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5.88% Aspirations - A Powerful Harry Potter / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Aspirations - A Powerful Harry Potter Aspirations - A Powerful Harry Potter original

Aspirations - A Powerful Harry Potter

Author: TheBlackEarl

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Harry Potter stood in the middle of the Champions' tent, staring at the miniature version of the dragon he would be facing. The moment he had picked it out, varying looks of pity had been directed at him from almost everyone. He could understand that. He was chosen to be the Hogwarts Champion – a wizard in his fourth year. His other two competitors, Fleur Delacour, and Viktor Krum, were both in their seventh.

They had three years of magical knowledge and experience over him, and had it been a normal case, Harry would have been miles behind them. However, something had happened a little over a year ago, something astonishingly welcome.

Harry still remembered it vividly.

He stood in front of Dumbledore's desk, battered and bruised. Blood clung to his white Hogwarts shirt, rendering it a dirty crimson. In front of him on the desk was a black diary with a large hole in the middle, the fang of the basilisk and the Sword of Godric right beside it. Only an hour ago, Harry had saved Ginny Weasley from the clutches of the shade of an adolescent Voldemort. He had gone against a Basilisk of all things, and the creature had almost managed to kill him.

He recalled how the creature's venomous fang had pierced through his forearm. One of the most potent blood in the world coursed through his veins, and right there, with his head in Ginny's lap, he lay dying. His eyes had closed, and he remembered the approaching coldness which could only be death.

Time had ended for him shortly, and there was only the abyss of nothingness as he floated therein. He had no idea how much time had passed when he let out a gasp of breath. The darkness in his vision gave way to the poorly lit ceiling of the Chamber of Secrets obscured by a curtain of flaming red as he heard the soft cries of the girl he had managed to save.

The girl jerked when she felt him move, and she sat up straight, looking at him with a stupefied look on her face.

"H-Harry? You're alive?"

He stared at her, confused, and he grunted when she threw herself over him again.

"C-can't breathe," gasped Harry, and the girl hurriedly got off, blushing furiously.

"S-sorry," she whispered as he got up and looked around. The Basilisk lay dead, the diary remained where he had dropped it, black ink covering the leather, and right beside him stood the most magnificent creature he had ever laid eyes on.

"You saved me, didn't you, Fawkes?" asked Harry, his voice gentle as he stroked the phoenix's plume. The creature preened before it flew upward. Harry remained still as the creature landed on his head, and he watched in fascination as it cried on his forehead right where that scar was.

"Your scar…" remarked Ginny with wide eyes. "It's gone."

Harry looked at the girl in surprise before he turned toward Fawkes who perched itself on his shoulder. The phoenix flamed them directly to the infirmary before disappearing with the sword, the diary, and the fang of the Basilisk.

That was how Harry found himself standing in front of Dumbledore's desk under the curious eyes of the headmaster who was sitting silently, regarding him as if he were a specimen to be examined.

"Is something wrong, Professor?" asked Harry, finally when Dumbledore did not seem to be speaking anything. The old wizard let out a small smile and shook his head.

"On the contrary, Harry. Something is very right, very right indeed."

Confused, Harry stared at the old wizard who walked over toward him and pushed his bangs away, keenly gazing at the spot where his scar had been.

"Indeed, a truly fortunate development, one I could never foresee," whispered the aged headmaster of Hogwarts.

"I'm confused, sir," replied Harry once Dumbledore pulled away, and the old wizard gave him a small smile before gesturing for him to take a seat.

"I would imagine so, Harry. You see, the fact that your scar has disappeared is a blessing. Can you describe what happened down there in the chamber?" asked Dumbledore with an encouraging look on his aged face.

Harry frowned but started to explain how he and Ron had cornered Lockhart and forced him to accompany them in their mission to save Ginny from whatever the monster of the Chamber was. Dumbledore looked slightly disapproving at that. Ignoring the look the headmaster gave him, Harry explained how the ceiling caved and separated him from Ron and Lockhart, and how the latter had wiped his memory accidentally after failing to wipe theirs. Words flowed out of his mouth as he explained his encounter with the shade of an adolescent Voldemort, and this was where Dumbledore showed a visibly fascinated reaction. The tale culminated with him destroying the diary with the basilisk fang and his, what he assumed, death.

Dumbledore remained silent in the aftermath, stroking his long beard softly as he looked at him through his half-moon spectacles.

"Tell me Harry," said the old wizard. "When you felt that you died, did you hear something? A cry of pain, or a shout of anger perhaps?"

Harry frowned as he tried to recall whether he had heard something like that, but he failed to come up with anything.

"All I saw was blackness everywhere, and then there was a flash of bright light before I woke up. It felt as if I was sleeping for a long period of time and suddenly someone cast Lumos on my eyes," replied Harry, blinking.

"It is indeed as I imagined then," said Dumbledore, nodding with a small smile.

"What actually happened, sir?" asked Harry, curious.

"As you know, Harry, when Voldemort attacked you in Godric's Hollow, he could not kill you. His curse rebounded, and you were left with that scar," said Dumbledore in a calm voice, and Harry listened to every word. "Only one kind of scar is not entirely treatable by conventional healing – one caused by dark magic. You scar contained this dark magic residue, Harry. However, when you were pierced by the fang of the Basilisk, it almost killed you. The dark magic residue in the scar could not sustain itself, and it died, for the lack of a better word. You would have died too, had it not been for Fawkes healing you when you were on the verge."

Dumbledore smiled at his phoenix as Harry stared at it in wonder.

"Fawkes cried into the wound and neutralized the venom, thus saving your life."

"Thank you, Fawkes," whispered Harry in gratitude.

"I would ask for your forgiveness, Harry," said Dumbledore sincerely, and Harry looked at the old wizard in surprise.


"I have known about the existence of the dark magic residue inside your scar since I first examined you when Hagrid brought you to me all those years ago," admitted Dumbledore. "I always thought there was no way to cure you of it. I never imagined something like this."

"You don't have to apologize, sir," came Harry's sincere reply. "But what was this dark magic residue in my scar?"

He saw Dumbledore's eyes fall on the diary on the desk.

"I'll tell you one day, Harry. You can be sure of that," said Dumbledore. Harry was disappointed. It was exactly how it happened the previous year when he had asked the headmaster why Voldemort had come after him.

"I have a proposal for you, Harry, if you are interested," intoned Dumbledore softly.

Harry nodded.

Smiling, Dumbledore said, "These part couple of years have proven to me that Voldemort will keep trying to come back to power, and he would eventually succeed. His first objective would be targeting you, and as such, you need to be prepared for that eventuality."

Harry's heartbeat skyrocketed as he stared at the tired yet smiling face of the venerable old wizard, hoping with all his being that it was what he was thinking about.

His hopes were rewarded when Dumbledore continued, "I would like to personally train you, Harry. Your Hogwarts curriculum aside, I would instruct you in advanced magic so that you can be prepared for whatever you might face in the future."

Wide-eyed, Harry stared at the old wizard and whispered, "You're going to train me?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"It would be a very challenging endeavor for you, Harry. And it would not do if you keep doing what you have done these past two years," replied Dumbledore firmly. "You will have to fully devote yourself to becoming one of the best wizards to have ever stepped foot in this castle. Are you prepared for this challenge, Harry?"

There was nothing more that he wanted. He would become the best damn wizard he could be. The answer came to him easily.

"I am, sir," replied Harry firmly, earning a smile from the headmaster. "I will not disappoint you."

"I have full faith that you would not."

Harry had started living at Hogwarts since then, and for the past year and a half, the headmaster had been personally training him in varying aspects of magic. It had been very challenging in the beginning, but he had thrown himself with full enthusiasm and never allowed the old wizard to chastise him for his lack of effort. Magic became his life. It was all he did. In such a short span, he had completed the entire Hogwarts curriculum and could easily ace his NEWTs if he wanted.

He could not be happier about how his life had turned around. However, not everything was sunshine and roses. His newfound expertise in magic and the fact that he was being personally trained by Dumbledore himself meant he had very little time to spend with his friends. As a result, not everyone was happy about it. He had drifted away from Ron and Hermione, and although he had suggested that he would teach them what he learned from Dumbledore, they did not seem too interested. Harry understood Ron. The boy was a slacker, and expecting such a degree of effort from him was the height of foolishness. That was apparent when he had chosen Divination as an elective only because it was an easy O.

What perplexed him was Hermione's decision to decline help from him. He had expected that she would jump at the chance to better herself, but she had refused to learn from him. It took him quite a while to figure it out. He didn't know if he was right, but he thought the prospect of learning from someone who used to rely on her to pass his exams must have dealt a huge blow to her fragile ego. Harry didn't say anything, but he saw it for what it was in his opinion.

That had been at the beginning of their third year, and since then, they had drifted away, no longer the close friends that they had once been. There was not any discord between him and them, but he was not as close to them as he once used to be.

The situation with Ron had worsened this year. He had felt the jealousy Ron harbored toward him because he was learning from Dumbledore, but it intensified when he was chosen above all other students to represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament.

Harry had not intended to submit his name even though he had joked a few times that it would be interesting if he was chosen to represent Hogwarts. However, it was Dumbledore who had convinced him to participate in the tournament as it would be a good test of his skills. The proposal made sense to Harry, so he agreed and dropped his name in the goblet. He was not expecting to be chosen, but he was not too surprised when his name came out of the Goblet of Fire either.

As he had expected, Ron was not happy with his selection, and the boy had made it verbally clear to him as well. Hermione though had become even more distant than she had been in their third year.

Before the Chamber of Secrets fiasco, if someone had told him that things would turn out like this, he would have felt helpless. Not now though. He took everything in stride and remained focused on his goal — to get as strong as possible to one day take on Voldemort when he made his return.

The first task of the Triwizard Tournament was only a few minutes away, and all the champions sat on their respective chairs, staring at the models of dragons they would be facing. His was the Hungarian Horntail, while Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum had a Norwegian Ridgeback and a Chinese Fireball respectively. All were dangerous, but his dragon was easily the worst of the lot.

"Listen closely, Champions," boomed Ludo Bagman, a broad smile plastered on his face. "Now that you know what you are up against, here is what you are required to do. You all shall go through those gates at the same time, and waiting for you is the real deal. Your task is to collect the golden egg from the dragon's nest and make your escape. The champion who crosses the threshold line with the egg first will be awarded full fifty points, the champion who gets second place will be awarded forty points, and the champion who comes last will be awarded thirty points. If you fail, you get zero points. Pretty straightforward, eh?"

All three champions sat in silence.

"Err… yeah, so that's all," the man trailed off. "You can make your way through the doors now. The entrance to the arena will open in five minutes."

They watched as Bagman walked out of the tent, leaving them by themselves. Wordlessly, they walked over to the doors marked with their respective school crests.

"Well, good luck then," remarked Harry finally with a nod to each of the champions, who nodded back. Without any delay, he opened the door and walked in.


The crowd was buzzing with anticipation. They had never seen anything like this — a proper battle arena with living, fire-breathing dragons crouched over their nests.

"This is truly something," remarked a blonde beauty with sapphire eyes as she looked over at the massive arena divided into three segments. "They are really going above and beyond, aren't they? Pitting three students against dragons."

"I can't help but pity Potter a bit," her best friend and unknown to anyone else, her lover replied as she looked at the three dragons snarling at the crowd. "Those dragons don't look too happy, and he is the youngest of the three."

Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis. Two of the prettiest students in the school right now, and both were sorted into Slytherin.

Unlike Daphne, Tracey was a brunette with hazel eyes. While cheery on the outside, her eyes gave away how cunning she could be. Both girls were desired by the Hogwarts male populace, with their alluring curves adding to the appeal.

"Potter knew what he was getting into when he put his name in," replied Daphne curtly. "If he can't cut it out, he should've never done it in the first place."

"I don't think any of those champions knew they would be facing dragons though," supplied Tracey with a small smile.

Suddenly, a massive roar shook the entire arena and they saw the snarling black dragon shake its head vehemently. The massive chains around its neck rattled violently.

"I pity whoever has got that one though," the brunette shuddered. "That creature looks straight out of my nightmares."

A fair distance away from the pair, with the Gryffindor contingent sat Harry's former best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Accompanying them were Ron's little sister Ginny and her best friend Luna.

"I had no idea they would bring dragons in," said an ashen-faced Ron as he stared at the massive creatures snarling and spewing violent flames against the barriers that protected the students from them.

"This is barbaric," replied Hermione, staring disapprovingly at the spectacle in front of her. "They are using these creatures for entertainment, without caring what could happen to them."

"I couldn't care less about those dragons right now, not when Harry's about to face one of them," whispered Ginny in fear, before she shook as the large black dragon roared to the heavens. "Merlin, I hope he doesn't get that one."

Beside her, her friend Luna rubbed her shoulder in comfort.

"Daddy says angry dragons are angry because they have so many wrackspurts around their heads. They make their brains go all fuzzy and they get so confused that they get angry," said Luna, an elvish-looking girl with light blonde hair.

"No one cares about those silly creatures," retorted Ron, his eyes wide.

"Shut up Ron!" cried out Ginny with a glare. Before she could chew her brother out though, a loud blast echoed around the arena and they looked over as the gates opened.

"Oh no…" whispered the only daughter of the Weasleys. Harry would be facing that black dragon.


The doors slid open and Harry closed his eyes for a second, wincing slightly at the light. However, he didn't have time to get himself ready as he was forced to jump to his right the moment he stepped out into the arena. A massive torrent of flame hit the tunnel before the magical barrier set in place. It was to protect the champions from the dragon's attacks when they completed the task.

From his spot on the rocky ground, Harry looked into the malevolent eyes of the dragon as it glared at him. The dragon's snout opened, displaying its sharp, yellow teeth and it let out a ferocious roar that shook the entire crowd. The Horntail indeed seemed to be as dangerous as they said.

His eyes zeroed in on his target, and he found it right under the dragon's belly. A solitary egg, shining golden. Harry was slightly relieved that there were no real eggs in that nest. That would have been a needless waste of the creature's future offspring.

He looked around and saw that he was in a triangular arena, and although the side facing the crowd was protected by what looked to him like a powerful magical barrier, the other two sides were anything but. He didn't think those walls would withstand a powerful gust of flame.

Harry did not have the time to ponder on that thought as he saw the dragon's maw open and glow. He quickly conjured a massive rock just as the flames collided with it. There was nothing that could protect him from the dragon fire, and he knew most of the shields would stand no chance against it. Conjuration was one of the few options he had to keep himself safe.

The dragon fire was very hot. He could feel all of it against his body even when he was behind a ten-foot-wide mass of rock. However, he was ready. He did not need to kill the dragon or anything. He only needed to subdue it for long enough to get that egg.

The moment the flames dissipated, Harry cried out. A powerful banisher shot the massive rock forward, and the dragon had no time to react as it collided with the creature's snout. Harry heard a creaking sound, and he realized that he had broken a few bones at the very least. Looking over, he saw blood dripping off the dragon's mouth and a few teeth on the ground as the creature groaned.

He could hear the crowd's shouts of excitement as they were treated to this spectacle, and he chuckled to himself. At least he was not the only one enjoying himself.

Suddenly, there was a massive explosion and Harry looked over. His eyes widened when he saw the barrier that separated his segment of the arena from another champion's get destroyed. He looked to see who it was, and all he saw was the wide-eyed stare of Fleur Delacour as she looked at him before turning toward his bloodied dragon that was now glaring in her direction.

The girl quickly conjured a large metal sheet as the Ridgeback she was assigned shot a large stream of dragonfire at her, and she had to conjure another one when the previous one melted within seconds. Meanwhile, Harry was looking at the Horntail that had seemingly forgotten him, its attention solely fixated on the female who was admittedly closer to it.

Harry's eyes widened when the Horntail opened its maw wide and shot a powerful gust of flame directly at Fleur, who noticed at the very last second. She was still conjuring metallic shields one after the other to keep the Ridgeback at bay, and could in no way manage to defend herself from a two-way assault.

The girl's eyes widened when she saw a large boulder appear near her side, shielding her from the Horntail's flames. She winced when she felt the heat from the fire against her body. Despite being a veela, she felt the sting of it.

The boulder was suddenly pulled away from her, and she saw out of the corner of her eye as it collided with the Horntail's snout. A large gash opened on the dragon's scales.

Realization dawned on her in an instant. She had fucked up. Her plan to charm the dragon to sleep failed, and she blew the barrier open, inviting the wrathful attention of one of the most dangerous species of dragons to herself. Harry Potter, a wizard three years her junior was the one to save her, and he had already managed to injure his dragon without sustaining any damage himself. Fleur had to respect that and she felt gratitude as well.

However, now was not the time to think about it. Taking a page from Harry's book, she conjured as big a boulder as she could and used it to shield herself. The Ridgeback's flames hit the boulder and she took a much-needed breather.

As she looked over toward Harry's segment, her eyes widened when she saw the Horntail bleeding profusely from its snout while Harry walked calmly in front of it. She could only stare in shock as he flicked his wand and levitated the drops of the Horntail's blood in front of him before waving his wand, swirling the blood around him. The drops of blood glowed a deep crimson before they surrounded him like a barrier. The Horntail spewed a stream of fire, and Fleur almost cried out in shock when Harry made no move to shield himself. She was just about to conjure a boulder for him, but the dragon fire reached him before she could even move.

She thought the dragon fire would burn him to a crisp. She was wrong. She was terribly wrong. Instead of harming him, the dragon fire got repelled the moment it touched him. Fleur stayed rooted to the spot. She had never heard of magic like that, and she kept staring. It was her luck that she had conjured that boulder instead of a metallic shield. The Ridgeback kept spewing flames, trying to hit her, but it never made it past the rock.

Fleur stared at Harry Potter as he walked over and calmly conjured a shield to keep the dragon's sharp claws away. Nonchalantly, he picked up the golden egg he was supposed to retrieve and turned around to walk away. It was when he reached the barrier he was supposed to pass through that he glanced toward her. Fleur stared, shocked, as he simply gave her a nod and walked through the barrier.


There was a stupefied silence throughout the audience. Everyone stared, unable to formulate words, as the giant screen replayed the magic Harry Potter had employed to retrieve the golden egg.

"What was that?" whispered Tracey Davis, staring at the screen where the droplets of blood transformed into a shield that repelled the flames of a Horntail. Beside her, her best friend Daphne Greengrass had her eyes wide open and her mouth agape, having lost control over her emotions for once.

"I have no idea whatsoever," replied the blonde. "But Potter has suddenly become much more interesting."

"He used blood magic," one of the boys in front of them whispered, and it didn't take long for the words to echo around. Across the stands, students started whispering about blood magic and how Harry Potter had used it to get past the dragon.

"Isn't blood magic dark?" asked Hermione with a deep frown as she stared at the other two champions still trying to get past their respective dragons with varying levels of success. Where Fleur Delacour was imitating Harry's strategy of shielding herself with the boulder and using it to confront her dragon, Krum was more aggressive, using several borderline dark curses to attack the dragon.

"How does he know it though?" whispered Ginny in shock. Her brother exchanged a meaningful look with Hermione as Luna replied, "That was not blood magic."

"What do you mean?" asked Hermione with a frown, and the blonde turned to regard her with a serene smile.

"That was a spell, and I believe a very advanced one," replied Luna. "He used the dragon's blood to create a protective spell for himself, and by the looks of it, it worked only on dragonfire. He would not need to use a shield to keep the dragon's claws away otherwise."

"I've never heard of any spell like that," Ginny replied with a frown.

"Harry must have read some very advanced books to learn about it. Not many people know about the uses of dragon's blood," replied Luna with a smile. Hermione's eyes widened in understanding.

Dumbledore had discovered twelve uses of dragon blood. He must have been the one to teach Harry about it.

"Still, the entire school will now think that Harry used forbidden arts in this tournament," whispered Ginny. "I hope they don't do something to Harry."

"I don't think Dumbledore would let it happen," Hermione waved her hand dismissively as she looked at Fleur Delacour who had finally managed to take her golden egg, although with some damage to her attire. The skirt was burnt in places, and the girl had managed to take care of the flames and preserve her dignity.

"I really hope so," replied Ginny with a hopeful nod.


"I'm surprised you managed to find me, Miss Delacour," said Harry without bothering to look over or pause his spell practice. A fissure opened on the conjured block of iron in front of him, cracking the metallic conjuration before it withered away.

"You are a tough person to find," replied Fleur in her accented voice as she walked inside the abandoned classroom and shut the door behind her.

Harry turned around to look at the girl, and he was once again taken with how beautiful she was. Veela sure did deserve their reputation.

"How may I help you?"

A small smile came over the French witch's face as she looked at him. Despite being three years younger, he was still a few inches taller than her.

"I wanted to express my gratitude for what you did today," replied Fleur, taking a step forward. "It was my mistake, but you saved me knowing you didn't need to."

"This tournament might have us competing, Miss Delacour," interrupted Harry with a small shake of his head. "But it does not mean any of us deserves to die. I did only what anyone else would've done."

"Most people won't do it without expecting anything in return though," disagreed Fleur. "Particularly when a girl or a woman is concerned. You know the kind, I hope?"

Harry remained silent.

"You know, Harry Potter," said Fleur with a smile dancing on her lips as she started to walk around him. "I have read about Hogwarts houses, and I'm surprised you didn't end up in Hufflepuff. Hardworking as you clearly are, you also help people without expecting anything in return."

He looked at her as she came to a stop in front of him.

"I have asked about you around the castle, discreetly, of course," smiled Fleur. "And I've heard how you have helped so many students over the years. Truly admirable, yet unfair."

"Unfair?" asked Harry curiously. "And how so?"

Smirking, Fleur took a step toward him.

"I could see that they never thanked you for everything you did for them. Isn't that the least they should've done?"

Chuckling, Harry turned around and started fiddling with his bag. "I didn't expect anything anyway. It's not as if their thanks would—"

Harry's reply was cut off just as he turned around when Fleur wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him firmly. Shocked, Harry could only stand there as the blonde witch pushed her body firmly against his. His lips moved involuntarily against hers, and he was in the middle of getting over his surprise at the abrupt kiss when Fleur pulled away, face flushed and a small smirk on her lips.

"Looks like I managed to do what the deadliest dragon in the world couldn't," remarked the veela with a smirk. Harry stared at her with wide eyes.

"W-what? Why?"

"You saved my life, Harry Potter," said Fleur with a soft smile. "This is me thanking you. Now stop being a selfless idiot and just accept it."

Before Harry could reply, she grabbed his collar and kissed him again. Harry took only a second to fully assimilate her words in his mind and kissed her back. His hands wrapped around her waist and Fleur gave an approving hum as he pulled her close.

Her hands slowly descended to his front and she began caressing his chest. Meanwhile, Harry stroked her sides as their tongues dueled. He had no idea how he had found himself in this situation, but he was not an idiot to turn away a beautiful girl when she was so willing.

The fact that the situation was escalating dawned on him when he felt her fiddling with his belt, and he offered no resistance. The pair continued to kiss heatedly as Fleur unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and unzipped them.

A faint hiss escaped his lips when he felt her grab his length and Fleur moaned approvingly when he grabbed her rear in response. Her fingers coiled around his manhood and she started stroking it slowly. She pulled away from the kiss and immediately, Harry assaulted her neck with his lips. Small gasps of pleasure escaped her lips and her right hand continued to stroke him as the left held him by the back of his head, egging him on to keep peppering her with kisses.

He pulled back when she tapped his shoulder, and she smirked.

"Enjoy," whispered the alluring blonde as she dropped to her knees. Her eyes fell on his hardening manhood as she kept stroking it before she looked up at him.

"I can't believe this is happening," remarked Harry with a disbelieving chuckle. Fleur giggled.

"Thank you once again for saving my life," said Fleur, and Harry failed to hold back a groan as she moved her hand up and down his shaft. It felt perfectly rigid and smooth in her palm, and she stroked the veins, relishing in his groans as she continued to stroke him.

Looking up at him, she smirked sultrily and leaned forward, licking her lips hungrily as she moved her face closer to his erection. She had never done this with anyone, and it felt oddly right to do this with the person who had saved her life. It also helped that he was a very handsome young man, and despite being three years her junior, he didn't look like one. Her eyes fell on his manhood and she had to admit that it fascinated her in ways nothing had ever before.

The anticipation built up as she opened her mouth and kept it over the head of his manhood. Her hand kept pumping it up and down. However, instead of taking him in her mouth like she knew he wanted her to do, she pushed her tongue out and licked along his shaft up to the crown. Harry let out another pleasure-filled groan as her tongue swirled around him. She looked up in mirth and found him staring at her. Smirking, she winked at him and repeated the process, dragging her tongue from the base of his shaft to the tip.

She knew she was testing his patience, and she had no idea why she was teasing him like this. She wanted to thank him for saving her, but this had quickly become something else.

She looked up once again, and keeping her eyes locked with his, she leaned forward and finally took him in her mouth.

"Ohh fuck…" groaned Harry as he felt the indescribable heat enveloping his manhood. Fleur's mouth descended on his length, taking more than half of it inside her mouth before she dragged it back until only the crown remained inside. With a wink, she descended again, and Harry hissed when he felt the head hit the back of her throat. Her sinful tongue swirled all around him, lathering his manhood up with her thick saliva as Fleur began bobbing her head back and forth.

His hands came to rest on her blonde locks, and she purred with his dick inside her mouth as he began caressing her scalp gently. His eyes were staring into her own, teeth clenched firmly to maintain a semblance of control over himself as she hungrily pressed her mouth deep into him, taking his entire length inside her mouth.

"You like it?" asked the blonde, pulling his length out of her mouth and looking up at him expectantly. She did not need to hear his affirmation though. The look on his face was answer enough. Smiling, she leaned forward and took the head in her mouth, sucking harshly as her fist pumped his slick length before taking all of him back inside again.

This time, Harry began to move as well. Fleur felt him thrust inside her mouth, and the sound of her whimpering filled the classroom along with the sloppy sound of her wet lips.

"I… ugh… I'm close," grunted Harry, and Fleur pulled back until only the head remained in her mouth. Looking up at him, she began pumping his shaft furiously, and she knew the sight of his contorted face as he erupted in her mouth would forever remain etched in her memory.

His thick load splattered inside her mouth, and Fleur kept taking all he had to give her. Her tongue swirled around the head before she licked his cum off the tip once he was done.

Panting, he leaned against the desk as Fleur swallowed his load. He looked at her as she smiled up at him and stood back up, patting her hands over her clothes.

"Well, that was fun."

Harry let out a laugh as she grinned. He took in her flushed face and her neck, slick with sweat.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," remarked Harry with an apologetic look on his face, pointing toward her neck, and Fleur glanced down, seeing a small hickey that he had left her with. She looked at him and smirked.

"Don't worry about it," replied Fleur, and without another word, she turned around to walk away.

"Fleur wait!" called out Harry, and Fleur stopped before turning around curiously. He looked at her with a small frown. "I'd love to return the favor."

Smiling softly, Fleur walked over to him and gently pecked his lips. She pulled back slightly and whispered against his lips, "No need to worry right now. You can return the favor anytime. After all," she smirked, "I'll be here for the entire year. Pretty sure we'll have many opportunities to have a lot of fun. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to doing a lot more with you."

Her meaning was as clear as it could be, and Harry watched as she winked at him and turned around. As the blonde veela closed the door behind her, Harry sat on the desk and let out a disbelieving chuckle.

"Well… that happened."



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