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6.25% Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic / Chapter 1: My Name is Peter Parker
Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic original

Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic

Author: TheManUnderTheBed

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: My Name is Peter Parker

(AN: Yeah this is my Spider man fic, ummm it's kinda shit at the beginning, this is actually the third fic I wrote all those months back 😭, Anyway my whole idea for this was to have a younger Peter (13) and have Uncle Ben not die. This way he doesn't learn his lesson about responsibility and so it takes him down a darker path. Hope ya enjoy it)

As the morning sunlight gently seeps through the curtains, the room begins to stir with life. In Peter Parker's bedroom, the sound of an upbeat melody fills the air, emanating from his alarm clock. The familiar tune of "Mr Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra echoes through the room, its lively rhythm acting as a cheerful wake-up call.

With his eyes slowly fluttering open, Peter stretches his arms and yawns, feeling the remnants of sleep slipping away. The catchy melody, accompanied by the rhythmic clapping and vibrant instrumentation, fills him with a sense of optimism and excitement for the day ahead.

As the music grows louder, Peter's gaze shifts toward his bedside table, where his alarm clock sits. He reaches out and presses the button to silence the cheerful tune, momentarily interrupting the contagious energy that permeates the room. The room falls into a brief moment of calm, with only the sounds of the soft morning breeze rustling through the open window.

With a determined smile tugging at the corners of his lips, Peter swings his legs over the side of the bed and stands up. His bare feet touch the cool wooden floor, grounding him in the present moment. As he stretches his limbs, his messy brown hair tousles even more, adding a touch of playful disarray to his appearance.

Peter glances out the window, observing the bright and promising day unfolding before him. The golden rays of sunlight cast a warm glow across his room, illuminating the posters of scientific marvels that adorn his walls. At this moment, he feels a surge of inspiration and gratitude for the opportunities that await him.

Filled with a sense of purpose, Peter begins to prepare for the day, knowing that with each new sunrise, there are discoveries to be made, friendships to be cherished, and adventures to be embarked upon. And with the melodies of "Mr Blue Sky" still lingering in his mind, he sets off, ready to embrace whatever challenges and joys lie ahead.

Peter looks to the side of his bedside cabinet again where his alarm lay, resting there was a picture of him with his childhood friends, something that puts a smile on his face. Peter then turns around and heads to his bathroom. He takes his glasses off and washes his face before putting them back on.

At 13 years old, Peter Parker has a youthful and slightly boyish appearance. He stands at an average height for his age, with a lean and wiry build. Peter has messy brown hair that falls casually over his forehead and ears, often styled in an unruly manner that matches his energetic personality. His expressive brown eyes reflect his intelligence and curiosity, often lighting up with enthusiasm when discussing scientific topics or engaging in lively conversations with his friends. Peter may wear a pair of glasses, which add to his studious and nerdy vibe. Overall, his physical appearance exudes a blend of youthful energy and intelligence though this is usually the reason why he's targeted at school.

Peter's cell phone emits a familiar ringtone, and he swiftly reaches over to grab it. Glancing at the caller ID, he grins when he sees that it's his friend Ned Leeds. With playful anticipation, Peter answers the call.

"Hello there," Ned's voice greets him, but it's not Ned's usual voice. Instead, it's a spot-on impersonation of Darth Vader's deep and booming tone. "Peter, I sense a disturbance in the Force. Will you join me in constructing the Lego Death Star?"

Peter chuckles, instantly recognizing Ned's hilarious impression. "You underestimate my Lego-building skills, my friend. I shall join you in this worthy endeavour. The Force is strong with us."

"Good Good, yes you shall be a worthy apprentice in this endeavour," Ned says doing his best impression of a Sith Lord.

"Will Gwen be coming?" Peter asks as he starts getting changed out of his pyjamas.

"Have you ever known Gwen not to be there for a Lego build?" Ned says his voice returning to normal.

"I wasn't sure she's been busy lately so I didn't know if she'd have time" Peter replies to him unconsciously shrugging his shoulders.

"Add her to the call it can't hurt to double-check" Ned advises Peter.

Peter quickly navigates his phone's interface and adds Gwen to the call, initiating a group conversation. The anticipation builds as the call connects, and soon Gwen's voice joins the conversation, her presence adding butterflies in Peters's stomach.

"Hey, Gwen! We're about to embark on a grand Lego Death Star adventure. Are you up for joining our construction crew?" Peter asks, his voice filled with excitement.

Gwen's voice, filled with warmth and enthusiasm, responds, "Count me in, guys! Building a Lego Death Star sounds like the perfect way to spend the after school. Let's make this the most epic construction project ever!"

With their trio now complete, Peter, Ned, and Gwen engage in lively chatter, discussing strategies, sharing ideas, and expressing their mutual anticipation for the project ahead. The call transforms into a hub of excitement, laughter, and the clinking of Lego pieces being sorted and arranged.

As Peter, Ned, and Gwen continue their lively conversation about the Lego Death Star project, they suddenly hear a notification on their respective phones. Curiosity piques within them as they see incoming messages from their guardians.

Peter glances at his phone and notices a text from Aunt May, requesting his presence downstairs. Ned receives a message from his mom, who wants to speak with him about something important. Gwen's phone buzzes with a text from her father, urging her to come downstairs for a moment.

With a mix of excitement and curiosity, Peter, Ned, and Gwen bid a temporary farewell to each other, promising to continue their Lego project discussion later. They reluctantly end the call and make their way downstairs to meet their respective guardians.

Peter finds Aunt May in the kitchen, who greets him with a warm smile. She wanted to talk to him about plans for the weekend and ensure he had finished his homework.

Ned joins his mom in the living room, where they engage in a conversation about family matters and upcoming events.

Gwen discovers her father in the study, discussing an upcoming family gathering and sharing some news about her aunt.

After their conversations with their guardians, Peter, Ned, and Gwen separately return to their rooms, reflecting on their interrupted call and the upcoming Lego project. They can't help but feel eager to reconnect with each other and resume their enthusiastic planning.

"Anyways, I gotta get ready for school now so I'll see you guys there," Ned says as he bids farewell and leaves the call to get ready for school, Peter and Gwen find themselves alone in the virtual conversation. Unbeknownst to each other, a subtle tension hangs in the air, stemming from the unspoken feelings they harbour for one another.

Peter and Gwen, both too shy to admit their feelings, feel a sense of awkwardness lingering between them. They exchange fleeting glances through the screens, their hearts fluttering with unsaid emotions.

Peter, his voice slightly trembling, tries to break the silence. "So, um, Gwen... How was your evening yesterday?"

Gwen, her cheeks blushing ever so slightly, replies, "Oh, it was fine. Just spent some time working on my science project. How about you?"

Their conversation continues with gentle hesitations, punctuated by pauses and occasional stammers. They carefully navigate the space between them, each unsure of how to bridge the gap and express their true emotions.

As the call progresses, Peter and Gwen find solace in their shared interests and common experiences. They discuss school, hobbies, and favourite movies, often stumbling over their words and exchanging nervous laughter.

Despite the unspoken feelings swirling between them, the depth of their connection remains hidden beneath layers of shyness and uncertainty. Each one wonders if the other might feel the same way, but fear of rejection holds them back from revealing their true emotions.

With the call coming to an end, Peter and Gwen bid each other a slightly awkward farewell, saying they would see each other at school, As they hang up, a lingering sense of missed opportunity and the weight of unspoken words fills their hearts.

Peter heads downstairs fully dressed and ready for the day, he sees his Aunt May has made him breakfast, so he walks up to the table and sits down but not before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

As Peter sits down to eat breakfast, a feeling of concern tugs at his heart. He looks around, realizing that his Uncle Ben is absent from the table. Turning to Aunt May, he asks with a hint of worry in his voice, "Aunt May, where's Uncle Ben? Is he okay?"

Aunt May sighed softly, her gaze filled with a mix of understanding and concern. "Oh, Peter, your uncle had to work late again. You know how dedicated he is to his job. Don't worry, he'll be home later."

Peter's concern deepens as he contemplates the implications of Uncle Ben's frequent late nights. The worry about money begins to weigh heavily on his mind, knowing that his uncle's dedication to work is driven by their financial responsibilities.

As he takes a bite of his breakfast, Peter's thoughts drift to the bills that need to be paid, the cost of living, and the sacrifices his uncle makes to support their family. The weight of these concerns adds a layer of responsibility to his young shoulders.

However, determined to help in any way he can, Peter takes a deep breath and resolves to find creative solutions. He thinks about part-time jobs, scholarships, or any opportunity that could ease the burden on his uncle's shoulders.

They had taken Peter in after his parents died with no hesitation the least he could do was try and make their lives easier and not be a burden.

As Peter's worry becomes evident through his frown, Aunt May notices his expression and immediately senses his concern. She gently places a comforting hand on his shoulder and offers a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Peter," Aunt May says in a comforting tone. "I know things can be tough sometimes, but we'll get through it. Your uncle is doing everything he can to provide for us, and we have each other's love and support."

Her words, filled with warmth and compassion, begin to ease the weight on Peter's shoulders. He looks into Aunt May's caring eyes, finding solace in her unwavering belief in their resilience.

"You're right, Aunt May," Peter responds, a glimmer of hope returning to his face. "We've always managed to find a way, haven't we?"

Aunt May nods, her voice filled with conviction. "That's right, Peter. We're a strong family, and we stick together through thick and thin. Remember, it's not just about the money. We have each other, and that's what truly matters."

Peter takes a deep breath, allowing Aunt May's words to sink in. The worry that once clouded his thoughts begins to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of determination and gratitude for the love and support that surrounds him.

Finishing his breakfast Peter heads out of the house heading through Queens and to his school. Midtown was a pretty classy school usually for those with a lot more money than people like Peter, however being a genius or a little smarter than average will give you a good chance of getting yourself a scholarship there.

Midtown middle school wasn't anything to get excited about, but when you got into its High school equivalent then it was paradise for every science geek, from robotics to Astrophysics to regular physics it catered to every kind of science. Peter, Gwen and Ned had been friends since they were toddlers, though their parents don't stay in touch much anymore they made sure to, there hasn't been a day where they haven't spoken to each other nor a weekend where they didn't see each other.

Midtown was the group's dream, Gwen was a biology nerd, Ned was an engineering and computing nerd, and Peter was all of the above but with an emphasis on chemistry and applied physics. In a few years, they would finally be able to dive into the world of science, it almost made the bullying from kids worth it, though luckily that was kept mostly to him and Ned as Gwen was beautiful even if she was a Nerd, though she always got mad and tried to stand up for us when she saw it.

Peter Parker made his way through the bustling halls of Midtown Middle School, his backpack slung over his shoulder. He scanned the crowd, searching for his only friends, Ned and Gwen. Spotting them near their lockers, a smile illuminated his face.

"Hey, guys! Wait up!" Peter called out, his voice filled with cheer.

Ned and Gwen turned, their eyes brightening at the sight of their friend approaching. Excitement danced in Ned's voice as he spoke, "Hey, Pete! We were just talking about the science fair next week. You have to see the project we're working on!"

Gwen nodded in agreement, her eyes shining. "Absolutely! It's going to be incredible. You're going to love it!"

However, before Peter could respond, his anticipation was shattered as Flash Thompson, the school's resident bully, stepped into his path. Flash wore a sneering smirk, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"Well, well, if it isn't Parker, the neighbourhood loser," Flash taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "What are you doing here, dweeb?"

Peter tried to maintain his composure, not wanting to give Flash the satisfaction. "Just trying to get to class, Flash. Is there something you need?"

Flash's mocking tone intensified as he continued his verbal assault. "Oh, no need to get all feisty, Parker. Just wanted to remind you of your place in the food chain. And that's way down here, beneath my foot."

With a sudden and forceful push, Flash sent Peter crashing to the hard floor. Ned and Gwen gasped in shock, their expressions shifting from surprise to concern.

Anger flared within Ned. "Flash, come on! That's not cool!"

Gwen's voice resonated with disappointment. "Seriously, Flash? Haven't you done enough?"

Flash revelled in the attention, feeling empowered by the laughter of his friends nearby. He chuckled as he turned to walk away, his laughter echoing down the hallway.

"Relax, losers. Just having a little fun. See you later, Parker... or maybe not."

Peter let out a weary sigh, his body still pressed against the cold floor. Pain and resignation etched themselves onto his face as he accepted the familiar mistreatment. Ned and Gwen rushed to his side, their voices filled with concern and support.

"Ned, Gwen... thanks," Peter muttered, his voice laden with both physical and emotional pain. "I'll be okay. Just give me a moment."

His friends nodded, their faces filled with empathy and determination. They remained by his side, silently offering their presence until the pain subsided and Peter could gather the strength to rise again.

"Flash is such a dick!" Ned shouted out not caring who could hear him. 

"So what if he can throw a football far, I bet he doesn't even know how a football comes down once it's been thrown in the air" Ned continues his rant, bringing a smile to Peters and Gwen's faces.

"We should tell a teacher," Gwen said to both of them.

"Come on Gwen we both know it won't do any good, He is this school's ticket to nationals, though maybe we will get lucky and he'll break his arm" Peter says with a small chuckle.

Peter manages to get up pushing himself against the lockers, he finally manages to get his first full proper look at Gwen for the day, something which he looks forward to from the moment he leaves her to when he meets her again.

Gwen Stacy possessed an understated yet captivating beauty that effortlessly drew attention. Her hair, a sleek cascade of platinum blonde locks, fell to her shoulders with a gentle wave, framing her face delicately. It was a testament to her natural grace and elegance.

Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of blue, shimmered with curiosity and intelligence. They held a spark of determination, hinting at the depth of her character and inner strength.

Gwen's clothing choices reflected her cool and effortlessly stylish demeanor. On this particular day, she wore a comfortable and fashionable ensemble that effortlessly captured her youthful spirit. A simple, yet chic, black leather jacket adorned her frame, adding an edge to her appearance. Underneath, she wore a loose-fitting graphic T-shirt that showcased her individuality and interests. Dark skinny jeans hugged her legs, accentuating her slender figure and allowing for ease of movement. Completing her outfit were a pair of stylish sneakers that added a touch of urban flair.

And Ned had a shirt and shorts on.

"We should head to class, see you at lunch" Gwen says to the boys though she was looking specifically at Peter. Nodding his head Peter agrees and they all head off in different directions.

Class was a boring affair for someone smart enough to be years above the rest of his piers, so like usual Peter just drew pictures of Gwen, of Ned of Star Wars characters, he wasn't worried about getting caught by a teacher as he would probably know the answer if they gave him a question.

Finally hearing the bell signify that it was lunch Peter practically sprints out of class trying to avoid the hustle and bustle of people leaving their lessons and hopefully avoiding Flash.

Peter makes it to the cafeteria already seeing his friends had grabbed a table for them so he sits down with them and they all each open their respective lunches and talk about their lessons. Ned nudges Peter causing him to look up at him.

"Check it, look at what she's wearing today" Ned says with an almost criminal look on his face. Peter turns around to see what he was talking about.

Mary Jane, known for her confident demeanor and striking beauty, sauntered into the cafeteria with an air of self-assurance. Peter couldn't help but notice that she was dressed in an outfit that exuded an extra touch of allure. Her attire, while stylish, seemed to accentuate her features in a more daring and provocative manner than usual.

Her auburn hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders, adding a touch of natural elegance to her appearance. As she made her way across the room, her radiant smile lit up her face, drawing the attention of many students around her.

Mary Jane's outfit consisted of a form-fitting, black sleeveless top that accentuated her slender figure. The fabric clung to her curves, emphasizing her femininity with an understated allure. Paired with it were high-waisted jeans that hugged her hips, elongating her legs and adding a hint of sophistication to her ensemble.

The cafeteria buzzed with whispers and stolen glances as Mary Jane moved with confidence, seemingly oblivious to the attention she garnered. It was clear that she had embraced her individual style, unafraid to express herself through fashion.

For a moment, Peter found himself captivated by Mary Jane's presence. Her extra-sexy outfit left a lingering impression on his mind, but he shook it off remembering the girl that had already captured his heart long ago, looking up at Gwen who had a disgusted look on her face as she saw Ned dribble.

Mary Jane used to be a part of their group a while ago but when she moved out of state they lost touch and when she came back she seemed to have developed a love for more artistic subjects rather than science.

Peter hadn't realised that Mary Jane would always steal glances at their group during lunch and most of all would look at him, though he was too busy looking at Gwen.

The day was pretty boring after that though Peter did get excited because of a piece of news their science teacher gave them at the end of the day. Running up to Ned after class he can already see that he knew since he could see the look of excitement on his face.



"I can't believe we're going to Oscorp!" They both shout in excitement.

Gwen had texted them that she would meet them at Ned's as her father needed something brought to him down the station.

The whole way home they talked about the upcoming trip tomorrow.

(AN: New fic, I love Spider-Man probably just as much as I love A song of ice and fire, but yeah new fic it'll be different than you're probably expecting I'm not sure how often I'll update this one, it's gonna have a darker tone than mcu)

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