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45.81% Batman x Arc Reactor / Chapter 92: ALICE PT2

Chapter 92: ALICE PT2

[Activating Nanites] The bracelet on her right arm, that Batman gave her, began to glow. Nanoparticles began to flow around her body and slowly covered her entire body in a thin layer of metallic armor. This suit is similar to Batman's Batsuit, only lighter and slimmer. It has all the functions required for any type of situation.

Alice blacked out for a moment due to the sudden impact but quickly came to her senses. She panicked at first, trying to get out of the drowning car. It was pitch black down there. But her suit's visor lit up automatically and enhanced her vision in the dark. "Fuck! What the hell?!" She looked at her arms and then at her body. Everything felt weird, metallic─ She felt heavy and light at the same time.

But there was no time for her to panic or think of what was going on. She has to get out of here fast.

"Well, here goes nothing," She tore apart the stuck seat belt with ease and a hard elbow smash on the door was enough for the door to break and fall apart. "Now, that's cool." She was about to swim up, but a barrage of bullets rained down at her. She looked up. Her visor zoomed in, enhancing the visuals, and revealed three men standing above, shooting at her. "Are these fuckers seriously shooting underwater?" Alice cursed and swam backward instead.

"Hello! Is there anyone hearing me or anything? What's going on?" She asked as she swam deeper to avoid the bullets. She could see the trajectory of each bullet thanks to her visor. But strangely, she could breathe underwater. Maybe it's another function of the suit. She didn't know, and right now she doesn't care either. "Hello!?"

[Sync completed]

[Hello, ma'am. I am Jarvis. And I will assist you starting this point.] A robotic voice echoed in her head.

She calmed her nerves, "Are you with Batman?" She asked as she looked up. The goons were reloading their rifles.

[Yes. Batman programmed me to assist you. My apologies for the delay. I need to sync with the suit first.]

"Wait... Sync with the suit?" Alice asked confused. "Forget that. What should I do? I can't just go up there without a plan. They will shoot me. Unless, you got some weapons, good enough to take them down. I need to capture them alive to get info out of them."

Suddenly the nanites covering her legs moved. Her legs changed shape and turned into propellers─ Two jet turbine engines appeared on both sides of her waist, "Holy shit!" She could see the change in the suit on the visor before her eyes.

[Switching to Non-Lethal mode.] Jarvis announced.

The jet turbines activated─ Alice shot upward like a torpedo. She broke through the surface with ease and jumped out of the water like a dolphin. She flew high into the air before hovering mid-air.

"What the actual fuck!?" She shouted in shock. She couldn't believe her eyes. She was literally floating in the air. The nanites morphed again, changing from underwater mode to non-lethal combat mode. It transformed into a Mark III armor type. The user manual of the suit has been sent to her brain through the neural link. She quickly scanned through it.

Mark III armor type─ Non-Lethal Mode:

Features - retractable claws, sonic cannon, EMP blasters, advanced sensory, homing stun missiles, electric handcuffs, sleeping gas, smoke gas.

She chuckled at the features, "I don't fucking know how you did it, Batman. But this is awesome. Wait, are these guys seriously still shooting?" She saw the goons below firing at her. The bullets bounced off harmlessly from the armor.

Alice smirked under her helmet and decided to have fun. She charged up the sonic cannon by taking aim at them. She scanned the bridge's structure. She didn't want to destroy it. "Alright, 30% charge should hold." Then she fired.

[Booom!!] A massive soundwave blast hit the goons. They fell on their asses while dropping their guns. A huge crater formed on the bridge where they stood. She scanned the surroundings and noticed that the road was empty. Although it's almost midnight, there should still be some vehicles passing through. Yet not a single vehicle was in sight. It means that whoever attacked her must have planned it to get rid of her without any witnesses.

She flew down towards the goons.

"Arggg!!! Stay back, freak!" They screamed in horror, shooting blindly, and tried to run away from her. But she caught two of them easily by grabbing their collars. "Where the hell do you think you're running off to?" She punched one goon, straight in the face, breaking his jaws and teeth and knocking him out. The other guy fainted after seeing her punch and the third one, well poor bastard didn't survive. The sonic blast killed him instantly. His internal organs exploded from within.

"Fuck!" She scanned the dead guy. It turns out, he got an artificial heart installed, which bursted inside him after she used the sonic cannon. "Jesus Christ! An experimental artificial heart from Lex Corps! What the fuck is going on here?" She looked at the scanned information on her visor and cursed. Lex Corps is one of the leading companies when it comes to medical science. Artificial hearts are expensive and rare. So seeing one on a random thug shocked her.

Alice selected the electric cuffs. The nanites shaped themselves into an electrically charged set of cuffs. She cuffed the alive thugs.

"Now, what?" She asked herself.

She knows that Sam is a mole in the GCPD and he is probably the one who tracked her location through the service phone that has a tracker installed. Besides, such a big commotion occurred and yet, there wasn't a sign of either civilians or the cops.

"H.I.V.E." She mumbled under her breath, remembering the old cases where the investigation officers disappeared while investigating them. However, thanks to the dead guy, she got a piece of new information, Lex Corps. If they really had used an experimental heart on that dead thug, they must have some information on him or they themselves might be involved in this or they could be involved in illegal human experiments, using thugs as experiments by paying them off. But this wasn't something to discuss over here, the main issue right now was Sam.

Suddenly, a couple of grenades rolled near her feet. "Huh?!" Before she could react, they exploded, followed by a couple of RPG missiles hitting her, sending her crashing away from the bridge. The two unconscious thugs got fried in that explosion. Alice flew in the air, scanning her surroundings, "I guess, non-lethal isn't an option here, huh?" She marked four more thugs who just arrived at the scene and a helicopter on standby, waiting for the opportune moment to hit her again. A sniper is aiming the rifle at her from the helicopter.

[I suggest we leave the civilian zone and go outside city boundaries to minimize the damage.] Jarvis offered his suggestion.

"Let's go," Alice flew toward the outskirts of the city. She could see the red and blue lights of the GCPD vehicles approaching the scene. The helicopter pilot realized the danger and told his goons on the ground to retreat as they would now chase her in the air instead.

Flying in a suit isn't something easy for a first-timer like her even with the neural link. She has to dodge the oncoming bullets. One wrong move can result in her getting knocked down by them. Fortunately for her, Jarvis is assisting her with in-flight navigation, and coordinating her movements. Thanks to him, she dodged the sniping rounds very narrowly.

The pilot maneuvered the helicopter perfectly, hitting Alice with the missile, but the force field activated, absorbing the impact.

"Nice try," Alice made a spin in the mid-air, before increasing her speed, "Hell yeah! This is fucking fun!" She yelled. She never felt so powerful and free in her life. A human could never dream of taking the blunt impact of missile impacts or bullets and be unscathed. This moment made her remember a line she once read in a novel. It was: "Fly high, like a god!", and she feels like a god.

She flew outside the city and stopped, facing the oncoming helicopter, "Alright, let's rumble, shall we?" She selected ten homing missiles from the weapon category and aimed at the enemy, waiting for the perfect moment to engage, "As much as I would have liked to arrest a few of the goons for questioning, I can't since you will be killed off by your organization or escape through legal loopholes. So, I will just get our rookie."

"Huh?! What's that?" She noticed another person in a suit flying right into the helicopter and coming out with the sniper, "Batman!" She smiled behind her helmet, as the other suit gave her a thumbs up, "Gotcha. Time for some fireworks." She unleashed the missiles. Ten mini-missiles flew out of her fingers and rocketed toward the helicopter, detonating on the hull of the target, and ripping the metal to shreds. The explosion was massive, spreading flames in all directions, and pieces of metal debris flew everywhere.


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