're my fledgling, you're going to be staying with me too so I can take care of you and teach you," I purred and then ran my fingers through his hair.

"Okay," he whispered and nodded. "I'll stay here. I haven't been in too many castles before." I laughed and then nodded.

"The hardest adjustment will be learning not to attack others," I teased him then gave Milo a playful look. Milo tensed up a bit and blushed. Charles looked towards Milo then.

"I thought Milo was a vampire..." He mumbled. "He smells different from you guys." I smirked then.

"That's right. There is a difference," I told him then rubbed his head. "Milo is a fledgling and still has the scent of human on him because of it. You're going to have to learn how to pick out fledglings from humans, and you're going to have to learn to keep yourself from attacking people. His scent might drive you wild and make you want to drain him, but you can't," I told him softly. "You have to ask to bite someone, and then if they say yes, you can't kill them."

"Okay," Charles said softly and looked Milo over. "I'll try to remember fledglings are tricky." I nodded.

"Good," I purred. "You'll be fine as long as you ask to bite though." Milo crawled over to Lyle and then sat down in his lap, curling up to him as he watched Charles cautiously. Lyle kissed the top of Milo's head and purred.

"Bringing back memories?" Lyle teased softly. Charles reached into his mouth then, feeling his fangs with interest. I watched him and purred with amusement, letting him explore the new changes to his body.

"You'll have to tell me when you get hungry," I told him. "I'll need to get you blood when you need it. You'll know when your fangs ache."

"You'll have to tell Silas everything too and be honest with him so he can help you through the next five years. You're just a fledgling. You're not a full vampire yet." Lyle told him.

"I have to tell him everything?" Charles asked and blushed. Milo giggled.

"I tell Lyle almost everything," he told Charles. "You'll be okay. It's not that bad, and it's nice to have help. You could always talk to me too," he suggested and then purred. "But you need to tell Silas things too, so you can't hide something from him."

"Think of it this way, if you was experiencing weird mood swings but kept it from him you might be endangering us or someone else. Silas has to know so he can help you." Sylar gave him a cute smile. "You've got everyone to help you but you're supposed to tell your maker everything."

"Okay," Charles whispered then looked towards me, turning in my lap to face me. "You said I might accidentally attack someone, right?" I nodded.

"By accident more than likely. I doubt you'd attack someone here on purpose," I told him and smiled. He nodded then looked down at his charm bracelet then back towards me.

"I think I need to give you my charm bracelet then." He blushed. I frowned and looked at it.

"Why?" I asked in confusion. It's just a bracelet, right?

"Because It's a magical charm bracelet and if I attack someone I might use it to help me. Could you hold onto it until I'm older?" He asked. I nodded.

"Alright," I whispered. "I'll hold onto it for you and keep it safe. You can have it when you learn good control," I told him and looked towards it.

"Okay," he gave me a trusting look and took it off then slipped it into my hand. "Put it somewhere safe." I nodded and then slipped it into my pocket to hold onto till I could get back to my room. I looked towards him and smiled.

"It'll be safe," I promised him. It's probably really important to him.... I'm glad he told me though. "I'll stop you if you try to attack someone though.... If you really want to drink from someone, I'll let you drink from me if you ask.... I should probably teach you to use your fangs."

"It's always a good idea to teach them to use their fangs," Lyle purred. "I didn't teach Milo so quickly though because I didn't know how'd he be at first. I taught him after I knew he had control." I nodded and looked towards Milo curiously before I looked at Charles.

"I think I can teach him and trust him with it.... If not, I'll be there to make him stop," I told them then purred, kissing Charles's cheek. "Do you want to learn how to use them?" I asked him and smiled. "I'll show you real quick." He nodded as he looked me over.

"Yeah, I want to learn." Charles gave me a smile. I smirked then.

"Alright, open your mouth," I told him. He done as he was told, his fangs exposing. "Did you feel it?" I purred softly and gently touched the tip of one with my finger. "If you want to use them, you need to expose them and sharpen them. It comes easier as you get older, but it looks like you're getting it rather quickly."

"I've been around a few vampires though," he told me. "I've watched them expose their fangs before." I nodded. That's good.

"That makes sense," I purred to him then pricked my finger on his fang carefully, letting my blood hit his tongue before I pulled my finger back and exposed my neck. "All you need to do after that is to sink your fangs in gently and drink," I purred softly. "There are other things you can do with your fangs when you bite someone though.... They aren't just for drinking."

"What else?" Charles asked and looked towards my neck.

"Marking," I told him honestly. "You can mark someone with your venom."

"With my venom?" He touched his fangs then.

"Yeah but you're really young," Sylar told him. I laughed and looked towards Sylar then looked at Charles.

"Venom looks like this," I purred and then exposed my fangs and let some of my venom drip. "It feels amazing to the person you bite." Charles looked towards my fangs and dropped his jaw slightly as he reached out towards my fangs. I let him, watching him curiously. He touched my fangs and pulled back, looking at the venom on his finger. I watched him and then glanced at Sylar. "Would you get upset if I let him see what it feels like?" I asked him innocently. Sylar gave a small frown but thought it over then shook his head no.

"I don't mind if you show him." He gave a cute smile then. I purred then.

"I'll let you have the mark back if you still want it," I told him then looked towards Charles, leaning in towards his neck. Charles tensed up as he watched me coming closer. I purred softly to him and wrapped my arms around him before I gently scrapped my fangs against his neck then started to bite into him slowly, sinking my fangs into him. He let out a moan and melted against me, his breath caught as he grabbed my shirt. I purred at him. I didn't even mark him yet.... I pulled him closer to me then and rubbed his back gently before I started to give him my venom, injecting it into him. He gasped and started to tremble a little in my arms, letting out another rushed moan. He's going to have a lot of fun when he finds a lover. I pulled back after a few more seconds and then licked my lips, looking him in the eyes as I cleaned his blood off my lips. He blushed and reached for his neck.

"I'll be able to do that?" He asked.

"Uh huh," I told him. "You'll be able to do it eventually if you can't do it right now. All vampires can do it," I purred. "It's how they mark the ones they love."

"Do you have someone in mind?" Lyle asked Charles playfully. I laughed a little and then watched him, wondering if he had a girlfriend.

"N-no," Charles whispered. "Not really." I nodded and smiled.

"Some also do it to calm down the ones they're drinking from. Sylar was carrying my mark from when I bit him and drank from him," I explained then looked at Sylar. "Do you want it back?"

"Not right now," Sylar whispered to me. Uh huh.... I glanced him over, wondering if he wanted it back when we were alone. Maybe he misses me. I looked back at Charles then and purred.

"If you're hungry, I don't mind you trying out your fangs," I told him and smiled. He looked towards my neck then and leaned into me, burying his fangs into my neck. I gasped a little at the feel of his fangs then relaxed, purring to him as I kissed the side of his head gently. "There you go," I purred to him happily. He started to drink my blood then, pulling his fangs out and moaned at the taste of my blood. I blushed as I heard him moaning close to my ear and bit my bottom lip as I adjusted myself a little. He pulled back after a few minutes and rubbed the blood off his lips. I watched him and then purred. "And that's how you use them," I told him softly. "Make sure to ask before you bite someone though. I don't want you to get in trouble."

"Okay, I'll ask." He gave me a smile.

"Now remember, you're a vampire now." Sylar gave him a smile. "That means you sleep durring the day now." I widened my eyes.

"Yeah, you need to remember that. The sun will burn you," I told him then sighed. "You'll be able to sense the sun coming up... so go to bed when you sense it," I warned. "You could die if you don't. It's risky." I rubbed his back then and purred.

"Yeah, our parents died from a sun burn." Sylar gave a warning look towards Charles.

"O-okay." Charles looked into my eyes then. "Thank you Silas." I nodded.

"You're welcome," I purred to him then kissed his cheek. "If you're tired, you can take a nap. It's rough transitioning to the night time schedule." He nodded and rubbed his eyes then.

"Oh, do you have anything you want to go get to bring here?" Sylar asked him. "Or we can ask the servants to buy you a new wardrobe and anything else you want in here. You can shop online with a maid or butler or one of us and get us to buy it for you. Just let us know what you want to do."

"Well I'd like to go get my things-"

"We'll have the servants do it," Lyle told him. I laughed and looked towards Lyle. Interrupting my fledgling.... I smirked at him then gently moved Charles out of my lap. Charles looked towards me and then at Lyle.

"Okay," he whispered.

"I'll text a servant to get it done. Your things will be here before the night is over." The door burst open and Everest ran in.

"Guys! Why am I the last to know?!" He complained and panted as he walked up, looking like he had run a pretty big distance. Why didn't he teleport? I laughed a little as I watched him collapse on the bed.

"Your not. Esther doesn't know yet." Lyle laughed as he looked towards him. "Hi there."

"Hi..." Everest said and then looked up at Lyle with a smile. "I got away from Neal when I heard."

"What'd you hear?" Sylar teased.

"I heard from a servant about a guy that Silas was carrying in," Everest purred. "Then I smelled Silas's blood a few minutes ago just about when I heard."

"This is Charles, he took a bullet for Silas. So Silas turned him into a vampire." Lyle gestured towards Charles. Charles was starting to fall asleep on us, his eyes falling heavy as he struggled to stay awake. I watched him and purred softly then looked towards Everest as he watched him curiously.

"He looks like a nice guy," Everest whispered then sat up, smiling. "Hopefully he won't be rude."

"No, he's not been rude at all. We met him when he was human." Lyle told him. "I guess we should let Esther know before she gets upset about us not telling her we have a new family member." Everest nodded and got up quickly, running out of the room. I watched him go then purred softly. Charles is definitely going to be loved by my family.

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