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20% Avatar: Legend of Korra / Chapter 1: Spirit of Time
Avatar: Legend of Korra Avatar: Legend of Korra original

Avatar: Legend of Korra

Author: Luxuriant

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Spirit of Time

Deep into the spirit world, a tree could be seen, it was the Tree of Time with Vaatu trapped inside.

Another being could be seen standing in front of the tree, leisurely chatting with Vaatu, the body of this being was covered in white armor embroidered with gold and he had a magic staff in his hand.

"Damn you! Just let me out of this damn tree!" Vatu's red spirit body furiously shook as he looked down at the being standing in front of the tree.

"How many times have I told you the same thing these past thousands of years? I can't interfere with the timeline. Everything has a consequence to it, plus you would simply cause chaos." The armored being nonchalantly responded with a man-like voice.

"Are you not the Spirit of Time? Who cares about the timeline!? You could simply fix it!" Vaatu retorted.

The Spirit of Time simply ignored him and turned around, while glancing around.

"I'm only here because I thought I sensed a disturbance in the timeline, it seems I might have been wrong." The Spirit of Time muttered.

"Tch." Vaatu simply stopped talking, since he knew of the great power this being held.

"Hmm?" Suddenly the Spirit of Time's gaze locked onto a small black ball deep into the sky that instantly zoomed across.

"The future has changed for the worse..." The Spirit of Time muttered.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke once again.

"If that is the case, I shall create a team meant to prevent such a future and I have a perfect idea."

The Spirit of Time suddenly started to walk away, leaving behind Vaatu who heard his words.

"Hey! Isn't that a bit unfair!? You'll change the future so easily but not release me!?" Vaatu exasperatedly exclaimed.

"Don't care." The Spirit of Time chuckled as he walked away, before disappearing from his spot.


[21 Years Later]

The sky was a beautiful blue as the sun gleamed down onto the large spread-out metal domes on the ground.

Zafou City in its glory, in the center metal dome, inside a certain training room, two individuals could be seen fighting.

One male and female, the male wore a simple black yukata and he had normal black hair with black eyes.

The female had long black luscious hair, green sweatpants with a gray tank top, and some bandages on her body.

They would continuously clash in a battle of hand-to-hand martial arts.

"Come on! Is that all you got Kuvira?" The man smirked as he crouched down and dodged a kick.

"You talk as if you've beaten me." Kuvira remarked as she grabbed the collar of the man's yukata and yanked him over her shoulder.

Her eye's widened as the man softened the fall with his feet and instantly jumped back up while twisting his body mid-air and slammed Kuvira onto the ground while putting her in a headlock with his legs tightening on her neck.

Kuvira attempted to escape but the man continued to hold her down.

"I yield..." Kuvira reluctantly muttered as the man released her.

"Haha!" As soon as the man released her, he pounced on her and held both her arms against the ground as he looked down at her.

"Is someone mad?" The man smirked.

"Oh shut up Ash, the score is 102 to 110, your barely ahead of me." Kuvira slightly smiled as she replied.

"I know, my girlfriend is awesome enough to keep up with the General of the Zaofu Army." Ash smiled as he inched closer toward Kuvira's face.

"Come here..." Kuvira smiled back as their lips were about to interlock.


Suddenly they both heard a voice from the entrance, they both immediately glanced over there and noticed Suyin Beifong, standing there in her normal green Zafou attire as she pointedly looked at them with a smile.

Neither of them panicked as Ash simply got off Kuvira and pulled her up, and they both walked up to Suyin.

"You two seem to be getting cozy, haha!" Suyin lightly laughed as she watched both of them awkwardly smile toward her.

"I apologize for intruding but I needed Kuvira's opinion on a certain new defensive architecture idea my husband had." Suyin explained with an apologetic smile.

"It's alright we just finished, meet me later Kuvira?" Ash replied and looked toward Kuvira.

"Of course, I'll meet you at your place later tonight." Kuvira answered with a nod.

"Alright love you." Ash pecked Kuvira's lips before heading off, as he walked away, Suyin suddenly winked at Ash.

"Use protection." She whispered.

"I heard that!" Kuvira exclaimed with a tinge of red on her face.

Ash simply chuckled and left the training room.


As Ash traversed the silver metal hallways, he was in deep thought.

'I still can't believe I reincarnated into the Legend of Korra verse... It has been quite the ride and I've had such a happy life, I even have quite the fierce mom that I never had in my past life...'

Suddenly he frowned.

'But the amount of things that changed is something disturbing. Meaning all the knowledge I had from watching the show, could very well be useless. Suddenly Avatar Aang and Sokka were brought back to life over 20 years ago, and Toph and Katara gained youth. Normally Aang and Sokka would have aged but it seems as if their aging has been slowed down to the point that they look like they're in their late 20s... Never in history has there ever been two avatars at the same time... '

'Other characters have also been brought back such as Azula, Fire Lord Ozai, Iroh, Ty Lee, but Mai and Zuko gained youth, just like Toph and Katara since their not dead. About 10 people were affected by this strange anomaly, the world was in shock at first but slowly it accumulated to it. But the weird thing is even though Fire Lord Ozai and Azula regained control over the Fire Nation through Agni Kai against Zuko, they haven't done anything for over 20 years which is quite suspicious.' Ash thought inwardly as he noticed he made it in front of his room, opening the door, he entered.

It was a luxurious circular red bedroom with a balcony that gave a full view of the city.

He sat on his bed as he continued to think.

'I can only assume that the cause of the situation was because of me, the fact that they all were revived when I was born, proves that. I need to arrange for myself to go to Republic City and ask Grandma Toph, still sounds weird to say though, haha.' Ash finished his thoughts with a chuckle as he stood up and headed to the shower.

A few hours later, it was now night time and Ash was simply relaxing on his bed in a spare black yukata he had. His job didn't really need him much even though he was the General of the Zaofu Army, they never got into conflicts with other nations, so he was simply a glorified policeman who maintains peace inside Zaofu.

'We're not even fighting the fire nation, we're lucky that Republic City is defending our shores for us and the fact that the southern water tribe basically protects us from getting flanked by sea.' Ash grumbled inwardly.

He couldn't believe how passive they were being, he could very well understand Kuvira's grievances.

'While I do agree with Kuvira that Zaofu City is hogging all the stuff and that they should help, she went about it a bit wrong. I wonder if I should help her... Is that really even a question?' Ash bitterly chuckled.



Suddenly he heard a knock on his door, sitting up on his bed, once he put his feet on the ground, he noticed who was here.

"Come in Kuvira."

The silver door opened up as Kuvira entered in a casual green captain uniform with her hair in a braid.

"How was it?" Ash questioned as Kuvira approached him.

"It was simply a waste of time, we created a powerful military force but simply let them rust away as we talk about defense systems..." Kuvira frowned as she sat on the bed and put her head onto Ash's lap.

"You know how Suyin is, she cares deeply for this city." Ash replied with a helpless smile.

"I know she cares but we could do so much to help liberate Basing Se's citizens from their tyrannical queen. I've tried multiple times to convince her, but she never listens..." She sighed and closed her eyes as she relaxed on his lap.

Ash just stayed silent and calmly stroked her hair.

"Sometimes I feel like if we had the power, we could do so much to help..." Kuvira suddenly muttered.

Ash continued to stay silent until suddenly Kuvira snapped her head up with a serious expression.

"Ash I know what I'm about to say is treasonous but.... what if we took the power..." Kuvira looked at Ash with determined eyes.

"Haha! Your quite gutsy, your gonna say something like that even though I'm a Beifong myself?" Ash chuckled as Kuvira sat beside him and continued to look at him with determination.

"I know you, Ash, you're the type of person who follows what they believe in, regardless of the consequences and I know you won't betray me." Kuvira retorted while staring at Ash with hope.

Ash stayed silent for a few seconds before replying.

"Perhaps you're right, but even if I agreed, what would this so-called plan entail?"

"I've been talking to some fellow soldiers lately and there are many who agree with me, with them we could conquer Ba Sing Se-"

"Think Kuvira! You know very well that they wouldn't be enough, maybe if the Fire Nation wasn't here, your plan would work, but not even the whole of Zaofu could conquer Ba Sing Se currently because I doubt the Fire Nation would continue to stay silent." Ash cut off Kuvira's words as he inquisitively looked at her.

"But with both of us together, I'm confident we can wipe out all our adversaries, while Ba Sing Se and the Fire Nation are powerful, our technology is practically the best, plus you and I could handle most powerful benders, we're an army ourselves." Kuvira retorted not giving up easily.

"*Sigh* So you're not gonna give up are you?" Ash questioned with a helpless smile as he stared at her unwavering green eyes.

"Nope." She smirked.

"I suppose I can't leave my girlfriend to fend for herself." Ash chuckled as he indirectly agreed.

'She'd probably do this even without my help, I might as well be there to keep her in check and help her out.' He thought inwardly before being squished to death.

"Thank you! I love you so much!" Kuvira exclaimed as she excitedly hugged Ash.

"I never thought I'd see you be so happy about treason." Ash joked as he hugged her back with a smile.

"But are you sure? Are you gonna be okay with practically betraying your family?" Kuvira pulled back and worriedly looked at Ash.

"They'll understand... But your gonna need to be ready, we're going to be facing the most powerful benders in the future including the so-called, "Gaang" and the new avatar squad." Ash replied with a serious tone.

"I am." Kuvira nodded while staring at him with still eyes.

"One thing I will recommend is that you need to broaden your perspective. Why stop at only a portion of Zaofu? Why not take over the whole of it?" Ash smirked as he looked at Kuvira.

"While I don't doubt our abilities, convincing the whole city would be hard." Kuvira replied with a frown.

"We don't have to convince the city if they are completely unaware of it." Ash retorted with a smile.

Kuvira simply raised her brow at his statement, indicating for him to continue.

'At first, I was planning to kill Kuvira in order to avoid this situation but these past few years, we got so close that we suddenly started dating. Adding to the fact that somebody else would simply take her spot and do the same thing, it would simply be a waste of time.'

'But then I thought what if I was there beside her to conquer? I started thinking that if we were good dictators, something could change. And since then, I've been devising a plan to overthrow Suyin, as much as I care for her, seeing all those Ba Sing Se citizens being treated like trash, brought some unwanted memories.'

'With all these resources, we need to put them to use and I've prepared myself mentally just for this day.'

Once Ash finished his thoughts, he then went on to explain his plan to Kuvira.


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