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Attaining a Spark Attaining a Spark original

Attaining a Spark

Author: yeIlowguy

© WebNovel

Chapter 1


In a space almost completely devoid of light, a man named Yusif blankly stared at the bold text. "Are you serious?" He grumbled, crossing his arms. "You bastards are lucky I've dreamed of this moment for years. If I was a normal person, with something to leave behind, I'd probably whine for a few days."

Taking a look at the web-browser-like screen in front of him--which was his only source of light in the void-- Yusif poked and prodded it with his finger. "How am I supposed to do this..? Ah!"

[Welcome​ ​Jumper,​ ​to​ ​the​ ​Island​ ​Ark,​ ​a​ ​mysterious​ ​place​ ​filled​ ​with animals​ ​and​ ​beings​ ​you​ ​thought​ ​extinct,​ ​and​ ​some​ ​even​ ​from fantasy.​ ​Here​ ​you​ ​shall​ ​spend​ ​ten​ ​entire​ ​years​ ​surrounded​ ​by ever​ ​reproducing​ ​beasts​ ​and​ ​a​ ​diverse​ ​landscape.​ ​Beware however​ ​for​ ​all​ ​is​ ​not​ ​as​ ​it​ ​seems​ ​and​ ​below​ ​the​ ​exterior​ ​of​ ​a beautiful​ ​Island​ ​rests​ ​caves​ ​holding​ ​great​ ​artifacts,​ ​artifacts that​ ​should​ ​never​ ​be​ ​uncovered​ ​for​ ​fear​ ​of​ ​what​ ​they​ ​might unleash.​ ​Of​ ​course​ ​you​ ​will​ ​not​ ​be​ ​left​ ​with​ ​nothing​ ​so​ ​take​ ​these as​ ​a​ ​gift: +1000CP.]

"Ark? Are you serious? Oh, you've got to be kidding me. An entire island full of fucking dinosaurs with basically no way of improving my personal strength. Great world to start in."

[Upon​ ​your​ ​wrist​ ​you​ will ​find​ ​a​ ​specimen​ ​Implant.​ ​With​ ​it​ ​you​ ​can​ ​bring​ ​up​ ​a​ ​holographic interface​ ​that​ ​allows​ ​you​ ​to​ ​store​ ​Items,​ ​and​ ​check​ ​your​ ​status​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​give​ ​you permanent​ ​recipes,​ ​known​ ​as​ ​Engrams,​ ​from​ ​which​ ​to​ ​create​ ​items​ ​or​ ​even​ ​tools​ ​of war,​ ​and​ ​finally​ ​a​ ​small​ ​crafting​ ​menu​ ​from​ ​which​ ​to​ ​build​ ​the​ ​items​ ​from​ ​the blueprints.​ ​Stats​ ​have​ ​a​ ​scale​ ​of​ ​60%​ ​in​ ​something​ ​being​ ​Peak​ ​Human​ ​Guinness Book​ ​of​ ​World​ ​Records​ ​shit,​ ​and​ ​100%​ ​being​ ​4​ ​times​ ​that.​ ​For​ ​example​ ​a​ ​100%​ ​in Weight​ ​would​ ​allow​ ​you​ ​to​ ​carry​ ​13​ ​tons​ ​as​ ​your​ ​absolute​ ​limit,​ ​but​ ​have​ ​10​ ​tons​ ​as​ ​a comfortable​ ​weight.​ ​There​ ​are​ ​9​ ​attributes:​ ​Health,​ ​Stamina,​ ​Oxygen,​ ​Food,​ ​Water, Weight,​ ​Melee​ ​Damage,​ ​Fortitude,​ ​and​ ​Topor.​ ​Crafting​ ​speed​ ​is​ ​so​ ​useless​ ​I removed​ ​it​ ​for​ ​you.​ ​The​ ​Specimen​ ​Implant​ ​also​ ​allows​ ​for​ ​you​ ​to​ ​immediately​ ​gather items​ ​into​ ​your​ ​inventory​ ​while​ ​mining​ ​and​ ​such.​ ​It​ ​also​ ​allows​ ​for​ ​the​ ​ability​ ​to allocate​ ​the​ ​stats​ ​of​ ​your​ ​mount.​]

"At least I'll still have the implant.. Maybe I'll even survive with it! Or that's just hopeful thinking." He shook his head exasperatedly.


[Location: You of course start within the Island, nothing will change that. But you may pick what park of it you start in. Beware however as all of these places are filled with beasts who would love for nothing more than to end you. Roll an 8 sided dice.]

[1-Forest: A lush forest filled with a surplus of wood and thatch. Stone is very prevalent but not as much as other places, and only in small deposits or as tiny rocks. Metal is almost nonexistent, but this place is great for survival.]

[2-River: A nice sandy area bordered by a forest and with a giant river flowing through. There is an abundance of rock, and wood, but wood is not as available as the forest. Dodo's and Phomia's mostly populate the area, though the occasional Spino and Bronto will appear.]

[3-Jungle: A jungle area, just like the forest it is filled with wood, but unlike the forest, there is little to no stone or metals. Sabretooths live all around here, as do raptors and dilos.]

[4-Beach: A Beautiful beach bordering a huge sea. Not much in terms of wood, but there are many bushes that hold berries, and chitin all over the place. If you're stupid enough to go into the water without a seamount, there is also oil. It is surrounded by megalodons of course. Hyperthermia can be a serious problem.]

[5-Grassland: A very balanced area filled with most of the resources, though in very small quantities. Best if you don't want to die of overheating or Hyperthermia. Sadly, many carno's and T-rex's make this their home.]

[6-Canyon: A wide stretching canyon. It is near a wasteland with nothing but Stone and Sand. Overheating is a serious problem here. Also populated by giant gators.]

[7-Lava: Well then, you're very well fucked. This is a volcanic region overflowing with lava. While there is plenty of metal, wood, thatch and other important resources, there is little to no food. Get moving Jumper.]

[8-Free Pick: Well then, look who's a happy camper. Pick anywhere on the island.]


"Oh. Even better. I get to leave my starting location up to fate. Just.. please don't put me in the Canyon." As he finished speaking, an 8 sided dice appeared on the screen and promptly rolled itself, landing on a 4. "Beach? That's fine I guess. Could be worse."


[Origin: You may pick what gender you are for free as well as your general appearance.]

[Survivor: You wake up in your location with nothing on except for some pants as well as some gem looking thing in the middle of your wrist. Time to get moving.]

[Builder: You woke up on the beach and immediately looked at your wrist, seeing the specimen implant. You decided to check it out, finding something called 'Engrams', allowing you to build a house and several tools. Maybe you could build more?]

[Tamer: Right after waking up, you found yourself surrounded by the extinct Dodo bird. Mesmerized, you went to touch one, and from there, you've made some of them your faithful pets. You can't help but wonder what other dinosaurs could you make use of as you look at one of the giant lumbering beasts.]

[Hunter: Immediately after waking up, you were beset by what had to be the most vicious creature on the island: A Dilo. It was relentless, but so were you, and because of this, you were able to beat it to death with your bare hands. Now you will show all of these beasts just who the alpha is on the island.]


"..If I'm going to be stuck on this island full of dinosaurs for 10 years, I sure as hell will be taming as many as I can." And so he chose Tamer as his origin.

[Catalogue: All perks and items except for those under General are discounted for their respective origin and 100CP perks are free.]

"Finally! The only part that actually matters. First off, the free shit." As Yusif said, the first thing he did was grab all the perks and items that were free, hoping to have every advantage he could. First, the package of Basic Video Game Bullshit, Respawn, Adonis, and Unlimited recourses. In order they: Gave him a watered down Gamer's Body, allowed Yusif to respawn 5 times a month, gave him muscles, and allowed for resources on the island to infinitely respawn after a day.

Next those free due to his origin. Friend to Animals, and Coaxing Sleep, making taming just an all around much easier process, especially since he would be able to passively tame everything as long as it wasn't a predator, which was actually a somewhat large percentage of the dinosaurs on the island. To help with this was his final purchase and only item, Narcotics. It was just as the name suggested and would provide Yusif with 20 units of Tranq arrows, darts and bolts, as well as Narcotic paste.

After everything for free he could, Yusif turned his attention to the drawbacks section. He knew full well that he would want to spend over his current capacity, and although it pained him to make his stay even harder than it already would be, it was needed.

First, he took the drawbacks Fucking Dilo's and Low Water and Food for 100CP each. The first made Dilo's come after him frequently, and the second made it so he needed more food and water to survive. They weren't nearly as bad as the others, especially when he started taming.

The next ones he took were Dino Bait and Capricious for 200CP each, attracting Dinosaurs to him and making him extra prone to boredom. Finally, the last drawback he took was one that would have made him feel guilty if not for the fact that he really needed the extra perks. Big Fish little Pond, for 600CP, blocked his access to his warehouse and abilities from previous jumps. Obviously, he doesn't have said abilities, or even a warehouse yet, making this drawback basically free CP that he was all too happy to take.

With his total CP raised by a good amount, Yusif began his shopping excitedly. "Lemme see.. This, this.. I'll take that one too."

Foraging Skills and Danger Sense were two fairly explanatory purchases, each equally as useful. Pathfinding would let him think of somewhere and know how to get there, something potentially useful for even future jumps. Next, Primal Fear, a perk that allowed him to drive fear into living beings, and a lot of it too. It could even make a T-rex pause and think about eating him. In a world where he was just a small fleshy human, and surrounded by huge beefy dinosaurs, this would be incredibly useful.

Saddleless, a Tamer perk, would allow him to ride any tamed dinosaur with no saddle, Directed Growth lets him determine how his tames would grow, Breeder of Armies, a perk that immensely increased his ability to breed dinosaurs and speeding up the time it took for baby's to grow just as much, and finally, Alpha Tamer, granting him the ability to tame anything, including Alphas. Even bosses were no exception. It would also cut down the time it took him to tame dinosaurs, which in conjunction with Friend to Animals would make the time it took to successfully tame a creature almost minimal.

His final two purchases were also of the final two categories. Tek Cloning Machine, a machine that could do as it said, cloning dinosaurs, once a week for no cost. Yusif wondered just where he would keep it. Finally the companion Builder, a man or woman who would be extra talented at building, letting him spend more time on stuff he wanted to while also having some company for his 10 year stay.

Now completely done with everything he needed to do, Yusif went to the bottom of the page and confirmed his purchases, subsequently finishing the introduction. Not even a moment later, the browser disappeared, leaving him in pure darkness, and after another moment, he too was gone.

yeIlowguy yeIlowguy

This is the first arc, the Ark arc, and it'll be fairly short compared to the next ones. I've also made multiple changes, such as creatures spawning on the island when they don't usually.

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