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18.75% Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic / Chapter 3: Am I a Mutant?

Chapter 3: Am I a Mutant?

As Peter Parker woke up from his slumber, a sense of disorientation washed over him. He blinked several times, attempting to clear his vision, only to find that his world remained blurry even after putting on his glasses. Frowning, he assumed it was time for a new prescription, but to his surprise, when he removed the glasses, his vision became crystal clear.

Confused and slightly alarmed, Peter couldn't comprehend what was happening to him. His thoughts raced as he tried to rationalize this peculiar situation. "What's going on? Why is my vision fine without my glasses?"

Still trying to make sense of it all, he decided to get up and head to the bathroom. As he glanced at his reflection in the mirror, Peter gasped in disbelief. The weak, scrawny physique he had known all his life had been replaced with a toned and muscular body. His muscles rippled beneath his skin, reminiscent of a gymnast's grace and a swimmer's strength.

His heart pounded in his chest as the reality of his transformation sank in. "This can't be real. How did I go from skinny to... this?" he mumbled to himself, his mind racing with possibilities.

Feeling overwhelmed, Peter decided to leave the bathroom, but his newfound strength caught him off guard. He pulled on the door with more force than he intended, nearly ripping it from its frame. The door's resistance caused him to let out an involuntary, high-pitched scream.

"Whoa, what is happening to me?" Peter questioned, his voice betraying his unease.

As he tried to come to terms with the sudden changes to his vision and physique, a mix of excitement and anxiety washed over him. "I can't believe this is real. But it is real, right? I'm not just imagining things," he wondered, his thoughts spiralling in a whirlwind of uncertainty.

With so many questions and no answers, Peter knew he had to find some explanation for his transformation. He'd have to bunk off school take his notebook and find somewhere private, there was an abandoned junkyard in his neighbourhood so he thought that would be a good start.

With his mind still reeling from the morning's bizarre changes, Peter packed some food into his bag for the day. He paused to say goodbye to his aunt, giving her a tender kiss on the cheek. However, he refrained from disturbing his uncle, who was sound asleep after another late night of work. A pang of guilt washed over him for how much his uncle worked to provide for them.

Exiting the house, Peter's heart raced with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. His newfound strength and agility seemed surreal, and he couldn't resist the urge to test his limits. As he started jogging towards the nearby junkyard, a place he often visited to clear his mind, he marvelled at the ease with which his feet propelled him forward. What used to be a struggle now felt like a powerful, effortless stride.

The wind brushed against his face, and Peter embraced the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He couldn't believe the difference his transformation had made in his physical abilities. Every step was exhilarating, feeling more like a sprint than a mere jog. He relished the newfound freedom of movement and the joy of exploring his limits.

Amidst the rusted metal and forgotten debris of the junkyard, Peter paused. He looked around, feeling an odd mix of thrill and apprehension. "This is incredible. I'm faster, stronger... somehow better," he mused, still trying to come to terms with his altered reality.

As the morning sun cast its warm glow upon him, Peter couldn't help but wonder about the cause of his transformation. Could he be a mutant? He had read Professor Xavier's paper on mutants a few years ago, maybe he could help?

Questions swirled in his mind, but he knew one thing for certain—he needed to find answers. Peter looked around the junkyard and saw an old metal girder, it must've been old because the metal had rusted he approached it and bent down expecting to have to put a lot of power into lifting it. Though to his surprise it lifted easily and he would've ended up throwing it but amazingly enough it had stuck to his hands.

Peter removed one of his hands from the girder holding it in one hand while he inspected the other. He threw the metal girder down before taking a seat on a junked sofa and bringing his notebook out. He'd need to start researching his powers and test the limits of what they can do, also research any possible negative side effects and causes for powers. Peter then remembered yesterday in Oscorp tower, the spider that had bitten him.

It was a weird one, and he was in a highly experimental cross-species genetics laboratory. Peter decided to cross out the mutant and put a spider bite.


Peter had spent nearly the whole day testing his newfound powers, the scientist he was wouldn't let him not study every aspect of it. He found that he could relatively easily lift a car, he felt that he could probably lift one in each hand if he wanted to. He didn't find any heavier objects in the yard so he had to estimate that he could lift around 5 tons.

When he tested how high he could leap he easily cleared the warehouse, the surprise made him flail in the air but he managed to instantly right himself in midair. He estimated he could probably do about 3 stories in a leap. Being able to right himself midair so easily led him to test his balance, he had perfect equilibrium and could balance himself in any position he could think of which was pretty cool.

Though the coolest ability in his opinion was the ability to stick to surfaces, he had a theory of how it worked, he must be unconsciously increasing the inter-atomic attractive forces between the wall and himself. Or he could be emitting a static field. But what he discovered was that he could emit this ability from any part of his body.

His senses seemed to be going haywire as well, something he noticed had gotten increasingly more intense as the day went on, he could see the wings in a fly as it passed him as well as snatch it out of the air if he wanted to.

After doing his research Peter decided to have fun and started leaping around the abandoned warehouse running up the wall only to backflip off and land on some scaffolding like a superhero. He threw some punches against a block or concrete cracking it easily, he looked at his fist and then made a note to add durability to the list.

However, he is brought out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing, jumping down from the top of the scaffolding and beside his bag he opens it and looks at the Caller ID. He sees that it's Gwen "Shit, I didn't tell them I'd be out today" he said to himself as he quickly answered the call.

"Peter! Are you okay? I didn't see you in our last period and you looked terrible" Gwen asked her voice full of worry.

"Ask him if he's okay!" He hears Ned say in the background.

Peter smiles a bit sheepishly "I'm fine guys don't-"

"You just heard me say it! I can't hear him if you keep talking Ned" Gwen said clearly not having heard Peter.

"Ask him if he's-"

"Ask him yourself later! On your phone!" She huffs before going back to her conversation with Peter.

"Pete... are you sure everything is okay? You can tell us anything" she says in a calm voice and it makes Peters's stomach coil.

He had been friends with these two as long as he could remember, apart from his crush on Gwen there wasn't one thing that he had kept from them, he had no worries that they'd freak out at his powers... maybe they would freak out a little but they would always be by his side and he knew that.

After a second of hesitation, Peter steels himself "Can you and Ned come to the abandoned yard I have something I need to tell you"


As Ned and Gwen both arrived at the junkyard and walked into the abandoned warehouse they were both scared shitless when Peter dropped down from the ceiling landing behind them and grabbing them "Boo!" He shouted making them both jump.

"Dick!" Gwen shouted as she pushed him though there was a smile on her face as she did.

"You're lucky I have my inhaler," Ned said as he took a puffy, he didn't do well with scary films, let alone scared in real life.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't resist," he said with a grin hopping on some low-hanging scaffolding.

"So what's up Pete? Why didn't you come to school today" Gwen asked as she took a seat next to him.

"Yeah Flash was in peak form today with his being an asshole skill, would've been good to have you there to share the load" Ned said with a pout though Peter knew it was a joke.

He chuckled "I felt pretty strange this morning and then discovered a few things that kinda freaked me out, I came here just to get everything under control" he said mysteriously.

He then hopped off the scaffolding and to a large broken washing machine, he then proceeded to pick it up like a box of cereal and held it in the air with one hand. Needless to say, his two friends were stunned "How are you doing that!!! Is it a trick!!! Can you teach me!!! Let me try!!!" Ned rapidly fired questions loudly as he ran to Peter who laughed helplessly.

Gwen was a bit quieter but her eyes were no less wide than her friends, she hopped off the scaffolding and went towards him "Are you a mutant?" She asked, Peter shook his head.

"I thought the same thing but I think the most plausible theory is the spider that put me in the genetics lab" he explained making Gwen's eyes widen.

She starts touching him pulling his sleeves down inspecting his arms then pulling his shirt up seeing his toned abs and chest "Gwen!" Peter said with a blush on his face as he threw the washing machine a dozen feet behind him but Gwen was already kneeling inspecting him "Don't be a baby, do you have any idea how amazing this is" she stated her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Yes... but... can you... STOP STRIPPING ME!" Peter shouted with red cheeks snapping Gwen out of her daze, her cheeks turned red as well when she realised his hands were under his shirt.

"Jeez guys at least let me leave first" Ned said with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up!" They both say at the same time towards Ned making him laugh.

"What else can you do!?" Gwen asked curiously as she stepped backwards from Peter giving him a bit of space, Peter just grabbed his bag and the notebook from inside handing it to her. She eagerly grabs it and starts reading through the notes Peter had made that day.

Her eyes seem to grow wider and wider as she reads through the notes "You are like a human spider..." Gwen says with awe.

Ned chuckles "How eloquently put," he says teasingly, Gwen flips him off and then throws the book at him.

"How else would you put it, he can climb on walls is super agile and has increased proportional strength" She states.

"At least he doesn't have 4 extra arms or a big sack down below... or maybe he does" Ned jokes making his two friends wince.

"I know for sure I don't have any extra arms..." Peter states assuredly. However, both friends notice he didn't answer the second question but thought better of asking.

They start talking about school and what else is happening when Ned gets a phone call, he answers it and then talks to the person for a bit before signing "Sorry guys I gotta jet, Mom wants to be back home soon" he walks up to Peter and they do their signature handshake before waving to Gwen and leaving.

Gwen and Peter are left alone, still feeling a bit concerned she turns to him "Are you sure you're feeling okay Pete?" She asks genuine worry in her voice.

Peter shrugs "I felt pretty rough this morning but I'm feeling pretty good now" he said with a smile. 

"I'd feel better if I could check on you tonight..." Gwen says quietly.

"Wouldn't your dad get pissed if you snuck out?" Peter asks to which Gwen shrugs.

"I'd rather get in trouble than find out you ended up turning into a mutant spider during the night," she says with a chuckle.

Peter smiles and then nods "Alright see you tonight then"


It was just after midnight when Peter heard the stones being thrown against his window, something he may not have been able to hear before but after the bite, it felt like he could hear a pin drop from across a room. He got up from bed heading towards the window, he opened the curtains and saw Gwen in some skinny jeans and a ripped T-shirt and jacket, he opened the window and smiled "Not a mutant spider yet I'm afraid" he says to her getting a broad smile back.

She stands with her arms stretched behind her back "You gonna let me in or what?" She says Peter doesn't wanna risk waking his aunt and uncle so he climbs out onto his window and jumps down into the backyard where his window faced. He grabs Gwen from behind "Hold on" he whispers and then he jumps attaching himself to the wall and quickly climbing into his room with Gwen clinging to him having closed her eyes.

"Still feels unreal... just yesterday I struggled climbing up the stairs without huffing from my asthma pump but now I feel like I can do anything" Peter says as he looks at his hands and arm.

Gwen detaches herself from him and goes to sit on his bed "Any plans on what to do?"

Peter shrugs as he takes a seat next to her "Maybe get a job? Could probably do well in manual labour now, be nice to help out my Aunt and Uncle, maybe teach Flash a lesson"

Gwen chuckles "I think I'd like to see that," she said with a smile as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

Peters's heart started beating as he felt her body next to him, his enhanced senses caught her smell, the strawberry shampoo she had used but what smelt even better was her natural scent. He turns to her making her lift her head up and for a moment they look into each other's eyes.

Peter given a small amount of courage from his transformation goes for it and presses his lips against hers 'I Finally did it...' he thinks to himself not worrying if she doesn't reciprocate or not. He had finally expressed how he felt about her and he'd gladly take the consequences whatever they are.

But to his glee she kisses him back moaning into his mouth as she wraps her arms around his neck, he grabs the back of her and hears his fingers shifting into her short blonde hair. They fall onto the bed and she instinctively wraps her legs around him as they keep on kissing, their tongues moving together as years of pent-up love and affection come out all at once.

Gwen felt as if her heart would explode she was finally kissing Pete and it felt amazing, the years of fear and worry at not knowing if the person you crushed on liked you or not evaporated and she found herself pulling Peter on top of her. Her legs tightened around his waist as they continued making out on his bed, both lost in a completely different world.

After a while, Peter detached his lips from Gwens and they both breathe heavily as they look at each other with blushes on their faces "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" Peter says to her.

Gwen chuckles "Maybe some idea," she says as she pecks him on the lips again 'I want to stay the night' Gwen thought to herself but knew that her dad would go ape if he found her out of bed in the morning.

"Want me to walk you home?" Peter asked getting a smile and nod from Gwen in return.

As Peter threw on some clothes over his pyjamas he grabbed Gwen and they climbed back out his window onto the grass "Does this mean we are official?" Peter asked a bit hesitantly.

Gwen raised her eyebrow as she looked at him "Better be since we just spent twenty minutes with your tongue down my throat" she says making him laugh.

"Good," he says confidently putting an arm around her shoulder as he walks her back to her house.

(AN: Ahhhhhh finally getting passed the origins stuff, I hate writing stuff like that ngl I suck at it. You know I wrote chapter 2 on the 24th of June that's how long I been delaying writing this. But yeah now he has his powers so things should pick up. As always harem ideas are open, MJ will be included as she's part of the plot.)

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