( For Readers: You don't need to read this chapter. )
( ALERT : SPOILER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
- Volume 3: Journey to Power - Skyrim
-/- Characters
-/-/- Atmorians:
-/-/-/- Dragonfire Family:
Miraak ( Sigurd ) Dragonfire - Protagonist ( MC )
-/-/-/- Stormcloak Family:
Asa Stormcloak - MC's Childhood Friend
Arnora Stormcloak - Asa's Mother and Aron's Best Friend
Ragnar Stormcloak - Asa's father and Arnora's husband.
Yrsa - Arnora's and Ragnar's childhood friend. Loved Ragnar. - ( DEAD ) -
-/-/- Snow Elves:
-/-/-/- Unsthalas's Sylrell Royal Family:
Aumriel Sylrell, The Pale Lady - First Snow Elf Contacted and Friend of Miraak.
Nirilor Sylrell - Aumriel's younger brother.
Elnaril Sylrell - King Of Unsthalas, Aumriel's and Nirilor's father.
-/-/-/- Lysanthir, Information Hunters.
Nakiasha - Group Leader. - ( DEAD ? ) -
-/-/-/- Orfarion's Lorathyra Royal Family:
Ilyana Lorathyra - The Butcher.
-/-/-/- Calventus's Calver Royal Family:
Darfin Calver - Youngest Prince of Calventus. - ( DEAD ) -
-/-/-/- Rifton
Vuduin Aeroris - Rifton's Royal King and Head of the Aeroris Royal Family. - ( Living Puppet ) -
Arel Aeroris - Rifton's Royal Young Prince.
Alaion - Captain of Rifton's Snow Elven Army.
Elmar Qinyra - Rifton's previous Uncrowned King. - ( DEAD ) -
-/-/- Chimers:
-/-/-/- Traveling Merchants:
Kieran Virhice - Traveling Merchant, Slavery Abolitionist.
-/-/- Dunmer:
-/-/-/- Rifton only Dunmer:
Vulmer - Mad Researcher. Has Alzheimer.
-/-/- Artificial Beings:
Iphislia - Project X-666
-/-/- Daedric Princes:
Mephala - Deity of Obfuscation and Secrecy.
-/-/- Mentioned :
Silaeen Verdam - The genius Redguard Master of Swords
-/- Locations
-/-/- Atmora - Continent
Stormcloak Village - Arnora and Ragnar Original Village
-/-/- Skyrim - Province
Unsthalas - Elven City. Sylrell's city.
Unknown Laboratory - Ayleid most secret laboratory.
Rifton - Elven City, Arena's City.
Orfarion - Snow Elven city built under the Throat of the World.
Calventus - Only Mentioned.