"Actually before we start, Let me reiterate this again, This is going to involve quite a lot of blood and gore, There will be no censorship for the young ones cover there eyes and ears. Got it? Let's begin now." Drafted announced.
Everyone nods. And prepare to cover the childrens ears and eyes.
Peaceful music was heard playing as the screen slowly faded into into a room.
The screen then slowly started to move downwards, soon revealing a white male (Name: Mark) to be on a bed, fast asleep on a hospital bed.
While still asleep, The man then started to move around in his sleep, as if he was either uncomfortable or was having a bad dream.
A Hand slowly reached out for him as the camera slowly zoomed in on the man's face only for his eyes to suddenly open up as the screen suddenly cut to an awake Mark in army clothing being pulled up by a fellow soldier, who then ran off as yells and gun fire was heard, with him looking around in a panic, with the peaceful music still playing.
The shipgirls looked at the screen's sudden transition.
"That escalated quickly!" Yorktown yelled in shock.
The screen then cut to numerous soldiers killing each other in brutal ways, with one Oskovian soldier hitting a Female Rostora Soldier with a shovel, another Rostora trying to fight off two Allied soldiers, with one of them smashing the Rostora in the head with a rock, only for another Rostora to stab him in the chest with a bayonet. Nobody was seen using a gun.
"Oh my god" Unicorn whispered in horror at the brutal tactics the soldiers were using against each other.
The others were to shock to remember to close the eyes of the younglings. Immediately remember everyone starts to cover there eyes.
"So that's what actual war looks like on land. We never really fight on land." Enterprise said, eyes wide with a small hint of curiosity.
The screen then cut back to mark, who looked to his left only to see a Rostora soldier yelling as he charged towards him.
The man then quickly took out a knife and sidestepped the Rotora soldier before stabbing him in the lower back and again in the back of the neck
"That was nice footwork" Belfast Complimented.
Nearby, another Oskovian hit a Rostora soldier with a shovel only to look up and see another Rostora charging at him with a bayonet, with the Oskovia desperately trying to block it, only for him to get stabbed in the hand and scream in pain
This caused many shipgirls to cringe at the Oskovia getting his hand stabbed.
"W-why aren't they using their guns?" Queen Elizabeth asked
"That is something that I was wondering," Yorktown said in agreement, "Don't tell me they ran out of ammo"
"I'm afraid they did, Yorktown. The planet that this takes place in, The humans and other creatures here are known to be more brutal than the ones in your universe" Drafted replied
"My god" Mikasa whispered as she covered her frowning mouth.
The screen then cut to the main protagonist of this scene, the man quickly picking up the gun before cutting to an Oskovian tackling a Rostora and punching him multiple times in the face, screaming something in Oskavia.
Then was seen taking a deep breath before glaring at someone behind the screen, with the camera cutting to black.
Text then appeared on the screen, but the first set of words were blurred
Another set of text then appeared
Text: More than 60 Million soldiers fought in "The war to end all wars" It ended Nothing.
Everyone looked at the screen in pure fucking shock.
Queen Elizabeth spits her tea and says "6-60 million soldiers?" Queen Elizabeth shakily repeated.
"What does it mean by 'It ended nothing?'" Bismarck asked
"About 20 years after this, a 2nd, more brutal World War broke out" Drafted replied casually.
"Even after this, there was another one?" Akagi and Kaga both said in disbelief.
"Yes." Drafted replied in a monotone voice.
Text: Yet it changed the World Forever
Text: What follows is front line combat. You are not expected to survive
"Well that makes everyone feel better." Prinz Eugene sarcastically said.
The screen then cut to the POV of another soldier, presumably Oskovian, who was holding an old school LMG before looking up to see his officer looking at him in a panic
Officer: We're surrounded! We have to hold this line!
The Machine gunner nodded before following his officer to the remaining soldiers, with a few soldiers being dragged away from the warzone.
"Poor guys" Arizona said in sadness.
"They must be lucky to be pulled away if they survived." Formidable said.
An artillery bombardment then showed up, destroying a nearby tank as the soldier we were viewing was seen getting into cover, preparing for the incoming Rostora offensive.
Whistling was heard as Rostora soldiers were then seen charging towards the small Oskovia group and opening fire.
Officer: Here they come! Fire at will!
The Oskovians quickly returned fire, with soldiers from both sides getting shot and killed by the other side. The Machine gunner we were viewing blindly fired towards the incoming Rostora Troops, some of which were difficult to see due to the environment.
"This is brutal." Cleveland said with a scrapy voice.
"Unfortunately, this is war on land. But on the ocean is just as scary because your expected to meet enemy ships and planes. Though on land there tactics are different everytime. But in the ocean tell me If I'm wrong I have never gotten deployed in the pacific before; You have little to no tactics nor escape. That is if your a kansen, presumably you have higher chances of escape." Drafted replied.
"It's hell" Akagi and Kaga both sighed.
Officer: Hold your ground!
The Machine gunner ran out of ammo on his LMG, causing him to quickly get back into cover as his allies all opened fire, with a guy next to him in a window got shot in the head, splashing some blood on the soldier's face.
This sudden death resulted in many of the shipgirls in the theater to yelp in shock.
"Holy fockin' hell!" Hood yelled in shock
"That was so sudden!" Yorktown shouted in horror, remembering suddenly the time she almost died.
The Machine gunner somehow managed to keep his calm as he finished reloading and wiped some of the blood off before repositioning himself at the window mounted his LMG on the window frame, then opening fire at the incoming Rostorans. But for each Rostora Soldier he killed, two more took his place.
"There's so many soldiers!" Kirov yelled in shock.
"It's a never ending horde it seems like it." Avrora replied
Soon, the soldier was forced to go back into cover, as grenades were seen being thrown towards his position. Unfortunately, one grenade landed right next to him, causing him to panic and run out of his cover, with the grenade exploding behind him and knocking him to the ground, dropping his LMG in the process.
Many Rostoran soldiers had managed to break through and engaged in close quarters combat, with many using their bayonets to stab the nearby allied Noxuian soldier.
"I want to ask a question!" Prince of Wales shouted.
"Alright, go ahead." Drafted replied
"Who are the blue men?" Prince of Wales questioned
"They are known as Nuxuia's they were there to help the Oskovian's when the Rotora's attacked." Drafted said
"I see.." She muttered.
Officer: Maintain your position!
"They're clearly getting overrun! Why wouldn't they retreat?! " Queen Elizabeth yelled
"They're primary goal is to hold this line, whether or not they lost their lives or not" Drafted replied
"So they're just seen as expendable?" Enterprise angrily asked
"Yes, they are. Soldiers are generally seen as expendable to many generals during this time. It's actually quite similarly to how expendable some shipgirls are. The same goes for us, as well. I might be dead next week or live to see another day." Drafted replied
This caused few of the ships girls to be butt hurt for how he isn't wrong on some parts.
The officer then looked to his right only for a Rostoran Soldier to shoot him in the skull, which the Machine gunner witnessed before responding by taking out his pistol and quickly shooting the Rostora in the face, avenging his fallen officer for the moment.
The Machine gunner quickly got back up and turned around only to get shot in the face, killing him.
The screen then zoomed out of the Machine gunner's pov, showing him falling to the ground, with the name of the soldier being revealed
Text: Terence Miller, 1900 - 1918
Everyone's eyes widened in shock and horror
"H- He was that young?!" Ark Royal shouted
"I pray for the young ones soul.." Jeanne d'Arc muttered with a soft voice.
"Well his dead. There goes one more clothes to be recycled for a clueless recruit to use." Scout stated in his monotone voice
"Wait wha- What did you mean.. by that?" Texas asked
"Usually when a soldier dies in this war. If there clothes aren't too destroyed by enemy bullets or by an artillery explosion, then it's going to be reused for a clueless recruit to use." Drafted replied
"That's just.. wow.." Graf Zeppelin mutters
The same white man was then heard speaking
Mark: We came from all over the world, so many of us thinking this war would be our rite of passage, our great adventure. Let me tell you, it was no adventure.
The screen then cut to the POV of a soldier on a mounted machine gun in a completely different location
Noxuian Soldier: FLAME TROOPER!!!
Officer: Let her sing! Pump 'em full of lead!
The soldiers responded to the command and opened fire on the incoming Rostora's Soldiers, killing a majority of them with one or two shots, with blood seen getting sprayed everywhere from the gunfire
The sudden and massive appearance of blood caused some shipgirls to feel sick. It also made some immediately cover the eyes of the destroyers.
One Rostoran Soldier in heavy armor was seen using a flamethrower and burning multiple Noxuian's alive, causing the machine gunner to quickly focus fire on the flame trooper. After firing what felt like a hundred bullets, the Rostoran Soldier's gas tank suddenly erupted into flames, causing him to panic before it blew up, killing him and nearby soldiers instantly.
"Yeah, that was fuckin' brutal" Roon said with a smile.
"Love it.." Roon said with a low voice.
"Oh god.. We might need to get the dart gun ready just incase." Drafted thought.
Officer: Watch that left side!
The Machine gunner nodded before quickly turning the machine gunner to the left, where multiple Rostoran soldiers were seen charging through the trenches. Unfortunately for them, they entered the line of sight of the Mounted Machine Gunner, who quickly opened fire and cut down numerous Rostoran's, some of which tried to fire back, only to get teared apart by the machine gun
The Machine Gunner looked up and saw a huge Battleship in the sky and for a moment, stared at it in a mixture of shock, awe and fear.
"H- How is a battleship flying in the air?!" Bismarck yelled in shock
"The Rostoran's or the Iron Blood equivalent in that world, well.. took engineering to a whole new level. Let's say the dreadnought is the biggest threat on the battlefield when it shows up." Drafted said
"No shit!, A battleship in the air is the scariest thing to encounter in a land base battle." Hood replied
Officer: Open fire! Keep shooting!
The Machine Gunner quickly got their act together and returned to opening fire on the onslaught of never ending Rotora's Soldiers, only for the Dreadnought to suddenly start opening fire, with each shot getting progressively closer to the Machine Gunner and their group
The blast from the Dreadnought opening fire sent the Machine Gunner flying from their machine gun and fell on the ground, before quickly grabbing a shotgun and getting back up
"His still alive after that?!" A few kansens shout in unison.
"And his back from his feet and ready to fight again." Drafted said with a smile under his masked unbeknownst to the shipgirls.
Officer: They're getting through, rally at the church, we have to hold there!
The Rostora were seen entering the church, with one nearly bayoneting an Oskovian soldier had the Machine Gunner not intervened by shooting him with the shotgun, brutally killing the Rostoran along with a second one that was nearby
The Oskovian that the Machine Gunner saved was just about to thank them only for him to get shot in the back, killing him instantly and causing the Machine Gunner to jump back in shock before turning towards the killer and returning fire with their shotgun, killing him and avenging their ally.
Noxuian Soldier: Watch the Windows!
The Machine Gunner along with the remaining Oskovian troops, all held their ground as long as possible, but more and more Rostorans kept on charging endlessly in and overwhelming them
"It's just like earlier" Formidable said
A Flame Trooper was then seen entering the Church and targeted the Officer, burning him alive with his flame thrower and causing the Officer to scream in pain while nearby Rotoran's cut down the number of allied forces in the Church bit by bit
The screaming from the officer had caused many of the destroyers to tear up or vomit from scene. The kansens managed to cover the eyes and ears of some destroyers and etc. But just the sudden scene of it caused a bit of an uproar in the theater.
"I stated before that such scenes won't be censored or muted, that is why it was why I told you to prepare just incase." Drafted said while staring with the red glowing eyes from his gas mask
"BUT STILL! WHY!" Ark Royal still insisting.
Drafted then pulls out the dart guns and shoots her. The drug used is powerful enough to make a grown elephant to sleep. It quickly put her to sleep, falling on the chair and snoring.
"That should do it. Now let's continue." Drafted said calmly while being glared at by some kansens which he ignored.
Oskovian Soldier: They're everywhere!
The Machine Gunner was luckily behind the Flame Trooper and used their shotgun to open fire on the back of the Flame Trooper, where after 3 shots, the gas exploded, killing the flame trooper but also killing nearby soldiers.
The Machine Gunner then quickly ran into cover only to run face first into another Flame Trooper, startling the two
The Machine Gunner desperately tried to run but the Flame Trooper engulfed them in flames, causing the Machine Gunner to scream in agony before soon, succumbing to the fire and death
"Well there goes another. Once again." Drafted said
"A brutal way to go." Illustrious added
The screen then zoomed out, revealing the burning body of the the soldier as their name appeared while the Rostoran's were seen finally capturing the Church in the background
Text: Hermaxs Tod, 1892 - 1918
Mark: New killing machines, like the Tank, changed the shape of the war overnight. Luckily they were mostly on our side... Mostly.
The screen then cut to the POV of a Oskovian Soldier With white long hair, who was seen quickly entering a tank before shutting the door behind them
(IMAGE) Taken from wiki btw.
"Weren't those made- *yawn* to float?" Shinano said before going back to sleep
"To answer that question, yes some designs did. But this one is just used to mainly crossed over trenches and deep holes caused by artillery." Drafted said
"Wait so Shinano was almost right?" Yamato questioned
"Yes, she's smart. I think..." Drafted replied with an unsure tone
(No she's not..) Mikasa thought.
Tank Commander: Our boys in the church are overrunned, we need to push through! Our Infantry are counting on us!
The Tank was then seen driving forwards, following the trials of another ally tank as multiple soldiers were seen being carried away, whether if they were injured or dead, with others simply limping away or running towards the battlefield
"Those guys must be really lucky to get away from the battlefield" Akagi said
"If they survived." Prinz Engen added
"Right" Akagi and kaga both replied, knowing they did the same thing in pearl harbor but not returning this injured or.. Ending up dead.
Driver: Use the Machine Guns, sweep the ground!
The gunner obeyed, using the Machine Gun and opening fire on the Rostora's soldiers inside of the Church, although those bullets unfortunately didn't do much against the flame troopers
Tank Commander: Keep going driver!
The Gunner quickly started to focus their attention on some of the Rotoran's who seemed to be retreating, using the Machine Gun to gun them down as airplanes were seen flying by, with the Gunner stopping for a moment to look at them in awe
Driver: There's our fly boy's up there!
Tank Commander: Keep your eyes on the ground son!
"How the hell did he manage to figure out that those planes were on their side?" Yorktown asked
"I could barely even see what color they were" Belfast added
"Same" Most of the kansens said
"He probably has heightened senses, since he is in a war after all" Enterprise stated
The two tanks quickly stopped after spotting a large group of Rostoran's retreating from the trenches
Tank Commander: Use that machine gun! Mow them down!
The Gunner listened and opened fire with their Machine gun as both tanks started to go after the retreaters
"Look at the way that Machine gun mow them down" Roon said while having a smirk at the way some of the Rostorans died from the gun fire
Tank Commander: We've got them on the run! Push on!
The two tanks charged forwards as explosions were seen not far away
Tank Commander: Forward! For the King and Country!
The Gunner along with the other gunner in the other tank both started to blindly fired towards the incoming smoke that some Rostorans were trying to use to escape, with many of them actually failing to do so
Tank Commander: We'll chase those bastards all the way back to their Homeland!
The Gunner then moved to a new location that gave them a perfect shot of the retreating Rostoran's, one that they used to their advantage and opened fire, killing some of the Rostoran's.
One Rostoran soldier, however, was seen slowly walking ahead, gun loose in his hands and face down
"What's up with him?" Unicorn nervously asked. But then her eyes were covered.
Everyone sadly sighed
"Likely Combat Stress Reaction or better known as Shellshock" Drafted simply replied
Without hesitation, the Gunner turned their gun on the Shellshocked soldier and opened fire, putting the poor Rostoran Soldiers out of his misery and bringing along multiple other Rostoran's.
This sudden act of cold-heartedness caused a few kansens to widen their eyes in shock and horror, with some no reaction at all, Likely seeing it before and knowing the hard cold truth.
"W-why?" Queen Elizabeth asked trying to not stutter or tear up.
"They are in a warzone on opposing sides. Most of the time soldiers during this time period simply had to mindset of 'kill everyone from the opposing side, and try not to die in the process'" Drafted simply replied
"But it was clear that he didn't want to-" Saint Louis tried to talk before getting cut off by Drafted
"You don't understand. This is a war you never faced, It was a new war that brought the world into it's knees. Some haven't even seen a car before. How do you expect them adapt fast enough?" Drafted stated
The kansens was silent.
Tank Commander: Incoming!
A Field gun was heard firing before landing it's shot on the friendly tank in front, blowing it up and killing it's entire crew
"Holy Shit!" Cleveland yelled in shock
"LANGUAGE PLEASE" Everyone yelled at Cleveland. 'As If trying to protect the innocence of the Destroyers and Unicorn isn't hard enough' everyone thought.
Driver: (In fear) Field gun took her apart! We're just a big fat target for that thing!
Tank Commander: Move driver! Go around!
The driver quickly drove the tank around the wreckage of a building and away from the field gun, with the Tank Commander presumably turning to his gunner
Tank Commander: If you get a clear shot on that blasted field gun you take it!
The Gunner nodded their head as the driver started to drive to the tank through a house
Tank Commander: Hold on! We're pushing through
The Driver managed to get the tank through the building and near the Field Gun. Multiple Rostorans were seen panicking as the Field Gun crew were hurriedly trying to turn the field gun towards the tank crew
Driver: There! On the left!
The Gunner used the highly explosive shells and fired on the field gun, destroying it and killing the Rostorans using it.
"It seems there doing a pretty good job maneuvering around there enemy. Just incase you guys haven't noticed yet. I have not watched this video yet." Drafted said
"That's.. reassuring kind of. Your reacting together with us." Enterprise replied
"Pretty much." Drafted said
Tank Commander: Good job! Let's open a path for our lads! Move up with the rest of the armor
The driver started to move the tank forwards, following another ally tank that had come to join the party, but shells from the Rostorans were seen being fired and blowing up groups of Allied soldiers
Tank Commander: Push on dammit! We're almost through, fire at anything that moves!
The Gunner looked ahead and saw multiple Rostora soldiers falling back, causing them to open fire
Driver: We're gonna make it!
The screen then suddenly zoomed out of the Gunner's view, showing the tank driving ahead
"Huh?" Unicorn and Destroyers said in confusion
Tank Commander: Shit! Incoming!
An Artillery barrage then landed, with one of the shells landing right on the tank, killing the entire crew and revealing the name of the gunner
Text: Yorktown, 1900 - 1918
"HAHAHAHAH" Drafted laughed. "I DIDN'T THINK OUR BOSS WOULD PUT ONE OF YOU IN THERE." Drafted shouted while laughing uncontrollably.
"Wh- wha- what. Why?!" Yorktown shakily said
"Probably because he wanted to see how you'll guys would have reacted." Drafted said finishing his maniacal laughter.
"Alrig- Alright I'm sorry huhu- I can't breath from all that laughter I'm sorry about that." Drafted says in a kind of a apologetic tone.
"You better.." Enterprise still a little angry.
Mark: Instead of adventure we found fear, and in war, the only true equalizer is death
"That's the harsh reality" Mikasa and Formidable both sighed
"I can agree on that!" Drafted replied
"By the way how old are you?" Mikasa questioned.
"...Uhh quite a question there old hag." Drafted said
"HOW THERE YOU." Mikasa Shouted
"Calm down old hag, I'm pretty much older than you." Drafted said
"How old?" Formidable also questioned.
"..uhh" Drafted pulls out a calendar. "My birth day is.. Oktobre 9th..." Drafted Muttered.
"Oh got it! I'm 59 Years old." Drafted Answered.
"Your older than most of us here huh." Formidable pondered.
"In terms of looks and ship age.. Oh yeah, I am currently older than all of you." Drafted said
"Do we call you grandpa then." Prinz Eugen suddenly joins in.
"No" Drafted simply said.
The screen then cut to the POV of a new soldier holding what appeared to be a Submachine gun, and was seen putting on a gas mask as Mustard gas was seen being thrown towards them and their group
"What's that gas?" Roon asks with small sparkles in her eyes
"Poison gas, more commonly known as Mustard gas. The name suggests what it does" Drafted replied
"Well isn't that just great" Prinz Eugen sarcastically said
The Submachine Gunner heard the sound of a whistle, which caused them along with their allies to charge towards the Rostora soldiers, who charged right back. Soldiers from both sides were seen stabbing each other with their bayonets and firing at each other as the Submachine Gunner mowed down any Rotorans who dared to try and get close to them.
The Submachine Gunner then quickly took out a grenade and threw it toward an incoming group of Rostora Soldiers, with the grenade blowing up and sending limbs and blood flying everywhere.
This sudden scene made a few destroyers vomit as they didn't close or have there eyes covered.
"Alright since a few of you vomited will be right back. I'll call in the Janitors." Drafted said. As he pauses the video and leaves the theatre.
"What the.. hell." Javelin says
"Don't worry.. Your fine, Your fine." Ark Royal says as she tries to calm down few of the destroyers.
"You girls doing good?" Someone behind them says making some of the Kansens turn around pointing there weapons at him.
"woah, woah, I'm not an enemy don't worry just a guy watching together with you." The man replies.
"Please state your name and who you are." Bismarck says still pointing her armaments at him.
"My name is Ron. I'm Korean. And friends with the guy that made you react to this." Ron replied
"Wait- Doesn't that mean your also a boss here?" Javelin asks
"Yep I order those people around. They most of the time listen." Ron replies
"Soo.." Javelin tries to say before being cut off by Ron
"Shut up his here." He says as we see The same drafted back with Janitors.
"Aight, Janitors are here with buckets for you small fucks to puke on. So don't puke on the floor anymore and don't make the Janitors Job any harder." Drafted says
"Also please raise your legs so the Janitors can clean up the mess you made." Drafted said.
They listen though feeling a little nervous as they get a close up look at the Janitors. There RIPPED AS FUCK. And there still wearing masks to hide there Identities which makes some of the kansens a little disappointed.
Janitor#1: "Please don't puke all over the place anymore. We don't have the time to always clean up your Insides." He says.
The kansens has no comment on that.
The Janitors finish up cleaning the place and leave. Some were just to embarrassed to talk.
"There done. So let's continue." Drafted said before unpausing the video.
The video unpauses and shows the Submachine Gunner somehow managed to keep their cool and push on, moving forwards and opening fire on every single damn Rostora soldier that they saw. Unfortunately for them, they failed to see a Rostoran charging towards them, who managed to stab them in the back before kicking them off the blade
The screen zoomed out of the soldiers pov, while text appeared, revealing the Submachine Gunner's name
Text: Adel Flak, 1899-1918
"The video just unpaused and they already die cmon" Drafted says a little disappointed
The kansens look at him going with a face saying "really"
The screen then shifted to the pov of another solider, who shot and killed the Rostoran soldier who was responsible for Adel Flak's death
The soldier slowly moved forward, allowing their teammates to take point and using their rifle's long range capabilities to snipe the incoming Rostorans.
The Dreadnought was seen falling down to the ground, with parts of the Dreadnought blowing up and going on fire and the guns detaching and falling on the ground.
"It's almost like it's the end of the world" Prinz Eugen said
"More like it is the end of the world" Roon replied while loving the scene.
The Sniper kept their focus on the Rostorans as they continued to fire shot after shot on every Rostoran soldier they saw.
The Noxuian's nearby were all heard letting out a war cry as they charged forward, with the Sniper moving along and spotting a Rostora soldier having his attention focused on someone else. The Sniper then ran full sprint at the oblivious Rotoran with their gun in the air and bayonet pointed straight at him as they charged
The Sniper then let out a yell as the Rostoran turned to face them, only for the Sniper to thrust the bayonet into the Rostorans stomach, causing him to scream in pain, until the Sniper then pulled the trigger, finishing off the Rotora soldier in a brutal way as blood was seen going everywhere
This again made the kansens cover the children's eyes. With a few grown ups actually finally throwing up.
"Damn." Drafted says
The Sniper then kicked the Rostora soldier off and was about to return to shooting only to get shot in the face
The screen zoomed out to see the sniper falling over dead, with text yet again appearing and revealing their name
Text: Alya Cairo, 1900 - 1918
"Rest in peace." Jeane d'arc says
"Wow, I think that's one of our drafted. I think Tank is running out of names to think off. So his used one of our own to put there." Ron states.
"Really? That's surprising." Drafted replies.
The screen then cut to the pov of one last soldier. Time seemed to have slowed down as this soldier fired shot after shot at the counter attacking Rotoran, with explosions and gunfire being heard all around him
All of this deafened the soldier, allowing a rostora trooper in a gas mask to knock him down to the ground with a shovel before holding the shovel above him, ready to strike. Until suddenly, the ground violently started to shake as the two looked up in shock and saw the incoming barrage that was speeding right towards them
Oskovian Soldier: ARTILLERY! GET DOWN!
The screen then cut to black right as the explosion appeared, destroying his position
"Yes they did" Drafted replied
"WHY?!" they all shouted
"Because they likely saw those soldiers as expendable" Drafted simply replied
"But they're people!" Hammann yelled
"How can you be so calm?" Enterprise asked as she glared at Drafted
"It's because I have been in this exact situation too many times to count. I'm a soldier after all" Drafted replies as he looks at Ron who just pretends like he hasn't done it before.
The screen then faded to the Pov of the same soldier, who slowly got up before looking around, noticing dead bodies everywhere near him
The Soldier then turned around, where he noticed a Rostoran Soldier who was standing back up and looking at him
The screen then zoomed out to reveal Mark quickly aiming his rifle at the Rostora soldier, who did the same back
"Well... It's just a matter of time of who shoots first." Graf Zeppelin says
"Pretty much." Hipper replies praying to god they don't.
While he wasn't speaking on screen, Mark's voice was heard speaking
Mark: They push - We push.
Mark and The rostora soldier both kept their weapons aimed at one another, but neither of the two seemed to want to pull the trigger, as the sun was seen rising to the sky during this little showdown
Mark: Every once in a while, we push hard enough that the light breaks through the clouds-
"Come on" Hipper and unicorn (Join's in apparently) pleadingly as they held their breaths
Mark: -so the world beyond the war glimmers-
Mark was seen taking a deep breath as he finally put his gun down, with the rostoran soldier doing the same
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief while some celebrated like the war just ended.
Mark and The rostoran, both were then seen looking around themselves as the sun near them rose to the top of the sky.
Mark: -Just out of reach
The screen then cut to a female riding on a horse yelling as she took out a sword before cutting to a group of Oskovian Soldiers charged out of the trenches
Mark: The war is the world, and the world is the war
Mark: But behind every gunsight, is a human being.
The screen then cut to some guy looking up at the camera
Mark: We, are those people
The screen then cut to a train driving through multiple armored cars before cutting to someone doing the sign of the cross on himself
"Amen" Fortune says before doing the sign of the cross herself.
Mark: We are the Jaded, and we are the Naive
The screen then cuts to 2 young soldiers hugging each other
Mark: We are the honorable, and the criminal
The screen then cut to someone yelling as he slammed down a large piece of wood onto someone
"What does that mean?" ??? asks
"I don't know either" Drafted just replies without knowing who it was
Mark: We are the bound-for-legend, and we are the lost-to-history
The screen then cut to yet another soldier looking at the screen before cutting to a group of people cheering in front of a train wreckage
Mark: We are the nights in the sky, the ghosts in the desert,
The screen showed multiple plans flying in the air before cutting to someone looking back at something
"Ghosts in the Desert?" Enterprise repeated
"Hehehe, Grey ghost in the desert" Ron says laughing at his own pun
"It's not good please stop..." Everyone thought.
Mark: And the rats, in the mud
Then another soldier was then seen carrying someone before collapsing onto his knees, dropping the person who was unidentifiable
Then another soldier was then seen glaring at someone before cutting to another one in a chauffeur clothing gripping the steering wheel of a fancy old school looking car
"Looking stylish for someone in war." Bismarck says
"Same goes for the rest of iron blood." Drafted says
"So.. revealing clothes are stylish?" Prinz Eugen says smirking
"I mean.. Both I guess. They can be stylish or just revealing, I mean I like the way you look Ms. Prinz Eugen." Drafted says giving a slight small bow.
Prinz Eugen get's a little red at the reply. This is currently the mind of Ms. Prinz (I'm going to make him mine!)
Mark: These are our stories
Another soldier was then seen looking up at the sky in shock, until the screen cut to black.
"That ending makes me feel a bit nervous" Hipper nervously said
"Well. Now that's over look at that door." Drafted said pointing at the door behind them.
"That door leads to an arcade room, Multiple bedrooms and bunk beds or you can have your own bedroom during your stay. a kitchen to make your own food or you can call one of us. And lastly a library. Hope you enjoy your stay. Next video in 18 hours." Drafted says giving a full welcoming bow.
The kansens immediately went to do there respective rooms of their choosing. While some went to play in the arcade.
Meanwhile yamato is currently wearing a white chef hat cooking fried rice.
(05/27/2023) Finished this 2:00 Am in the morning time to sleep good night :3
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