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71.42% Awful Travel

Chapter five: Karen heard about the death of her husband.

While in the city of Creekwoods, Karen and her children were watching a movie on the tv. 

They were so immense on the channel that was being displayed on the television that they didn't even know when someone knocked on their door.

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

" Yes!!, am coming"

It was on the third knock that she heard who was on the door and walked toward it.

When she opened the door, she saw a woman with brunette hair, wearing an official white shirt, black skirt, and pair of sunglasses standing at the door, and with that, she frowned.

" How may I help you" Karen questioned, trying to inquire why she got a sudden visit this happy charming morning.

" Sorry for interrupting whatever you are doing inside but are you, Mrs. Stuart, like the wife of Mr. Donald Stuart?"

Karen deepened her frown at that question but later nodded.

The other woman was astounded when she nod. She began to cross check the file handed to her by the company that sent her " is just that your picture looks more different than your dirty self right now"

Karen felt angry at that word. Yes that picture must be when she wasn't married to Donald and was living a good life back then but this woman isn't doing her job right. 

First of all, the woman wasn't polite at all and was somehow rude with her words. Could it be because she wasted time answering the door, or was it because she was poor?

" Yes, any problems?" Karen managed to ask, she doesn't have time to argue with anyone.

At this question, the woman heavily sighed. This made Karen furrow her brows even more to look at the woman while waiting for her to hit the nail. 

The brunette woman kept silence when she heard the question, she stood there looking at the lady near the door.

" Is there?" Asked impatient Karen as the uninvited woman was slightly putting her in an uncomfortable position.

" Mrs. Stuart promise me that you will stay calm after hearing this because I don't have time to waste on people who won't pay a dime" the woman highlighted with a ridiculous and nonchalant face.

Karen narrowed her eyes at the woman but decided to stay calm because she doesn't know the news this woman brought this Saturday.

She could only hope it wasn't as awful, bad, and disheartening as this woman standing in front of her door.

It has been three days since her husband left the house and she hasn't heard anything from him since then. She tried calling his number many times but he didn't pick up nor call her, his line remained switched off. She would be really glad if he did call her back.

" Mom the show is about to end, what are you still doing at the door!!" Becky's voice was heard inside the sitting room. She has been waiting for her mom to come back and watch the television with her because she only enjoys movies when watching them with her mother. 

Her brother and father weren't any help because they always find her favorite shows boring which is very annoying to her.

" Hone, I will be there in a minute" replied the mother as she waited for this unpleasant woman to say whatever she wanted to say and carry her misfortune with her, back to wherever she came from.

" Okay then, since you are prepared maybe I should tell this news to you... the boat…" 

At the mention of the boat, Karen's heart began to beat faster as her body began to shake with anxiety.

' Please let it not be what I think '. She prayed and hoped.

" It was reported that the boat your husband took didn't get to its destination…"

" Then where did it stop?" Karen jumped down her throat, not letting her finish her statement.

" Please Mrs, next time allow me to finish my statement first"  the brunette woman  officially warned and continued with what she was saying, not without glaring at the other woman who wore a cloth she could likely use in bringing a very hot pot down from the stove. 

She didn't even know why she was sent here in the first place when other families encountered the same issue and would have given her some cash if she was to console them.

Maybe luck wasn't on her side, because instead, she was sent into this tiny cottage that looks like it has lasted hundreds of years.

" Different rescue ships have been sent from different angles but it was also reported that they haven't seen anything yet which could only mean one thing.."

"Please don't say that word" Karen requested as tears began to roll down her cheeks, she didn't want to hear the complete word because that will only injure her heart out the more.

The woman looked at her with an unworthy look and a smirk displaying on the corner of her lips " it means he is dead, yes, your husband is dead" 

 She finished the sentence she was asked not to finish without any care in the world, and with that, Kelly staggered backward while holding her heart.. almost falling. 

Karen gripped the door handle hard while inhaling and exhaling as if the air was too hard to breathe in but when the latter was about to come close to her, she quickly went inside the house and slammed the door in Kerala's face.

She leaned on the door with her head looking upwards, allowing the tears to trickle down her plumpy cheeks. 

She later slid through the door and sat on the floor, thinking about how she would cope without her helpful husband.

' Oh how could death be so wicked '

How can she feed her children now her husband is gone because he was the only person that can bring money into the house?

She can't work.

 Even if she tries getting a job, no one will be willing enough to offer her one because of her ruined reputation.

" Mom, are you crying?" Becky's meek voice jolted her back to reality. She opened her eyes and saw her two worried kids standing in front of her.

She looked at them but couldn't keep her eyes at them as more tears came rushing down "mom doesn't cry, you know that right? It was just something that entered my eye. I will be fine, you guys should go to your room" Karen muttered with a tone she hasn't used on her children before and hastened her steps toward the room she shares with her husband.

Immediately she entered the tiny room with few things surrounding it, she began to wag her anger at the things around the room, like the tv pictures and other necessary equipment, destroying everything on her way, even her wardrobe.

'Why bother, are there even clothes in there?'

" Idiot!!, fool!, asshole" she cursed as she breaks the things around her, releasing her frustrations " why didn't you listen to your daughter in the first place? Why die like this knowing full well the dangerous situation you put us into!!?".

She kept yelling but after some time, her voice died down as she lay flat on the bed letting her tears do the yelling for her.

" Mommy why are you crying"  Karen heard Kevin's voice when she was still in immense sorrow. She sat up and tried to compose herself.

" Is nothing," she replied shortly while cleaning her eyes and then frowned slightly " didn't I say you guys should wait in your rooms?" 

" Yes"

" Then what are you doing here? Go I will meet you there" 

she dismissed the child and continued her cries.

'Oh gosh, am done for' Karen cried out heavily in pain and muffled sobs.

" Mom, you are making noise with your sobs" 

This time, it wasn't the boy but the little girl who distracted her from her unhappy mood. Karen raised her face annoyingly to look at her child " what are you doing here? Go back to your room"

" But mom am worried" came the sweet voice of the little girl

" You shouldn't be, you know mommy is a strong woman "

" But you are crying"

Karen sighed, how is she going to explain this to her children…  not yet, they are still innocent souls. They can't know about their father's death because that would put them on the wrong path in life.

She knows sooner or later they will know but for now, she has to try her best not to let them know.

" You know….I hit my eyes somewhere, now go back to your room "

The girl shrugged and slowly began to walk to her room but as she was about to leave through the door, she was called back .

" Becky! " Karen called out as she remembers what has been lingering on her mind for a long time. She has always wanted to asked this ever since the day her husband left but always forgot.

The girl quickly turned to face her mom with the hope she was going to tell her something useful" yes!".

" Did you in any way see your father's death in any of your dreams?". The sudden voice of her mother came and with that, the girl gave a huge frown on her face

 " What!!? Did dad die?"

Karen noticed what she had done and quickly decided to correct her mistake with a fake and forged smile" Noooo! How could you say that!? Dad is going to come back next week with your favorite things as he promised" 

As Karen said this, the frown on the girl's face dispersed as her usual cheerfulness returned " I hope he doesn't forget my favorite barbie doll?"

" No, he will never" came Karen's response to the girl and with a huge smile, the girl went back to her room. On a second note, Karen began to think that her daughter was fooling around with her or pretending.

Without giving her a moment that she desired so much to think about herself and her new found life, her phone rang. 

At first, she didn't want to pick it up but decided to check it out, hoping it won't be as bad as the news she received this morning. 

She picked up the unknown call and didn't say anything after that, as she waited for the other line to speak first.

" Hello" came from the voice on the phone and she froze in her spot.

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