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Batman: The Return of a Legend Batman: The Return of a Legend original

Batman: The Return of a Legend

Author: Jase_Lezz

© WebNovel


Read in a venom like voice

"Give me what I want"

Dr. Conners: I don't have it

"I know your lying"

Dr. Conners: Please I have a family

"I had a family too until they were taken from me"

Dr. Conners: I'm sorry about that

"Of course you'll say that"

"Everyone says that but they don't know how it feels until I take it from them!!!"

Dr. Conners: What does that mean

"It means imma kill every mother fucker in this city"

Man-Bat drops the doctor


Radio: It is the 6th year anniversary of the death of the Batman-

Eddie: C'mon guys can't we just be friends

Crook 1: Slice and dice him boys

Eddie: Fuck

3 crooks try to "slice and dice" Eddie who dodged all attacks and punches one of them

Crook 2: You bitch, Imma feed your insides to my fucking dog

Eddie: That's just weird

Crook 3 grabs Eddie from behind

Crook 3: Nowhere to go

Eddie head bumps his head and knocks down the crook

Eddie: One down, two to go

Crook 2 pulls out a gun

Crook 2: I'm tired of this shit

Eddie grabs a batarang from his pocket and trows it at the gun and runs for it

Crook 2: Where the fuck he get that from

Crook 1: Don't know don't care let's just get him!!

The crooks run after Eddie

Eddie: (Shit shit shit shit shit!!!)

Eddie: (Where to know?!?!)

Eddie notices an abandoned mansion not too far away from where he's at

Eddie: (that'll have to do)

Eddie runs towards the mansion

Crook 1: He's running over there

At the mansion

Eddie: Ughh I cant get in

Eddie: Fuck it imma break in

Eddie throws a rock at a window and sneaks in

Eddie: So dusty

Eddie: This place must be old as fuck

"Who goes there"

Eddie: (Shit someone's here)

"I'm not gonna ask again, who's there"

Eddie: (Please god let me be free from whoever this is)

Eddie peaks out and see's nothing and turns back

"What are you doing here"

Eddie: What the fuck!!!

Eddie and the man hear some voices from down the hall

Crook 1: Eddie where are you

"Friends of yours?"

Eddie: No

Crook 1: Eddie found you and your mysterious friend

Crook 2: Guess we'll kill him too

Crook 2 Jumps at the man but the man grabs his hands and twists them

Crook 2: Ahhhhh

Crook 1: You just made a mistake

Crook 1 Goes for a punch and the man tries to dodge but gets hit instead

Crook 1: that's all on you pall

Eddie knocks The crook down while he's distracted

Eddie: Yo dude are you okay

The man stays quiet for a bit till he speaks up

"I'm Bruce Wayne"

Eddie: I'm Eddie Kane

Bruce: Follow me Eddie

Eddie: Where are we going

Bruce: The Batcave

Eddie: A batcave?

Eddie: Like the Batman lair

Bruce turns and grins then stops at a piano and plays it in a specific order and a bookcase opens up

Eddie: Woah

Eddie: That's officially one of the coolest things I've ever seen

Bruce: Not even close

They go into an elevator that leads them to a cave

Eddie: What the hell

Eddie: This is so fucking cool

Eddie starts wondering around looking at all the gadgets, vehicles and then the suits

Eddie: Hold up, are you Batman

Bruce: Yes and no

Bruce: I stopped when a foe of mines broke my back later a friend of mines died

Bruce looks at a picture of a butler

Eddie: Did he help you when you were Batman

Bruce: He helped me ever since I was a boy

Eddie: He sounds like a good guy

Bruce: He was

Bruce: And now I'm giving you a chance to be a good guy too

Eddie: What do you mean?

Bruce: I'm too injured and old to be a crime fighting vigilante plus I don't have the spirit in me anymore

Bruce: But I see something inside of you

Eddie: This is cool and all but I really don't wanna die this early in my life, Im literally only 25 years old

Bruce: Then get out and if you tell anybody's out this you won't have anywhere to go

Eddie: Jesus Christ I get it

Eddie leaves the mansion and goes back to his apartment

Eddie: (Thought the Batman would be much cooler)

Eddie turn on the TV

News: And in more recent news the rate of dead bodies dropping from the sky keeps increasing

Eddie: Damn that's tough-

Eddie gets a knock at his door

Eddie: Can't I get a break

Eddie opens the door to see an old friend

Eddie: Avery!?!?

Avery: Eddie

Avery hugs Eddie and starts to cry

Eddie: What happened

Avery: My dad he- he died

Eddie: How!?

Avery: He was one of the people dropped from the sky

Eddie comforts her and has a flashback to when he was younger

Young Eddie: Help somebody help

Crook: No ones gonna help you little kid

Crook goes in for a strike but a batarang hits the knife out of his hand

Batman: Get away from the kid

Batman takes the crook down in a couple of blows

Back to the present

Avery: I think he was killed but the police told me suicide

Eddie: Why do you think he was murdered

Avery: He told me he's been working on this project for somebody

Avery: I think that somebody killed him

Eddie: You can stay her for a bit if you want

Avery: Thanks

Eddie: I gotta go somewhere tho you stay put

Avery: Okay?

Eddie rushes to the batcave

Eddie: (Suit suit suit)

Eddie: (ahh a suit just my size)

Eddie takes the suit (Rebirth but kinda metallic) and goes out looking for the murderer

Jase_Lezz Jase_Lezz

A mini series of an original story line imma do so strike is on hold again and this book gonna be updated per month

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