As the village had just been constructed, plus with the threat from the floating beasts, Winston couldn't afford to be careless.
Sighing, he set aside whatever he was working on and went over to check.
By the time Winston returned to the village, the eagle beastman had ridden a female back, and many males in the village had also run out.
"Female?" Winston paused for a moment, before striding over to check on her.
The female on the black eagle's back was covered in scars from head to toe. Although her skin was nowhere comparable to Bai Qingqing's, it was considered relatively tender and fair compared to ordinary females. Judging from her figure, one could tell that she was very young. Moreover, she was a tiger female, and there weren't any spousal marks on her.
How could such a young female roam in the wilderness all by herself?
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