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25.64% Be The Father Of This Child! / Chapter 10: Chapter Ten – Stop Trolling Me

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten – Stop Trolling Me

Chapter Ten – Stop Trolling Me

April moved in his sleep, trying to make sense of the noise penetrating his ears in the most annoying of ways possible. Was that some kind of alarm?

Alarm! He pushed himself up like a jack in a box and shouted. "Jay!"

"What the hell is this? Throw that shit out the window!" Jett ordered in a sleepy, but angry voice.

April moves his head from one side to another. "Baby, diapers, things."

Now he was almost entirely awake.

On the bed, Jett groaned. "What time is it?"

"Time for me to get in shape. And for you, too. Get up!" April said, and began dressing up quickly.

He ran out the door in a heartbeat, and it took him only two steps to reach Jay's bedroom. The baby was crying; no wonder there. Probably he woke up and saw himself all alone in that big room. April bounced him gently, shushing him, but for the moment, Jay appeared impossible to appease.

Damn his brain. He had been too high on fooling around with Jett that he was obviously experiencing some sort of delayed thinking pattern. He needed to check the boy's diaper and change him.


"Jett!" He started yelling.

"Yo," Jett replied, still half-naked and only half inside the room like he didn't dare to come in.

"Come on, help me with Jay."

"What's wrong with him?" Jett scrunched his nose and didn't put one step inside.

"He needs a change of diaper, obviously."

"Don't make me do it." Jett put both his hands up and took a step back.

They weren't getting anywhere like that. "Come in and shut the door. Put the changing pad on the bed and grab the diaper bag. It's there," April pointed out, getting gradually annoyed with Jett's unresponsiveness.

"Why don't you do all that?"

"Because he's crying," April said and continued to coo soft words to the baby.

"Then give him to me." Jett gestured for April to hand the baby over.

April hesitated, but then he thought about how he couldn't deal with Jett, too, right now. He handed the boy to Jett, but Jay began crying louder. For one second, they both stood there, Jett with a frown on his face, and April somewhat horrified by Jay's cries.

"You're scaring him," April whispered angrily and took the boy back from his father's arms. "Can't you stop frowning like this? You almost make me pee my pants, let alone a baby this small."

"I don't like to wake up at six in the morning," Jett said, but he did go after the diapers, which was pretty much a victory.

"Me neither, but that's life with a baby," April replied. "Diaper, now."

Jett even placed the changing pad on the bed without being told to. That was progress, but April had no time to enjoy that thought. Jay refused to be comforted, and April was getting a little case of cold feet. What would he do if the baby didn't stop crying? His knowledge came straight from the digital womb of Google, and right now, he was a bit too far from his phone to start asking questions that hopefully, search engine robots knew how to find answers for.

"Why is he crying like this?" Jett asked.

I don't know was the right answer, but April preferred to grunt instead. "You wouldn't like to wake up drenched in your own piss, would you?"

"I supposed not. Do you need me here?"

"Do you have somewhere you need to be? At this hour?"

"I can't stand crying," Jett replied.

"Seriously? Babies cry, FYI."

"Yeah, and it pisses me off."

"Are you for real?" April stopped for a second to give Jett a stare that he hoped could drive home a point better than words.

Jett moved from one foot to another. "I don't know what to do with it, that's all. If someone hurt Jay, I'd beat the crap out of them, but that's not the case, is it?"

"Not everything in life can be solved with your fists," April pointed out.

"It worked for me so far," Jett replied.

"Okay. Just go. But bring me my phone."

"What do you need your phone for?" Jett appeared suspicious, and that wasn't good.

"Just bring it. I have some remedies for growing teeth and aching bellies in there. I don't know everything by heart," April said, opting for half a truth.

Jett appeared half-convinced, too, but he went anyway. April focused his attention on Jay, and after changing him, he reached for one of the teething rings bought by Jett the day before. After a bit of convincing, Jay appeared to take to one of them and began chewing on it.

April touched Jay's cheek and frowned. Was he supposed to be this warm? Could it be he was running a fever?

Jett was back with his phone, and April took it, without removing his hand from the baby's cheek.

"He doesn't cry that much," Jett said.

"He might have a fever," April said quickly.

"So, we need to take him to a doctor?"

"I think so."

"Can't you just make him better?"

"Do I look like a doctor?"

"No, but you're the one who knows about babies."

April felt suddenly the need to be honest but didn't get the chance to talk.

"I don't know any doctors," Jett continued.

"So, we go to the hospital."

"And tell what? That we have this baby that we can't prove is ours?"

Ours? April shook his head. "They might ask us questions. Now, seriously, Jett, we can't just sit around and hope for the best."

"People might take him from us," Jett pointed out. "Can't you make him pop some aspirin and stuff?"

"It doesn't work like that. We could ask at the pharmacy for advice, but I'm afraid to go this route. What if we're wrong?"

"Then we need to go to the hospital and think up a good lie that makes sense," Jett said.

April smacked his forehead. "Wait. I have a solution. You might not like it, but --"

"Just shoot," Jett said while throwing nervous looks to Jay, who was starting to cry again.

"My dad --" April began.

"No." Jett's frown was deepening.

"He's a nurse."

"I'm not letting you leave with Jay and go who knows where. You're not from around here, you said."

"I'm not leaving. I'm just calling him and ask for advice. I sometimes wonder how your mind works. Also, he could come and see Jay."

Jett appeared to be even more suspicious. "Will your dad hop on a plane to check on a baby just because you said so?"

"It's only a ... one-hour drive, and my dad would come to check on a baby because I said so," April replied.

How hadn't he thought before of that? Maybe he had been too caught up in playing house with Jett to realize that help was only a phone call away. True, he should have waited for Jett to leave and then call his dad, but this was an emergency, and he was a bit scared.

"How are you going to explain that you stay here? Are you going to tell him I kidnap you or something?"

Jay began crying again, not as badly as before, but still enough to make both adults turn their attention to him right away.

"No. I'll just tell him that I'm babysitting."

"And it's normal to babysit at six in the morning?"

"Jett, my dad can help. So don't be stubborn."

"Tell him I'm your boyfriend."

"What? You're not my boyfriend! And for the record, that doesn't explain why there's a baby with us."

"Tell him he's ours."

"Wow, wow, wow, slow down, will you? I talked to my dad one week ago, and he would be very much surprised to find me with a boyfriend and a baby."

"Do you tell your dad about your love life?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

And he would know who you are, the moment he learns your name.

"You know what," April said, "you're right. Let's just take Jay to the hospital, you say you're the father, I'm the babysitter, and --"

"Do you want to keep your father from meeting me for some reason?"

The suspicion was back in full force in those beautiful caramel eyes. April looked away and grabbed a toy, pretending to be busy to distract Jay from his suffering. "It's like you said. Too many explanations needed."

"Call your dad."

"I could tell him you kidnap me."

"And I could tell him you took money from some sketchy guys."

"Ugh, point taken. Okay."

April knew he had to play this right. So, there would be no school for him today. Good thing his father didn't work in a hospital or anywhere crowded. He was sure his father would be able to tell Mr. Ford he had an emergency and come over.

"I'll call him. But can I have a bit of privacy?"

It would be hell to explain to his dad why he lived under the same roof as Jett Huntsman, his first crush and heartbreak, and took care of his child. But his dad would understand, April tried to encourage himself.

"No way. Who knows what you're going to tell him? Hell, no, you're leaving Jay and me!"

"Are you throwing a tantrum? Aren't you a bit old for that?" April protested. This wasn't good. He needed to give his dad the heads-up. Jay's crying left him no choice. "All right. Stay here, tyrant, if that's what you want."

He threw one cautious look toward Jett before choosing his father's number from the list of contacts. "Hey, dad. Sorry to trouble you so early, but I have a bit of an emergency."


Using his dad's advice, April managed to soothe Jay a little. Jett was pacing through the house, suddenly in the mood to clean, but it looked to April that he made more mess everywhere he went instead of making things better.

He checked his phone again. A message would have to do, so he began typing fast.

"No time to explain, dad. It's about what I couldn't tell you earlier when we talked. I'm at Jett's house, and I'm babysitting his kid. And yeah, he's THAT Jett. Just don't act surprised. Please pretend you don't know who he is. I promise to take you to that ice cream place I told you about. Yeah, I know I'm bribing you, and it's lame, but this is serious."

April waited nervously for a reply. Between trying to help Jay, watching Jett walking around like a headless chicken, and imagining what his dad would say, he felt like a huge mess.

His phone pinged.


Oh, shit. His father used one-letter words only when he tried to pull his leg and imitate the way young people talked, or when he was too pissed to care for a longer answer. April had a feeling he knew which one was this time.

"Jett, could you just please stay in one place? And when my dad arrives, just let me get the door, okay?"

Jett mumbled something under his breath. Then he talked. "What are you trying to hide?"

"Hello, there's a baby crying who was left on your doorsteps only a few days ago, I have a mining rig in your basement, and you're a frigging gangster! Don't you think we should play this cool?"

"I'm not a gangster; I'm just a guy who handles repossessions --"

"Repossessions, ha!"

"Yeah, I'm repossessing money dweebs as you should never borrow," Jett said, his eyes squaring on April like he was the enemy.

"Whatever. My dad is bound to be suspicious. I call him first thing in the morning with something like this. He will have questions."

"So let me deal with him."

"No. I'm honestly afraid about what you might tell him."

"I'll tell him the truth."

"No, Jett, no. The truth is bad, okay? In this case, it's very, very bad."

"I'll tell him we're boyfriend and boyfriend."

April snorted. "Right. What's with the obsession anyway? We just fooled around a little."

"You're the only one I'm sleeping with right now. That makes you my boyfriend," Jett replied promptly.

"Until yesterday, you were straight."

"Sometimes, you just know."

"Stop trolling me, for real."

"I'm not."

"Jett, my dad doesn't like liars."

"And yet, you would lie to him about what we are."

"Oh, damn. This is really not a good time. What's this about?"

"It's about making things clear. Idiots like those at your school would leave you alone if you had a boyfriend."

"But you're not my boyfriend."

"Do you want a formal request? You've done more sex stuff with me than you did with others in your entire life."

April tried to reason with him. "Still. It's just fooling around. It doesn't mean a thing."

"I can't believe you can be so cold-hearted."

"Cold-hearted? Now I know you're really trolling me."

"Just think about it. Your dad walks in, sees you here, and starts to wonder. He wants to swing by your place, but that's empty. If you say that you moved in with me, it will make sense. Plus, if he asks why you're babysitting when you have your crypto --"

"He doesn't know about that," April said quickly.

"Ah, so you do lie to your dad."

"I'm just omitting certain things."

"Tell him you omitted saying anything about having a hot boyfriend."

Now Jett was really teasing him. "Hot, huh? What else do you want me to add to your list of qualities?"

"Amazing in bed."

"Ugh, stop it. It's really not the time. My dad doesn't need to know about such things."

"Jay seems a little better," Jett said and walked over to the baby. "Your dad's advice worked."

"He knows his stuff," April admitted. "Jett, please, just don't tell my dad that we're together. He'll read you like an open book and, in the off chance that he really thinks you're my boyfriend, he'll start lecturing me about not dating a punk. He won't hesitate to say it right in front of you. You'll also hear a lot about safe sex. I know I have. My dad has a lecture on safe dating even."

"You don't play that safe around me."

"Because, obviously, I lost my mind."

"All right, dweeb. Then you'll have to explain what you're doing in my house and why you left your old place."

"I'll just tell him we're roommates. Housemates. Whatever."

April wasn't sure Jett would listen to him. He was in for a lecture, anyway, so he needed to better prepare.


Jett had no intention to let April welcome his dad alone. Also, Jay's crying, being up at six in the morning, and clearly having the hots for April were messing him big time. The dweeb thought Jett was teasing him, but his best ideas always came on the spot like that.

If April were his boyfriend, a lot of things would fall into place. April wouldn't be bothered at school by idiots, and Jett would have an explanation at hand about why April lived in the same house with him to anyone asking. Also, he would have all the more reason to ask April to get freaky with him, something he was sure now he wanted, a lot.

His brain was no longer foggy after sleep, but all through the night, he had dreamed of April. Not that he would admit that to April since he would be probably made fun of, but the truth was he hadn't thought of much else ever since the dweeb had walked into his life.

Zane would laugh. Big time. Let him laugh. Jett was a simple guy. He had wanted Theo for so long, in a way that was hazy and unclear about what it meant. Now he wanted April, and that wasn't that hazy and unclear. Jett wanted to kiss April until they couldn't breathe no more. He wanted them to sleep in the same bed and do all the sex stuff they could come up with.

Jett had always had a healthy appetite, but this was different. It was like there was a fire lit under his ass, and the more April told him he wanted someone else, the more Jett wanted to convince him otherwise.

His adventurous sex life seemed like a faded memory. He had gone through one-night-stands, one-week relationships, and full-fledged relationships, like they didn't mean anything, with little exceptions. He had been on the run, sliding through his own life, coasting on his drive to do more, fight more, fuck more, make more money, as he hurried toward a destination that was constantly moving, without letting him touch it at all, grab it and call it his.

As much as the last few days had been a rollercoaster, the truth was Jett had started to feel different. April was a riot, cute, sexy, and fun, and Jay was amazing, smelly diapers aside. And Jett, well, he felt at home, really at home.

He wouldn't tell the dweeb a thing. April was a scaredy-cat, and Jett didn't even know what he wanted to say. Did he want April to be his boyfriend? Yeah. But just saying it as an idea to save the day had put April on guard. Jett needed to be careful so that he could buy time and decide what the hell was happening to him.

Fuck. He needed Zane to talk about this. The idiot would make fun of him, but that was his only shot at sorting out the mess in his brain.

Had it been Theo in April's place, all would have been clear. Jett hadn't considered the possibility of being attracted to guys since Theo was something else to him, something special. Yet, there he was, attracted to April, big time, and wanting, no, needing to sleep with him for real. And that was new and strange and awesome, all at the same time.

He raced April to the door when the bell chimed, announcing a visitor.

"Jett, please, don't blow it, please," April whispered.

He had no intention to do that. By how April had talked to his dad on the phone, they seemed to have a great relationship. Jett couldn't imagine bothering his father for any reason. If he were to call his dad and tell him the truth that he had a baby and a boyfriend, he would have to cross the border and change his name.

But there was no way in hell he would miss meeting April's dad. For some reason, it seemed important, and not only because the man was a health care professional and could figure out what was happening with Jay, but also because he was April's dad, and that was pretty huge.

He let April get the door. Jett stared at the visitor, a man in his forties, tall and slim, dressed in a light sweater and dress pants, carrying a leather bag in his right hand. He searched for resemblances, but maybe April took more after his mom because his dad had salt and pepper hair that seemed taken out of a magazine, light blue eyes, and a charming smile that was nothing like April's way of making his lips twitch like he was just about to drop some joke.

"Sidney Summer," the visitor said and offered Jett his hand, as April introduced them. "Everyone calls me Sid, though. Where's the little fellow?"

April hurried to guide his father up the stairs. Sid took his son by his shoulders and kissed his forehead. "Are you okay, pumpkin?"

Jett put one hand over his mouth. Still, some weird sound came out because April looked at him over his shoulder with murder written all over his cute face. His mouth drew the words. KILL U.

Jett just mouthed one word. Pumpkin.

"Do you need any help from me, Mr. Summer?" he called after their visitor.

"Sid, please. No, that's all right. You kids can wait here or wherever it's comfortable for you. April, don't you have school?"

"I can't leave when Jay needs me."

"It's okay. I'm here now. You can go."

"I'm already kind of late," April tried to argue with his dad.

"April, Jay is in good hands now. Go to school."

April deflated. Probably he wanted to skip school, Jett thought. But no, that couldn't be the case. The dweeb loved going to school. "I'll take you there fast," he offered. "Would you be all right by yourself for half an hour or so, Sid? I'll give you my number, in case there's some emergency, or you need me to buy something on my way back."

"Sure. Let���s see what little Jay is up to, and I'll let you know. April, get ready for school. When did you decide to have a makeover?" Sid pointed at April's hair.

"It was something I did on impulse," April said quickly.

"It's okay. I've never been crazy about you dyeing your hair, but it looks like it suits you."

Jett caught the small detail right as it flew free into the world. "Have you dyed your hair before, April?"

Another murderous look was the answer.

"He has," Sid replied instead.

Interesting. Jett would have to interrogate the dweeb about that later.

April took his father to Jay's room, and Jett searched for his jacket and his car keys. So April did like to dye his hair, after all.


"What does your dad say?" Jett asked.

"Babies seem to develop a bit of fever when their teeth grow. Nothing major, but he started checking Jay for other symptoms. So far, so good. I think we pissed our pants for nothing."

April had his bag on his knees and was looking straight ahead through the windshield. He seemed rigid, and he talked rapidly like he was afraid he wouldn't manage to let all the words in his head out through his mouth.

"Are you freaking out again? Jay is going to be fine. You trust your dad, don't you?"

April didn't look at him. "Of course. I trust him with my life, and I'm not just saying. He wanted to be a doctor and even studied for a while. Life happened; I mean mom and me, and he didn't pursue that career. In case you were wondering."

"You are freaking out. You're one step from trembling like a leaf. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I don't know. I don't tremble. I'm totally in control."

"Look, you don't have to worry. I won't tell a thing about us being boyfriends to your dad."

"Yeah, that. Good. That you're not telling. Why did you think of that, anyway?"

Jett shrugged. "I told you. It's like we are, anyway."

"Two handjobs were enough for you to have an epiphany like that? I'm sure you required much more from your girlfriends until, well, they did become your girlfriends."

"I've never had a boyfriend," Jett said. "We crossed a bridge or something, didn't we? So there must be something."

"Yeah, sure. Pals with benefits. How does that sound?"

"Wrong. I don't need that. If I needed that, I would ask Zane to give me a handjob."

"You're so stubborn when you want to be. Just let things how they are. I'm, sort of, your prisoner. I'm paying back a debt to you. I mean, by taking care of Jay. Not by, you know."

April seemed uncomfortable. He was even blushing. Jett smiled to himself. "Okay, dweeb. We're here. Text me when you're almost done so that I can come to pick you up. I hope your dad can stay with Jay for several hours."

"He took the day off. His boss is pretty cool."

"All right. Go learn your computer science. And don't let any guys get into your pants."

April rolled his eyes. "I really am here to learn, and so are the others. No one will try anything like that."

"If you say so."

April reached for the door, but Jett put one hand on his knee.

"What?" April turned toward him.

Jett threw a quick look through the windshield. A few girls and one dark-skinned dude Jett guessed he was Indian were looking at them. "Kiss me."

"What?!" April's eyes grew wide.

"I won't let you get out until you kiss me."

"We're here and not moving. I could make a run for it."

"And I could run after you, tackle you, and kiss you."

"Run? Who? You, with your nicotine-filled lungs?"

"You'll have to come back home eventually."

"Is that a threat?" April stared at him, but his sexy lips were already twitching, obviously fighting a smile.

"Nah. A promise."

"Fine." April drew a deep breath and leaned toward him.

"Wait," Jett stopped him, "with tongue."

April rolled his eyes. "How about I straddle you, and you can give it to me while in front of the entire student body?"

"That's not how I imagine our first time."

April blushed and looked away.

"Tick-tock, weren't you already late?"

"Okay," April mumbled and put his lips over Jett's.

Fuck it. Jett pulled him close and kissed April for real, with tongue and everything. When he pulled back, April's eyes were shiny glass. "You're free to go," Jett whispered.

April straightened up and cleared his throat. "See you later. If anything happens, call me."

"Yeah. When you're almost finished, text me. I'll come to pick you up."

"Yeah, yeah," April kept repeating the same word and nodding.

April licked his lips quickly and looked away. Jett followed April with his eyes, as he jogged toward his friends who were staring at him, their mouths slightly open. Jett waved at them and smiled.

The girls appeared to giggle. The Indian dude waved back.


"Now I understand the whole hair color change stuff,��� Raj said, as April stared after Jett's car.


"You got a boyfriend!" Gabriela punched him in the shoulder. "Nice going, dude!"

"And he's hot!" another girl chimed in.

"He's not my boyfriend!" April protested.

"Really? Who is he then?" Gabriela asked.

"Just someone who drove me to school," April said, opting for a lame lie.

"Do you always kiss your Uber drivers?" Raj stared at him, in fake consternation. "I totally get the gig economy, but I'm not sure about this new method of payment."

"Aren't you all a bunch of nerds?" April bristled at the entire group since everyone was laughing openly. "You're supposed to be above gossip and stuff like that."

"Not when it's one of us getting a boyfriend," Gabriela replied.

"Or a girlfriend," Raj added.

"Let's just get to class already," April hurried to shut up his friends. It was an impossible task, but he needed to try.


Jett walked into the house and ran up the stairs. April's dad had texted him, asking for some medicine for Jay.

Sid thanked him. "The boy is all right. He's asleep now. But I bet he'll not be too happy for a while with the new teeth he's growing."

"That's great to hear. April freaked out. Big time," Jett replied.

"And you didn't?" Sid looked at him with an amused smile.

"Nah. I mean, yeah. A little. Thanks for everything, Sid."

"You're welcome. But now, young man, you and I need to talk a little."


LauraSFox LauraSFox

Hi, Laura S. Fox here, thank you for reading! I hope you're enjoying the story!

Please check out my profile if you want to know about other stuff I'm writing!

Until next time,

All the best,


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