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4.91% Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

The first kill. One of the most important crucial part of warriors life . Depending on hpw one handles the sitiutation their fate as warrior can be determined . The ones with weak mindset may not be able to continiue their journey as a warrior , while the stronger ones will slowly adapt . As for me , i didn't feel anything . There wasn't even any sense of joy due to killing an Awakened while still being just a human . This was just it . One life . As i was retrieving my sword from the dead man's throat i heard a familliar voice of Spell

[You have slain Awakened Human , name unknown. ]

[You have received a Memory...]

Despite recieving memory it was not time to inspect it . As i stood in cacaphony of battle many enemies were already making their ways towards me . I also dashed towards them . As i danced between their blades and made my own strikes many enemies fell.

Spells voice echoed every time i killed .

[You have slain Dormant Human]

[You have sl..]

[You h...]

Seeing my perfomace my allies also joined with their high morale and mercilessly killed their enemies . The dispirreted enemy warriors started to panick and their early confidence were nowhere to be seen . All that was left is terror.

* * *

In the middle of battlefield Cordux and 2 other Awakened fought . Faces of 2 Awakened were slightly pale as they suddenly lost their support and were forced to fight Cordux with their life on the line . Cordux , as an experienced warrior never let his enemies relax and waited for an opportunity to finish them off .

Suddenly , the heart of one Awakened was pierced from the back . The Awakened slowly turned his end and saw a two indifferent eyes of teenager before finally losing consciousness.

The other Awakened was enraged seeing his comrade die and made an impulsive attack totally forgetting Cordux , who without any hesitation finished him off.

* * *

As the last enemy has been slain by Cordux , i let an exhausted sigh . The effect of charm has ended and my hand was feeling slight pain . That is when Nightmare spell remined me again of me killing another awakened .

[You have slain Awakened Human , name unknown. ]

Unfortunately , there wasn't any memory or echo . As i thought about my luck Cordux slowly said to me.

"What a Brave warrior you are! With someone like you our clan has a chance to return to its former Glory! As much as i'm happy about it , first we need to access the situation and make plans for near future"

That was when i realised that this was only the beggining and Nightmare has not ended yet . Making a slight nod i silently followed Cordux and observed our surruondings. All the enemies were dead while from our side 18 people ecpept me and Cordux survived. Almost all the women and young kids were dead, while the survived had their limbs severed or body parts torn to shreds . It was clear that they won't be able to fight anymore .

All in all , only 14 people who were somewhat capable to fight . As i saw this scene i inquired Cordux .

"Comander, what should we do now?"

Cordux maintainig his stoic expression replied in low voice so that only i can hear

"To be honest , I never imagined we will go this far . But with your help we somehow did it . However , the losses are severe and there might be other pursuers or beasts that would have smelled tge blood . We will move towards the temple of War God . If there's any hope then it would be there"

Listening to him i understood the overall situation . Basically , the 4 people who were alredy half dead would be abandoned . After a moment of silence i spoke to Cordux

"Then we will have to abandon the injured"

"That is the most honarouble way for them to die, so don't worry Young Master"

Young Master? When did turn into Young Master ?

As if reading my mind Cordux uttered

"The moment you won this battle for us"

After that , he turned towards others and and exclaimed

"We prevailed thanks to this Young Master! So let us all make everything in our strength to guarantee his survival ! For the Young Master! For the Future of the Clan!!!"

"Long live Young Master! Long live the Clan!"

As i observed their eyes full of hope and resolve i understood their thinking process . For them strenght was everything. Seeing me killing 2 Awakened and many other enemies must have made me their hope , their future . Using this moment i also loudly exclaimed

"Long Live The Clan!"

The faces of my allies instantly were filled with smiles . Soon they all became active and started to move towards temple . The injured ones remained behind and hid themselfs preparing to attack pursuers.

While moving towards temple through valley i summoned the runes .

Name: Kiyotaka.

True Name: ---

Rank: Aspirant.

Soul Core: Dormant.

Memories: [Faceless]

Echoes: ---

Attributes: [The Seeker of Freedom], [Mark of Divinity], [Child of War] .

Aspect: [Limitless Warrior].

Aspect Description: [A warrior who is no diffirent from the others except for his unlimited potential. Potential is a good thing , but it's comepletely useless without necessary polishing]

Seeing the new memory i concentrated on it .

[Faceless: A mask that can alter ones face appearence or completely erase it. The number of possible transmormations are limitless ]

An interesting Memory . However , i would have appreciated weapon or armor more .

Summoning it i slowly observed how it materialized in my hands after 2 seconds . The mask was plain black and ordiniary . The only uniqueness is that there wasn't any eye sockets .

After a few minitues of inspection i found out that although face appearence can be changed , the structure of my skull remains unchanged . So it is more like how others see me changes rather than physical change. This was evident from somewhat lerplexed reactions of my allies every time changed my face. Also , this mask can function by itself , without a need for so called essence . I changed my face to my original appearance and continued my way towards a temple.

Soon , we have arrived at the temmple. The entrance was filled with sculptures of warriors and weapons . As we made our way inside we were met by the sight of many roaming beasts . Looking arround i saw a Giant Altar and a Statue of War God . The Altar was filled with many unknown inscribtions and the Statue of God stood at the center of it .

The War God or shoul i say Goddess stood in a unique mesmerising armor. Her hands full of calluses gripped a sword that gave of an impression as if it could cut the heavens. Her beutifull face was fierce . Her eyes full of excitement and anticipation.

Whenever a beast looked at the statue it would go on a rampage as if corrupted by maddness and die . I wonder , why am i unaffected . Even my allies seemed to avoid looking towards a statue . As i inquired Cordux about that he answered with smile full of joy.

"Young Master, it seems you have affinity to Godhood , that is why you are able to look at our God . Fate has not abondoned us! You are destinied to be our future My Lord"

The Mark of Divinity . One of my Attributes seemed to be a reason why i can look at the face of War Goddess.

As i analyzed the current aituation suddenly someone came from and dark tunnel from behind . A young woman with dazzling white hair and crystal blue eyes . From her familiar blue armor it was clear that she was an enemy . However when i looked at her all i felt was crisis. My instincts screamed at me , telling me to run away . The faces of Cordux and others became deadly pale .

"Ascended" someone muttured in a low voice

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