/ Fantasía / Beautiful Fallen: Legacy

Beautiful Fallen: Legacy Original

Beautiful Fallen: Legacy

Fantasía 23 Chapters 15.4K Views
Author: Misachan_1002

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The conclusion to the Beautiful Fallen trilogy.

The tides have been turned for the Shadow Wings, and the stakes have never been higher. As the Seraphita puts its plan into motion, Ariana and her friends are burdened with the task of protecting and ensuring their birth. On the advice of Jade, they seek out the three Seraphim who lead the Nephilim families in hopes of help. However, the hunts from both sides are intensifying as knowledge of the Seraphita's presence spreads. Can the Seraphita be born, and will it bring the Redemption that the Shadow Wings so desperately seek?

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Author Misachan_1002