/ 本&文学 / ASHLEY KIM



本&文学 2 Chapters 1.3K Views

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Ashely Kim, a 15 year old girl with a lot of zeal nd sparks for life craving for a father's love
When her mom comes home one day with a news that they're moving, Ashley feels bad abt but agrees anyway.
What happens when Ashley stumbles upon proof of some sort that her father might still be alive.
This strengthens her goal of going to LA now.

Ashley never got to see her dad when she was born.She was always told one story, that her father was dead. A whole new story comes out when she moves to LA. Now that she's in LA...she keeps her eyes open and begin to notice things.

Is Ashley's dad still alive or dead. Find out in this story. DESPERATE

Make sure to follow up.

Please be sure to read and not ignore.... I'm a new writer so help me come up


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