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Asura's Reign Over the Multiverse (coming back...soon....) Asura's Reign Over the Multiverse (coming back...soon....) original

Asura's Reign Over the Multiverse (coming back...soon....)

Author: IamAsura

© WebNovel

Chapter 1- The start of all Great Journeys begins with chaos.

Lucas Rose, a typical orphan, moved around a lot and had a little bit of trouble with cops when he was around 14 years old a few times but never went to jail or anything like that. Today is his 18th birthday, and he finally saved enough money to move out of his adopted parent's shitty apartment. And when he woke up to get ready to leave, he saw that he wasn't at home or in his new apartment but in space floating on a cloud of what seems to be a jumble of different energies from green, yellow, black, white, gray, and many more colors.

<In the Primordial Goddess of Chaos' realm>

"Hello young Lucas, I am the Primordial Goddess of Choas. You can call me mother Chaos," said the Primordial Goddess of Chaos, who seemed very happy and eager to introduce herself to Lucas.

She towered over Lucas with a height of 12 feet, with long legs that could leave any man staring for hours, and an hourglass figure to complement the legs, and she is by far the most beautiful lady that Lucas has ever seen or could imagine. She has long dark black hair....and her eyes are crazy like a wire of colors entangled. It was chaotic but beautiful.

"Hi, you said, I'm Lucas, mother chaos. What does a lovely goddess like yourself want with an orphan boy like me ?" Lucas wondered nervously

'If this bitch decides to kill me, I can't fucken fight back.... she's a god....fucken primordial one at that,' Lucas thought as he looked around searching for some weapons or something to fight with. But there was nothing. Lucas forgot he was floating in space on a cloud. Lucky for him, he didn't move.

"Well, Lucas, that isn't a very nice thing to call y..."Mother Choas stopped speaking, looked down at Lucas, and hugged him as best she could.

"Lucas, it seems I don't have the time...they are coming...I'm sorry for this, GO!" Lucas looked at the goddess as if she was stupid as he disappeared...puff...Two men entered, floating towards Primordial Goddess of Chaos.

"Hello, Miss Choas," said a big shredded man; each of his arms looked as if he could curl an entire planet. His hair was black with strands of blonde streaks; he had bitch black eyes but with a golden hue that would appear if one stared long enough, standing at 15 feet. He was a tall, handsome all might. He was The primordial God of Dream, and next to him was, The Primordial God of the Void, who wasn't as shredded as the God of dreams. He was more lean and compact, with long dark green hair, which made others question if he was a Cultivator, also standing at 15 feet. Both men, handsome beyond words, could describe.

"Hello, Dream and Void, what DO I owe this visit in MY realm." said the goddess of chaos, furiously trying to hide her nervousness. 'I hope these fools didn't notice my young Lucas.'

"Well, Miss Choas, you know the inheritance game is about to begin as you being the oldest and the strongest, you are to follow the special agreements that we all agreed upon, no? '" Dream hinting at him knowing about Lucas "The old man is giving his inheritance to one of our children, as you are the strongest. It makes sense your son will be powerful; the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, no?" The God of dreams smiled kindly as if he was only trying to uphold the agreement and nothing more.

'hmmm...this old witch...I know she has already met the brat, dammit my son won't be able to inherit that old man's power if her sons alive...that dam chaos energy is too powerful...We don't even know the boy's race....or what his wishes are.'

As the two were talking, The Primordial God of the void was looking at his hair. 'Does anyone else like the color of my hair.'

The Primordial Goddess of Chaos was getting fed up with the two intruders ruing the one chance she had with her son. She crossed her arms. "Void...Chaos, I have followed up on this foolish agreement; my child knows nothing of what's going on." The Primordial Chaos Goddess released her aura, cracking the space and time around her,...crk...ckr..."YOU TWO BRATS HAVE GONE TO FAR COMING TO MY DOMAIN. DO YOU NOT REMBER THE NICKNAME YOU GAVE ME!! LET ME REMIND YOU!! The goddess declared with a malicious smile, causing Void and Dream to shiver, remembering the days when they were young entities, and they tried bothering chaos.

"Wait, Wait....."

She raised her hand. Everything went black.

"That witch I can't see anything...VOid you there" The Primordial God of dream asked frantically, roaming around looking for his friend.

The Primordial God of the Void just floated around silently.

The Primordial Goddess of chaos watched the two, then snapped her fingers, and they disappeared...Puff...' Those fools are annoying...Lucas, I have given you the powers you have always wished for...I can't do anymore forgive this horrible mother of yours...' Chaos Mother fell on her knees and started crying, "wahhhh....LUCASS.....IM SORRY....WAhh....I be there for you..." she cried, falling asleep floating in space tired from creating Lucas wishes.

There are three powerful energies in all of existence. First, there is Void Energy, second is Dream energy, and the strongest of the Three is Chaos energy, the most powerful and the oldest. All three Primordial Gods and Goddess are entities or beings created from these energies. They have been around since the beginning of time, But so have other entities and beings. For example, the Omni-King, or The one above all, is the most powerful being, and he has finally declared he wishes to give his inheritance and throne to one of the ancient entities children in a game of war. Each child for 500 years will train and build an army to battle in the Omni kings War Realm. And the agreement the Three Primordials agreed upon is if Chaos child is to be in the game, the child will have to not know about the game or his origin, being that the child will be mighty regardless of whatever he does. And gets a few wishes that he won't necessarily choose but have always wanted, which could be a curse or a gift to the child of dream and child of the void.

<In a random world>

"Hey, Dailion....the inheritance games about to begin...Good luck, brother," said Arien, the youngest Son of The primordial God of dream, a boy with blonde hair. He had hair like Justin Bieber's. He looked up at his older brother with pride in his eyes because his brother would be the perfect Omni-king; at least, that's the dream he has in his head.

"Yes, Arien, I'm off" Dailion patted his little brother on the head as he disappeared.

<In another Random world>

'Hmm...the inheritance game is about to begin....,' a teenage boy with dark green hair said, raising his sword in the air, slashing down, creating a portal, then walked through the portal.

<Japan - Koryou High School>

"Today, we have a new student Asura Amastu," said the class teacher.

IamAsura IamAsura

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Please, I'm a new author and in need of help. Send links to youtube videos or just suggestions—complete amture.

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